The red pillar of light didn't last long, and when the red pillar of light gradually dissipated, a blue claw stretched out, and blue wings appeared like a shield from the sky!

"Mr. Werewolf, the Phantom Demon Emperor has a special ability, which is that he can stack the magic power of the dead beasts!" Zhu Nai narrowed his eyes and said, "You should remember how many demon beasts you killed!"

Hearing this, Fenrir was stunned, he didn't care about the number of those demonic beasts, but there were two digits, at least!

Judging from the demonic power, the magic power of these demons is above that of the superior demons, and he wondered why he would kill these demonic beasts so easily!

"Roar!" The Demon Emperor who revealed his hideous body opened his arms and roared in the sky, and the demon beast killed by Fenrir turned into a wisp of black mist and merged into the body of the Demon Emperor!

After absorbing all of them, the body of the Phantom Demon Emperor suddenly swelled, and after it was twice as large, then, the surging energy was visible to the naked eye, centered on the Phantom Demon Emperor's body, rippling like ripples!

"What a terrible monster!" Hei Ge was already the strength of the highest level demon, but he couldn't withstand the coercion issued by the Phantom Demon Emperor!

"Phantom Demon Emperor, kill the guy in front of me for me!" Zhu Nai's face was even paler, barely supporting his body, and he gave an order!

After Zhu Nai's order was given, the Illusion Demon Emperor opened his eyes, which were angry and evil eyes!

"So powerful!" was Fenrir's first feeling when he faced the Phantom Emperor!

The Phantom Demon Emperor suddenly came to Fenrir's body, looking at Fenrir who was quite tall, but compared to the Phantom Demon Emperor, he was a dwarf, his claws were open, and a blue destructive light condensed in his hand!

"I haven't lost yet, my god-killing fangs can tear everything!" The gap in magic power terrified Fenrir, but Fenrir had defenseless, god-killing teeth, and when the pillar of light hit him, Fenrir's teeth also gritted out!

"Two-seven-zero" "Boom!" Fenrir was confident, because the blue pillar of light was bitten off by his god-killing fangs, but before Fenrir could enjoy the joy, the blue pillar of light exploded directly in his mouth!

The pillar of blue light was not torn apart by Fenrir, but exploded in its mouth!

"It's a success!" Zhu Nai narrowed his eyes, looking at Fenrir whose mouth was blown open and his teeth fell to the ground, and smiled slightly!

"Damn, so your eyes are my teeth!" Fenrir looked at the lost teeth and looked at Zhu Nai with a look of hatred!

"The tooth of killing gods is really not simple!" Zhu Nai picked up a resume tooth, smiled slightly, after a violent explosion, there was no trace of destruction left on it, but it was as bright as new, under the illumination of the sun, it flashed with a cold light!

"Give me back my teeth!" Fenrir was furious and tried to snatch the teeth from Junai's hand, but before Fenrir could appear in front of Junai, Fenrir noticed that the fierce sunlight was blocked by something, so that it formed a shadow on the ground where he was standing!

Fenrir instinctively raised his head, his pupils shrank, and in his pupils, the huge fist continued to expand! Immediately after, with a "boom", a big pit suddenly formed on the surface, and Fenrir was hit by the fist, embedded into the surface like loose mud!

"Are you dead?" After the smoke and dust cleared, Zhu Nai walked up, looked at the seriously injured Fenrir, and smiled slightly!

"Boom!" Zhu Nai jumped forward, and then, the ground where Zhu Nai was standing just now suddenly exploded, only to see the Phantom Demon Emperor punch Zhu Nai blasted down!

"It seems that my father is right, I can't control this power yet!" At this time, Zhu Nai looked at the expressionless and murderous Phantom Demon Emperor, and smiled bitterly again!

At this time, the magic power in Zhu Nai's body was squandered, and in the face of the rapid attack of the Phantom Demon Emperor, Zhu Nai couldn't dodge!

"Miss Zhu Nai, be careful!" Hei Ge took the lead in moving, breaking through the space, and had already saved Zhu Nai before the fist arrived!

"Thank you, Heige!" Zhu Nai's face turned pale!

"Miss Zhu Nai, didn't you summon this monster, how could it wave its fist at you?" asked Hei Ge with a frown!

"Father said that with my strength, I can't summon such a powerful beast, I think that's the reason!"

"Rose Viath, you go find the master, this monster is not something we can deal with!" Black Song shouted at Rose Viath, and in the sky, a huge blue figure blocked the sun's rays!

"Not good!" Hei Ge was stunned for a moment, surprised by the speed of the Phantom Demon Emperor, and when he was about to use the space magic, the fist wind had already blown the two of them down!

"Hei Ge, leave me alone, you can't escape from its attack range with me!" Zhu Nai smiled bitterly, just now he narrowly avoided the attack of the Phantom Demon Emperor!

"No!" Hei Ge shook her head, with her strength, it did take time to take a person through the space, but how could she abandon Zhu Nai!

The Phantom Demon Emperor naturally wouldn't give the two girls of Hei Ge time to breathe, and if they missed the blow, the Phantsome Demon Emperor had reached the peak of his anger, and in its eyes, an ant-like existence could dodge his attacks three or four times!

Another punch was blasted out, but this punch was very different from the previous one, countless fist shadows blasted out, densely packed!

"Can't hide!" Looking at the shadow of the fist in the sky, Hei Ge flashed a thought, and then protected Zhu Nai, intending to use his body to withstand this attack!

"Boom!" the entire abandoned factory was razed and dusty!

The Phantom Demon Emperor was very excited, because the ant had finally been cleaned up by himself!

"Really, tell you not to mess around!" A somewhat lazy voice came, and then, a figure came out of the smoke and dust, no, it should be said that a young man was holding Zhu Nai and Hei Ge in his left and right hands respectively, and the foothold was a huge palm!

"Father (master), you're here!" Seeing Qin Feng appear, the two girls said excitedly!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng put the two girls down, and looked at the Phantom Demon Emperor in front of him calmly!

When the smoke and dust cleared, Zhu Nai and the two girls realized that the three of them were in the palm of the blue giant's hand, and those fist shadows were all stopped by the blue giant's body!

"Is this my father's beast?" Zhu Nai muttered!!

At the same time, the Phantom Demon Emperor saw the giant who was almost the same as himself, and roared angrily, and blasted out with a punch!

However, the Giant God Soldier is even more exaggerated, and the invincible it seems to feel that the guy in front of it is provoking its divine might!

"Kill!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, and the black mist swirled upward, condensing on the fists of the giant god soldiers!

"Is this my father's power!" fist to fist, the two collided together, and in Zhu Nai's surprised gaze, the body of the Illusory Demon Emperor flew out upside down!

After the Phantom Demon Emperor appeared upside down, the wings behind him flapped and pounced again, but he hadn't come to the front of the giant god soldier!" With a "click!", there seemed to be a piece of flesh falling from his fist, and then, his entire arm was crawling with cracks, and then, his entire body cracked, and finally turned into a drop of black blood and returned to Zhu Nai's body!

After solving this guy, Qin Feng looked at the scar on Zhu Nai's arm and felt a little distressed!

"Zhu Nai, don't do such a dangerous thing in the future, with your strength, you can't control such a powerful beast!" Qin Feng blew Zhu Nai's little nose and said!

"Yes, I see!" Zhu Nai nodded, "Father, can you turn this thing into a weapon?" Then, Zhu Nai took out Fenrir's god-killing fangs!

"Of course you can!" Qin Feng knew that Zhu Nai risked his life just to win the tooth of the gods, and now Qin Feng naturally couldn't let Zhu Nai down!

"That's great!" Zhu Nai said happily!

"Then what type of weapon do you like, just this material, it is estimated that you can't make a sword, so it's better to build a dagger!"

"Hmm!" Zhu Nai nodded! "I've thought of a name, it's called the God-Killing Dagger!"

After getting the Phantom Demon Emperor, Qin Feng lifted Fenrir, who had already fainted, and with a stroke of his hand, he immediately cut off Fenrir's head, and then, blood erupted like popcorn, but the strange thing was that the erupted blood did not fall to the ground, but gathered together to form a red ball!

Then, Qin Feng pulled up Zhu Nai's injured arm, and the red ball adhered to it like a mucous membrane!

"The god-killing fangs can ignore defenses, but the power is very powerful!" Qin Feng smiled slightly: "With your vampire physique, being bitten by the god-killing fangs will not heal for a while, so when I nourish you with its blood, it will be able to heal!"

Sure enough, the blood adhered to it, and soon penetrated into the skin and was absorbed by Zhu Nai, after the blood was absorbed, the scars on the arm healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the fair skin grew again, Zhu Nai could feel that his strength seemed to be more refined, although it was not obvious, but it did improve!

"Okay, Zhu Nai, you can go back to the castle with me! Your mother is nagging!" Qin Feng smiled slightly!

"Oh!" Zhu Nai hasn't seen his mother for a while!

Subsequently, Qin Feng took Zhu Nai into the castle, and as for Heige and Lotsvia, the two of them returned to the Pony King Academy!

"You kid, why are you so disobedient, if it weren't for your father's appearance, your life would not be guaranteed!" Knowing that Zhu Nai was in danger, Zhu Li said very politely!

"Aren't I safe!" Zhu Nai said with a smile!

"Don't be hippie and smiley, let me tell you, you can't summon that beast again until you reach the level of the Demon King, you know!"

"I know!" Zhu Nai agreed, in fact, if it weren't for the dangerous situation, she wouldn't have summoned that uncontrollable beast!

After chatting with Zhu Li about family life, Zhu Nai returned to the Koma King Academy, and of course, he also brought the god-killing dagger that Qin Feng had created!

Zhu Nai came to the park where Aisha often appears again, and now she wants to know, Aisha can cure the demon, originally Zhu Nai wanted to test it himself, but because of his physique, ordinary weapons can't hurt herself, and now with the god-killing dagger, she can finally verify the doubts in her heart!

Zhu Nai took out the god-killing dagger, the god-killing dagger was about thirty centimeters long, the whole body was dark, and the blade was extremely sharp!

Zhu Nai lightly scratched his palm, and suddenly, blood flowed out!

"Aisha-san, hello!" Zhu Nai walked out and said hello!

"You... Are you Zhu Nai's senior sister?" Seeing Zhu Nai's bright smile, Aisha was slightly stunned, for this senior sister who is very popular in the Pony King School Park, she naturally knows!

"Can you help me heal it?" Zhu Nai stretched out his bleeding palm and said!


"It really works!" Zhu Nai breathed a sigh of relief, and while looking at Aisha's eyes became even hotter!

"Miss Zhu Nai... You...... What are you going to do?" Seeing Zhu Nai look at her like this, Aisha asked a little embarrassed, "Do you think I'm a monster?"

Hearing this, Zhu Nai shook his head and said, "This is a gift from God, and the use of power lies in the individual, I believe that Aisha you can use this power very well!"

"Aisha, I want to invite you to work in the student union, is it okay?" Zhu Nai asked!

"I... Can I?" Aisha hesitated!

"Of course you can! With Aisha's appearance, there must be a lot of fans!" "Zhu Nai took Aisha's little hand and said!

"Hmm!" Aisha nodded happily!

"Aisha, this is my gift to you!" Soon, Zhu Nai took out a chess piece, the monk's demon chess piece!

"What is this?" Aisha didn't know that this was a pawn of the devil!

"Chess!" Zhu Nai narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Haven't you ever played chess, Aisha?"

"This...!" Hearing this, Aisha's face turned red, she really hadn't played chess before!

"Take it!" Without waiting for Aisha to speak, Zhu Nai had already handed the chess pieces to Aisha's hand, and then, the chess pieces merged into Aisha's palm!

"Senior Sister Zhu Nai, how can this be, the chess pieces have melted into my body!" Aisha asked in surprise!

"Ah Lala, how can the chess pieces be integrated into your body, you must have read it wrong!" Zhu Nai said again! However, Zhu Nai was surprised that it was obviously fused with the demon chess pieces, but she still felt a strong divine aura from Aisha!

"What an irony!" Zhu Nai sneered in her heart, she didn't expect that the reincarnated demon would have a strong belief in the angel god!

"Is that so?" Aisha tilted her head, and after repeating a sentence, after the occurrence of no change in her body, she didn't bother with the topic anymore!

At this time,Far away from the edge of the Koma King School Park,The white-haired man appeared embarrassed.,He looks very young.,About a teenager.,Dressed like a priest.,And it's a beautiful boy.

The man's name is Friedseran, and he is a grassroots member of the Exorcist Order, but because of his cruel methods, he is classified as a heretic!

"Damn, that woman is really difficult!" the white-haired man gasped!" The white-haired man gasped, "But this feeling of hovering on the edge of life and death is so wonderful!" After escaping the pursuit, the white-haired man rested for a while, stood up, and took out the map!

"Where is that woman?" The white-haired man's gaze swept over the map: "Haha, there it is, the Koma King School Park is here!"

After the white-haired man cleaned up a little, he set off towards the Koma King School Park!

After quietly turning Aisha into her dependent, Aisha officially joined the student union as Zhu Nai's secretary!

"Aisha, get used to it!" After a few days of 2.2, Aisha has basically adapted to the work of the student union!

"Hmm!" Aisha blushed, then nodded.

"Aisha, let's move the luggage to our villa today!" Zhu Nai suggested! Because Aisha had just arrived, she rented a house outside and lived in it, and after a few days of tossing, Aisha also agreed to move to Zhu Nai's villa!

Soon, Aisha took Zhu Nai to a building, which was not a building or an apartment, but an ordinary wooden house.

"Aisha, do you live here?" Seeing the humble house, Zhu Nai was slightly stunned, and then asked!

"Hmm!" Aisha nodded with a smile and said, "Because the rent is very cheap, I chose this room, and the landlord is also a good person!"

"The landlord is a good person!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai complained slightly, probably because of Aisha's beauty to make such a concession!

But when the two were about to knock on the door, they found that the door was open!

"What's going on?, the landlord is usually closed!" Aisha was a little confused!

Zhu Nai's brows furrowed slightly, because she smelled blood!

"Aisha, you follow me, there may be danger inside!" Aisha is a healing demon and has no combat power!

There is no light in the corridor, there is a staircase leading to the second floor, and it seems that the light is not turned on, only the room in the depths of the first floor seems to have lights, but it is very dark, and soon, Zhu Nai and Aisha came to the living room, which is equipped with sofas, TVs, coffee tables and other furniture, and there is a corpse on the wall, the corpse on the head and feet, the body is attached to the wall, showing the shape of an inverted cross, fixed with nails, and the thick nails are nailed to the palms of the man's hands, the soles of the two feet, and the center of the body.

"The landlord is dead!" Aisha recognized the dead man, it was the landlord, his body had been cut by a thousand knives, and all his internal organs were leaking out!

"Cruel means!" Zhu Nai frowned, she killed a lot of people, but it was always an instant kill, not such a cruel killing!.

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