"Agni beckons!" Odin didn't talk too much nonsense, and after a few clicks of the cane on the ground, a huge fireball formed in the sky!

It was still an extremely cold place, but now it feels hot, and then the snow and ice on the ground begin to melt!

"Boom!" the fireball is pulled by gravity and strikes with a posture that destroys everything!

"This is...!" Qin Feng smiled, "It seems that the lion's gold alone can't resist this attack, Odin!

"King Kong of the Divine Sheep!" Qin Feng's palm was raised again, and the magic power surged out along his arm!

Immediately, the magic power formed a white spar, densely packed, forming a barrier in front of Qin Feng!

The fireball rushed down and collided with the barrier, but there was no loud noise as expected, and the huge fireball pierced through the barrier!

"What kind of ability is this?" Odin's face changed, and then he felt the huge fireball appear above his head and smash towards him!

"Damn!" In desperation, Odin's body moved instantly, and the huge fireball hit Odin's location, and even the surrounding area was seriously damaged, forming a large pit, and at the same time, the scorching breath brought by the fireball melted the ice and snow, and a large amount of water poured into the big pit, forming a lake!

And now, Odin is back on top of the lake!

"Thunder and lightning, wind and snow, fireballs!, what other attack skills, use them!" Qin Feng squinted and said!

"Then you're optimistic!" Odin sneered, Qin Feng felt that Odin had poured continuous magic into the lake!

"Water dragon!" Odin snorted coldly, a huge waterspout was formed, and in the front section, it was a dragon head, and Odin was standing on top of the dragon head!

"Go!" Odin jumped up slightly, and the howling water dragon rushed towards Qin Feng with incomparable momentum!

"Is this your power!" The water dragon attacked all the way, and the hard ground melted like ice and snow, no, it should be said that it was assimilated by the water dragon, and then became a part of the water dragon, and the water dragon became bigger and bigger!

"This attack is really extraordinary!" Qin Feng sighed, to be honest, Odin's ability to use magic has been superb!

"Assimilation attack, I will too!" Qin Feng smiled, "The silver mist of the carapace!"

After speaking, Odin saw a huge silver beetle appear behind Qin Feng, but because of the mist, Odin couldn't see it very clearly!

"How can this be!" The body of the water dragon, which was getting bigger and bigger, has changed! The water on the water dragon's body has begun to atomize!

Wally in the distance was already dumbfounded, he didn't expect that magic, a very fragile thing in his eyes, would have so many changes, and that kind of power was definitely no less than the forbidden hand of the artifact!

"Looks like I need to dig into the uses of magic!" Valli thought!

In the end, the water dragon still failed to bring any harm to Qin Feng, Odin's expression was extremely solemn, this mystery king was even more powerful than he imagined!

"You're already exhausted in donkey skills!" Qin Feng sneered!

"Yemo's black sword!" After saying that, a black long sword appeared in his hand!

"Then change me!" After speaking, Qin Feng raised his long sword, and the black qi continued to surround the sword body!

"Crescent Sky Chong!" With a loud shout, Qin Feng's sword swung down suddenly, and a huge black slash struck Odin! This move was created by Qin Feng himself, as for why Lias also used it, because she saw Qin Feng's move of wrapping magic power around the blade and then throwing it out was very good, so she also learned this move!

Originally, Zhu Nai also wanted to learn, but Zhu Nai didn't find a suitable weapon now, so Zhu Nai temporarily gave up learning Crescent Sky Chong!

The crescent-like slash flew out in an eerie arc, and then collided with Odin's open defensive shield!

"Although I can't help you, I can't break through my defenses with your attacks!" Odin looked at Qin Feng quite confidently and said with a smile!

"Is that so?" Hearing this, Qin Feng sneered, and the crescent-like slash changed like a living thing, turning into a huge palm, covering the defensive shield!

"This...!" Odin's face changed as his eyes turned dark, and in an instant, he already felt the tremendous force coming from the giant hand!

"Smash it!" Qin Feng clenched his fist!

"Click!" Odin heard a sound similar to glass shattering, and then the shield was shattered by a giant hand!

The moment Odin's defensive shield was broken, his figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, his big hands clenched his fists tightly, as if he wanted to squeeze out the air inside!

"Did you dodge it?" Qin Feng turned around, and the rickety figure appeared behind him!

"Mystery King, your strength is really strong!" Odin lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking!

Qin Feng squinted, his Yemo Black Sword was not created by a god, but refined by the gods, and it was considered the strongest artifact, so Qin Feng, who had this sword in his hand, could be said to be invincible and slashed all the way!

Qin Feng kicked the ground with the soles of his feet, and his figure suddenly flew out!

In a flash of cold light, the position where Odin was standing just now was split into a bottomless crack by Qin Feng's Yemo Black Sword, but Odin had disappeared, and Qin Feng didn't stop, his eyes moved slightly to the side, and his figure flew out again, and his body was running on the surface of the lake like walking on the flat ground, and when Qin Feng raised the Yemo Black Sword, there were countless sword qi around Qin Feng!

Odin's face was gloomy, his crutches were on the surface of the water, and the water column kept rising, blocking Qin Feng's attack, and his figure kept retreating!

As he retreated to the ground, Odin's crutch moved, and the rocks on the ground rose like living creatures!

"Are you trying to stop me with this little thing?" Qin Feng sneered, held the Yemo Black Sword in both hands, and raised it high!

Behind Qin Feng, a huge black shadow appeared, and in his hand, he also held a black sword condensed by countless sword qi, and his posture of holding the sword was the same as that of Qin Feng's sword!

"Give me death!" Qin Feng shouted, the water column, the rocks, everything was split in half by Qin Feng, even Odin, there was a deep sword mark on his chest!

Odin vomited blood in his mouth and flew out upside down, and Qin Feng came to Odin's side, and the black sword of Yemo pointed at Odin!

"Okay, you've already lost!" Qin Feng sneered!

"How are you, old man?" At this time, Wally rushed out and hurriedly asked!

"Stupid boy, don't you know what is so powerful about the man in front of you, run out and die!" Odin smiled bitterly when he saw Wally coming up!

"I naturally know, but you are also my teacher, the teacher is in trouble, how can the disciple escape alone!" Wally smiled and continued: "What's more, with his strength, if you don't want to let me go, it's useless for me to go anywhere!"

"It's very accurate!kid!" Qin Feng squinted his eyes and said! He remembered, this kid is called Wally, and he was originally the host of the White Dragon Emperor's light wings, but due to Qin Feng's intervention, the White Dragon Emperor is useless, but looking at his appearance, it seems that he has also inherited the artifact, since Wally has inherited the artifact, then the Hyoto of the harem fantasy should also have an artifact to lodge, but there is no Ertianlong, and their artifact can only be regarded as an ordinary artifact!

"Am I going to kill you?" Qin Feng looked at Wally and muttered!

"Odin, let me ask you a question!" Qin Feng thought for a while and said!

"Hmph, kill if you want to!" Odin snorted coldly!

"Don't refuse so simply, if I'm in a good mood, I can spare you from dying!Is there such a person as Rose Viather among your bodyguards?" Qin Feng asked!

"Lotsviathur?" Odin was slightly stunned, then shook his head, he heard that the people below were going to match him with bodyguards, but they hadn't implemented it yet, and few people knew, how did the person in front of him know!

From Odin's reaction, Qin Feng knew that Odin didn't know the woman Lotvia Arthur, that is, this woman had not yet become Odin's bodyguard!

As Qin Feng pondered, the magic power condensed in his hand again, forming a small black ball, although the volume was small, it must not be underestimated!

"Didn't you say let us go?" said Odin, whose face changed! He felt a great amount of magic from the black orb, he might be able to survive such an attack, but Wally would die!

"Your answer makes me very dissatisfied, and it also wastes my time!" Qin Feng snorted coldly, "This little ball should be regarded as a meeting gift for you, of course, you can return the gift, but the premise is that you can survive!" After speaking, Qin Feng pushed the small ball, and the small ball immediately hit the two of them!

"Old man, be careful!" Wally had already been banned, and then stood in front of Odin!

And the black ball, in the process of slowly rolling out, where it passed, the space vibrate!

"You kid, you're going to die!" Odin yelled, but the black ball had already pushed both of them out!

After flying the two of them, Qin Feng closed his eyes again, Northern Europe was so big, he really didn't know where to find Roseviath!

"Forget it, let's find a place to stay first!" Qin Feng smiled, then flew up and came to the nearest hotel in Northern Europe!

In the original book, Lotsviay's hometown is in a country where there is nothing, there is only one grandmother in the family, and both parents are warriors who serve the Norse gods, and now she may still live with her grandmother, but where to find the hometown where there is nothing, Qin Feng is a little difficult to do!

Qin Feng began to look for the countryside where there was nothing, but in the end he found nothing!

But life is so strange, when you are looking for it, she will not appear in front of you, when you have given up, she will come to you inadvertently!

Qin Feng was standing on the white snow-capped mountain, and suddenly, there was another fluctuation of magic power in front of him!

"Lotsviathur?" Qin Feng had already come to the place where the magic power fluctuated, and what caught his eye was a silver-haired girl in white armor, constantly bombarding with magic!

"Sure enough, it's Lotvia himself!" Although there are some differences with the royal sister-type Lotsvia, the facial contours can never be wrong!

"Why can't I use family magic!" Lotvia frowned, and another spell struck out, destroying the surrounding trees in a row!

"Alright, it's time to go home, grandmother is in a hurry!" Rose Viacer picked up a bag containing ingredients for cooking!

"Really, I used a lot of money today!" Lotsviather used his magic and flew towards the east!

Qin Feng followed, listening to Roseviath's words, he was a little funny, this girl is really a money fan!

Qin Feng walked all the way and saw that she and really came to a countryside where there was nothing, surrounded by bare rock and soil!

"Grandmother, I'm back!" There is a small house in the middle of the rock and soil! (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hmm!" the white-haired old man on crutches walked out, touched Lotvia Arthur's head, smiled and nodded!

"Grandmother, I bought your favorite dish today!"

"You just went to practice magic again?" laughed grandmother!

"Hmm!" Rosevia nodded and said, "I'm going to be a Valkyrie!"

"Pay attention to the combination of work and rest!" Grandmother smiled! "Although you can't use the family's magic, you have a high talent in magic, and you can definitely become a Valkyrie!"

"Yes, I see!" Rose Viather nodded!

"This friend, since you're here, why don't you show up?!" At this time, the white-haired old woman pouted on the ground with a cane and said!

Qin Feng knew that he had been discovered by Roseviath's grandmother, and he didn't think it would go out, Roseviath's grandmother was a magician, and although the strength of old age had been reduced, the demonic power was still not to be underestimated!

Qin Feng plans to take Rose Viather away, just like in the original book, and let her go to school to be a teacher!

"Who are you?" Seeing Qin Feng walking out, Rosevia Arthur protected his grandmother behind him, and then asked nervously!

"Don't be nervous, my name is Qin Feng, and I have good news for you!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Don't you want to come to my house for dinner, do you?" Hearing this, Rose Viather looked at Qin Feng nervously again!

"Huh!" Qin Feng smiled bitterly, this chick shouldn't be afraid that one more person will waste a few more rice!

"You haven't become a Valkyrie yet, have you!" Qin Feng smiled!

"So what, I'm going to be a Valkyrie!" said Lotvia with a cold snort!

"That's it, I want to ask you to work for me!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"No!" Hearing this, Rosvia shook his head decisively and said, "I am a Valkyrie who serves the Norse gods, how can I serve others!"

"But there's a lot of money!" Qin Feng began to tempt!

"There's a lot of money, how much is that?" Hearing this, Roseviath's eyes lit up and said!

"Then how much do you want?" Qin Feng smiled!

"Your Excellency wants to use money to subdue my granddaughter!" the grandmother also seemed to know that her granddaughter had little resistance to money, so she answered first!

Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head and said, "In this modern situation, there are fewer and fewer Valkyries, I can not only give you money, but also let you cultivate Valkyries in large quantities!"

"We will not betray the Norse gods!" said Grandmother firmly!

"You said it's the Norse gods, is it Odin?" Qin Feng sneered and continued: "If it were him, he might be dead!"

"You're lying!" Lotvia sneered!

"Really?" After speaking, the magic power in Qin Feng's body exploded, and a momentum like Mount Tai overwhelming the two of them was kicked out of breath!

"You... You...!" Grandmother's face changed, this power comparable to Odin, this guy is definitely not lying!

At this time, in the far reaches of Northern Europe, a deep (Zhao Zhao's) trace was dragged out on the ground, and at the top of the trace, an old man stood up with Wally, and then patted the deep snowflakes, and said helplessly: "This kid, fortunately I still have the means, otherwise, you would really die!"

And Wally is still awake, but weak!

"Isn't he not dead!" Vally smiled faintly!

"You kid, I like it, you might as well be my son!" Odin patted Wally's head and smiled!

"Son?" Hearing this, Wally was stunned, he thought of his father, and his grandfather Lezevim, Wally was born illustrious, inherited the bloodline of the demon king Lucifer, but his childhood was very sad, his father was submissive, and Lezevim naturally thought that their father and son would kill each other!

"You kid, don't you want to be a son, you want to be my old man's son, you have to go to the sea!" Odin smiled!

"Am I not unwilling?" Wally smiled bitterly, remembering the old man in front of him, if it weren't for him, he would really be dead, compared to his father, this old man cares about himself very much!

"Alright then! Father-in-law!" Valli thought for a moment, then said!

"Okay, father-in-law, I will definitely train you to be a peerless powerhouse!" Odin smiled contentedly!

"Odin, I didn't expect you to be so embarrassed?" At this time, a cold snort came, Wally was startled, his eyes looked left and right, but he didn't find anything, not even the figure was blocked!

"Don't worry, it's an old friend of mine!" Odin patted Wally on the shoulder and smiled!

"Loki, when did you become hidden?" Odin snorted!

"Hmph, Odin, I just saw your battle with the Mystery King? Speaking of which, you are really embarrassed, if it weren't for a soy sauce bottle, you should have been able to dodge the final blow!"

Hearing this, Wally's face changed, he originally thought that he had protected Odin, but he didn't expect that in the end it was Odin who protected him!

"What do you think of the strength of the Enigma King?" Odin touched Wally's head like a kind old man and smiled slightly!

"It's strong, but if the two of us join forces, we can definitely defeat it!" Loki said again!

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