When Heige and Wally were fighting, Zhu Nai also staged an encounter!

Zhu Nai's opponent is Tsubakihime, a member of the exorcist family!

"Ah Lala, I remember you, your name is Tsubaki Hime, and you are Cangna's friend!" Zhu Nai narrowed his eyes, and then asked!

"Hmm!" Tsubaki nodded directly, and then said!

"Then that means that Cang Na is going to betray me!" Zhu Nai still had a smile on his face, but he was already full of killing intent!

"Becoming your queen is just a last resort, let me tell you, Cangna is also the king, and I am Cangna's queen!"

"But I'm curious, why do you want to act collectively, isn't it okay to keep going like this?" Zhu Nai had already restrained his smile and said, "Or do you have an ulterior secret!"

"Since it's a secret, I won't tell you!" Tsubaki-hime pushed her glasses and prepared for battle!

"Since that's the case, then I can't leave you!" After speaking, Zhu Nai's wings behind him opened, and a bolt of lightning slashed down!

"Raiden, is this your ability?" Seeing this, Tsubakihime was a little strange, but her movements were also dissatisfied, and she hurriedly dodged Raiden's attack!

"How about it, not bad!" Zhu Nai narrowed his eyes, his palm kept turning, and the thunder kept splitting down!

"Demon Breaker Arrow!" While dodging, Tsubaki Hime saw an opportunity and pulled her bow and shot a silver bow and arrow!

"Arrows that specialize in dealing with demons?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai could feel the power attached to the arrows!

"But this kind of power is still immature!" Zhu Nai sneered, and a thunderbolt greeted him again!

"Boom!" After the arrow became shattered, Zhu Nai's body began to glow with black gas, billowing black gas, which was similar to Qin Feng's ability to devour his shadow, but not as domineering as Qin Feng's ability!

The black gas is rolling, and all of a sudden Tsubaki-hime is enveloped in it!

"Mirror of Remembrance!" Tsubaki Ji began to release her artifact, shrouded in black gas, her magic power was suppressed by "One One Seven", if she didn't use the artifact, she was not Zhu Nai's opponent at all, she didn't expect Zhu Nai to be so powerful, then the strength of Lias, who is the same as her, is the same, I hope that Lord Cangna can defeat Lias!

"This is your artifact!" Zhu Nai smiled, and was about to make a move, when a huge alien monster stood in front of Zhu Nai!

"It's a summoned monster!" Zhu Nai was stunned, then smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to have the same ability as me!"

"Can you summon too?" Hearing this, Tsubaki Ji was stunned, she knew too little about the ability of the Mystery King, even if it was Cangna, she didn't know much!!

"Come out! The summoning of the demon beast!" Zhu Naijiao shouted, the black gas kept rolling, and then, in the black gas, a pair of scarlet eyes were revealed, followed by huge wings!

"Kill this disgusting monster for me!" As soon as the summoning of the demon beast came out, Zhu Nai immediately gave an order!

The summoning of the demon beast raised its hands high, and the yellow thunder condensed in his hands, and finally, countless thunderbolts thundered down on the aliens!

Another kill, and the alien soon fell in the thunder blast!

Now, Tsubaki Ji has nothing to do, although the Mirror of Remembrance can summon aliens, but that alien is not Zhu Nai's opponent!

"There's no means!" Zhu Nai narrowed his eyes and said, "Then it's my turn!" After speaking, the summon of the demon beast thundered again, and then hit the mirror of remembrance!

"Touch!" The mirror of remembrance was undoubtedly broken, but Zhu Nai's face was also pale, just now, she could feel that her body seemed to be attacked by thunder, which was summoned by the demon beast, but the power was even more powerful than the thunder of the demon beast!

"What's going on?" was defenseless, and Zhu Nai was also injured!

"Zhu Nai, this is my last resort!" After seeing Zhu Nai's injury, Tsubaki Ji sneered!"When the mirror is damaged, it will return the attack to the opponent exponentially!"

"So that's the case!" Zhu Nai wiped the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth and snorted coldly, "But that's what you want!" After speaking, the thick thunder fell, instantly hitting Tsubaki into a serious injury!

"Hurry up and tell me, what is your purpose?" After Tsubaki was seriously injured, Zhu Nai walked up and asked!

"Hmph!" Tsubaki sneered, "If I'm not wrong, Cangna's operation has succeeded!"

"Oh, I see, you're stalling for time!" Hearing Tsubaki Hime's words, Zhu Nai smiled and said, "You can't succeed, because Lias will stop Cangna!" After saying that, Zhu Nai lifted Tsubaki Ji up, and then put him in the prison of Koma King Academy!"But to be on the safe side, I'd better go and see the situation!"

On the other hand, the relationship between the two natural holy sword envoys who were originally born was already opposed because of Qin Feng's intervention!

On the playground of the Koma King School Park at night,The white fog is filled,The naked eye can't see the figure inside,Only the sound of weapons handover!

"I didn't expect to meet so soon!" Irina's magic sword and Genova's holy sword collided together, and then the two distanced themselves!

"Yes!" In fact, when he was enrolling, Jenova also noticed that this was Irina with a magic sword!

"Destroy Mode!" Genova finished speaking, and the holy sword in his hand burst out with a strong white light!

"This energy!" Irina's eyes narrowed, she could feel the mortal danger!

"Die!" Janova was straightforward, and swung his sword at Irina, and then, the white sword was thrown out!

"Hmph!" Irina's magic sword also emitted countless black gases!

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong!" The black qi with magical power formed a black sword and was thrown out, there is no doubt that this is also what Irina learned by herself after seeing Qin Feng's moves!

"Boom!" The two collided together, and immediately burst into a loud bang that shook the sky!

Qin Feng's self-created moves, the power is naturally not weak, but the power of Irina, who is still very immature in controlling magic power, is not so ideal! And Jenova's destruction mode is something left by the gods, and it can be said that Jenova is carrying forward the things left by the gods! Therefore, Irina's crescent moon celestial rush was quickly defeated! The white slash swept past Irina's side, although it was not slashed, but her body seemed to emit a wisp of white smoke!

"Looks like you're a strong guy too!" Not being hit by the Holy Light, this injury can only bring a little discomfort to Irina, like a cold!

"Mimic!" The three major forces joined forces in advance, resulting in Genova's holy sword being able to use the seven abilities of the original holy sword!

Seeing the change in the holy sword in Jenova's hand, Irina rushed forward first, as fast as lightning!

"Is the magic sword in your hand?" Jenova asked for a long time, and said, "But how can I feel that there is the breath of the holy sword on it!"

"You don't need to know this!" Irina sneered!

"You're no match for me!" said Jenova with a sneer!

Irina snorted coldly, the other palm was slightly clenched, and another magic sword was held in her hand, and the magic sword in her hand began to produce a vortex of karmic fire, and the other magic sword released cold air and produced ice mist at the same time.

"It's fast!" Irina was originally a knight, but Genova fended off attacks from all sides with minimal movements.

"Smash it for me!" Jenova finished speaking, and the magic sword condensed with magic power was immediately shattered by the holy sword!

"Now my sword is strengthened in terms of destruction, and there is nothing that keeps chopping. Jenova deftly swung his sword and raised it to the sky, swinging it towards the ground.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently, and there was a loud noise!

Now the place where Jenova swung the sword was greatly dented, like a crater!

"Then let's try to see if I can break your sword too!" The magic sword in Irina's hand was created by Qin Feng himself, and it was a top-notch artifact, naturally no worse than the holy sword!

The holy sword wrapped in the blue and white divine aura swung down again!

"So!" Irina looked solemn, and then stuck the magic sword on the ground, and immediately after, sword blades appeared in various places around her, and various forms of magic blades appeared in various places.

While Jenova slashed the attacking magic blade, Irina moved, her body was like the wind, and the magic sword flew towards Jenova with the sound of cutting the wind!

"My holy sword has seven abilities, and if you compare speed, my holy sword won't sleep!" The tip of the holy sword held by Jenova shook and finally disappeared!

"What a speed!" Irina just saw Jenova disappear, and the next moment she appeared in front of Irina and Irina could only passively block!

Janova and Irina are the closest in strength, so it is difficult to tell the winner of the battle between the two of them, and Cangna, with the patrol handle, and Lias met!

"Sure enough, it's you!" Lias didn't feel any surprise when she saw Cangna appear!

"Hmph, hurry up and get out of my way!"

"I'm curious, what are you trying to do in such a hurry to enter your father's office?

"No comment!" Cang Na sneered, "Patrol, can you stop Lias?"

"I'll try my best!" Patrol Bar looked solemn, and then summoned the artificial artifact Dragon Blade!

"Since you don't say it, then I can't let you pass!" Seeing that Cang Na was still thinking about continuing forward, Lias stopped Cang Na and said!

"Your opponent is me!" At this time, the patrol handle slashed over, and with this gap, Cang Na was already thinking about Qin Feng's office and set off!

Lias was not in a hurry, but looked at the patrol handle, and her eyes fell on the dragon sword in the hand of the patrol handle!

"Are you an artifact?" This knife gives him a special feeling, similar to an artifact, but not an artifact!

"Forget it, let's talk about it when I defeat you!" Lias waved her hand, and the divine robe was put on her plump figure, looking heroic!

"Drink!" jumped to his feet and slashed down!

Lias didn't dodge it in the slightest, allowing the blow to fall on her divine robe, and sure enough, the patrol handle couldn't break through Lias's defenses at all!

"It's... How is this possible?" and the patrol was very surprised, even his own artifact could not hurt her in the slightest, then there was no need to fight in this battle at all!

The patrol handle only saw the double-strand fork in Lias's hand slowly stroked down, and with a slight attack, she felt that her eyelids were very heavy, and finally she was unwilling to close her eyes!

After defeating the Patroller, Lias chased in the direction of Cangna, but Lias searched the entire building and found no trace of Cangna!

"Where did you go?" Lias's face was gloomy, she didn't expect Cang to disappear under her nose like this!

"Lias, what's going on here?" "After Zhu Nai defeated Tsubakihime, he has already joined Lias!

"Cang Na ran away!" thought for a long time before Lias spoke!

"It's... How could she run away?" Zhu Nai was also stunned!

"That's where I'm confused!" Lias sighed and said, "Cangna obviously entered this building, but now I can't feel her breath!"

They didn't know that Cang Na had been connected to the passage to the basement by Qin Feng, and even helped Cang Na hide his breath!

Cang Na didn't know when he entered this tunnel! Although he felt bad, Cang Na still walked down the passage carefully!

"I should be here now!" Cang Na took out the map and muttered!

As he got closer and closer to the basement, Cang Na heard a low voice like a kitten calling for spring!

"What's going on?" Cang Na frowned, but this voice sounded a little familiar, just like that, Cang Na approached step by step!

On the other side, Qin Feng, who was busy on Seraful, naturally knew that Cangna was already approaching!

"Serafel, your sister will come to your rescue soon!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

Seraful's face was crimson, his mouth made a humming sound, and his watery eyes also looked at Qin Feng sadly, which made people feel pity!

"Don't worry, your sister will soon be the same as you!" Qin Feng sneered!

"Please... Please don't hurt my sister!" Serafel is stubborn, but when it comes to her sister, she relents!

"Then it depends on whether you can be a man!" Qin Feng sneered!

"What do you need me to do?" In order not to let her sister be harmed, the difference in strength between the two sides was too big, and she was able to convince herself and please Qin Feng!

"You'll know this!" Qin Feng smiled!

Cang Na continued to go deeper, and soon realized that the voice was my sister's voice!

"Oh my God! this is my sister's voice!" Cang Na didn't expect to meet her sister like this, but Cang Na still held back her anger and wanted to see if her sister had already surrendered to the enemy!

"Say, what do you need me to do?" said Seraful through gritted teeth!

"I want you two sisters!" Qin Feng snorted coldly, a little dissatisfied with the tone of Seraf's speech!

"No, I won't promise you!" said Seraful exclaimed!

"I can't help you not agree, your sister is about to arrive!" Qin Feng smiled! "If you don't agree, you will die!" Qin Feng didn't have time to negotiate conditions with Seraf, Seraf was his, and Cangna was also his!

"Do you still have a choice? In the past ten years, you have stayed here just to protect your sister!" Qin Feng said with a sneer!

Cang Na watched her sister cry, a little annoyed, she didn't expect her sister to be willing to fall into the clutches of the mystery king for her sake, and she still doubted her loyalty to the demon 0.5 clan, it's really damned!

"Sister, I've saved you!" Thinking of this, Cang Na condensed the spear in his hand, and then rushed out!

"Cang Na, are you here? I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Qin Feng was not surprised to see Cang Na come in, on the contrary, those words just now were just what Qin Feng deliberately said to her! (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hurry up and let go of my sister!" Cang Najiao snorted and glared at Qin Feng!

"With your little strength, I also want to save your sister!" Qin Feng said with some disdain: "If I hadn't deliberately let you in, you probably wouldn't have been able to pass Lias's level!"

"You... Are you deliberately luring me into the bait?" Hearing this, Cang was stunned: "And you said that you went to deal with Lezevim is also false!"

"It's not stupid!" Qin Feng sneered: "Not only that, but even the map in your hand was deliberately leaked by me, otherwise, with your little people, where can you collect intelligence!"

"But... But why are you doing this!" Cang Na was a little puzzled, she didn't expect that the information she had worked so hard to get was deliberately leaked by the enemy!

"Of course I lured you to the bait!"

"Sister, I'll get you out!" Looking at Serafel with tears on his face, Cang Na said calmly!

"Sister, you... Hurry up, you're no match for him!" Serafel said hurriedly!

"No, I don't need my sister's protection, I can protect myself!" After speaking, Cang Na instantly came to Qin Feng's side and stabbed him out with a shot!

"I can't help myself!" The black qi behind Qin Feng suddenly enveloped Cang Na!

"Drink!" The spear in Cang Na's hand swept away, sweeping away a little black qi, but after all, it was not Qin Feng's opponent, and the difference in strength between the two sides was huge!

The black qi was endless, and Cang Na couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the black qi at all, let alone hurt Qin Feng!

"How's it going, you know I'm amazing!" After a few clicks, Cang Na was bound by the black qi!.

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