Hearing this, Yube Luna's face was overjoyed, and after years of hard work, her wish had finally come true!

"Of course the subordinates are willing, but the master's side...!" Yuber Luna restrained her joy and said what she was worried about!

"Don't worry, I'll talk to my father. Lias casually threw her queen pawn over! Yubeluna took the demon pawn and immediately incorporated it into her body!

After taking Eubelluna as a dependent, Lias's gaze crossed over to Resel and rested on Rabel!

"Brother, what should we do now?" Seeing the red-haired woman's gaze fall on her, Rebel asked a little nervously!

"Run!" The red-haired woman was even more beautiful than Yube Luna, but he was not in the mood to appreciate this beauty, feeling that the red-haired woman's body was not weaker than his magic, and now there was only one thought left in his mind, which was to escape!

"That's good!" Rebel also felt that the situation was not good, and quickly nodded in agreement!

The flames on the two of them swirled out, and in an instant, both of them turned into firebirds!

"Run!" Rysel gave the order, and the two immediately flew into the distance!

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy, chase!" Seeing the two of them fleeing, Lias immediately made a decision and said to Yube Luna!

The speed of the two Rysel is extremely fast, but the speed of the two daughters of Lias is not slow, although they did not catch up, they also followed closely!

"Brother, we haven't gotten rid of them yet, what should we do?" The little girl didn't expect to encounter such a dangerous situation when she first came to the human world, and her eyes were filled with tears, as if she was about to cry!

"Split up!" said Rysel again!

"Hmm!" Rebel also had no idea, and when she heard Rysel say this, she immediately flew in the other direction, and Rysel also turned her back away!

"Miss Lias, they're separated!" Eubelluna immediately asked, "What are we going to do?"

"You go after the woman, I'll kill the man!" said Lias immediately!

"Miss Lias, please be careful, they are the demons of the Phoenix family, and they are immortal!" Eubeluna reminded!

Lias nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have a way to deal with it, but it's you, don't kill that little girl, you must bring her down alive!

"My subordinates know!" Eubeluna knew the reason for the capture, and sighed in her heart for the good luck of this little girl, but she didn't expect her to be favored by Miss Lias!

"Divine Clothes!" Looking at Rysel, whose speed has increased a lot, Lias summoned the divine clothes, and with the blessing of the divine clothes, the magic power has increased and the speed has become extremely fast!

"How is it possible, to catch up with my speed!" Ryssell was a little surprised to see that the distance was getting closer and closer, but he was somewhat relieved to see that the woman with the ability to backtrack did not catch up, of course, he didn't realize that Lias's ability was even more terrifying than Yubeluna!

"Stop me!" a magic array suddenly appeared in Lias's hand, and immediately after, a red pillar of light with destructive power erupted from her hand!

"Hmph!" Facing the pillar of destruction light, Rysel changed direction and dodged Lias's attack, and a red flame also attacked Lias!

"Just a few flames!" Lias, who was dressed in a god robe, naturally did not have to dodge these flames all the time like Yube Luna, and Lias rushed over fearlessly, directly breaking through the heavy flames, and came to Rysel's side!

"What!" Ryssell couldn't believe that the guy had passed through the invincible flame in his eyes, but his body was not damaged!

"Is it because of that weird armor on you?" Ryssell easily thought it was because of Lias's armor!

"Good eyesight, let's die!" Lias sneered!

"Hmph, if you don't have this armor, you're just trash! you can't even pass through my flames!" Ryssell sneered!

"You're dying!" Lias also snorted coldly, and then, the magic burst out, instantly appearing on Ryssell's side, and punching him in the face!

"How could this kind of fist be...!" Ryssell was surprised again, because of his immortal body, he could not have been physically harmed, but now it made him spit out a large amount of blood from his mouth.

"My power is not as simple as you think, even if you have an immortal body, you will be harmed!" Lias smirked!

"Damn!" Rysel's wings burned even more violently, and the firebird turned its surroundings into a sea of fire and rushed towards Lias!

Lias's palm was flattened, and then she held it up, and immediately after, countless red magic arrays appeared!

"Boom!" Before Rysel could react, a terrifying energy immediately burst out from the magic array!

The flames and the pillar of light collided violently! In the meantime, a double-strand fork appeared in Lias's hand!

Taking advantage of the annihilation of her power, Lias throws it at Ryssell!

"Poof!" the double-strand fork pierced Rysel's abdomen!

"How is that possible!" he didn't expect that his immortal body would be hurt one after another!

"Die!" Seeing Resel faint, Lias didn't plan to let him go, and the red magic circle surrounded him!

"Lias, wait a minute!" At this time, Qin Feng appeared from the void! The reason why Qin Feng appeared was because he took a fancy to Rysel's ability to turn into flames!

Qin Feng felt that this ability was very similar to the ability of Ace in "One Piece", developed to the extreme, he could create light, and after he got this power, he had mastered the power of darkness and light!

"Father, why are you here?" Seeing Qin Feng appear, Lias was quite curious!

"Leave this person to me to deal with!" Qin Feng smiled, and the black mist rolled up the already unconscious Rysel, directly breaking through the void and returning to the ancient castle!

Lias didn't know what Qin Feng was going to do, and soon, Yube Luna came over with the captured Rebel, there were traces of fierce battles, but she didn't see Rysel's figure, she thought that she should have been killed by Miss Lias, she was convinced of Miss Lias's strength!

"Where's my brother!" asked Risen Exhaustion from the battle with Yubeluna, but Rysel was still nowhere to be seen!

"He's been killed by me!" Lias sneered!

"What, brother was killed by you!" After speaking, Rebel's magic power was exerted like a super level, and the flames also burst out, and all of a sudden, Rebel fought to break free from the shackles of Yube Luna!

"The magic is good, but it's not my opponent!" Lias stretched out her palm, and the huge palm formed in the void pierced through the heavy flames, catching it!

"You let go of me!" Rebel is only the strength of a lower-level demon, and he only reached the strength of a middle-level demon when he suddenly exploded just now, so naturally he will not be Lias's opponent!

The huge palm annihilated its flames, and then, Lias returned to the Komagal King School with Yube Luna!

Lias wants to take Rebel as a dependent, but because of her brother's relationship, in a short period of time, Lias will definitely not be able to accept Rebel, but taking Eube Luna as a dependant is the most correct decision for Lias, because Junai has subdued Aisha, a little girl with a healing artifact, and now Lias has also subdued Euber Luna, who has gone back in time, and the team that originally distanced herself has returned to the same level!

"Miss Lias, what are we going to do with this guy?" asked Eubeluna, looking at Rebel as she struggled!

"Let's lock her up first!" said Lias, waving her hand!

"Lias, you're back?!" At this time, Zhu Nai walked over, his eyes fell on Yube Luna, a little stunned!

"Lias, you are really shameless, you actually asked your father for someone!" said Zhu Nai through gritted teeth!

"Hee-hee, you can do it too!" Lias snorted, "By the way, what's going on with Cangna?"

"What else can I do? She hooked up with her father, and now even I, the king, ignore it, and it's a complete waste of my demon pawn!"

"Who told you to insist on taking her as a dependent!" Lias sneered!

"By the way, I've heard that Cangna is taking in a lot of dependents! And Cangna has a lot of man-made artifacts in his hands!" asked Lias!

"Hmm!" Zhu Nai nodded: "So far, all her dependents have been in place, but the young man with the spoon seems to have been eliminated by his father!"

"Yes, my father is still as domineering as ever!" Lias smiled!

"Dead guy!" Zhu Nai smiled, he couldn't even figure out his father's liking, how could he win from a crowd of beauties!

And Qin Feng, after rolling up the unconscious Rysel, returned to the ancient castle!

The rich black qi lifted Ryssell up, Qin Feng's palm curled slightly, and a powerful attraction erupted from it, and Ryssell's face also showed a look of pain, and then, Rysel shouted loudly, and his body seemed to be compressed, shrinking a circle, and suddenly, Rysel shouted blood spit out blood!

The blood that Rysel spat out was compressed, and finally compressed into a small drop of blood, and then it was absorbed by Qin Feng along Qin Feng's arm!

After the blood in Rysel's body was drained, his body became shriveled!

"Are you dead!" After Qin Feng casually threw Rysel's corpse into the dimensional gap, he began to test his ability, the ability to resist fire!

Qin Feng's heart moved, and from the palm of his outstretched hand, a bright flame burst out!

Qin Feng increased his output, flames swirled out from his body, and then a flaming phoenix was formed on the top of Qin Feng's head, and the sea of fire filled the entire ancient castle!

"It's a pity!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, this ability is very similar to Ace's ability to burn fruits, but it is a little different from the ability to burn fruits, that is, the body cannot be fully flamed, it should be said that there are very few parts that can be flamed, only the arms can be turned into phoenix wings, and the immortal characteristics are just chicken ribs for Qin Feng's bloodline!

"But forget it!" Getting this flame ability, Qin Feng can be regarded as having an unexpected gain!

Although Lias has completed the task of expulsion, there are still powerful people who sneak in!


Rewind the time to a day ago, it was night, and in a dark room, there were many candle shadows, and three figures were reflected!

"What a surprise, I didn't expect the three of us to meet here!"

"Charupa, don't talk nonsense, what are you calling us here for? If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I won't spare you, you know, I lost a lot of my men in order to get here!"

In the original book, he provoked the Holy Sword Incident and wanted to bring Michael over, and later started a battle around the Holy Sword in the Koma King School Park, wanting Sazex to intervene and cause a war!

"Because I can satisfy the desires of both of you!" Charuba finished, and the Sven-looking boy and Kirkbol were slightly stunned!

"You can satisfy my desires, do you know what I'm going to do?" Hearing this, Kirkbol sneered!

"You don't want the three major forces to join forces, you want war, I'm right!" Charuba narrowed his eyes and said, "And if you cooperate with me, you will be able to achieve your goal!"

"Working with you?" Kirkball sneered and said, "Then what do I need to give, and what do you want!"

"You should know who I am, so you know what I want!" Charupa narrowed his eyes, "I'm taking back the throne of the Demon King that rightfully belongs to me!"

"Take back the throne of the Demon King, you think you can do it?" Kirkbol sneered!

"I can't rely on my strength alone, so I need allies, and you're my chosen allies!" said Charupa!

"My blood relative is the current Beelzebub Demon King, aren't you afraid that I will tell the Beelzebub Demon King?" At this time, the Sven boy, who had not spoken, spoke!

"You won't!" said Charuba firmly!

"Former Beelzebub Demon King, you are too self-righteous, aren't you!" Sven Boy sneered, and then said, "Since it is against my blood relatives, then I will take my leave!

"Diodora, do you think you can get out of here?" At this time, Kirkbol stood up, if she told the demon higher-ups the news of her meeting with the previous demon king here, then Asacher would definitely come over and kill him personally!

"Do you want to keep me!" Diodora sneered!

"Diodora, why don't we make a deal!" At this time, the deep voice of Charuba spoke: "I know you like nuns, it just so happens that I have a superb nun in my hands!"

"Do you have the best nun in your hand?" Hearing this, Theodora stopped, slightly stunned, he was controlled by a nun, most of his dependents were nuns, in the original book, he used Aisha's gentleness to get her excommunicated from the church and then approached her, but he didn't expect to be destroyed by Yisei.

"That's right!" Charupa nodded!

"Well, I promise you, but I'll have to see the nun you're talking about!" said Theodora, after a moment's thought.

"Don't worry!" Charupa narrowed his eyes: "We have already sent someone over to arrest the nun!I believe that there will be a fruit soon, I can tell you, this nun was originally cultivated in the heavenly realm, and only came to the Pony King School Park for some reason, it is a rare and superb nun!"

"That's right!" Kirkbol nodded!

"Since you've all said so, as soon as I get a nun, I'll cooperate with you immediately!" said Theodora!

However, after a long wait, a demon walked in, and he was a subordinate of Charupa!

"What's going on? Fried?" it wasn't Charupa, but Kirkbor, the demon who had gone with Fried to capture the nun!

"Say it!" Seeing his subordinates returning empty-handed, Charupa also realized that something seemed to have happened!

"Lord Charruba, on the way there, the priest wounded me on the grounds that he did not want to act with the devil, and then went on his own mission, and by the time I arrived at the nun's house, it had been razed to the ground, and I saw the priest's body from the ruins!" said the demon in a cold sweat!

"Dead!" Kirkbol was furious!

"It should have been done by someone from the vampire clan!" Charupa waved his hand, his face gloomy, and said, "This is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but the vampire clan and the three major forces are mortal enemies, why should they help a nun!"

"If it weren't for the nun, then I wouldn't be able to cooperate with you!" said Theodora, with a displeased face!

"Theodora, this is a picture of a nun, if you want to fight and snatch the nun, cooperate with me, or you will die here!" said Charupa, throwing Aisha's picture away!

Theodora took Aisha's photo, and when she saw Aisha's face, she was immediately attracted by her appearance!

"Well... It's beautiful!" Theodora exclaimed, "Okay, I'll work with you, but Charupa, do you have a detailed plan?

"Of course!" Charupa narrowed his eyes and said, "Although our strength is not good, the strength of the vampire clan is very strong!"

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