"Ten years ago, my sister was captured by the Mystery King, so I want you to help me rescue my sister!" Cang Na said!

"Mystery King!" Hearing this, Wally was shocked, he clearly remembered the battle between Odin and Qin Feng, the kind of power that destroyed the world and the earth, he still has palpitations!

"You can't make it!" said Wally, bluntly, "or we're all going to die here!"

"Anyway, I'm going to give it a try, you can choose to help me or not!" Cang Na said indifferently!

"You have to think clearly, you will die!" Wally said calmly: "In fact, I have seen the Mystery King make a move, when he fought with my stepfather Odin, that kind of power is not something that people can have, Rao is as strong as my stepfather must be defeated!"

"I'm not afraid!" Cang Na still shook his head!

"Well, since you're going crazy, I'll help you too!" Wally's ambition is to challenge the strong, and although he is afraid to face the Mystery King, he doesn't want to back down!

"Okay, then let's form an alliance!" Cang Na was overjoyed and continued: "Since you have seen the Mystery King, then you should still remember the appearance of the Mystery King!"

With Wally's help, Cangna believes that she can save her sister!

"You came to Koma King Academy, you should have got some information!" asked Wally!

"Hmm!" Cang Na nodded: "I've got the information, my sister is imprisoned in the basement of the Koma King School Park, and I also got the way to the basement!"

"Then why haven't you acted?" asked Wally, confused!

"I'm thinking, everything I am estimated to be under the surveillance of the enemy!" Cang Na said calmly: "That's why I didn't make any moves!"

"What's going on?" Valli frowned, if what Cangna said was true, then they were in danger!

"Here's the thing, a year ago, we found a seedling with potential, and when we wanted to take him as a dependent, he died!" At this time, Tsubaki Ji spoke: "We guess that his death is related to the teacher at school, and the most likely is that Lias and Junai sent someone to kill him!"

"Lias?" Wally naturally knew that Lias and Junai were both daughters of the Mystery King, known as princesses, and he remembered that when he first entered the school gate, he felt that someone was peeping at him, and that person should be Lias's person!

"And what about the motive?" asked Valli again.

"Not clear!" Hearing this, Tsubaki Ji shook her head, and then said: "Now Lord Cang Na has become Zhu Nai's queen, and after a year of getting along, she has basically gained Zhu Nai's trust!" Actually, Tsubaki Ji doesn't know that Zhu Nai is still very wary of Cang Na, especially after knowing that Qin Feng is interesting to Cang Na!

"Is that really the case?" Wally asked, looking at Cang Na suspiciously, a little uneasy!

"Hmm!" Cang Na 070 nodded: "But the chairman of the Koma King School Park is very mysterious, I think he is very likely to be the Mystery King, so I want you to confirm it! If the Mystery King sits in the Koma King Academy, we have no chance of success, if it's really the Mystery King, I need to transfer the Mystery King away!"

"Hmm!" Wally agreed with Cang Na, and continued, "I'll help you determine if the chairman is the Mystery King!

"Yes, at that time, I will contact Uncle Lott and believe that he has a way!"

"Then it's up to you!" Wally nodded, and then parted ways with Cangna, he needed to make contact with Hyoto and Kiba!

Qin Feng stood by the window, looked at the three people below, and sneered, he had already listened to the conversation of the three of them!

"Since you are so anxious to rescue your sister, then I'll give you a chance!" Qin Feng said with a smile! After speaking, Qin Feng's body atomized, and then disappeared into the office!

In the gloomy basement corridor, with an abnormal breeze blowing, Qin Feng had already appeared in the basement corridor!

A few steps forward, opening the door, Qin Feng entered the basement!

This basement is spacious, white bricks and tiles, and decorated like a royal palace!

But in such a spacious palace, a ragged girl was bound by a rope and hung in the air!

"It's you bastard!" The girl saw Qin Feng coming in and immediately scolded!

"The mouth is still so hateful, it seems that the training is not enough!" Qin Feng sneered!

"Bah, I'm not going to give in!" Serafel snorted!

"It's been ten years!You really have perseverance!" Qin Feng couldn't help but admire and said, "It seems that your sister didn't misunderstand you!"

"Sister, you... You caught my sister?" Hearing this, Seraful immediately became nervous!

"Don't worry!I didn't catch your sister, it's just that your sister is studying in the Koma King School Park now in order to save you!"

"It's impossible, Sazex won't let his sister come!" Seraful immediately denied!

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that the Sazex you were talking about is dead!" Qin Feng said again!

"It's... This can't be!" Serafel was stunned, Sazex could be said to be the strongest among the demons, how could he die!

"You killed it?" Serafel asked in a cold voice, and only the man in front of him could kill Sazex!

"Sort of!" Qin Feng nodded, "Now the demon clan is the head of the (bcfi) shemale, and your sister was sent out by him!"

"Damn it!" Serafel cursed inwardly!

"What do you think I should do with your beautiful sister!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Qin Feng, if you dare to touch a single hair of my sister, I will definitely not let you go!" Seraful sneered!

"Hehe, now you are still a prisoner, why don't you let me go?" After speaking, Qin Feng had a smile in his eyes: "And you lost to me in every battle in the past!"

"You... What are you talking about?" Hearing this, Seraful's face turned red, and then he stammered!

"Isn't it?" Qin Feng rubbed his chin and smiled slightly. And put Serafel down!

"You... I must kill you! I must kill you!" Seraful knew what was going to happen next, and immediately yelled!

After Qin Feng got more pleasure from Seraful, he thought about how to create a chance for Cang Na to rescue his sister!

Soon, Qin Feng had an idea, and next, the news that the chairman went out to play quickly spread in the Pony King School Park!

Cang Na is not a fool, as soon as he thought of how to transfer the tiger away from the mountain, the chairman left, although reason told her that this was likely to be a trap, but in order to rescue her sister, she also had to break through, however, how can you be sure that the chairman is going to travel the news!

These days, Cang Na has been convinced that the so-called chairman is the king of mysteries!

"Lord Zhu Nai, where are you going?!"

"It was my father who summoned us!" Zhu Nai thought for a moment and explained slightly!

"Can you take me with you?" asked Cang Na tentatively!

"Okay!" Zhu Nai thought for a moment, and then nodded! This couldn't help but make Cang Na stunned, according to the previous practice, Zhu Nai would definitely refuse, but how could she agree this time! This made her a little puzzled, but it didn't matter, she needed to go to confirm the accuracy of this news! Actually, it was not that Zhu Nai wanted to bring Cangna, but Qin Feng specifically mentioned that he wanted to bring Cangna, and Zhu Nai brought her, otherwise, with Zhu Nai's temperament that was not inferior to Lias's father's control, how could he take Cang Na to see Qin Feng!

The meeting place is not in the chairman's office, but in the castle!

This is the first time Cang Na has met Qin Feng, looking at the young man sitting at the head of the hall, she can't believe that such a guy has a daughter like Zhu Nai, however, the demon has a long life, and his appearance will not age, and it is not surprising to maintain the appearance of a young man, in Cang Na's heart, the young man in front of him is at least a thousand years old!

"Zhu Nai, you're here!" Looking at Zhu Nai who walked in, Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Father, what are you looking for me?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai smiled, and then asked!

"Why don't you introduce the classmates behind you for your father?!" Qin Feng changed the topic and asked!

Hearing this, Zhu Nai couldn't help complaining in his heart, obviously he called it by himself, but he didn't know it, what kind of trouble is this!

"This is my dependent, called Cangna!" Zhu Nai reluctantly smiled and introduced!

"It turned out to be Cangna!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled extremely friendly, after the development of the demon chess pieces, the so-called dependents meant retainers, and it was only natural that Qin Feng would be friendly to Cangna!

"I've seen the Mystery King!" Cang Na said respectfully!

"Father, what are you looking for me?" Zhu Nai asked!

"That's right, there is a force opposing the vampire clan in the east, I'm going to go over and suppress it!" Qin Feng said!

"Ah! What kind of force needs your father to come out in person?" Zhu Nai was a little puzzled!

"The Vortex Regiment led by Lezevim!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "His strength is good, even Gabriel is not his opponent!"

"Oh!" Zhu Nai nodded, if this was really the case, Qin Feng would have no choice but to go out!

In addition, Cang Na's eyebrows jumped, she knew that Liezewim was a person, he was a strong man on the same level as Sazewim, no, it should be said that he was even more powerful than Sazewim, if he hadn't left, the reformers might not have been able to win, and Lezewim had established the Vortex Regiment, she also knew, now Lezewim is out of the mountain, it is a great news for her, because Lezewim can draw Qin Feng's attention, and she will have a chance to rescue her sister!

"Zhu Nai, during the time I left, you and Lias must take good care of the Pony King Academy, you know!" Qin Feng said solemnly!

"Father, don't worry!" Zhu Nai nodded!

After Zhu Nai and Cang Na left, the smile on Qin Feng's face did not decrease, the bait had been put down, and the next thing was to wait for the fish to take the bait!

When Cangna returned, he immediately found Tsubaki and Wally and told them about it!

"Aona-sama, could this be a trap?" Tsubaki-hime asked cautiously!

"It shouldn't be, I met Lord Mystery King just now, this is what he told Zhu Nai personally!" Cang Na hesitated, then shook his head!

"Are you really sure?" asked Wally, who had been silent!

"Well, it is said that the Enigma King is going to fight Lezevim of the Vortex!" said Cangna!

"Lezewim?" Hearing this, Wally's face changed, Lezewim was his grandfather, but this grandfather did not bring him warmth, but brought nightmares to his childhood, so Wally and Lezewim had a bad relationship!

"It's too much of a coincidence, we just discussed how to lure the Enigma King away, and the Enigma King left!" said Wally, despite all the words in the past!

"Lord Cangna, I also think it's weird!" At this time, Tsubaki Ji also spoke!

"But such a good opportunity, if we miss it, we won't have a chance!" Cang Na said with some reluctance!

"We can try it!" said Wally!

"How do you try?" Tsubaki asked immediately!

"I think I can observe for a while before I act!" Wally said, "In the meantime, I'll send a message back to verify the accuracy of the message!"

"Do you know Lezevim?" Hearing this, Cang Na was stunned again!

"Hmm!" Wally said with a wry smile, "I don't want to admit it, but Lezevim is my grandfather!"

"It turns out ... It turns out that you are still a descendant of the Lucifer Demon King!" Cang Na was a little surprised, Wally's birth was not inferior to her! At the same time, she was also a little wary in her heart, this person should not inherit the position of the Lucifer Demon King!

Wally smiled bitterly again and said: "Although I have inherited the bloodline of the Lucifer Demon King, I am not interested in the position of the Lucifer Demon King at all, my wish is to become the strongest!"

In the student union office, Zhu Nai and Lias got together, since the two were in charge of different departments, the two girls rarely got together!

"Lias, my father has left the Koma King Academy, and the affairs here will be managed by me!" Zhu Nai said with the appearance of a master!

"I'll take care of it!" Looking at Zhu Nai's complacent appearance, Lias was a little amused, and said: "Father ordered me to manage affairs with you, how did it come to your mouth, you are alone!

"Father also told you?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai was not embarrassed at all, and asked strangely!

"Of course!, Father won't let you take power alone!" Lias nodded!

"Abominable father!" Zhu Nai said fiercely in his heart!

"Sister Nariath, how are you going to deal with these freshman problems?" Zhu Nai asked again!

"It's the same as usual!" Lias asked with a rhetorical smile!

"Ah Lala, this year's students are mixed with the chess pieces of many forces, especially the three major forces!" Zhu Nai sneered!

"Find them all and kill them!" Lias said fiercely!

"Okay then!" Zhu Nai also agreed with this opinion!

In addition, Wally also got the news that there was indeed an abnormality on Lezevim's side, and the target seemed to be the base camp of the Mystery King, so it was normal for the Mystery King to deal with it!

"How's it going?" Cang Na asked anxiously!

"Well, Lezewim does have a move on his side! And Lezevim's strength is very strong, and the Mystery King himself has said that he has said it in the past, but I am still a little uneasy in my heart!"

"No matter how much! It's been nearly three days since the Mystery King left, and if I don't act again, I'm afraid I won't have a chance!" Cang Na waved his hand and said decisively!

"Alright then, although the Enigma King is gone, his two daughters are still there, and they need to make a good deal!" Valli said in a deep voice!

"Lord Cangna,Wally is right.,I took a look at the combat power of the Komaoh Academy.,In addition to Lias and Cangna,,And their dependents are also powerful reincarnated demons!" "Tsubaki-hime agreed!"

"Does that mean we only need one helper!" Cang Na said with a smile!

"Hmm!" Tsubaki nodded, "If we have one more helper, we can at least be evenly matched, but where do we find one?"

"Otherwise, I'll fight one against two!" Wally was still a little confident in his strength, of course, this was without facing a monster like Qin Feng!

"No!" Cang Na shook his head: "I have found the right person!"

"Who is it?" Tsubaki was stunned!

"The people of the angel clan are a reincarnated angel whose name is Janova!" Cang Na smiled: "I have already asked Uncle Lott to contact Michael, and there should be a reply soon!"

"Reincarnated Angel, if that's the case, then you can do it tonight!" Wally nodded!

"Okay, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, let's act tonight!" Cang Na said with a final word!.

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