"To whom?" asked Valli again, taking the letter!

"Nordic Odin!" Asacher said with an evil smile on his face, "You have also cultivated for a few years, so go out and see the world of flowers!"

"Is Odin a strong man?" asked Wally!

"Of course!" Asacher nodded!

"Then I'm leaving!" Hearing this, Wally was overjoyed, so that he could challenge some strong people, but as everyone knows, Asachel asked him to go to Odin because he wanted Wally to learn Odin's Nordic magic!

In the underworld, Cang Na has also changed a lot, although the body is not as exaggerated as Lias, but it is also concave and convex, it is a rare beauty, and now she is still sweating in a corner of the courtyard, and now Cang Na also has the strength of a superior demon!

"Very good!Xiao Cangna, you did a good job, now you are one step closer to rescuing your sister!"

"Everything is just taught by Uncle Lot!" A thick layer of ice crystals condensed around Cangna, and the temperature around him dropped sharply!

"This is also inseparable from your diligence!" Lott smiled again and said: "Now that you have learned all the skills of Lot, the rest is actual combat, only in actual combat, can you continue to improve!"

"Then am I looking for someone to challenge?" Cang Na asked again!

"That's right!" Luo Ting nodded, "From today onwards, I will arrange some demons to fight against you, and then improve your combat ability!"

"Hmm!" Cang Na continued to nod!

"By the way, Xiao Cangna, I have a question, what should you do if your sister defects to the enemy?" After five years, Lott asked seriously again!

"If that's the case, I'll kill my sister!" This time, Cang Na didn't run away like he did five years ago, but thought about it for a long time and said word by word!

"That's fine!" Lott smiled!

"Sister really defected to the enemy?" Cang Na frowned and asked!

Hearing this, Lott shook his head, "There is no definite news, but you have to be mentally prepared for this! This thing is for you!" After speaking, Lott took out the demon chess piece!

"Demon chess pieces?" Seeing Lott take out the demon chess pieces, Cang Na was stunned again!

"Well, if you want to rescue your sister, you can't fight alone, you need to find a group of reliable companions!"

"Where am I going to find a companion?" Cang Na frowned and said!

"Let's go to the human world!" Lott thought for a while12, said, and then handed Cang Na a letter of recommendation again, this letter of recommendation was asked by Lott to ask Gurefia for it, and after Lott persuaded Gurefia to be unsuccessful, he changed it to let Gurefia write a letter of recommendation for herself, and a letter of recommendation for admission to the Koma King Academy!

For this little thing, Grufia can still help!

"What is this?" Cang Na was stunned!

"Admission application, after you find a companion, you don't have to rush back to the underworld, let's go to the Koma King School Park to study first!"

"Hmm!" Cang Na nodded!

And at this time, Wally also came to Northern Europe to find the so-called Odin, who originally thought he was a strong man, but he didn't expect it to be a lustful old man!

Uninterested, Wally handed the letter to Odin, but Odin offered to teach Wally magic!

Feeling Odin's momentum changed, Wally couldn't help but be dignified, but Wally, who didn't admit defeat, wanted Odin to challenge, and after being abused, he obediently followed Odin to learn magic!

As in the original book, Wally's talent in magic is very high, and in just one day, Wally learned all of Odin's magic!

The battle between Lias and Junai ended in a scoreless!

"You've all done a great job!" Qin Feng squinted, touched the hair of the two of them, and said!

"Hmm!" The two seemed to enjoy the feeling of being praised by Qin Feng, and after nodding, Lias smiled slightly and asked, "Father, can I turn Orpheus into my beast!"

"Hmph, I fell in love with Orpheus first!" At this time, Zhu Nai interjected and said! Lias and Zhu Nai are both very familiar with Orpheus!

"Do you want Orpheus to be your dependent?" Qin Feng smiled slightly, if Orpheus really became your dependent, you would really be invincible, and with Orpheus's strength, even if you use the demon chess pieces, you won't be able to reincarnate!

"No!" Qin Feng shook his head decisively and said!

Speaking of Orpheus, at this time she stayed in her room like an otaku, unless Qin Feng called her, she would not come out, now, Orpheus is used to her own life, and she does not shout to return to her hometown, no, it should be said that the location of the castle is in her hometown, to be precise, it is a space gap that is a little far from the center of the dimensional gap!!

After the two girls each returned to their mothers to be coquettish, Gurefia walked up!

"Why don't you let Orpheus protect them?" asked Gurefia softly, "With Orpheus's protection, you can rest assured!"

"No!" Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head, "You should also know that the demon chess pieces are created by the transcendent, and the object of action is below the transcendent, and it is ineffective against Orpheus whose strength surpasses the transcendent!"

"That would allow her to protect her in secret, not necessarily to become a dependent!" said Goufirea again, "It's a good thing not to be a dependent, so that the two sisters won't be fighting!"

"You don't know! Orpheus has infinite energy, but he is not invincible!"


"Dragon Eater Samael!" Qin Feng said in a deep voice: "He is the nemesis of all dragons, not only the Infinite Dragon God, but also the other dragons who encounter it!"

"And how strong is his strength!" Grufia sighed!

"This has nothing to do with strength!" Qin Feng shook his head and said, "He's just the nemesis of the Dragon Clan, if you meet Samael, with your strength, you can defeat him!"

"Is that so!" said Grufia with a smile!

"Well, Samael has a strong curse of killing dragons!" Qin Feng smiled: "Moreover, Hades, the king of Hades, seems to want to get Orpheus, so it is the best choice to house Orpheus!"

Gu Leifia didn't expect Qin Feng to like Orpheus, but thinking of Orpheus's cute face of little Lori, that look was really tempting!

The duel between the two girls is over,Qin Feng let the two go to the Pony King School Park to enroll,Enrolled in the first grade of middle school,And their dependents,Hei Ge became the teacher of the Pony King School Park,And Bai Yin entered primary school,Irina is in a class with the two girls,As early as five years ago,The Pony King School Park has long been completed,Now the Pony King School Park can be said to have a famous brand school park,Many official eunuchs,Rich sons,All gathered in it,And Qin Feng went to the Pony King School Park as the chairman is a recent thing!

The appearance of Elias's daughters was immediately sought after by those boys after they turned in, but the faces of the women and other men were all cold and unapproachable!

At this time, Grufia was already in the hospital, and the Lucifigus family sent a lot of people to wait on Grufia!

Another silver pillar of light rushed into the sky, and the entire town was as bright as day, this time the movement was even bigger than the previous one, and then there was a cry, Qin Feng's second child was born!

"It's born!" muttered the head of the Lucy Figgs family, his old face smiling like a chrysanthemum!

Qin Feng pushed the door in and saw that Gu Refia was already holding her child!

"Master, I'm sorry, it's a girl!" Although the face was pale, it was not a big deal!

"Hello girl!" Qin Feng squinted, his smiling appearance was reminiscent of his daughter's control, and he thought that he was a ghost-father in the depths!

"Hmm!" Hearing that Qin Feng didn't care about the problems of men and women, Gu Rayfia was very moved, this world is also patriarchal when it comes to giving birth!

"Master, give the child a name!" said Grufia!

"Then let's call it Sakiya!" Qin Feng looked at Gu Leifia's silver hair with braids, thought about it, and said!

After Gurefia gave birth to a child, she completely gave up her job as a housekeeper and put her heart on her daughter!

Qin Feng, as always, is looking for milk powder all over the world for Sakiya!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

On this day, Qin Feng came to the Nordic realm, the territory of the Norse main god Odin!

"Oh, Nordic!" Qin Feng looked at the area where it was still snowing, smiled slightly, and said to himself: "Although there will be no milk powder here, there is a woman you want!" Qin Feng remembered the Valkyrie Rosviath, a genius who attacks magic, and her ability is very powerful, and I don't know if she has become Odin's bodyguard!

"Found it!" Qin Feng squinted his eyes, feeling the fluctuation of magic power in the east, his body moved, and he headed to the east!

To the east, Wally is experimenting with the magic he learned from Odin!

"In this way, my strength will be even higher!" Valli was satisfied as he looked at the hole that had been blasted by his magic!

"You are such a genius! You were able to learn my magic in just one day!" Odin sighed!

"Old man, why are you still here, don't go to the bath to see the beauties!"

"Just came back from there!" Odin smiled lewdly!

"Sure enough, it's a old man!I don't know how you got so good!" Wally rolled his eyes and said!

"Hehe, young man, you can't be lifeless and do things, you have to have a little vitality!"

"Vitality doesn't include obscenity!" said Wally!

"I mean, you have to integrate your hobby into the cultivation process, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort!" Odin explained!

"Crooked!" Valli ignored Odin and continued to try the magic he had learned!

"Who is it!" Odin originally wanted to provoke this little Zhengtai for a few words, but the next moment, Odin's face changed greatly, and after a loud shout, a pillar of fire emitted from the palm of his hand and struck a mountain rock in the distance!

"Boom!" the mountain rock collapsed, and Wally was slightly stunned, although he had learned magic, but compared to Odin, the power was too small!

Snowflakes splashed, white mist steamed, and in a trance, Wally saw a figure come out of it!

"If you don't say a word, you can do it, it's really a barbaric old man!" The figure walked out, it was Qin Feng himself!

"Who are you?" Odin looked at Qin Feng who came out, and asked vigilantly, because Qin Feng was surrounded by this layer of black qi, his pillar of fire was blocked by that black qi, and Odin had a fatal sense of crisis when facing Qin Feng!

"Mystery King!" Qin Feng looked at Odin with a smile!

"You're the Enigma King!, it doesn't look like a big deal!" Before Odin could speak, Wally spoke, "You're just in time, I'm just about to pick you out...!" Before Wally could finish speaking, Odin's thick palm pressed Wally's head, allowing him to have an intimate contact with the ground!

"What are you doing, old man?" said Wally, angrily!

"Adults speak, children don't interject!" Odin snorted! Wally may not feel the surging magic in Qin Feng's body, but Odin knows that the enemy in front of him is very strong! He also heard of the name of the Mystery King, two hundred years ago he defeated the three major forces to join forces, and now he also makes frequent moves, making the three major forces anxious, and now Wally doesn't know that if he wants to challenge the Mystery King, he is likely to be killed!

"Mystery King, I have no grudge with you, I don't know what you came to Nordic for?" With the character of the Mystery King who was not afraid of the ground that day, Odin was really afraid that he would make trouble in Northern Europe!

"I want to ask you for someone!" Looking at the bad old man in front of him, feeling the powerful magic power in his body, but Qin Feng was not afraid at all, and said in a deep voice!

"Ask me for someone! What a joke!" he is the master of Norse mythology, and if he let people out like this, he will be laughed at by the world!

"Is that going to be done?!" Qin Feng squinted, and the magic power erupted, and the thunder formed turned into a huge beast!

"Wally, you can see clearly, this is a duel between the strong!" Odin casually left Wally behind!

"Who is that little guy?" Seeing the familiar Zhengtai, Qin Fenghu asked!

"My apprentice, although he is very cute, but a boy came, I don't think the mystery king will be tempted!" Odin sneered!

"Lion's gold!" Qin Feng also sneered, and the lion's gold suddenly turned into a thunderbolt and rushed towards Odin!

"Defense magic!" Odin said, a transparent defensive shield stretched out from within itself!

"Boom!" The mountain shook, the thunder slammed down, and the four 693 splashes of thunder destroyed everything around them, but Odin still stood in the middle unharmed, there was a large crater in the shape of a ring on the ground, and in the ring, where Odin stood, there was no damage at all!

"Lion's gold!" Qin Feng gave the order to attack again, but every time he collided, he would be resisted by the defensive shield!

"Is this a duel between the strong?" "In the distance, Wally looked at the scene in front of him and muttered to himself!

"Mystery King, use your true strength, although this thunder attack is powerful, it can't break through my defenses!" Odin said in a deep voice!

"Do you want me to be serious?" Qin Feng frowned, but instead smiled, and said, "It's better to be like this, the main god of Northern Europe, you come first, I really want to see your magic!"

"Then I'll make a move!" Odin frowned, then made a decisive move, and when his palm flipped, the sky was already covered with dark clouds!

"This feeling...!" Looking at the dark cloudy sky, Qin Feng smiled, this gave him the feeling that it was very similar to power, but there was no Pandora's ritual in this world, even if he killed Odin, these powers could not be transferred to himself!

Dark clouds, lightning and thunder!

Wally is also uneasy in the original book, because this cloudy weather is not naturally formed, but artificially formed, so there is a lot of magic condensed in the sky, which makes people feel very depressed!!

"This is no longer the category of magic!" Qin Feng smiled slightly and said!

"Hmm!" Odin nodded proudly and said, "When the quantity reaches a level, there will be a quantitative change, even a qualitative change!"

At this time, the dark clouds condensed in the sky above Qin Feng, and the magic power invisible to the naked eye slowly materialized, reaching a terrifying point!

"Thundercloud!" Odin stretched out an extra cane in his hand, and then a black lightning bolt slashed down from the whirlpool of dark clouds!

"Lion's gold!" Qin Feng lowered his head, not looking at the fierce attack above, and then, the lion's gold turned into a thunderbolt again and rushed forward!

"Boom!" was another earth-shattering bang, and the scattered lightning bolts wreaked havoc on the earth!

"Anything else?" Qin Feng sneered!

"Very strange lion!" Odin frowned as the lightning stopped!"Then let's give this a try!" After saying that, the magic power poured out again, the originally cold temperature around it dropped again, and the whirlwind of magic blew over, and everywhere it passed, it seemed that even the air was about to freeze, and the surrounding trees quickly formed ice crystals!

The demonic wind blew, and then countless ice crystals began to climb up Qin Feng's body, Qin Feng frowned, this kind of ice crystal is not an ordinary ice crystal, it contains powerful magic power, it seems that even his own magic power is going to freeze!

"Lion's gold!" The yellow thunder that poured out of Qin Feng's body instantly shook the ice crystals down!

"Is that all there is to it?" Qin Feng moved and said lazily!

Seeing that Qin Feng was still dealing with it easily, Odin's heart sank slightly, this Mystery King was really as powerful as rumored, and he heard that the Mystery King had many methods, and now he had been attacking for a long time, but he couldn't force the Mystery King to use other means!.

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