"I'm not going to join forces with you!" Odin flatly refused!

"Can't you see it, the Enigma King is already fighting the Norse gods!" Loki said again!

"No!" Odin said again categorically!Loki may say that he is a Norse god, but he is evil, a god who wants to trigger Ragnarok!

"Odin, you'll regret it!" Loki's voice grew farther and farther away after Odin refused!

"Father-in-law, who was the guy you were talking to just now?" asked Wally, curious!

"Loki!" Odin smiled, "but he's an evil god!"

"Oh!" Wally looked at Odin dumbfounded, he didn't expect that this Odin would be the main god of Northern Europe!

Robbery has always been Qin Feng's style, for example, this time, Qin Feng also planned to rob, because Qin Feng's words must not fool the grandmother who has served the Norse gods all her life, belief in this kind of thing cannot be changed in a few words, and although Lotsviarthur does not have the loyalty of his grandmother, he will not go against his grandmother's will, so Qin Feng decided to take people away first!

Qin Feng made a move, rolled up Lotvia Arthur, basically did not resist, no, it should be said that he couldn't resist, Qin Feng swept away Lotvia Arthur, of course, during this period, although Lotsvia Arthur struggled desperately, everything was in vain, but Lotsvia Arthur was not cooperating like this is not a way!

In desperation, Qin Feng wanted to find Odin again, in the original book, Odin abandoned her in Japan, and Rose Viather accepted to become Lias's dependent, so Qin Feng also wanted to go through the same method!

Odin was already seriously injured, and after Qin Feng found him, he could only agree to Qin Feng's request, but Lotsvia Arthur couldn't believe it, she didn't expect that she would be sold by the serving Odin, and then, after Qin Feng's lobbying, Lotsviayer finally agreed, but she wanted to start a Valkyrie Society in the town, so as to cultivate some Valkyries!

Qin Feng naturally agreed, just like that, there is one more Valkyrie teacher in the Pony King Academy!

On this day, in the office, Qin Feng and Rose Viather sat on the sofa.

"Qin Feng, if I teach here, salary, insurance, do I have everything!"

"Of course!" Qin Feng nodded, "But you have to become a reincarnated demon?"

"Reincarnated Demon?" Hearing this, Roseviath was stunned again and said, "I don't want it!"

"The reincarnated demon is also a Valkyrie!, not to mention, after you become a demon, it is possible to open a demon school all over the underworld!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Alright!" Lotvia thought for a moment, it was also her wish to expand the Valkyrie community, and if she could really open the Valkyrie School to the underworld, then she would be willing too!

"Then how do I become a reincarnated demon in 990?" Rose Viather asked again!

"Don't worry!" Qin Feng smiled and said to Lias and Zhu Nai, "You two little guys come in!"

"Father, are you looking for something with us?" As soon as the two girls came in, Lias looked at Qin Feng suspiciously!

"Father, who is this woman?" Zhu Nai pointed to Rose Viather on the sofa and asked, but based on his appearance, Rose Viather was not inferior to the two daughters in any way, and it was no wonder that Lias and Zhu Nai were vigilant, no, it would be forgivable to say that Lias was vigilant, but Zhu Nai You are my own daughter, be wary of a fart! Qin Feng complained slightly in his heart!

"Is this the rhythm of the development towards the ghost-father?" Qin Feng thought evilly!

"Alright, Junai, her name is Lotsvia, and she is a Valkyrie who serves the Norse gods!"


"Father, is her strength very strong?" Zhu Nai asked again!

"It's about the same as you!" Qin Feng said with a smile: "Zhu Nai, take out your chariot chess pieces and reincarnate Roseviather as your dependent!"


"Lias, don't you have Irina, she's not bad!"

"Yes, Lias, you already have Irina!" Zhu Nai smiled, and then took out the chariot chess pieces and fused them into Lotsviath's body!

In this regard, Lias was also helpless to watch this powerful Valkyrie become her sister's dependent!

"Zhu Nai, although Rosevia Arthur is your dependent, she is also your teacher, so she will live with you and take care of your daily life!!" Qin Feng said with a smile!


Three years have passed in a hurry!

At this time,Lias and Zhu Nai are already in the first year of high school.,There are still three years left for the plot to begin.,But Rao is three years ahead of schedule.,The bodies of the two girls have matured.,Same as in the original book.,It's so beautiful and moving.,Lias became the first princess of the Pony King School Park.,Straightforward personality.,A little cautious.,A blood-like red hair is her trademark.,Before she went to high school,She booked the position of president of the student union.,But what she didn't expect was that after a while,There would be someone competing for her for the position of president!

And her two dependents,Bai Yin is already a junior high school student,Although poor milk,But poor milk is also a resource,And it has a lovely appearance,Short white hair like snow,Got the title of mascot,The other is Irina,Yellow hair,Wearing tight clothes,The beauty of the body's lines is completely outlined,In a word,It's also a very popular girl in the Koma King Academy.。

Zhu Nai became the second princess of the Pony King School Park.,Ah Lala is her mantra.,Quite a black personality.,Of course,She's very dissatisfied with this result.,It's said that after the school boys' vote ended,I learned that I was a few votes behind Lias.,Angry to find Lias.,Fight.,Of course,This news is only circulating in the circle of magic.,Ordinary people don't know!

And she also has two dependents.,Needless to say, black song.,The most beautiful female teacher in the Pony King School Park.,As for the Valkyrie,Rose Viather is not so lucky.,Because of her dedication,,Many boys are afraid of her.,So they're all saying bad things about her.,It is estimated that this is one of the reasons why Zhu Nai's votes are less than Lias's!

And at this time, inside the castle, Sakiya is already three years old, carved in pink, and is a very cute girl!

"Sakiya, you're naughty again!" Seeing Sakiya walk in with a dirty face, Gu Reyfia made a straight face, and then said! As soon as Sakiya saw her mother with a straight face, she immediately ran into Qin Feng's arms in small steps!

"Dad, Mom is going to beat me!" Sakiya immediately lay in Qin Feng's arms and said!

"Okay, don't scold the child?" Qin Feng smiled and said! Gu Lei Fei Ya was originally a serious person, after giving birth to a child, her personality was more rigorous, and she was the same for her own children, but although Sakiya's appearance was very similar to Gu Lei Feiya, her personality was not like it, she was active, lively, mischievous, and she was a little witch!

"Qin Feng, how can you spoil her so much?" Gu Lyfia frowned, since she had a child, Gu Lyfia had changed her name to Qin Feng's master!

"Why can't it!Sakiya is my daughter, the little princess who is high up!" Qin Feng smiled, then picked up Sakuya and said!

"Okay, Dad will take you to play!" Qin Feng said again!

"Qin Feng, Sakuya's homework hasn't been done yet!" Gu Lei Fei Ya stomped her feet and said angrily! Zhu Nai was trained when she was three years old, and at the same time, her talent gave her the strength she has so far, and Gu Lei Fei also believed that her daughter had inherited that talent, so she spared no effort when teaching Sakuya!

"Dad, I don't want to do my homework!" Sakiya shook her head and said affectionately!

"Well, then Dad will take you to play!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Venilana, it's you!" Gurefia chases after her, only to meet the red-haired Venilana!

"Hmph, your kid is cute!" Venierana snorted!

"Yes!" Gu Le Fia glanced at her and nodded directly, "My daughter has inherited the advantages of me and Qin Feng, and she will definitely become a powerful demon!" "Since the last incident, Veni Lana has been full of hatred for Gu Refia, three years have passed, although the hatred between the two has eased, but when the two meet, it is inevitable to be ironic!

"What's the matter, when it comes to genius, you kid can't compare to Zhu Nai!" Winy Lana sarcastically said, it turns out that although the talent that Sakuya is showing now is amazing, it is not as good as Zhu Nai when he was three years old, you know, Zhu Nai has grown up since he was one year old, and he looks like a four-year-old child, and now although Zhu Nai and Lias are in the same grade, their actual age, how old is Zhu Nai's little Lias!

And Sakuya took his time step by step, just like the growth of ordinary people, which couldn't help but disappoint Gu Rayfia, and also made Qin Feng feel strange, he had a lot of nutrition, but he didn't come out of (bcfg) Zhu Nai's situation again, but in Qin Feng's eyes, the growth of one step at a time is not necessarily a bad thing!

Now Sakiya's talent is inferior to Zhu Nai's is only temporary, and at a certain age, Qin Feng believes that Sakiya will develop in a blowout, but Gurefia, who is a mother, is very worried!

"It's better than some people who don't lay eggs!" Gurefia also sneered! Veni Lana spoiled almost every day, but three years have passed, and she hasn't conceived a single egg!

"Do you want to die?" Venierana snorted, and the red magic was about to explode!

"Want to fight?" "Yes, the magic in Gurefia's body is like a volcano about to erupt!

The two were-for-tat, and at this time, Zhu Li walked up!

"Okay, don't quarrel, everyone is Qin Feng's woman, and they should get along in harmony!" Among the girls, Zhu Li is the most virtuous!

"Give Zhu Li face today, you won't be so lucky next time!" Venierana snorted angrily, and left, because of Lias's relationship, he and Zhu Li are also acquaintances!

After Zhu Li saw Veni Lana leave, she sighed slightly!!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Thank you, Grufia!" "Zhu Li is also the one who really kept the secret of Sazex's death, and she knows that Grufia has taken all the blame on her, including Venerana's hatred!

"It's okay!as long as you can help Qin Feng!" Gu Rayfia waved her hand and smiled unconcernedly!

"By the way, are you here to find Qin Feng?" asked Gurefia again!

"Hmm!" Zhu Li nodded!

Qin Feng soon met with Zhu Li, of course, Sakuya was not protected by Qin Feng, and was immediately severely reprimanded by Gu Leifia, and finally had to obediently admit his mistake, and then go back to learn magic knowledge!

Zhu Li and Qin Feng met to remind Qin Feng not to forget today's business!

Qin Feng naturally knew about today's events, today was the first day that Lias and Zhu Nai and other girls entered the high school!

"Father, are you already late?" Back in the room of the castle, Qin Feng found that Lias and Zhu Nai were waiting, and when he saw himself appearing, Lias muttered dissatisfiedly!

"That's it, father!" Zhu Nai also said helpfully!

"By the way, father, when are you going to find me a family again!

"Hehe, it's up to you to find it in the future!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and said with a faint smile! Qin Feng has already thought of two characters suitable for being Lias and Zhu Nai's dependents, the Kyoto Youkai General Nine-Tailed Fox Yasaka, who is the highest-level monster in the original book, and is also an important existence in regulating the air flow in Kyoto, was controlled by Cao Cao and fought with Yicheng and others, first suppressed the key when he fought with the key of the dragon king, and finally it was the key of the dragon king and the jade dragon that joined forces to successfully subdue Yasaka.

The other is Kuju, a princess who lives in Kyoto, the daughter of the nine-tailed fox Yasaka, and Luffy Pendragon, a junior high school magician, the last descendant of King Arthur, who is superb in magic and knowledge, and can use many high-level magic!

"But where are we going to find it?" Zhu Nai frowned, looking extremely distressed!

"Well, it's up to you!" Qin Feng squinted, and then said, "But there is one thing to be aware of, you can't choose a boy as a dependent!"

"Those boys are always lustful, so I won't choose them!" Hearing this, Lias's face turned red, and she thought to herself!

And Zhu Nai glanced at Qin Feng strangely, with a smile in his eyes, and said, "Ah Lala, is it impossible for a father to tie his daughters to his side for the rest of his life!"

"I... I'm just because I don't want you to make a drag, yes, you haven't reached the age of a drag yet!" Qin Feng smiled!


Qin Feng could feel that the huge ferocity was deformed because of the squeezing, and then muttered in his heart, it was indeed very big, but then, his heart panicked, Zhu Nai was different from Lias, but his own daughter, how could he think about it!!

"I know, my father must want to keep us by his side!" As if feeling that the degree was enough, Zhu Nai let go of his body and let Qin Feng breathe a sigh of relief!

"Come to think of it, this should be the ghost father!" Zhu Nai did not hesitate to define Qin Feng!

"Does the father really want his daughter to be by his side all the time?" At this time, Lias, who was dissatisfied with Zhu Nai and Qin Feng's closeness, held Qin Feng's arm with both hands, and the murderous part kept squeezing up, making Qin Feng feel a soft and comfortable feeling!

"Father just wants me to be by his side!" Zhu Nai pushed Lias away and said!

"Who said that, I'm much prettier than you, my father must have chosen me!" Lias immediately said! "You see that the people in the school park have made up their minds, I'm the first, you're the second!"

"That time doesn't count!" Zhu Nai immediately said, "I'm better looking than you!And you're not my opponent, why should you stay with your father?!"

"So, you're trying to fight?" asked Leas with a straight face!

"Always with you to the end!"

"Okay, don't make any noise, let's go to the Pony King Academy!" Qin Feng smiled, then patted Lias's ass, waved his hand, and with a slight stroke of his palm, a crack similar to a door appeared in front of him!

The other section of the door is the chairman's room of the Koma King School Park, and Qin Feng and the two girls soon appeared in the chairman's room!

Sensing Qin Feng's arrival, Hei Ge immediately came to the door, and Zhu Nai and Lias naturally went to find their playmates!

"Master, here is the list of first-year students in the high school department!" Hei Ge handed the list to Qin Feng, and then said!

"Well, let's put it here!" Qin Feng took the list, took a cursory glance, and said, most of the names on it are unknown, but there is one name that surprises him, take Cangna!

Originally, her dream was to build a play school for all classes, but now she is studying here for the sake of her sister Seraful, who still refuses to give in.

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