"In actual combat, I can always win my sister!" Zhu Nai clenched his little fist and said!

"It's just a small fight, I'm going to let you have a real fight!!" Qin Feng smiled, and then the black qi retreated, loosening Tanning's shackles!

"Your next mission is to fight this dragon!" Qin Feng said to Tan Ning at the same time: "And you, too, do your best to defeat the two!" Otherwise, I'll destroy the dragon fruit tree you guarded! "

"Are you kidding, sir?" Tanning swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said! Although its strength has been greatly reduced, it also has the strength of the superior demons, and it will definitely win against the two only intermediate demons, even if they join forces, it will be the same, but Tan Ning would not dare to kill the two little ones, at most it is just to teach these two little points a lesson, it wants to vent its anger against Qin Feng on the two little ones, father and daughter~ It's okay!!

Qin Feng looked at Tan Ning's eyes with joy, and knew that he was making a small calculation, but it was very miserable to underestimate the fate of Zhu Nai and Lias!

"I'm not kidding, you can just make a move!" Qin Feng waved his hand!

"Father, we're going to win!" Zhu Nai said confidently!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded! The two women usually have small contradictions, Qin Feng is worried that the two women are unwilling to join forces against the enemy, and they can't play the effect that one plus one is greater than two, no, it may be less than two!

Qin Feng waved his hand again, and the huge black qi enveloped Tanning, including Lias and Zhu Nai!

Although Lias has inherited the power of destruction, Junai has also inherited the ability to summon beasts! Although it is an intermediate demon, but the two join forces, it is really possible to overthrow this superior demon, of course, it must be done within the specified time, Tan Ning is at the level of the demon king, but the serious loss of qi and blood will lead to such a situation, however, how powerful the dragon's body is, the lost qi and blood can be replenished soon!

There is a difference of two levels between the demon king and the intermediate demon, and the two are not comparable at all, which is also the reason for Tanning's self-confidence, as long as he persists for a period of time and waits for his strength to recover, then he can finish abusing these two little girls!

But will Tannin be able to hold out for a while? Tanning is naturally full of confidence, he has lived for thousands of years and has extremely rich combat experience, how could he lose to two little girls!

And Qin Feng thinks that there is also a gap between the intermediate demon and the superior demon, but it is not invincible, and it is still two little demons who get together, cooperate well, and it is not a problem to kill Tanning in seconds!!

Zhu Nai and Lias also knew that time was pressing, and the black qi was shrouded, forming a battle platform!

"I'm telling you, don't hold me back!" Zhu Nai's little nose let out a breath and hummed!

"You too, or I won't let you go!" Lias naturally couldn't show weakness!

Qin Feng saw that they had already fought among themselves before they fought, and he smiled bitterly in his heart, what he was worried about had still happened, the power of one plus one was less than two!

Tanning, on the other hand, was overjoyed, and he immediately lay on the ground, constantly recovering his flesh!

When the magic fluctuations came, Lias and Zhu Nai hurriedly looked over and found that Tanning took the opportunity of the two to quarrel to heal his injuries, and Zhu Nai was immediately furious: "Damn reptiles!" "

The magic power on Zhu Nai's body exploded, and the amount of magic power far exceeded that of the intermediate demon, and even reached the standard of the superior demon!

Tan Ning looked at Zhu Nai in surprise, and saw Zhu Nai kill like the wind, his wings moved, and he immediately flew up, and the powerful magic power hit the ground formed by the black gas, and there was no picture of gravel flying sideways, the black gas slowly concave, and then recovered, but no one underestimated this blow, and such an attack also reached the standard of the superior demon!

"Crawler, don't go!" Zhu Nai saw that Tanning flew up, and he was furious again, and with a powerful magic power, he also stretched out his wings and immediately flew up!

The speed is still very fast, but Tanning's speed is even faster, and he throws the oncoming Zhu Nai away with one tail!

Twice called a reptile, Tanning was extremely angry, but a powerful enemy looked down on him outside, he didn't dare to kill at all, but as the pride of the dragon, he must teach the girl in front of him a hard lesson!

After Zhu Nai was pumped away, Tan Ning flapped his wings and stayed in the air, preaching like a teacher: "It is undeniable that your magic power is beyond human expectations, but your method of controlling magic power is too rough, this can't be my opponent!" Regarding Tanning's comment, Qin Feng also agreed, Zhu Nai's magic power is very strong, so he doesn't pay much attention to the use of magic power, and it is slightly rough, so that the power cannot be concentrated, as for Lias, the magic power is naturally not as good as Zhu Nai, but the control of magic power is far better than Zhu Nai!

That's why Qin Feng asked Lias and Zhu Nai to join forces to achieve a complementary effect, but now it seems that it will backfire!

"Crawler, you talk a lot of nonsense!" Zhu Nai rushed up again, and the powerful magic power burst out, but the tail hit again, whipping it away!

Zhu Nai was pumped away twice, Qin Feng watched from the outside, and he was also very heartbroken, but he was more puzzled, what is this guy doing, didn't he say that Zhu Nai's personality was black? How did you make a big change in personality and become so hot-blooded!

As for Lias, she had already appeared behind Tanning when she was looking at the house, Zhu Nai!

"Arrow of Destruction!" Lias used the power of destruction, and a bow and arrow appeared in her hand, and in the bow, a red arrow was formed, and the aura of destruction was swirled on it!

"The Power of Destruction!" Tanning glanced at Lias and said, "What is your relationship with the Baal family?" "

"No, you're not from the House of Baal!" Looking at the red hair, Lias said again!

"What kind of family is Baal, I'm a member of the vampire family!" Lias snorted, and the arrow shot accurately!

"It's a pity, but I'm keeping an eye on you little girl!" Tanning opened his mouth, and a purple pillar of light erupted, and the red arrow collided with the pillar of light!

There was no earth-shattering collision and rumbling sound, but what was surprising was that the red arrow actually broke through the purple pillar of light and moved forward inside the purple pillar of light, even Tan Ning was stunned, this little girl is too powerful!

However, it is a pity that the arrows are exhausted and disappear due to lack of energy when they fly to the normal time, but it also surprises Tanning!

"Very precise mana control!" Tanning looked at Lias appreciatively and said, "If you also have the magic power of that girl just now, I may not be able to stop your arrow!" "

"Humph!" Lias snorted coldly, very dissatisfied, doesn't this mean that she is not as good as Zhu Nai, this is what she hates the most!

"It's useless to say everything!" Tan Ning didn't need to look back to know that Zhu Nai pounced and pulled his tail out!

"Caught!" The tail was thrown out, but Zhu Nai was not pumped away as expected, but caught his own tail!

"Damn it, let me go!" Tan Ning was furious in his heart, but Qin Feng could hardly imagine that Zhu Nai actually had such strength to catch Tan Ning's tail and keep spinning!

Tanning was thrown out like a whirlwind!

"This is going against the sky!" Qin Feng didn't expect Zhu Nai to choose such a direct tactic!

"Lias, hurry up and kill him!" Tannin was thrown out, and Lias, though dissatisfied, also condensed the arrow of destruction, and the arrow flew out!

"Give me death!" Lias let out a loud cry and the arrow hit the target's Tannin's head!

"Very good, very good!" The victory or defeat was clear, Qin Feng glanced at the two girls in admiration!

"We won!" The arrow didn't kill Tanning in the end, because the black gas blocked the arrow, but it also showed that the father had approved of their victory!

After removing the black qi, Zhu Nai and Lias, who had won, ran to Qin Feng's side!

"Father, we won!" Zhu Nai invited merit and said! "And this defeat is mainly due to me!" Zhu Nai narrowed his eyes, with a smile on his little face, like a child waiting for his father's praise, and said! Indeed, they were able to defeat Tanning, and Zhu Nai had a lot of credit, if it was just Lias, it would definitely be impossible to deal with!

"Very good!" Qin Feng touched Zhu Nai's head and smiled!

"What about me?" Lias was very dissatisfied with Zhu Nai's invitation, and also said, she is the one who completed the final blow! Without her attack, Zhu Nai would not have been able to win, so she thinks that she has the most credit!

"You're doing a great job too!" Qin Feng touched Lias's red hair at the same time!

"Then the two of us, who does it better?" A hint of playfulness flashed in Zhu Nai's eyes, and then asked!

"Huh!" Qin Feng looked at the smile in the corner of Zhu Nai's eyes, and suddenly found that Zhu Nai was still Zhu Nai, as black as ever!

"Two are equally good!" Seeing Lias looking at herself nervously, even Zhu Nai became nervous in the end, helpless, Qin Feng had no choice but to spread his hands and said!

"No way!" Zhu Nai still wanted to make a move, but a powerful energy burst out, and without looking, Qin Feng knew that Tanning had recovered most of his strength! Seeing this, Qin Feng also had to sigh, the dragon clan is also a strong race, losing so much qi and blood, but the body can make blood in the shortest possible time, and then recover its strength!

"Father, that reptile has regained its strength!" Zhu Nai said disdainfully!

"How could it be so fast!" Lias's face changed, and then she understood why Zhu Nai would choose the method of hard fighting, it turned out that she knew that Tanning would recover her strength quickly, so she wanted to fight quickly, and she was originally going to laugh at Zhu Nai for only knowing how to rush, it turned out that she wanted to end the battle in the fastest way!

Qin Feng touched Zhu Nai's reddened white arm with Tanning's tail pumping, and said, "Does it still hurt?" "

"It doesn't hurt!" Zhu Nai said coquettishly!

"You guys!" Qin Feng blew Zhu Nai's little nose and said, "Actually, if you cooperate, there is no need to be so dangerous!" "

"Hmph, who wants to join forces with such a weak guy! I can clean up the reptiles on my own! Zhu Nai snorted coldly!

Zhu Nai spared no effort to be sarcastic, but Lias calmed down instead, Qin Feng also looked at Lias, but found that Lias's eyes were pouting with a cloud of mist, this was the rhythm of crying!

"Lias, I'll give you a baby tomorrow, and your strength will definitely increase!" Qin Feng whispered!

"Really? Can I win against Zhu Nai? Lias was overjoyed and whispered!

"Of course you can, but foreign things are foreign things, and I hope you don't rely too much on things!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Father, you're going to give Lias baby? I want it too! Zhu Nai also shouted!

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"Zhu Nai, don't be so stingy, you are your father's daughter, and you have everything your father gave you in your blood!" Qin Feng said with a straight face!

"Didn't that Lias inherit everything you had too?" Zhu Nai retorted!

Hearing this, Qin Feng smiled, but he couldn't say that Lias was not her biological daughter, otherwise, it would make Lias even more sad, but what he didn't know was that when Qin Feng and Zhu Li were talking, Lias was hiding not far away, so he listened to Qin Feng's words, and knew that he was not Qin Feng's biological daughter!

Of course, when she got the news, Lias didn't feel much sadness, but was a little happy, so that she could be closer to her father, Lias thought to herself!

"Because Lias inherited everything from her mother!" Qin Feng continued!

"Is that so?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai tilted his little head, looked at Lias, and then thought about Veni Lana, the two of them seemed to have the same appearance!

"Alright then!" Zhu Nai nodded!

"My lord, your two children are very strong!" Tanning walked up and said in a respectful tone! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, "Our goal has been achieved, then there will be a period later!" "

Qin Feng and Lias were about to leave, when suddenly, a powerful magic force rushed towards this side like a meteor!

Qin Feng frowned, because this magic power was unscrupulous, so Qin Feng could feel that the strength of the magic power was the same as that of the dead Sazex, they were all transcendents!

"Who could it be?" Qin Feng frowned, to be able to appear in the underworld, it should be a demon, but in the underworld, which transcendent master is there!

Qin Feng looked at Tan Ning, they came here for the first time, the owner of this magic power should not have come to trouble him, the most likely one was Tan Ning, a powerful outlier demon!

"Beyonder?" Tan Ning's face also changed, his strength was not the opponent of this magic master at the peak stage, not to mention the strength of the most advanced demon now! Tanning also understands that the purpose of this demon is very likely to be them, whether it is him, or the dragon fruit, or the little dragon behind him, it is not what he wants to see!

Tanning's eyes were on Qin Feng, hoping that this strong man would be able to make a move!

"Do you want my help?" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, and then smiled!

"Yes, we dragons are grateful!" Tannin said again!

"No, I don't need your gratitude, I need substantial benefits, after solving this trouble, I want you to serve me for five hundred years!"

"No, if I get out of here, these little dragons will be slaughtered by the demons!" Tanning flatly refused!

"It's stupid, don't these little dragons just have to eat fruit to survive? We can transplant the fruit! Zhu Nai said angrily!

"Yes, as long as the fruit is transplanted, then the dragons will not be exposed to the eyes of the demons!!" Qin Feng nodded and continued: "In this way, all problems have been solved!" "

"No, you can't!" Hearing this, Tanning shook his head, sighed, and said, "In the past, someone wanted to transplant the fruit to protect the dragon clan, but after the fruit came to the underworld, it immediately withered!" "

"You mean to say that this fruit can only grow in the underworld?!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, pointed to the tall fruit tree, and then said!

"That's right!" Tanning nodded and said, "So I can't agree to your request!" "

"How can there be such strange fruit trees?" Lias muttered discontentedly!

"In that case, then I'll dig up a piece of land here, so it's okay!" Qin Feng thought for a while, and then spoke!

"Dig up this land!" Hearing this, Tan Ning was stunned, is this possible? You must know that although the fruit tree is not big, the roots are extremely wide, and the deepest roots may stretch for hundreds of miles, and the depth can reach hundreds of meters! To dig up such a vast land, what a lot of strength it takes!

"It's... Is this really possible? Tanning asked, dumbfounded!

"Hmph, don't underestimate my father, my father is the most powerful person in the world!" Before Qin Feng could speak, Zhu Nai was the first to speak! Indeed, from Qin Feng's own eyes, except for the True Red Dragon God Emperor who had never met, even the Infinite Dragon Orpheus, who had infinite energy, was not his opponent!

Tan Ning's eyes looked at Qin Feng, he felt that this little girl was a little exaggerated about her father's ability, this man is very strong, but even if he is strong, there is a limit, not to mention how big the world is, how can it be invincible! So now Tan Ning smiled and didn't take Zhu Nai's words to heart, this was just an unintentional remark of a little girl who admired her father extremely!

"Don't worry, I can say it, I can do it!" Qin Feng smiled, waved his hand, and nodded!

"In this way, if you can really protect the safety of the dragon clan, and I have no worries, my old dragon is willing to drive you forever, there is no falsehood!"

"That's better!" Qin Feng smiled, it was not a difficult thing to ingest this land into the dimensional gap!

"It's coming!" Qin Feng sneered, the owner of the magic power also came suddenly, it was a man with a pair of black wings behind him!.

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