Zhu Nai and Lias also made a plan, intending to pull out all the opponent's chess pieces tonight, as for Qin Feng, he didn't go to Liezevim to trouble at all, although he heard the news that Liezevim was going to deal with him, but this guy was not in a hurry at all, for three days, he stayed in the basement, waiting for Cang Na to be caught, and he was playing the prison game with Seraf without shame and impatience!

"You... How can you do this!" Serafore didn't know how many times she had been conquered, and after each expedition, she would collapse from exhaustion!

"What, aren't you enjoying it?" Qin Feng touched Serafore's fair skin, and then smiled!

"Hmph, it's not comfortable at all!" Hearing this, Serafel said fiercely!

"What did you say?" Hearing this, Qin Feng smiled, parted Seraful's legs, and then pressed up!


"Let's tell you a happy news!" After finishing the matter, Qin Feng said with a smile: "Your good sister seems to have decided to save you tonight!"

"It's... You...... Don't hurt my sister!" Hearing this, Seraful's face turned pale!

"Don't worry, your sister is as beautiful as you, how could I hurt her!" Qin Feng smiled again!

Looking at Qin Feng's cheap smile, Seraful knew that the guy in front of him must be beating his sister's idea, originally she cooperated with Qin Feng's play to protect her sister, but she didn't expect that this stupid sister was actually sent to the door, although it was to save herself, but Seraful still didn't want Cangna to come to the Pony King School Park!


After Cangna got in touch with Genova, Genova also responded to Cangna's request and agreed to help!

The entrance to the basement is on the top floor of the teaching building, in the chairman's office, so the few people plan to split up!

And Zhu Nai and Lias are also ready, and the people who act are Irina and Heige, well, there is also a Valkyrie!!

The five of them are also guarding the four corners of the school building (Black Song and Lotsea Viacer are in a group), and if this continues, the four of them will eventually have an encounter!

Wally's strength is very strong, the fastest speed, and he was the first to meet Black Song and Valkyrie!

"I didn't expect it to be a handsome little guy!" Hei Ge saw that it was Wally who came, and smiled slightly: "Then, you just let me have a good time!"

Wally naturally recognized that the royal sister in front of him was the black song who won the title of the most beautiful teacher, and her strength should not be underestimated, if it was one-on-one, he still had the confidence to deal with it, but now it was a one-to-two rhythm!

Wally's eyes looked at the two girls in front of him vigilantly, and his face was a little gloomy!

He could feel the magic power in Hei Ge's body, but he was also confident that even in the face of this magic power, he would be undefeated, but with another person, it would be difficult to say!

Seriously, Valkyrie Losvia Arthur has some relationship with him, Valkyrie used to be a subordinate of his stepfather Odin, and Lothvia Arthur used to work hard to become a Valkyrie, but he was kidnapped by Qin Feng at the beginning, but he didn't expect that a few years later, this guy's strength has become even stronger!

"Lotsviathur, give this little brother to me!" said Black Song with a smile!

"Hmm!" as a Valkyrie, Lotsea Viath's disdain for the bullying of the many!

"Whew!" Wally's eyes narrowed, only one-on-one, then everything was easy to say!

"Little brother, you have to be careful!" Wally saw Hei Ge in front, but in a flash, Hei Ge came to his side!

"What a speed!" Wally saw Hei Ge's slender hand in the shape of a knife and was cutting it down at him! Wally's heart jumped, and he hurriedly dodged!

"Little brother is vigilant!" In such a situation, he can dodge his own sneak attack, Hei Ge couldn't help but praise and said!

"Hmph, Wally!" his face changed, and he felt like he was being underestimated! "Let's play with you with magic first!"

As soon as Wally stretched out her hand, Hei Ge felt an invisible magic envelop her, but it was not her, but the air around her!

"The temperature has dropped!" Hei Ge naturally felt the temperature around him drop, and this temperature drop was caused by magic!

"Hehe!" Hei Ge sneered, and the magic power of his whole body burst out, wanting to dispel Wally's magic power, but the temperature drop caused by the magic power had already formed ice crystals, and countless ice crystals attacked Hei Ge!

However, Heige's figure disappeared again, and it appeared behind Wally again!

"Little brother, your magic is very good, who did you learn it from?" said Hei Ge with a smile!

"What's going on?" Wally hurriedly stepped back, but the knife formed by his palms still slashed his arm, and blood flowed out!

Wally was surprised to see Black Song silently appear behind him, because he couldn't see how Black Song moved!

"It's not easy to be dodged by you again!" Hei Ge had a smile on his face!

"So, will you be able to dodge this time!" After Hei Ge finished speaking, his body appeared on Wally's side, and then his wrist turned into a knife tip and stabbed out!

"What a speed!" Concentrated and focused, Wally dodged the attack at once!

Wally's palm swung as he retreated, and immediately after, Black Song found that the ground beneath his feet began to loosen, and then collapsed!

"Not good!" Hei Ge was stunned for a moment, because the clay tablets around him surrounded Hei Ge like a cage!

"Boom!!" the clay tablets collided together, and Wally, with a smile on his face and squinted his eyes, explained, "Although your speed is fast, you can only hate defeat in this situation!"

The smoke and dust were billowing and Wally felt it carefully, and the magic of the black song was gone!

"Then it's you next!" Vally's gaze turned to Valkyrie Lotsviath!

Rose Viath's eyebrows furrowed, but she didn't speak!

"Little brother, I'm not done yet!" Black Song's charming words rang in Wally's ears, and Wally immediately exploded!

"How is it possible, how can you not be dead yet!" Wally was a little surprised, he had seen Black Song squashed with his own eyes, unless Black Song could escape at the last moment, but was it possible!

"Nothing impossible, but I didn't expect you to use yourself as bait to lure me into the bait, so let's take the second round!"

"Hmph, I'm not going to lose!" Wally said with a sneer! At the same time, water vapor seemed to emerge from Wally's feet, and a small river was formed!

"Die!" Wally's small river turned into a water dragon as if it was alive, and washed away at the black song!

"If the speed doesn't keep up with me, you can't beat me!" Hei Ge sneered, his figure flashed again, and then dodged the water dragon, and at the same time, Hei Ge appeared in front of Wally, Xiao Xiaoxian condensed the terrifying power in his hand, and then blasted out!

"How can it be so fast!" Wally was knocked into the air, spitting out a mouthful of blood!

On the other side, Rosevia shook his head, although Wally's strength is good, but if he doesn't figure out the secret of Heige, he will never be able to defeat Heige!

"You look like you're going to lose!" Black Song slowly walked to Wally's side, and another attack struck out, blasting Wally away again!

The battle seems to be settled, and Wally keeps being blasted away!

"Then it's time to end this boring fight!" Black Song yawned, Wally's magic is good, but after all, he is a little younger, and he can't see the secret of his fast movement!

"I'm not going to lose!" In addition, Wally also stood up, and the magic power in his body exploded again!

"Hehe, it's a very good momentum!" Hei Ge sneered, and rushed up, Hei Ge's figure was ethereal, without a trace, and Wally, he could only be beaten constantly!

"End your life!" Black Song sneered, and thrust his palm into Wally's heart!

"I don't know what method you use to get that fast, but as long as I catch you, your speed advantage won't be able to be brought into play!" At this time, Wally had already grabbed Hei Ge's arm, covered in blood, and said!

"You despicable man, I'm going to kill you!" his arm was caught, but Hei Ge's originally smiling eyes became fierce!

"That's what I want to say, too!" Wally finished speaking, and a silver bombardment struck Black Song!

Wally is telling the truth, as long as the advantage of speed is gone, then Hei Ge is the lamb to the slaughter, but in addition to knowing the art of space, Hei Ge is also proficient in physical arts, fairy arts, and demon arts, so this time, Wally suffers!

Wally's move hasn't been used yet, Black Song swept away, and Wally flew out upside down again!

"Damn!" Wally stood up tremblingly after being swept away, this will, he finally realized that there are people outside the world, there are heavens outside the sky, and there are many people who are stronger than him! But Wally is still very excited, although the guy in front of him is powerful, but it is not impossible to deal with it, and it is not the feeling of being incomparable when facing Odin!

"It's really tenacious! I won't die like this!"

"I'm not going to die!" Wally snorted, "I'll show you my true strength now!" As he said that, the demon's wings emerged from the light wings behind him.

"Demon?" Hei Ge smiled indifferently, indeed, after revealing the demon's body, the magic power will increase! However, Hei Ge felt that abnormal fluctuation, and the magic power was rising sharply! And she also felt that this guy had an artifact in his body!

Ask for flowers0

"Come out, my companion, angel's light wings!" Wally shouted loudly! Suddenly, a strong white light erupted from Wally's body, and the light of the Holy Spirit made a demon like Hei Ge temporarily avoid the edge, but Hei Ge was shocked in his heart, why would a demon use the holy light of an angel, what an irony! In fact, this is also after the death of the god, although the system behind the artifact is still running, it has begun to blur the boundary between angels and demons!

Hei Ge opened his beautiful eyes and found that Wally had already flown into the air, and behind him were wings that shone with white light, like angel wings!

"Is that all there is to it?" Hei Ge sneered, if she was capable of this, she was still not her opponent!

"Hands-on!" Wally shouted again.

For a moment, all sides were surrounded by flashes of light, and after the light disappeared, a man wearing white gold full-body armor appeared, with a white light shining and a creature-like appearance.

Twelve pitch-black wings protruded from his back, black feathers fluttering around.

"It's amazing!" Black Song exclaimed!

"Die!" a white silver spear appeared in Wally's hand!

"Send you back to the West!" Wally knew that the silver spear in his hand would do more damage to the demon, and of course, it would have to hit the target!

After a shot, Hei Ge also dodged away, and still appeared in front of Wally so suddenly!

"My strength has become so strong, why can't I see her movements clearly?

"Did you finally find out?" Black Song narrowed his eyes as he looked at Wally's suddenly realized look, "But even if you find out, can you stop me?"

"Black Song, it turns out that you used space magic to move!" Wally laughed!

"So what? You can't deal with me!" Black Song sneered! Black Song is like the moon in the bloodthirsty world, proficient in space magic!

"That's not necessarily!" After speaking, Wally lifted his pipe cannon, and then aimed at Hei Ge, and the energy was also full!

"Have you said it all!" Hei Ge's figure flashed, and he was about to appear behind Wally, Wally seemed to anticipate Hei Ge's actions, and directly aimed the muzzle of the cannon at the place where Hei Ge appeared, and blasted out directly!

Roseviath, who was watching the battle, frowned, the attack just now, even the space was vibrating, and the black song was naturally more than lucky!!

"Whew, it's so dangerous!" The energy dissipated, but Hei Ge's figure did not fall, but was suspended in the air, but it looked very embarrassed!

Now that Hei Ge has revealed his cat's body, he has resisted that kind of attack!

"It's so dangerous!" Regaining his human form again, Hei Ge smiled, but his eyes were full of coldness, and the young man in front of him made himself embarrassed!

"I'm going to kill you!" Black Song's magic power also grew like a blowout!

"Drink!" Black Song appeared in front of Wally in an instant!

However, the wings behind Wally immediately shot out countless steel feathers, and Hei Ge blocked those gang feathers with one hand, and with the other hand, he grabbed Wally's head and threw him down directly!

Before Wally touched the ground, Black Song had already appeared above Wally, and then another kick, and the moment Wally landed, Black Song punched Wally into the ground!

"Now it's time for you to die!" After blasting Wally into the ground, the energy condensed in the black singer was blasted, and then he was sent out!

"Okay, Heige, if it goes on like this, the entire Pony King School Park will be razed by you!"

"Hmm!" Hei Ge stopped and looked at Wally, who was already seriously injured in the pothole, and then lifted Wally up and said, "Lotsviay, you take a good look at this person, I'll help!"

However, Lotsviarthur was about to go up and catch someone, but the badly injured Wally turned into a puddle of water!

"He... He fled!" Hei Ge was slightly stunned, and then muttered in surprise!

"Oh no, this guy is just delaying our time!" Black Song quickly understood Wally's intentions!

And in a dark room, the ceiling leaks like a big drop of water, and the dripping water droplets then form a white-haired man, it is Wally!

At this time, Wally's face turned pale, after all, the battle with Heige was not an easy thing!

"Cangna, I can only help you get here, it's up to you whether you can rescue your sister or not!" Wally smiled bitterly! He didn't use the last hole card in the battle just now, but he had bought enough time for Cangna, and there was no need to dwell on the next two!.

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