Soon, a year has passed, and in this year, Cang Na has not made any moves, no, it should be said that after knowing that someone may be unfavorable to her, she didn't dare to act rashly, and she has been obediently in front of Zhu Nai's queen to win Zhu Nai's trust, however, after Zhu Nai knew that his father was interested in Cang Na, Zhu Nai, who was controlled by his father, has been on guard against Cang Na to prevent Cang Na's identity from changing and becoming his aunt!

Today is the time for new students to enter again!

Somewhere in town, a boy with pigtails, who looked pretty good, but looked particularly lewd, said to his mother in a red T-shirt!

"Mom, I'm going to go!"

"Hmm. You have to study hard!" At this moment, a purple mediocre woman came out and whispered, "You'd better bring me a girlfriend back, you know?"

"Yes, I know!" The boy's originally serious face suddenly became obscene, and said: "Mother, I heard that there are a lot of beauties in the Koma King School Park, and my son will definitely live up to your expectations, bring a few wives back!"

"Son, you have to study hard!" At this time, the man who came out was in his early forties, with wrinkles on his face, but he was just as obscene as his son! At the same time, he was also very obscene and whispered: "You must bring a wife back!"

"I know!" Suddenly, the boy ignited an infinite fighting spirit!

The man's name is Hyoto, and he was originally the male protagonist, but due to Qin Feng's intervention, the Red Dragon Emperor is no longer on him, and now the artifact on his body has not awakened!

Soon, after Hyodo came to the school, he saw a lot of beautiful women, and his eyes emitted a faint green light!

"Sure enough, it's Koma King Gakuen! there are so many beautiful women!" said Hyoto drooling!

Of course, in addition to Hyodo, there are also two boys like Hyodo who look at the girls coming and going with lewd eyes!

These two boys, one is called Matsuda and the other is called Motohama, the pervert trio in the future!

Sure enough, after Hyoto and the two met, they chatted for a while and immediately became confidants!

"Komaoh School is really good!" the three of them lay on the grass, and Hyoto praised him heartily!

"Hmph, Hyodo-san, shouldn't you be satisfied like this!" At this time, Matsuda said: "These beauties we see are just appetizers, and there are more benefits waiting for us later!"

"Welfare, what welfare? Could it be that Komagoh School Park has a plot similar to Desire Academy!" Hyoto suddenly said with interest! "Or there is a maid club, a prison club, a beauty club..."

"Sure enough, it's a friend of Shichu!" Motohama couldn't help but give a thumbs up when he listened to the endless stream of yoto, and said, "Of course not, I mean, there are more beautiful girls behind!"

"More beautiful girls?" Hearing this, Hyoto, who had never been in contact with many women, was stunned, just now he saw a group of dazzling beauties talking and laughing past him, and the breeze followed, immediately bringing a burst of fragrance, which really made him intoxicated!

"That's right!" Yuan Bin pushed his glasses, pretending to be calm and said: "I have already adjusted the information here before I came here!

"One is called Lias.,The other is called Zhu Nai.,It's said that they're all the daughters of the chairman of the Koma King School Park.,With the title of princess!"

"Ahh Do we have a chance to get to know them?" Hyodo asked again, then said with a lustful smile. "If you marry these two princesses home, won't you be a winner in life!"

"There are very few opportunities, and their personalities are cold, just like ice beauties, so so far, the boys who have been able to talk to the two girls can be counted in one slap!"

"That's hopeless!" Hyodo said in a depressed mood!

"Brother Hyoto, how can we give up so easily!" Matsuda grabbed Hyoto's palm and said affectionately: "We want to deeply impress the goddess in our hearts with the love in our hearts, and one day, the dick will be reversed!"

"Alright, let's fight for the princess!" said the three of them with high-fives!

At this time,Another family member of Cangna,Also enrolled in the Pony King School Park!

Patrol Ba Handle and Tsubaki Ji already knew each other, and after Tsubaki Ji's explanation, Patrol Ba Handle became Cangna's dependent, and also obtained an artificial artifact!

"Lord Cangna, there seem to be a lot of good seedlings among the new students, should we get in touch with them?" Tsubaki said again!

"Let's wait first!" Cang Na thought for a moment, then shook his head, "Let's see what Zhu Nai's movements are on first!"

"Alright then!" Tsubaki-hime nodded!

At this time, as the president of the student union, Lias did not strengthen the student union, the student union was still supported by Lias, and now that the new students have entered the school, Lias also plans to recruit some dependents!

"Sister Liana, aren't you going to take a look?" said Bai Yin, who was lying on the ground and reading a comic book with his feet crossed!

"No, Irina has been paying attention, there should be news!" said Lias waving her hand!

And Irina came to a crowded place and silently observed the students in the crowd!

"Hey, why are they all men!" Irina muttered, the man in Irina's mouth is Hyoto, because of Hyoto's obscene personality, people can feel the cheapness emanating from Hyoto from a long distance!

However, Hyoto is a male relationship, so Irina doesn't consider it!

"Really, that lewd guy actually has an artifact!" Irina sighed, "Hmm? Another boy with an artifact! But this boy is quite normal, it's a pity!" "The boy Irina said is naturally Kiba, with blond hair, and looks very handsome, because of Qin Feng's involvement, Kiba is still an ordinary boy now, without any magic power, but that kind of thing has attracted the attention of many girls!

Because the appearance of Kiba attracted the attention of the girls, the scene was a little restless, and naturally it also attracted the attention of the astringent wolf trio!

"Damn, that guy stole the limelight!" Matsuda said with a sad look on his face!

"Isn't it just a little white face, is it necessary to be so popular!" Motobin also said!

"Actually, I look good!" Hyoto also said sadly, in fact, Hyoto's appearance is not bad, but it is much worse with that obscene smile!

"Get out of the way!" Matsuda said immediately!

"A winner in life!" Matsuda said sadly and angrily as he watched Kiba surrounded by a crowd of girls!

"By the way, wolf friend, what's your name?" Now Matsuda has introduced Hyoto as a confidant!

"My name is Hyoto, what about you?" Hyodo said!

"My name is Motohama, my name is Matsuda, and we will be a wolf trio from now on!" the three said in unison!

"Lord Cangna, that guy has an artifact, we really don't need to go down and contact her?" Upstairs, the two girls saw the Hyoto playing below through the window!

"No!" Cang Na still shook his head!

"But if this continues, that guy will be snatched away!" Tsubaki tried to persuade!

"Over the past year, judging from Lias and Zhu Nai's behavior, Lias and Zhu Nai don't seem to be interested in boys!"

Hearing this, Tsubaki Ji thought about it, the truth seems to be like this, for a year, she didn't find that Lias and Zhu Nai had too intimate behavior towards men, and they didn't even talk much!

"But... But that's our guess!"

"Tsubaki-hime, do you see Irina? she's on the other side!" said Kona again, "Her eyes are full of contempt, so my guess is correct!

"Who is it?" asked Tsubaki-hime!

"Yesterday I received a letter from my uncle, saying that he would send a helper to help me rescue my sister, and the agreed location was in the grove in the back area, called Wally!"

"Then I'll pick him up!" Tsubaki said!

"Well, you must be careful when you go for a run!" Cang Na admonished!

Irina looked at these three people with some disgust, she was already obscene, and she was proud of the astringent wolf, it was really a big forest, and there were all kinds of birds, but the young man called Hyoto looked very familiar!

"Little white face?" Irina looked back on Kiba, remembering that the chairman whose skin was whiter than Kiba, and could be said to be delicate, Lias's father, he could be called a little white face!

At this time, Irina found out again that a young man with a sunny appearance walked in, but unlike Hyoto and Kiba, this young man has magic power, and that magic power seems to be on par with her, no, it should be said that it is stronger than her, only Liana and Zhu Nai can win against him!

"What a powerful person!" Irina sighed! Not surprisingly, this young man will definitely become a powerhouse at the level of a demon king!

"Demon breath, I didn't expect the people of the demon clan to send so many excellent seedlings over!" Irina thought to herself! She really couldn't understand what the demon clan was going to do, no matter how good the seedlings were, it would take time for them to grow, and sending them into the enemy's hinterland before they became strong was not jeopardizing the future of their own clan!

The boy is Wally.,After he learned Odin's magic.,The next thing is to stay in practice.,The next thing is to make a successful move.,At the request of Assasil.,Entered the Koma King Academy.,Of course,Wally entered here to find a companion.,As soon as he came in, he found two people with artifacts, Kiba and Hyodo!

"It's not bad to have the two of them my dependents!" Walimes thought!

"But what did that guy ask me to do here?" "Here is the task assigned by Asacheer.,Said that after entering the Koma King Academy,,There will be someone to meet him.,I just heard that the Koma King School Park is the territory of the Mystery King.,Thinking of the strength shown by the Mystery King and Odin when they fought against each other.,It's a life of nine deaths to come here to carry out a mission!

Wally was not in a hurry to make contact with the two of them, but kept walking inside, in front of a dense small forest!

At this time, in front of the dense grove, a black straight girl was waiting!

"You're Wally!" said Tsubaki lightly as Wally approached!

"Well, you should be the one who answered me!" Valli nodded slightly!

After confirming his identity, Tsubaki said, "It's not convenient to talk here, you come with me!"

Soon, Tsubakihime took Wali to Cangna's station!

Cang Na first observed Wally, and after discovering the demonic aura on Wally's body, his guard relaxed!

"That's you!" Vali said first!

"Hmm, you're the one who helped me?" Cang Na nodded, she could feel the magic in Wally's body, it was very powerful, it was indeed a big help!

"Hmm!" Wally nodded, "but I'm just a helper, not your subordinate, so you can't interfere in my life!

"This is natural!" Cang Na nodded! "Tsubaki-hime, you go and help Wally solve some problems with the accommodation of the freshmen!

Irina's gaze wandered among the many female students who had entered the school, and she didn't find a girl with an artifact!

Suddenly, Irina saw a girl with short blue hair and a white cloth wrapped in her back walk in!

Although she is not an artifact user, she can feel that this girl is definitely not simple, and the thing wrapped in it gives her a fatal sense of crisis!

"Reincarnated Angel?" Irina quickly thought of a possibility, this girl's strength is similar to her, she can make her a threat, only the demon's fateful enemy Angel Clan, she didn't expect that even the Heavenly Realm sent someone to blend in here, but the girl in front of her is also a talented seedling, why didn't the Heavenly Realm protect her well, but sent her to such a dangerous place!

"You have to talk to Lias!" After thinking about it, Irina returned to the student union office, but she didn't expect that if it wasn't for Qin Feng's appearance, she would also become a reincarnated angel like this girl, because she was a natural holy sword envoy!

"You're saying the Celestial Realm has sent someone over?" asked Lias in surprise as she told her story!

"Hmm!" Irina nodded!

"So, the three forces are really united!" Lias thought for a moment, as if thinking of a way to deal with it!

"You're saying the person sent by the Celestial Realm is a girl?" said Lias with a smile!

"yes! And an angel of reincarnation!" Irina nodded!

"In that case, then I'll let him make a loss for his wife and break his army!" Lias narrowed her eyes and said slyly, "Since she is a reincarnated angel, then we will make her a fallen angel first, and finally become my dependent!"

"However, if she can become a reincarnated angel, her faith in God should be very solid!"

"Hehe, she may not know that the god she believes in is dead!"


"So we're going to tell her now?" said Irina, eager to try!

"Don't worry, let's wait until we get to know her!" Lias waved her hand!

Zhu Nai also asked people to go down to watch, but he didn't find a suitable person as a dependent!

"Forget it, if it really doesn't work, just ask my father for a few artifacts!" Zhu Nai thought to herself!

At this time, in order to show his friendship to his allies, Cangna is taking Wally to visit the campus, and Tsubaki is also close behind!

"You... Hurry up and look, there's a beautiful woman there!" the sharp-eyed Hyoto saw Aona in the crowd and said to his two companions!

"Oh, I know who she is?'s name is Cangna, and the other black straight one is called Tsubaki Hime, and it's our senior sister!" Yuan Bin pushed his glasses and said the information he got, "They are the people of the Komagao Academy.,They have a high popularity in the Koma King Academy.,But they also seem to be extremely cold to boys!"

"It's so beautiful!" Matsuda praised!

"Hehe, that's not all, if you meet the two princesses, you know what beauty is!"

"Didn't you say that you were cold to the boys, and what was the matter with the boys behind her?" Hyoto asked, pointing at Wally, puzzled, "Could it be that your information is wrong?"

"Impossible!" Yuan Bin shook his head, and when he found that Cang Na was really followed by a boy, he was suddenly petrified!

"What's going on?" Motohama was devastated!

"Could it be Senior Sister's boyfriend?"

"Damn! That guy is also a winner in life, and he has such a cute senior sister!"

Along the way, Cang Na naturally noticed the trio who jumped out, and frowned slightly!

"Lord Cangna, do you want me to teach him a lesson?" Tsubaki said behind her back!

"This is the man I fancied, you can't move!" said Wally!

"Who do you have a crush on?" Hearing this, Tsubakihime looked at Wally with some strange feelings!

"Ahem, I mean this guy has an artifact in his body, and I want him to be my dependent!" Under Tsubakihime's strange gaze, Wally hurriedly explained!

"We've got a crush on this guy too!" Tsubaki said lightly!

"Alright, Tsubaki-hime, since he has a crush on him, let it be for him!" Canga said nonchalantly! As long as Wally can stay and help him, then her chances of rescuing her sister will be much better!

"Now that you've seen the campus, tell me what you're for!" Eventually, the three of them came to a sparsely populated lake, and Wally asked.

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