"The one who exuded magic just now, it's you!" The black-winged man's gaze fell on Tanning, and at this time, Tanning realized that it was his wanton explosion of magic that caused others to covet it!

"Who are you?" Tan Ning naturally can't show weakness, no, it should be said that after Qin Feng promised to help, he didn't have to show weakness at all!

"Mephistopheles." The black-winged man's face did not change in the slightest, and then said!

"Legendary Demons!" Hearing this, Tan Ning was stunned for a moment, and then was shocked, no wonder the strength would be so strong, the legendary demon was a demon more powerful than the Lucifer Demon King!

Qin Feng was also stunned, but he remembered that Tanning was the queen of Mephisto, and now it seems that if there is no harvest of his own, Mephisto will turn Tanning into his own queen at this time, however, Tanning is now his own internal mount, and Qin Feng naturally can't give it to Mephisto!

"Although we dragons live in the underworld, we have never been associated with demons, what are you doing here?" Tanning's tone was not polite, and even a little tough!

"Just a demon king-level demon dares to talk to me like this, it seems that you want to find death!" As the supreme existence of the demon, Mephisto's temper is naturally not good, and it can even be said to be weird, so after being provoked by Tanning, Mephisto made a decisive move, and a black pillar of destruction light was thrown out, and then directly blasted at Tanning!

Mephisto had just obtained the demon chess pieces from Lot, and she was a little curious, originally she admired Tanning a little and wanted to make him queen, but now, Mephisto made a decisive move!

"I can't let you kill my mount!" Qin Feng threw out a black qi in his hand, directly intercepting the black pillar of light of destruction!

Seeing that Qin Feng easily intercepted his attack, Mephisto frowned!

"It turns out that your confidence is him!" Mephisto pointed at Qin Feng, smiled indifferently, and said, "I also like this dragon very much, so let's have a fight, whoever wins will have the dominance of this dragon!" "

"Give your name!" Mephisto snorted coldly!

"Hmph, my father is the famous King of Mysteries!" Lias said proudly!

"Mystery King, you are the Mystery King!" Hearing this, Mephisto didn't have much fear, but instead laughed out loud, his eyes burst out with excitement, Qin Feng was also very familiar with this kind of eyesight, in the blood-devouring attack, Vatra had, among the god killers, Tony had, they were all a group of madmen who wanted to fight with the strong!

"Then let's do it!" Mephisto was the first to make a move, and another black pillar of light was thrown out!

And Qin Feng, the black qi on his body kept coming out, and then formed a big hand on the top of his head and pinched it towards the black pillar of light!

The black pillar of light and the big hand collided, and the two didn't fight for long, and then, the big hand of the black pillar of light was crushed!

"It's really strong, it seems that the rumors are true!" Seeing Qin Feng crushing his attack again, Mephisto became even more excited! The Mystery King defeated the alliance of the three major forces, and even the Angel God was defeated, which surprised Mephisto, and after the rendering of the surviving demons, the image of Qin Feng, the Mystery King, became more bizarre and stronger.

Mephisto naturally knew Qin Feng's story, although he felt a little exaggerated in his heart, but it was groundless, Qin Feng's strength must also reach the strength of the transcendent, with his belligerent personality, he was originally going to find Qin Feng to challenge, but there was no news of Qin Feng for a long time, the only time the grapevine was that Qin Feng killed Sazex, who was also a transcendent, so he hurriedly came to find Lot, and also fought with Lot, and finally got the demon chess piece from him, and then left satisfied!

Hearing Lot's explanation, in addition to his own king, he still wants to be a queen, he just felt a not weak magic burst out, and he wondered whether to include him as a queen, but he didn't expect to meet the person he has always wanted to challenge here!

"Father, kill this demon!" Seeing Qin Feng's move, Lias and Zhu Nai were extremely excited and said!

"Hmph, you two little girls, talking nonsense!" Mephisto glared at Lias and Junai, and said with a sneer: "Then I will kill this father who makes you proud!" "

"If you want to kill me, you're still far away!!" Qin Feng also sneered, Mephistophelesto's transcendental strength made him confident, but didn't he know that above the transcendent, there was a higher realm!

"I'll let you see, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky!" After Qin Feng sneered, the giant hand spread out, and then condensed into a layer of wave-like sand, and finally hit Mephisto!

On the one hand, Tan Ning was also stunned, he didn't expect that the powerhouse of the demon king level would be one of the most powerful in any place, but in front of these two transcendents, he could only be in front of the robbed goods, he felt very aggrieved, but the unfathomable magic of the two made Tan Ning silent!

Mephisto, the legendary demon king, the existence of the strongest, and the mystery king, the origin is even bigger, and the things he does are even more sensational!

Two hundred years ago, the three major forces warned, countless masters went to war, but Qin Feng defeated all the strong men, leaving behind the legend of the Mystery King, recently, when the Demon Civil War, the Mystery King also sent his subordinates out to make trouble in the wind and rain, all in all, the Mystery King is the nightmare of the Demon Clan!

"If it's him, maybe he can really protect the dragons!" Tanning thought!

"It's really strange that you're so black!" Mephisto said as she flew away from the black gas!

"Now you can't even get close to me, how can you be my opponent!" Qin Feng said sarcastically! At the same time, Qin Feng began to manipulate the black qi, dividing it into two groups, one in front and one behind, and then sandwiching it like a pie!

"Really?" Mephisto sneered and suddenly appeared beside Qin Feng!

"And now!" Mephisto's voice sounded beside Qin Feng!

"Die, I'm disappointed by the strength you showed!" Mephisto punches out!

"Yes!" Mephisto's strength surprised him, especially the teleportation just now, it should be a spatial technique!

"And now!" Just when Mephisto's power hit Qin Feng's body, a layer of black qi poured out of Qin Feng's body, directly defending Mephisto!

Now, Qin Feng's Shadow Devouring has been extremely exploited by him!

Those black qi will protect him all the time, just like Naruto's Iara, those sand will protect the lord on their own!

"You can actually protect the master automatically?" Mephisto frowned after jumping away!

"Then let's give it a try!" The black energy condensed spear appeared in Qin Feng's hand, and immediately after, the spear was thrown out at once!

"Didn't you say that? With your current strength, you can't hurt me at all! "When the spear collided, the black gas squirmed again, and then formed a shield in front of Qin Feng, and the spear hit the black qi, directly penetrating the layers of black qi, and the attack was very strong, but every time the spear broke through a layer of black gas, the energy was consumed, and in the end, it was a pity that the spear was exhausted before it touched Qin Feng!

"Then this trick!" Mephisto suddenly appeared beside Qin Feng, much faster!

"Die!" As soon as the punch was thrown, even the space was trembling! Even the black gas can't react!

Qin Feng frowned, jumped backwards, and dodged his blow!

"I already know all your strength, this spatial technique should be your limit! So..."Qin Feng sneered, and Ye Mo's black sword appeared in his hand!

"You can choose your weapons!" Qin Feng smiled faintly!

"No, I'm sure you can't win me!" Mephisto frowned, but said anyway!

"Hmmm! Look ahead! Qin Feng's voice fell, and he had already appeared in front of Mephisto, Mephisto was shocked and blasted out with a punch, but the fist was held by Qin Feng, Qin Feng's other hand, with a knife, and then slashed Mephisto!

"Poof!" Blood gushes out!

"How is that possible!" Mephisto looked at Qin Feng in disbelief, but Qin Feng threw me out again!

Mephisto flew out upside down, and it took a long time to react, and when he saw Qin Feng catching up, his palm stretched out, and a black pillar of light was emitted, but before the black pillar of light could be launched, the arm was cut off!!

With infinite black qi, Qin Feng swung his sword again, directly cutting off Mephisto's head!

After killing Mephisto, Qin Feng returned to the two girls!

After killing Mephisto with absolute suppressive strength, Tanning was completely shocked, this strength is going against the sky!

Although Zhu Nai and Lias were also excited, they were not as surprised as Tan Ning, in their eyes, Qin Feng was the strongest, and killing this demon was expected, but they didn't know that the person Qin Feng killed was a legendary demon with the strength of a transcendent!

Qin Feng smiled, picked up the two little loli, and flew into the air, and then, with a sword swing, the black sword qi ran along a huge square, and then the earth cracked!

Tanning stared dumbfounded at the bottomless chasm, and the land they lived in was thus divided!

"Orpheus!" After doing these efforts, Qin Feng began to contact Orpheus and asked Orpheus to ingest this land into the dimensional gap!

Orpheus was naturally obedient to Qin Feng's orders, and soon, the land was cut away, and a big pit was formed in the land of the underworld!

Both the fruit tree and the dragon clan have entered the dimensional gap, and only Tanning is left on the field!

"Okay, I've put all the dragons into the dimensional gap, and according to the agreement, you will be for me to drive forever!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Yes, master!" After seeing Qin Feng's strength, and Qin Feng also sent everyone of the dragon clan into the dimensional gap, and also determined the safety of the dragon clan, Tan Ning completely surrendered, and it was not a shame to be a mount for such a strong person! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Qin Feng moved slightly, landed on Tanning's back, and said, "Let's go!" "

"Master, where are we going now?" Tanning asked!

"Let's go all the way east! Let's see if you can meet something fun! Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, smiled, and then said!

"Yes!" Tannin roared, flapped his wings, and headed east!

Tanning's flight speed was not too fast, but this was more in line with Qin Feng's thoughts, they could look at the surrounding scene along the way, of course, this seemed a little boring in the eyes of Lias and Zhu Nai!

"Father, there's a city ahead!" At this time, Zhu Nai pointed to the city far away and said! The castle resembles an ancient building!

"Little master, this is the city of demons, the city ruled by the Demon King of Asmodeus!" Tanning introduced as he flew!

"Then let's go in and have a look!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Yes! Master! "Tannin sped up again and headed straight for Castlevania!

There are many guards guarding the city, and when Tan Ning roared by, it attracted their attention, of course, they just looked at Qin Feng and the three of them with envy, in the underworld, strange things have been seen, some powerful demons can catch powerful demonic beasts as demons, and then let them become dependents, now although they are dragons, but the demonic aura on Tanning's body can't be faked, so they think that it must be some big man who subdued the dragon!

At this moment, the demon chess pieces have become popular among the demon clan, and everyone is looking for a powerful demon or race to be a beast, so Qin Feng's arrival has aroused their envy, and even the demons in the city are also envious when they see Qin Feng's dragon!!

"Tanning, let's go down!" Qin Feng patted Tanning's head and let Tanning land!

After Tan Ning put Qin Feng down, Tan Ning flew out of the city to standby!

"Father, I haven't seen a lot of things here!" Lias said excitedly!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng held the little hands of his two daughters and nodded with satisfaction!

"Father, what are these?" Suddenly, Zhu Nai came to a stall and saw that there were a lot of demon chess pieces on the stall, all of which were paired!

"Demon pawns?" Qin Feng was slightly stunned, the demon chess pieces were made by Lot, but they were also extremely precious, and it was difficult for ordinary big families to get them, why did they appear on the stalls!

"The guest really knows the goods!" The demon who bought the demon chess pieces smiled flatteringly and said, "These are the demon chess pieces!" "This demon saw with his own eyes that Qin Feng was riding a dragon into the city, and he was able to use the dragon as a mount, and his strength must be very strong, so a demon like them who only has intermediate strength naturally has to be respectful!

"Isn't the demon chess piece not 850 able to sell?" Qin Feng asked suspiciously! The production of demon chess pieces requires the consumption of demonic power, which is not something that ordinary demons can take, even if it is to be sold, it should be a trade between noble demons!

"The guests don't know anything!" The demon hurriedly said, "These demon chess pieces are all imitations!" "

"Imitation demon pawns?" Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, and sensed it slightly, these demon chess pieces were indeed imitations! There is very little magic power contained in it, and even when using demon chess pieces to transform humans, it will fail, and the user will die because of it!!

"Well, that's right!" Qin Feng nodded, smiled and said, "Then I want these demon chess pieces!" "Although the demon chess pieces are imitated, as long as they are repaired, they can be used, of course, the repair work is not something that ordinary people can do, and there must be the strength of the transcendent strike level!

Qin Feng naturally didn't bargain with the demon, and after dropping the money, he took away a set of demon chess pieces!

"Father, is this for me?" After Qin Feng finished repairing it, he handed over the demon chess pieces to Zhu Nai!

"Hmmm! Zhu Nai, hurry up and fuse the king's chess pieces! "

"Okay!" Now Zhu Nai didn't know the purpose of the chess pieces, but she knew that her father would not harm her, and after the fusion, Qin Feng explained to her the purpose of the chess pieces!

"Actually, my father's purpose in taking you on a tour is to see if there are any good demons or humans who have become your dependents!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Father, then I have the right person!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai pointed to the dirty two little beggars in the distance!

Qin Feng followed Zhu Nai's gaze and looked over, the two dirty beggars were actually two young girls, no, to be precise, one was a young girl and the other was a young girl!

The girl looked like she was nineteen or twenty years old, the dirty clothes did not hide her beautiful face, the black hair naturally fell on her shoulders, and the little one was only about three years old, she looked like a toddler, and her short white hair looked very cute!

For these two girls, Qin Feng is naturally no stranger, because these two girls are Hei Ge and Bai Yin, Hei Ge protects his sister behind him, and then looks at the surrounding environment vigilantly!

Seeing Hei Ge and Bai Yin, Lias was also stunned, obviously, she also felt the extraordinaryness of these two people!

"Sure enough!" Hei Ge and Bai Yin are another family of cats, and after losing their parents, they depended on Bai Yin for their lives, and now it seems that they happened to meet the two daughters of Hei Ge who were suffering, and now, Hei Ge is already the strength of an intermediate demon, no wonder they will be adopted by other demons and become their dependents, but Qin Feng is a little puzzled, Hei Ge and Bai Yin are not demons, why did they appear in Castlevania!

Could it be that he was forcibly brought over by the demon, but Qin Feng didn't plan to go up and contact Hei Ge, now that Hei Ge is wary of everyone, if he rushes up, it is likely to backfire, but Zhu Nai doesn't have so many scruples, she trotted a few steps, and then came to Hei Ge, took out the queen's demon chess pieces, and said with a smile: "Big sister, become my queen!" "。

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