"Hmmm! But what we need to figure out is what is the essence of the Mystery King? Michael said, "He was wounded by God, but the wound healed in an instant!" "

"It's horrible!" Asacher smiled to himself, he was also a witness to that battle!

"Don't look at me, one of the most beautiful flowers of our fallen angel has been captured by the Mystery King!" Seeing the gazes cast by Michael and Lot, Asacher shook his head and said!

"Don't you demons have a lot of beautiful women?" Asacher asked rhetorically!

"Ahh There are women, but there are few who are beautiful and powerful! Lott shook his head! He is telling the truth, from the perspective of the woman taken by the Mystery King, although the Mystery King is lustful, he is not without requirements for women, but judging from the three demons taken away, Veni Lana is called the Lady of Extermination, Gurefia is the Queen of Annihilation, and Serafel is also the Lord of the Demon King!

"It's the same with our angels, Gabriel has been snatched away!" Michael spread his hands and said!

"So what to do? If you don't have a beautiful woman, you can't use a beauty trick! Asachel said with some distress!

"Then let's go to the human world to find it!" Asacher suggested again, "Don't you have a way to reincarnate humans as angels and demons? "

"But if their strength is not up to standard, they still won't be favored by the mystery king~!"

"Then we will train them and let them have the strength above the superior demon!" Asacher said! "In this way, you can pay equal attention to appearance and strength!"

"That's going to take a long time!" Michael paused and said!

"Hmm!" Lott suddenly thought of something and said, "If you have to wait ten years and eight years, I have a good candidate!" "

"It doesn't matter, let's join forces to defend against the vampire clan first, it is estimated that the confrontation with the vampire clan will not be able to tell the winner in one or two decades!" Asacher said again!

"But have we done nothing all these years?" Lott asked! Will the Enigma King give them plenty of time?

Asacher smiled and said, "Who said that we don't do things, and strive to increase the strength of all races, and besides, the Mystery King uses strong means to take away those beauties, I don't believe it, they are really with the Mystery King, so we have to find ways to get in touch with those beauties and figure out their thoughts, maybe we can get unexpected results!" "

Soon after Linali became Qin Feng's woman, he tried to contact Linali, but Linali met him with a sword, and finally took away two fallen angels, which made him depressed, the mystery king really has so much charm that even the subordinates who were loyal to him in the past have rebelled?

"Okay, the alliance has been decided, then we will go back and restrain our subordinates, don't let the people below settle down a little, and at the same time we will arrange according to Asacheel's suggestion!" Lott said decisively!

They didn't know that these plans had been listened to by Qin Feng, who was hiding on the side!

When Qin Feng, who was about to attack, heard that they were using the beauty scheme, Qin Feng immediately felt that they were much cuter, so he didn't do it, but chose to wait for the arrival of the beauty trick, as for the loyalty of Gu Leifia and the others, Qin Feng didn't worry too much, he was not his henchman, and he didn't know much about him!

In the underworld, since the joint meeting of the three major forces was held, Lott immediately informed all the demons, and now the demons know that angels and fallen angels are no longer their enemies, their new enemies are the vampire clan, and the other two clans, especially the angel clan, have an opposing relationship with them, but since the victory of the reformers, the demons have recuperated and basically do not conflict with the angel clan, and now joining forces is not abrupt!

However, there are still some radicals who are very dissatisfied with this, and they also have conflicts with the fallen angels, but they are all small things!

On this day,Don't stay away from a relatively depressed one,A short-haired little girl in a black and white skirt keeps waving the magic in her hand,About five years old,It's Cangna,In the original book,She's the president of the Pony King School Park,The strength is not weak!

"Xiao Cangna, you're still training!" Suddenly, a voice came, and the little girl didn't have to look back to know who was coming!

"Uncle Lot, you've come to see me?!" Cang Na stopped training, then came to Lot's side and said!

"Hmm!" Lotte nodded, "Uncle will take you to play!" "

Hearing this, Cang Na hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I still don't want to, I want to continue training!" "

"Xiao Cang, why do you train so hard?"

"There are rumors outside that my sister was captured by the vampire clan, and my uncle is going to join forces with the fallen angels and angels, in order to deal with the vampire clan, so I want to become stronger and rescue my sister!" Cang Na said!

"Xiao Cangna, you have to think clearly, it's not a simple matter to rescue your sister!"

"I know, but no matter how hard it is, I can overcome it!" Cang Na said firmly!

"Okay, in that case, then uncle will help you too!" Lot smiled slightly, but sighed slightly in his heart, some things can not be completed by hard work, although Cangna's talent is high, but if you want to rescue Serafel, you need at least the strength of a transcendent, and it is rare to become a demon king-level demon, let alone a transcendent!

Of course, what Lott wants Cang Na to do is another thing, the strength doesn't have to be very strong, it can play the role of internal and external cooperation!

"Then how can Uncle help me?" Xiao Cangna asked curiously!

"Don't worry, you answer me a question!" Lott smiled!

"What would you do if your sister joined the vampire clan?" Lott said with a serious face!

"Impossible!" Hearing this, Cang Na's expression froze, and then he was stunned, and there seemed to be fog brewing in his eyes!!

"Xiao Cangna, this is if!" Seeing that Cang Na was about to cry, Lott hurriedly said! Although there is no evidence that Serafel has defected to the enemy, Venierana, Grufia, and Kadileia are all working for the vampire clan, and to be on the safe side, Lott still classifies Serafel into the vampire clan!

"Impossible!" Cang Na said word by word! Actually, what Cang Na said is not wrong, until now, Seraful has not really taken refuge in her, she is just pandering to her, so Seraful has been imprisoned under the dungeon by Qin Feng so far, and then Gurefia is in charge of her three meals a day!

"Okay!" Lott spread his hands and said, "I will be your teacher, and then I will teach you the use of magic myself!" "

"Great!" Cang Na smiled slightly, she knew that Lott was the strongest among the demons! Taught by him, he will definitely be able to save his sister soon!

While Lot was teaching Cangna, the good old man Michael began to make contact with Gabriel according to Assahirl!

Gabriel was usually busy outside, so he was soon asked by Michael to meet! The location is a small island that no one has, after Gabriel thought about it, she didn't bring anyone, she was confident that even if there was an ambush, she could defuse it, but to Gabriel's surprise, Michael didn't bring anyone over, but this was expected by Gabriel!

"You've joined the vampire clan?" As soon as the two met, they said!

"Hmm!" Gabriel nodded expressionlessly, she knew that two hundred years had passed, and Michael had never seen her, and this time she must have something big to ask for, and she also heard that some time ago, the three major forces had united, and it seemed that they were going to deal with the vampire clan!

"Gabriel, come back, stop doing things for the vampires!" The two looked at each other, and the emotions seemed to have been brewing for a long time before Michael spoke!

"Come back!" Gabriel laughed at himself, then spread his inky wings and said, "Do you think that with my current status, I can still return to the Heavenly Realm!" "

"I...!" Seeing Gabriel, who was already a fallen angel, Michael moved his lips and didn't say anything!

"Yes, there is no place for me in the Heavenly Realm!" Gabriel smiled slightly, "I know that I am willing to become a fallen angel, so I am also willing to bear all the consequences, and the vampire clan was founded by me, for me, it is my own child, how can I betray my own child!" "In the early days of the vampire clan, Gabriel was out on the outside, so Gabriel is not exaggerating at all!

"But have you forgotten that the Enigma King killed my lord?" Michael retorted!

"For me now, my lord is already in the past!" Gabriel said again!

"Don't you have faith in your heart?" Michael shouted angrily!

"No, I still have faith in my heart, but the object of faith has changed, so I have fallen!" Gabriel snorted coldly, then threw Michael a small notebook, and continued: "If you have the leisure to talk nonsense with me, you should deal with the affairs of the church, in order to find the artificial holy sword envoy, you actually killed children indiscriminately!" "

"What, there is such a thing!" Michael was stunned, hurriedly ended his conversation with Gabriel, and flew away!

Qin Feng didn't expect that his appearance would lead to the early progress of this experiment of artificially making the Holy Sword Envoy, but Gabriel's words also led to the early end of the experiment, so Kiba was lucky to escape the catastrophe!

Instead of succeeding, Michael was tricked into dealing with the affairs of the church, and Lott also took action!

Because the three daughters of Venier Lana and Gurefia stayed in the castle and did not leave the house for half a step, it was difficult for Lot to find these three daughters, and in desperation, Lot had to start with Cardiella, however, Cardiraya represented the old demon king faction, and naturally had no good impression of the reformers, let alone help, of course, Cardileia did not refuse to meet!

"You should have succeeded Beelzebub as the Demon King by now!" Seeing this bewitching man, Cardilei sneered and said!

"Hmm!" Lotra nodded, Kadireya was from the Old Demon King Sect, and he also knew that the chance of success in persuasion was very low!

"Your reform faction has succeeded!" Cadilea said again!

"That's right!" Luo Ting nodded, but said again: "But although we are in different factions, we are members of the demon clan after all, do you really want the demon clan to be destroyed?" "

Ask for flowers to read violent novels, and go to Feilu Novel Network! )

"Watching the Demon Clan destroy?" A hint of consternation flashed in Kadilea's eyes! "Aren't you teaming up?"

"Hey, Kadireya, don't you know, although our three major forces have united, our demon clan has already suffered a great loss!" Lott thought that Cardilea still cared about the demons, so he said, "Now even Sazex has been killed? "

"Sazex killed?" Hearing this, Cardilea was stunned, but he knew that Sazex's mother, Venilana, was being pampered by Qin Feng!

"That's right, it was killed by the Mystery King, and now the strength of the demon clan has been greatly reduced!"

"The strength has been greatly reduced!" Kadireya sneered, fortunately she was kidnapped, with her current status in the vampire clan is much more comfortable than being a fearful Leviathan Demon King, she knows Qin Feng's strength, even if the three major forces are combined, they are vulnerable!

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Cardilea couldn't help sneering and said, "Seeing that I am also a demon, it is not difficult for me to be for you, you can go!" "

"You'll regret it!" Lott glared at Cardilea!

"You don't know the strength of the Mystery King at all!" Cardilea sneered, judging from Qin Feng's killing of Sazex, he was definitely a ruthless person, so she didn't dare to have too much contact with Lot!

Naturally, Asachel would not contact Linari again, he put his hope on the white-haired little boy with the artifact, without the White Dragon Emperor, the angel's light wings still lodged on Wally!

"Wally, did you train today?" After Asachel came back, he looked at the white-haired little boy in front of him and asked with a straight face!

"Uncle Asacheer, you've finished training!" Wally also replied very seriously!

"Good!" Asacher nodded, "Then let's practice with Lian today, you can attack me!" "

"Yes!" Wally nodded!

In the ancient castle, Qin Feng completely settled down, and accompanied the two girls to cultivate every day, as for Hei Ge and Irina, they were trained by Gu Refia!

Qin Feng gave Lias a Hades suit, Lias always wore this suit to fight with Zhu Nai, although Zhu Nai's strength was strong, he was never able to break through Lias's defense, so Zhu Nai was abused every time!

Looking at Lias's complacent appearance, Zhu Nai also came to coquettish Qin Feng's father!

Where is Qin Feng's treasure, only the whole world can find a witch for Zhu Nai, and then wake up the beast in his body!

Fortunately, there is a witch in this world, so Zhu Nai awakened the first beast, the summon of the demon beast!

It was another morning, and after Zhu Nai woke up the beast, he rushed to fight with Lias!

"Lias, come out quickly, I'm going to abuse you this time!" Zhu Nai crossed his thin waist, and said with a small nose!

"Oh! I really suspect that you have masochistic tendencies, you are not my opponent! Lias also sneered!

"I only found out until I beat it!" Zhu Nai made up her mind that she must ravage her sister fiercely!

Lias and Junai are both little princesses of the castle, so their battle attracts the attention of the maids!

"Who do you think will win! Sister Julia! A blue-haired little Lori with a fruit bowl asked the exposed girl with wheat-colored skin next to her, and said!

"It's got to be Lias!" At this time, a big-breasted woman named Yubeluna walked up, knocked on the heads of the two, and said, "Hurry up and get to work!" "

"That's right, Lias is even more favored than Junai!" The blue-haired girl smiled slightly and said, "I heard that that suit was originally the master's battle suit, and now it is given to Lias!" "

"Hmmm! The master's strength must be very strong! "

"A woman who becomes a master must be happy!"

"Okay, stop fantasizing, hurry up and work!" Yubelluna decisively shatters Julia's illusions!

"Well, since you are looking for abuse, then I will fulfill you!" Lias snorted proudly and said, "Hades suit!" After speaking, a black armor rushed out of the void, and then draped it on Lias's body, unspeakable, Lias wore black armor but gave people a bloated feeling!

"Then I'll show you my newfound powers!" Zhu Nai smiled, stretched out his white and tender little hand, and his magic power exploded, and then said, "The summoning of the demon beast, come out!" "

The black air is shrouded, which makes people feel very uneasy!

Lias's face changed, because she saw that something terrible seemed to be brewing in the black qi!

"You... What is this for you? What did Father give you? "Lias's face is a little ugly!

"You know you're scared!" Zhu Nai snorted and said, "This was originally my strength, my father just helped me wake up, you won't be my opponent!" "

In addition, seeing that Zhu Nai had gained new power, Julia and the others were all surprised!

The black gas squirmed and turned into a hideous skull, and then the black wings flapped!

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