After Qin Feng smiled slightly, he threw the roster aside, and then looked at Hei Ge!

"The host... If there's nothing to do, I'll... Just retreat!" Hei Ge panicked in his heart, as if he wanted to escape from this place!

"Heige, don't go so fast!" She was about to leave, but Qin Feng hugged her waist from behind!

"Master, you... Hurry up and let go of me, this is still the office!" Hei Ge's face turned red and said! In the original book, she can tease some innocent boys, but after facing bold boys, she is panicked~ Zhang!

"Don't worry, no one will find out!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes even more!

Hei Ge was hugged by Qin Feng, his charming eyes were covered with a layer of fog, and he hummed softly!

I don't know how long it took, after Qin Feng held the blushing Hei Ge Wen on the office chair and tidied it up, Hei Ge stood up tremblingly and said, "Master, if there is nothing to do, I will go to class!"


Koma King School Park,It's still the time for school to start.,Luxurious villa!

Lias and Junai and their families all live in it, including the two teachers!

"Rosviathur, are we going to eat this kind of dish today?" asked Lias, looking at the sprout-like meal on the table with a sneering face!

"Yes, two young ladies, thrift is part of cultivation!" Rosevia nodded solemnly and said!

"Sure enough, I should have asked Hei Ge to prepare lunch!" Zhu Nai also said seriously!

"Second Miss, aren't you eating?" Seeing Zhu Nai stand up, Rose Viather continued!

"I want to go out for a walk!" Zhu Nai waved his hand and said!

At this time,Cang Na also went to the Koma King School Park to report,Now,Cang Na is holding a box of luggage,Wearing a white lace hat,Wearing a white dress,Plump,It also looks cute and moving!And standing behind Cang Na is a black straight girl,Wearing a pair of glasses,She looks very rigorous!She's the real Luo Chunji.,Born in a long-standing family of exorcists.,She has an artifact of the mirror of remembrance.,Can call aliens through the mirror.,When the mirror is destroyed,,Will return the attack to the opponent exponentially.。

"Cangna, is this our purpose?" Tsubaki smiled slightly!

"That's right, this is it!" Cang Na nodded, "You're from here, do you know about the Koma King Academy?"

Hearing this, Tsubaki shook her head and said, "This town is too mysterious, and I don't know much about it!"

"Oh!" Cang Na nodded,In fact,The Pony King School Park is a school park open to the outside world,There must be three major forces,People who want to find out the truth and the truth,A long time ago,Lott arranged for people to come to find out the news,But it's all about the news of the Pony King School Park,So Cang Na also has an understanding of the Pony King School Park!

Cang Na's hand tightly clutched a small map,That's the final information that her predecessors got when they entered here one after another.,There's a secret room under the Pony King School Park.,And her sister.,Serafel is likely to be locked in the secret room.,That map is how to get to the basement!

"Is my sister here?" Cang Na muttered to herself, "Sister, you wait, I will definitely rescue you!"

"Cangna, where are we going now?" asked Tsubaki after the two walked in!

"Let's find your own class first!" Cang Na knew from those senior brothers who were lucky enough to go back alive what the admission process was like to Koma King School Park!

After some tossing, the two finally settled in, the dormitory is the same, but the two are in different classes!

"Let's go out for a walk around campus!" Cangna suggested!

"Hmm!" Tsubaki nodded, she felt carefully, since she came to the Koma King Academy, Cangna's tone seemed to have become impatient and restless!

"What a beautiful beautiful girl!" Cang Na and Tsubaki Ji are both first-class beauties, walking on the campus is naturally a scenery, and it quickly attracted the attention and sighs of the boys!

"It's good, it's still not as good as the first princess!" one of the boys said with some disdain!

"Well, the best goddess in my heart is the second princess, and they don't deserve to carry shoes!"

Hearing this, Cang Na and Tsubaki Ji both frowned, they are all the proud sons of heaven who are loved by the family, and when they hear others talk about them like this, they are naturally dissatisfied in their hearts, but the following words also make them much more comfortable!

"I think she's a nice beauty too!"

"Hmph, it's not as good as my first princess anyway!"

"Cangna, who is the first princess?" Hearing that the people around her were talking about the first princess, Tsubaki tried to ask!

Cang Na thought for a while, and then said: "The first princess, according to legend, is the eldest princess of the vampire clan, her name is Lias, but in my eyes, she is just a traitor!"

"Traitor?" Tsubaki asked, confused!

"Tsubaki-hime, it's not appropriate for you to know these things now, believe me, I'll tell you when the time is right!" Cang Na said calmly!

"And what about the second princess?"

"The identity of the second princess is even more remarkable!" Cang Na hid it well, but Tsubaki still felt the hatred in her tone, but she heard that the vampire clan and the demon clan were mortal enemies, and it was normal to have hatred, and then heard Cang Na say: "The second princess's name is Zhu Nai, and I heard that she is still the daughter of the Mystery King!

"Oh!" Tsubaki pushed her glasses and nodded, she was born in a family of exorcists, and she had also heard the legend of the Enigma King!

"Look, the second princess has appeared!" At this time, the boy's side was excited!

"I'm so happy, I didn't expect to meet the second princess here!"

"She's coming!" Hearing the second princess appear, Cang Na's eyes full of murderous intent looked over!

A path opened in the crowd, and a girl in a white shirt and red skirt school uniform walked up, she wore a ponytail and a smile on her face!

At this time, Zhu Nai also felt a strong killing intent, frowned, and looked at the source of the killing intent, Cang Na!

The two looked at each other, but Cang Na did not restrain her killing intent at all, in her heart, it was this woman's father who caught her sister!

"Who are they?" Zhu Nai was wondering at this time!

Tsubaki Ji felt the killing intent that erupted on Cangna's body, and pulled her sleeve to make her restrain herself!

The eyes of the two women looked at each other in the air, and the dignified killing intent permeated out, Cang Na was targeted, and Zhu Nai was an instinctive reaction, and he had to be murderous to the existence of murderous aura!

"Cang Na, what's wrong with you?" Tsubaki reminded in a low voice, you must know that the two of them are in the enemy position, and everything has to be done step by step, how can Cang Na be so unabashedly murderous intent!

Hearing Tsubaki Ji's voice, Cang Na's emotions quickly calmed down, and the killing intent also converged!

Zhu Nai's killing intent also converged, and the two women had no verbal communication, so they staggered by, in fact, the two women were thinking in their hearts!

"Tsubaki-hime, what do you think of this woman's strength?" Cang Na took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in his heart, and then said!

"The murderous aura is free to retract and release, very strong!" Tsubaki Hime's white and tender fingers pushed her glasses, and then said!

"You still missed a little!" Cang Na muttered and said, "Her strength seems to be stronger than mine!"

"...!" Tsubaki Ji didn't dare to respond, she knew in her heart that although Cang Na's strength was very strong, Zhu Nai's strength seemed to be stronger!

Cang Na also understands it in his heart, but when he thinks of the strength he has cultivated hard day and night, he is really unwilling to be below in comparison!

"I'll get stronger and get my sister out!" Cang Na clenched his fists and muttered coldly!

And Zhu Nai is also wondering, it is obviously the first time to meet, how can he release a murderous aura to himself, could it be that his popularity has decreased!

"No, she's just a girl with a problem!" Zhu Nai muttered, "But although that murderous aura is rough, it's not bad!"

"Didn't my father tell us to look for our dependents, and if you invite that girl, it will be fine!"

"And what about giving her that pawn?"

"Soldier, no, the status is too low, she may not want to!" Zhu Nai muttered in self-denial!

"Then the queen! In this way, she should be willing!" Zhu Nai finally decided!

Zhu Nai plans to let Cang Na be the queen and turn back immediately!

"Lord Cangna, she... She's coming!" Tsubaki Ji, who found Zhu Nai, immediately became vigilant, and then said!

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Cang Na's identity has been forged layer by layer, and it is not clear what she is about without deliberately investigating, so Cang Na believes that Zhu Nai must not be looking for her own identity, but something else!

"That, classmate, please stay!" Zhu Nai walked up in small steps, and then blocked Cangna's way!

"Is there anything wrong with you?" Cang Na didn't have any expression on his face, and his tone was also light!

"Eh!" Looking at Cang Na's indifferent tone, Zhu Nai smiled, thought about it, and then said: "This classmate, what is your name, I want to get to know you, my name is Zhu Nai!"

"Take it!" replied Cangna!

"So Cang Na, are you a demon?" Zhu Nai asked in a low voice, from the murderous battle just now, she felt Cang Na's demonic aura!

"What's the matter? Koma King School Park doesn't discriminate against demons, right?" Cang Na asked rhetorically!

"Of course not!" Zhu Nai smiled, there are not only demons studying in the Koma King Academy, but also fallen angels, and even angels, she is naturally not surprised!

"This one next to you is...?" Then, Zhu Nai's eyes were on Tsubaki Hime!

"Her name is Tsubaki Hime, and she is my good friend!" Cang Na was the first to say! (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oh!" Zhu Nai responded, then nodded.

"If it's all right, we're leaving!" Cangna said again!

"Cangna, Tsubaki Ji, you wait, meeting is fate, why don't I invite you to my dormitory to get together!" Zhu Nai said again! She could feel that these two were good seedlings, and she naturally didn't want to miss them!

"Cangna?" Tsubaki Ji frowned, she was very unaccustomed to Zhu Nai, who was suddenly courteous!

Cang Na also frowned, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "Okay then!" Cang Na also needs some information about the Mystery King, and Zhu Nai is the best breakthrough!

Soon, Zhu Nai took Cang Na to the villa!

Ask for flowers0

At this time, Lias took her two dependents out to practice, Hei Ge went to prepare her homework, and only the thrifty Valkyrie was waiting at home!

"Who are you?" Seeing the two strange women behind Zhu Nai, Lotvia Arthur immediately said vigilantly!

"Okay, Lotvia Arthur, they are my good friends, this is Cangna, this is Tsubakihime!" Zhu Nai smiled faintly!

"Second Miss, didn't the master order it?

"I said, they are my friends!" Zhu Nai bit the word of friend very hard!

"Alright then, I'll go get something to eat and greet your friends!" said Lotvia Arthur!

"No need, we'll be out soon!" Zhu Nai waved her hand, she had learned the so-called dim sum of Rose Viath!

Sure enough, after Zhu Nai took Cang Na to visit, he took the two girls to a café!

"Cang Na, you are a demon, then you should know the demon chess piece, right?" Zhu Nai asked!

"Of course I do!" Cang Na nodded!

"So, then please be my queen?"

"Queen?" Hearing this, Cang Na was stunned, and Tsubaki Ji's face also changed, Cang Na herself is the king, and Tsubaki Ji is the queen, and now Cang Na wants to become someone else's queen, she naturally doesn't want to see it!

"I'll think about this!" Cang Na didn't refuse! A person can fuse several chess pieces, such as Qin Feng's mount Tan Ning, in the original book, he is the king, and he is also the queen of the legendary demon, holding two positions!

Back at her residence, Tsubaki asked anxiously, "Lord Cangna, you... You really plan to become Zhu Nai's dependent!" because she found that Cang Na was a little moved

"Why not!" Cang Na asked rhetorically: "If I become Zhu Nai's dependent, I will definitely be able to learn more information, and even have the opportunity to get close to the Mystery King!!"

"Lord Cangna, what is the purpose of your coming here?" Tsubaki asked in a deep voice

"Ten years ago,My sister was captured by the Mystery King.,After investigation,,My sister seems to be being held by the Mystery King somewhere in the Koma King Academy.,So I'm going to rescue my sister!" Cang Na thought for a moment, and then said!"Tsubaki Hime,You have to understand!"

"Hmm!" Tsubaki nodded! "After you become Zhu Nai's dependent, you will definitely be able to find out where your sister is being held!"

"I already know where my sister is being held!!" Cang Na said again


"I want to collect information about the Mystery King!" Cang Na said again! "The Mystery King has always been mysterious, so I want to take this opportunity to get some useful information out!"

"But it's too dangerous!" Tsubaki said worriedly

"There's no way around it!" Cang Na's face didn't shake in the slightest, and said, "Even if it's dangerous, I have to complete this task!"

"Alright then!" Tsubaki nodded, acquiescing to Cangna's actions

And Zhu Nai was interrogated by Los Viath

"Second Miss, who are those two women just now?" asked Rose Viather anxiously

"Ah Lala, I don't need to report to you when I find a friend!" Zhu Nai said with a smile

"Be sure to report to me!" Roseviather said with a solemn face: "Although that woman is well hidden, I still feel it, murderous aura, against the second miss, your murderous aura!"

"Hey, she, like me, is also a first-year student in high school, and we only met today!" Zhu Nai spread his hands and said innocently: "As for her murderous aura, I don't know what's going on!"

"Are you sure you're meeting her for the first time today?" asked Lotsvia again!

"That's right!" Zhu Nai thought for a moment, and then nodded definitely!

"That's probably for your father, anyway, you have to investigate her background!"

"I know this!" After Rose Viather said this, Zhu Nai also had an extra heart, in her heart, everything that threatened her father, she must clear it!

Qin Feng didn't expect that Zhu Nai would meet Cang Na, and asked Cang Na to become her queen!

He's somewhere in Kyoto at this time! Kyoto is no ordinary place in this world.

At the same time, there are Japan's strongest monsters, the strongest people and demons, all living here, this thousand-year-old capital, for ordinary Japanese, is the symbol and origin of Japanese culture, but it is also a super fighting arena for people and monsters to fight, if not for these fights most of them will not involve ordinary people, I am afraid that ordinary people here will not be able to live at all.

Of course, in this world of races, monsters are estimated to be at the bottom, and only those monsters that do not enter the stream will attack humans, but this kind of character basically comes out and dies once, after all, exorcists are not vegetarians!

Qin Feng came here to find the general of the monster, the nine-tailed fox Hasaka! Although the monster is no longer the mainstream, but the strength of this general battle is still very strong, in the original book, she was controlled by Cao Cao and fought with Yicheng and others, first suppressed the key when fighting with the key of the dragon king, and finally it was the key of the dragon king and the jade dragon that successfully subdued Yasaka San.

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