"Where?" Yasaka's strength is very strong, although Qin Feng plans to make Yasaka become Zhu Nai's dependent, but the time is not suitable, Yasaka's strength will make Zhu Nai dependent, but Qin Feng has to contact it first!

"Found it!" Yasaka's strength is much stronger than other monsters, which also causes Yasaka to be like a bright light in the midst of many breaths, so Qin Feng quickly determined his goal!

"Who's coming!" At the same time, Yasaka, who was resting in a large compound, also felt the aura of approaching!

"Lord Yasaka, there's a teenager coming outside, saying he wants to see you!" At this time, a middle-aged man walked in and said!

"You tell him, no!" Yasaka frowned, and then said!

"Lord Yasaka, that young man said that if you don't go to see him, the consequences will be serious!"

"Then let him in!" Yasaka thought about it, and after feeling the surging magic power from afar, he finally nodded! But before the middle-aged man went out, Qin Feng walked in by himself!

"Damn, who let you in!" the middle-aged man shouted, and then his body flew upside down!

"Who are you, and why would you hurt my subordinates?" Hasaka frowned!

"Don't be nervous, my name is Qin Feng, I am from the vampire clan, your name is Yasaka!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"That's right, I'm Yasaka, but we youkai and you vampires don't interfere with river water, so why did you come to my place to make trouble?"

"You can't say that!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes again and said, "Beauty is sin!

"What do you mean? Are you at war against our youkai clan? I heard that the vampire clan has started a war with the three major forces of demons, fallen angels, and angels!" Hearing this, Yasaka's face sank, and then he said coldly, his eyes bursting out with murderous intent!

"One, three, three" "You can understand it like this!" Qin Feng had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't take Yasaka's threat in his eyes at all!

Qin Feng looked at Yasaka in front of him, just like his daughter, he had orange hair, but his figure was much plumper than his!

"You're a high-level monster, and your strength is also very strong, so I need you to help me!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"You said you want me to help you?" Hasaka sneered, "Why should I help you with the affairs of your vampire clan and the three major forces!"

"Because I'm stronger than you, if I don't surrender, I'll die!" Qin Feng raised his head, his body disappeared instantly, and suddenly appeared in front of Yasaka, in Yasaka's frightened eyes, Qin Feng gently picked up Yasaka's delicate chin, and said with a smile: "Perhaps, after you become my woman, you will obediently surrender to me!"

Looking at the man who raised his chin, Yasaka wanted to resist, and her pride as the general of the monster told her that she must resist! However, the killing intent that burst out of Qin Feng's body was too powerful, and the killing intent had been substantialized, and when Yasaka looked at it, she saw that what appeared behind Qin Feng was a hellish view!

She believes that if she makes a move, she will become a part of hell!

"Move... Get moving!" "Yasaka was drenched in cold sweat, and with a coquettish shout, a tail came out!

Qin Feng jumped forward, dodged the blow of his tail, and then looked at Yasaka's hand that was still dripping with blood, and glanced at her with appreciation!

"Use pain to stimulate your nerves to get rid of my fear!Sure enough!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, "But it's useless, the gap between us is unimaginable!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yasaka had already rushed up, the speed was very fast, and the nine tails were already flicking, constantly attacking towards Qin Feng!

"Is that the extent?" Qin Feng smiled slightly, before the tail was photographed, the black qi behind Qin Feng formed nine big hands, catching towards the tail!

After the black gas caught the tail, he threw Yasaka out!

Yasaka was thrown out, and the eight big hands immediately formed a big hammer, and then blasted at Yasaka!

"Boom!" Hasaka's figure was knocked out!

The serial attack immediately severely injured Yasaka!

The black qi spread, turning into a whip to lift Yasaka out of the ruins! Looking at Yasaka, who was miserable but had no less charm, Qin Feng smiled!

"How's that? surrender or die!"

"Then you kill me!" Hasaka looked at Qin Feng angrily, with no intention of begging for mercy!

"This is difficult!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, the last thing he wanted to see was this kind of beauty who was not afraid of death!

"You scoundrel, hurry up and let my mother go!" At this time, a childish voice came, and then, a yellow ball of energy broke the whip that Yasaka had lifted!

"Mom, are you alright?" a miniature version of Yasaka walked up!

"Hurry up... Hurry up and get out of here!" Hasaka spat blood, coughed a few times, and hurriedly pushed his daughter away!

"Jiuzhong?" Qin Feng was stunned, then laughed out loud and said, "Although you are not afraid of death, if I want to kill your daughter, will you compromise?"

"Don't!" Hearing this, Yasaka's pupils shrank, and a black whip caught the nine-fold little foot with lightning speed!

However, the black whip was about to drag the nine layers over, and there was another flash of light, and the black whip was directly split into two halves!

Due to the fact that Qin Feng made too much noise, now those monsters have rushed over one after another!

And what appeared in front of Qin Feng at this time was also a middle-aged man, holding a long knife in his hand, while the other one was shouting, holding an axe in his hand!

"Are you here to die?" Qin Feng smiled slightly, and the black qi formed a giant blade, and then smashed down on the two of them!

Among the two monsters killed in seconds, Jiuzhong also successfully fell into Qin Feng's hands!

"Don't hurt my daughter!" Hasaka's palm covered his abdomen, thinking that the attack had hit him hard!

"Don't worry, I won't hurt your daughter, if you don't listen to me, then there is no guarantee!"

"I... I'll listen to you!" Hasaka nodded hurriedly!

"Very good!Come with me!" Qin Feng waved his hand, a door appeared in front of him, and Qin Feng walked in first!

Yasaka also followed without hesitation, and in the blink of an eye, Yasaka found himself in an office, and in front of him, it was still the boy who kidnapped his daughter!

"Mom, hurry up and save me!" said Kue crying!

"Kue good, mom will come to save you soon!" said Yasaka comfortingly!

"Then let's fight!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"You... What are you going to do?" Yasaka unconsciously stepped back and said in horror! This tone is so familiar! Before she became the general general, because of her appearance, some eyeless monsters made such a voice when facing her!

Qin Feng's heart fluttered, and he fought with Yasaka!


"Now you can let my daughter go!" said Yasaka after getting dressed!

"Not yet!" Qin Feng shook his head! "Didn't I say it, as long as you are obedient, your daughter will be safe!"

"You're really shameless!" Yasaka snorted coldly!"Then you still want my body?" After speaking, Yasaka looked at her clothes, as long as Qin Feng was willing, she could promise her body again!

"Hehe, miss me, you looked like a dead fish just now, I thought you didn't feel it!" Qin Feng sneered and said, "But I'm in a good mood today, so I don't want you, you go back to Kyoto first!"

Hearing this, Yasaka's face was overjoyed, and he could finally leave the clutches of this demon!

"Then can I leave with my daughter!" Hasaka glanced at Kuju and asked!

"Your daughter is very cute, so I want to keep your daughter for me as a companion, I won't hurt her, of course, if you don't obey, I can't guarantee it!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

This time, Yasaka understood that his daughter was a hostage!

"Okay!" After thinking about it, Yasaka nodded, as long as he still has use value, then his daughter will not be harmed!

"But I'll tell you, as long as my daughter loses a hair, I'll settle accounts with you!" Hasaka said fiercely!

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you back a chubby daughter for nothing!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

In this way, Hasaka left, and Jiuju was also thrown into the castle by Qin Feng, and it was Veni Lana who was in charge of it, and Veni Lana was very good to others except for her hatred for Gurefia, so Qin Feng was very relieved to hand over Jiuju to her!

After thinking about it all night, Cang Na still agreed to Zhu Nai's request and became her dependent!

At this time, Cang Na has already moved into the villa, and this matter will naturally be known to Lias!

"Zhu Nai, what's the matter with that guy?" said Lias with a frown! Although Cang Na hid it well, the sensitive Lias still noticed the coldness in Cang Na's eyes!

"She's my queen now!" Zhu Nai smiled and said!

"You are confused!" said Lias angrily!

"What's the matter, didn't my father say that you can use these chess pieces on your own?" Zhu Nai asked rhetorically!

"Father said so, but don't you think this girl is very problematic!" asked Lias!

"What's the problem?"

"That look is weird, it's so cold!" said Lias!

"It's nature!" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"And you know what her name is?"

"It seems to be called withdrawing Cangna!" Zhu Nai thought about it and replied!

"How did you meet?" asked Lias again!

"Hmph, it's like interrogating a prisoner, I won't tell you!" Zhu Nai snorted coldly!

"Zhu Nai, now is not the time to be rash, that woman is really in trouble!" Lias said a little anxiously: "I'm afraid she is coming for her father!"

"Of course, I knew there was something wrong with her, so I kept her around!"

"Then you must not take her to see her father!" Lias nodded, knowing that Zhu Nai was also vigilant, and said!

"Why?" Zhu Nai asked rhetorically!

"Don't you think that over the years, there have been more and more women around my father?"

"It's a bit much!" Zhu Nai thought about it and nodded!

"Cangna's posture is perfect, if she is allowed to meet her father, with her father's personality, she will definitely bring her into the castle, and when the time comes, Cangna...!" said Lias, blushing!

"Ah Lala, are you afraid that Cang Na will become our aunt?" Zhu Nai said with a smile! "Lias, I didn't see it, you are a father!"

"I'm just worried about my father!" retorted Lias!

"Okay, I won't take Cang Na to see my father, but my father has great powers, if he finds out, I can't control it!" Zhu Nai said again!

"This... I'll tell my father the whole story!" said Lias again!

"But Lias, you have an opponent this time!"

"Ahh What an opponent, I... I'm not from my father!" Hearing this, Lias's face flushed again when she thought of something!

"What, I mean, Cang Na will also run for the president of the student union!" Zhu Nai smiled: "Didn't you say that the position of student union president is in your pocket?"

"Hmph, let's see!" said Lias, flicking her red hair, haughtily!

And Cangna, because he agreed to Zhu Nai's request, also moved to Zhu Nai's villa and lived with Zhu Nai and others!

Cang Na didn't know that she had aroused Zhu Nai's vigilance, but she didn't act immediately, but tried to integrate into this small family!

Lias originally thought that Zhu Nai was joking, but she didn't expect Cang Na to be really elected as a candidate for student president, just like her, which made Lias furious, Cang Nai was Zhu Nai's queen, if she lost, wouldn't it mean that she was not as good as Zhu Nai!

"No, you can't lose!" said Lias as she clenched her fists and muttered to herself!

And Irina is naturally also a candidate for the student president, in Lias's heart, she is the president, and Irina is naturally the vice president, but now I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected spoiler!

"Lias, don't worry! Cangna won't be your opponent!" Irina shook her yellow hair and smiled!

"I know this!" Lias took a deep breath, this time about the glory, her heart was far from as easy as it seemed!

"Hey, I really didn't expect there to be so many candidates for the chairman!" Irina said again, "In addition to us, there is another person named Tsubaki-hime who has also become a candidate!

"Have you found out where Cangna came from?" asked Lias again!

Hearing this, Irina shook her head and said: "I deliberately went to the archives and looked at the information of Cang Na and Tsubaki Hime, Tsubaki Ji is from the family of the exorcist, is a human being, and is now a reincarnated demon, and Cang Na's information is blank, it seems that someone deliberately deleted her information, but both of them came in through the relationship of Aunt Gurefia!"

"Third aunt?" Hearing this, Lias was slightly stunned, and thought to herself: Could it be that the third aunt deleted Cangna's information?

"Since Cangna has a problem, then we can arrest her!" Irina said again, "and then interrogation, I will definitely be able to ask for useful information!" 0.7

"No!" Lias shook her head and said, "It's not the time for us to do it, and Zhu Nai hasn't found out what Cang Na has to do, I'm afraid that the third aunt will be bad for my father!"

Lias sighed again and said, "If Cang Na has a problem, then the third aunt will also have a problem, I'm afraid...!" Actually, Lias didn't know that Cang Na's information was deleted by Qin Feng himself, in order to prevent the people below from discovering Cang Na's details!

"Third aunt, no, didn't she have a child with her master?" asked Irina in disbelief...

"It's hard to say, now that the vampire clan is facing off against the three major forces, we can't be careless!" Lias said in a cold voice! She knew that in addition to Junai, Grufia, including her own mother, was snatched from the demon clan by her father, but even if her mother wanted to hurt her father, she would stop it if she fought with her life!

"Okay, let's talk about these things later, the final election of the student council president will be held in the afternoon, let's go and prepare!" After thinking to no avail, Lias said again! In Lias's plan, she is the president, and Irina is the vice president, but Cang Na also has such a plan, she will be the president, and Tsubaki Ji is the vice president!

In the afternoon,The auditorium of Komagoh School Park,The election of the student council president will be held here...

At this time, the students of the whole school gathered here, and the four girls, who were candidates, were already standing behind the scenes!

The time hasn't come yet, but there's a commotion inside the auditorium!

"Who do you think will be elected president?" said one of the boys!

"Of course it's the princess, look at her haughty eyes, red hair, every move is tugging at my heart!"

"I don't think Cang Na is bad!" Cang Na has already had some fans just a few days after coming to school!

The boys always revolve around these two people, and soon, the time is up!

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