At this moment, a member of the church came out and said, "Bishop, we are not doing what the Lord wants!" "

"Oh, then tell me, what does the Lord mean?" Baparu sneered!

"The Lord is supposed to be loving and kind, but now what we are doing...!"

"Humph!" Before the man could finish speaking, Paparu had already pulled out a gun and subsequently killed him!

"Chirp, since you are so faithful to the Lord, I will send you to God!" Baparu looked at the dead people, snorted coldly, and then, looking at the other church personnel, said, "Do you also think that this is not in line with the will of the Lord?" "Baparu's ruthlessness is not only terrifying to the children, but also to the church staff!

They hurriedly shook their heads!

"Forget it!" The bishop sneered: "Arrange for them to train immediately, and after a year, I want to see the results!" Rest assured, as long as you make achievements, I guarantee that the Lord will not treat you badly! "

"Yes!" The church personnel immediately nodded, and took these children down to train, the training is to make the physical fitness up to the standard, so as to achieve the purpose of adapting to the holy sword!

The church staff led people down, and Baparu's eyes showed a look of madness!


Three years, time flies!

Gu Lai Fei is worthy of being the most dedicated maid, and what Qin Feng ordered to go on, she did it without missing anything!

For example, training Lias and Hei Ge, the content of the training includes running, practice, fighting, of course, Gu Phireette analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the two women, and then formulates a series of guidelines, Lias's magic is relatively lacking, so Gu Refia let Lias meditate for an hour every day, and Black Song is more balanced in terms of witchcraft, fairy arts, and magic, and if she is poor in physical skills, Gu Fei Lei will train her fists and feet in a traditional way!

In the past three years, the strength of the two girls has improved greatly, and Lias and Heige have the strength of a high-level demon, but Lias can't be happy at all, because Zhu Nai hasn't trained much, but because of Qin Feng's vampire bloodline, her magic power has increased automatically, and she has also become a high-level demon!

However, if you fight seriously, Zhu Nai is no longer Lias's opponent, but, from this year on, Zhu Nai began to accept the training of Gurefia, as for the strength will continue to grow, it is a matter of time to surpass Lias, this is also a matter of no way, birth often determines everything, although Lias inherited the power of destruction, but compared with Zhu Nai, Zhu Nai has a higher starting point!

This discovery surprised and envied Venierana and Grufia and other women, but Zhu Li was very happy with Gao 060, because her daughter was extremely good, which also strengthened Venierana and Grufia's determination to have a child!

The second is the construction of the Koma King School Park,Gu Lei Fia followed up the progress in time,Now it's basically completed,Not long after,Qin Feng will settle in this Pony King School Park as the chairman!

In the past three years, the 14 beautiful girls who originally belonged to Rysel requested by Qin Feng have entered the castle as maids one after another (except for Rysel's sister), and at this time, Qin Feng's concern about Bing Teng Yicheng has news, he is in the town of vampires, although he does not have the dragon soul of the Red Dragon Emperor, he seems to have inherited the artifact, the name is "Devil's Caged Hand"!

Of course, Qin Feng is more concerned about Bing Teng Yicheng's childhood sweetheart, Irina!

According to the intelligence, Irina seems to be neighbors with Bing Teng Yicheng, so Qin Feng waved his hand and let people snatch Irina over, I have to say that Irina was still very cute when she was a child, Qin Feng made Irina a dependant of Lias, and consumed two chess pieces representing knights, which also shows that Irina is extraordinary, after all, Irina is from the holy sword!

However, the process of snatching was a little troublesome, Qin Feng didn't expect Irina to be looked down on by the church at such a young age, and in the end, there was a big war between the angel clan and the vampire clan, and after losing a few good hands, Qin Feng still got Irina as he wished!

As for Bing Teng Yicheng, after the goal was achieved, Qin Feng really forgot about the existence of this person, but what Qin Feng didn't expect was that because of Gabriel's premature intervention, Kiba Yuto did not die, but gave the two of them a chance to become friends!

After the construction of the Koma King School Park is completed, the enrollment plan will be launched immediately, but Qin Feng has not yet settled in the Koma King School Park as the chairman!

The beginning of all the stories began when Lias was eighteen years old, so Qin Feng was not in a hurry!

However, what Qin Feng didn't expect was that he acted unscrupulously, first killing the fallen angel cadre Baiqiu, then going to the underworld to kill Sazex, and destroying a demon city, and then snatching Irina with the angel clan, the three major forces were deeply disgusted by Qin Feng's domineering, but the power of one force alone could not be the opponent of the vampire clan, so this gave the three forces a basis for uniting!

At this time, the Hero Faction had not yet appeared, and the Vortex Regiment had not yet appeared, but the three major forces had joined forces, and the reason was that the other party, Qin Feng and the vampire clan!

On this day, Linali, who has been Qin Feng's woman for many years, found Qin Feng, originally to assist Gabriel, but Qin Feng later saw that Linali was loyal and tried her best to please herself in bed, so he handed over the part in charge of intelligence to her!

"It's a big deal!" (bbbg) Linali is a little flustered at this time!

"What's the matter?" Seeing Linali panicking, Qin Feng said with some displeasure!

"The three major forces are going to unite, and the purpose is still to deal with our vampire clan!" Linali said anxiously!

"That's not a big deal!" Qin Feng sneered! Even if the three major forces joined forces, they would not be his opponents, two hundred years ago, didn't the three major forces join forces to deal with him, but they still returned home!

"But I can add to them!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Where are the three major forces discussing holding a joint meeting?" "The contradictions between the three major forces have been around for a long time, and if they want to join forces, they cannot be completed in one or two years, and there are still many issues to be negotiated and compromised!

"It's in the underworld!" Linari said again!

"Excellent! These two are your assistants? Qin Feng pointed to the woman dressed as a with a single ponytail behind him and Lori and said!

"Hmm!" Linali nodded and said, "They used to be my subordinates, so they came with me!" "

"Then go down!" Qin Feng waved his hand and let Linali's two subordinates go down, while Linali stayed!

Linali is naturally really what Qin Feng is going to do, and after the two of them left, she took the initiative to remove the clothes on her body, revealing her fair skin!

"Come up!" Qin Feng beckoned to Linali and called Linali to come up!

Soon, after the preliminary work was prepared, Qin Feng and Linali had another negative distance contact!

Outside, although the two girls went out, they didn't go far, but stayed at the door and waited for Linali to come out!

"Caravana, what do you say Linari-sama and the Enigma King are doing inside?" Mitrudeau, who looks like a little loli, asked suspiciously! "And it makes such a weird noise!"

"How do I know, maybe there is something important to discuss!" Hearing this, Caravana's face turned red, and then said! Of course, she knew what the voice was all about!

"Then let's take a sneak peek!" Listening to Linari's sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched voice, Mitrudeau's curiosity was aroused!

"You're crazy! The mystery king does things, you dare to peek! Caravana hurriedly grabbed Mitrudeau and said!

Qin Feng didn't expect that the three major forces of the Bible would join forces so quickly, in the original book, the three major forces joined forces more than ten years later!

However, Qin Feng, as the target they want to deal with, naturally wants to send congratulatory gifts!

According to Linali's situation, the joint meeting was held in the underworld, and after Qin Feng said goodbye to the women, he came to the underworld, and through the breath induction, he quickly locked the location of the meeting!

The meeting was indeed held in the underworld, but not in the most luxurious palace, but in a sealed basement, and presumably, they were also afraid that someone would make trouble!

At this time, the people of the three tribes have arrived, the representative of the angel is naturally Michael, the representative of the fallen angel is Asacher, and the representative of the demon is naturally Lot, a bewitching man! And, of course, there was a group of people behind them!

Michael is a veteran and not a qualified politician, so she naturally agreed to Lotter's proposal to join forces against the Mystery King!

But Asachel is an old politician, otherwise he would not have sat in the position of governor, looking at the people present, especially Sazex who inherited the throne of Lucifer Demon King did not attend, Asachel knew that the underworld seemed to be in great trouble, the Mystery King was in conflict with the Underworld, and even Sazex could die at the hands of the Mystery King! And this joint meeting was also proposed by the demon family!

"Lord Lot, I'm wondering, why didn't Lord Sazex show up at this meeting, is he looking down on us?" Asacher thought for a moment, then said!

"Sazex was killed by the Mystery King in the process of fighting the Mystery King!" Lot said in a deep voice, he knew that Asacher was tempting, but now was not the time to hide it, telling the truth would make them more vigilant, and then unite!

"What, Sazex is dead?" At this moment, even Michael was stunned!

"Well, and the other day, the Mystery King destroyed one of our cities!" Lott said in a deep voice again!

Lott said that behind him, a certain entourage behind him, his face was extremely bad, to be precise, the destruction of the Castle City had an indirect relationship with him, it turned out that he was the one who fell in love with Hei Ge and Bai Yin, the demon who was killed by Qin Feng was just his henchman, he came up with a heroic strategy to save the beauty so that the Black Song sisters were willing to become his dependents, but he didn't expect that when he was about to go out to be a hero, the Mystery King came to kill, and killed his henchmen without saying a word, and finally took away the Black Song sisters and destroyed the Castlevania City!

This made him frightened at the same time, but also helpless, he knew the body of the Black Song sisters, the Black Song was strong, if she was reincarnated as a demon, it must be a powerful help, as for her sister Bai Yin, she was even more amazing, she was the cat and the most powerful race of the cat Xiao, but all this became a flower in the moon in the mirror!

"You are all people who have survived from the three major battlefields, and you should also know the strength of the Mystery King!" Lott said again!

"We know the strength of the Mystery King, that's why we don't want to join forces with you!" Asacher said in a cold voice, "Now the Mystery King is only targeting you demons!" "

"Have you forgotten the truth that your lips are cold and your teeth are cold?" Lot smiled and said: "I admit it, but the demon clan can't compete with the Mystery King at all, if the demon clan is extinct, then it will be your turn, you say, do you sit here and wait to be killed, or stand up, join forces, and take the initiative!" "

"It's all just your conjecture, the Mystery King has no plans to deal with the fallen angels so far!" Asacher said! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Really?!" Lott smiled slightly, "But from the information we have received, it seems that your friend Baiqiu died at the hands of the Mystery King, and even Linali, who went to investigate, was also arrested!" If Asacher doesn't agree to join forces, you can leave this room! Lott said with a smile!

"Humph!" Hearing this, Asacher's pupils shrank, he didn't expect the demon to find out about this, originally, Asachel also intended to unite, he said so much just to raise his value, but now that it has been exposed, he is not too pretentious!

"If it weren't for you, how could Baiqiu have died? It's not impossible to join forces, you can compensate us for our losses! Once I'm satisfied, we'll join forces! Asacher snorted coldly! Baiqiu was seriously injured before he fell into the town directly under the jurisdiction of the Mystery King, otherwise, Baiqiu would not have died!

"Don't be a fool!" Lot, who was originally a breeze and drizzle, became extremely manly, "If you don't join forces, you can go!" "

"Alright, let's go!" Asacher ordered that he should withdraw from the meeting!

"Governor Asahir, Demon King of Lot, don't quarrel yet, and listen to me!" Michael smiled and said: "A few days ago, the Mystery King sent someone to snatch a holy sword envoy from us, originally I only thought that my family was sinned, but I didn't expect that you were also persecuted by the Mystery King!" "

"That's it!" Lott snorted, and then said, "The Enigma King is aggressive, but you angels live in seclusion and are much less persecuted than we do!" "The demon clan has suffered the most losses, and the fallen angels are the same, Baiqiu is one of the few remaining cadres!

"Hey, you don't know!" Michael muttered, "We have found out that the leader of the vampire clan is the fallen angel, Gabriel!" "

"Fallen angel, Gabriel? Isn't she a Seraph? Hearing this, Asacher and Lott were surprised!

"In fact, two hundred years ago, the Mystery King had trouble with the angels, and in that battle, the gods also fell, and even Gabriel was taken captive!" Michael sighed!

"So we're going to join forces even more? Otherwise, if you fight alone, you will be defeated by the Mystery King one by one! Lott said again!

"Hmm!" Asacher's face also became solemn!

The three major forces have all suffered varying degrees of losses, and in the face of the aggressive Qin Feng, various reasons combined have contributed to their joining forces!

Soon, the three major forces advocated uniting, and after the exchange of information, the three major forces more or less knew the information about the Mystery King!

Asachel and Michael were both people who witnessed Qin Feng's move two hundred years ago, and they knew Qin Feng's ability to some extent, and they also knew that Qin Feng's strength was above the transcendent!

After the mystery king lived in a simple place, he established the vampire clan, and in several battles with the demon clan, Lott and others also figured out the strength positioning of the vampire clan, there are two heavenly dragons, there are strong people such as Gabriel, in retrospect, they were shocked into a cold sweat, and unconsciously, the power of the vampire clan is already so big!

"The expansion of the vampire clan must be curbed!" Asacher said decisively!

"But how do we stop it?" Michael asked, too!

"Have you noticed that although the Mystery King is powerful, he has a fatal weakness!" Asacher smiled and continued, "I was suspicious when I kidnapped my subordinate Linari from the Enigma King! "

"What weakness?" Lott also asked curiously!

"As far as I know, Gabriel is the number one beauty in the heavenly realm!" Asacher laughed!

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to still miss the beauty!" Hearing this, Michael snorted coldly, Asachel wanted to have a relationship with a woman before he became a fallen angel!

"Listen to me first!" Asacher smiled and continued: "In addition to Gabriel, Venilana, Guphilea, and Serafel, who were captured by the Enigma King, are all first-class beauties, and I forgot to tell you just now that my subordinate Linari is also a beauty!" "

"You mean to say that the weakness of the Enigma King is his love of beauty?" Lott thought about it, what Asachel said was not wrong at all, the people taken away by the Mystery King were all first-class beauties, and he had also heard that when Sazex's mother was captured by the Second Heavenly Dragon, the Second Heavenly Dragon said that all mothers would be taken away!

"That's right!" Asacher said, "But this is all a common problem of men! "

"It's your disease!" Michael said again!

"Well, in that case, we can send a beautiful woman to seduce the Enigma King, and then get his information! Maybe you can stab the Enigma King in a pinch," Lott said coquettishly! He was originally a bewitching man, and he was not good at politics and was not keen on such things, but Sazex is dead, and he must carry the burden, otherwise the demon clan is waiting to perish!.

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