"You mean to borrow a knife to kill someone?" Hearing this, Theodora was slightly stunned!

"No, it should be said that the snipe and the clam are fighting, and the fisherman is profitable!" Sharuba continued: "You said that if the three major forces join forces, what is the strength?"

"It's very powerful, even if it's other gods, it won't be the opponent of the three major forces!"

"What about the vampires?!" Charuba asked again!

"Although I don't know much about the vampire clan, the race that can force the three major forces to join forces will not be bad in strength!"

"That's right, as long as they fight, we can profit from it!" said Sharuba, his plan!

"The idea is great, but the implementation is not easy!" continued!

"It's up to the two of you!" Charuba continued: "One of you is a high-ranking cadre of the fallen angels, and the other is a blood relative of the demon king, it should be easy to do something to fan the flames, and I will also contact the former Leviathan demon king Kadileia, she is now in the vampire clan!"

"Well, there's a good chance of success!" said Theodora, laughing, "but will things really go as smoothly as you say?"

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't go smoothly!" Charupa squinted his eyes and said, "The relationship between the three major forces and the vampire clan is bad, sooner or later there will be a battle, and I just need to retain my strength before this battle comes!"

"Then it's settled!" Kirkbol narrowed his face, his face filled with indescribable pleasure, "War will come soon!"

"Hehe, as you wish!" Charupa smiled again and said, "But I'm sorry, your priest is dead!"

"Fried, I can make as much waste as I want, and if I'm dead, I'll die!" said Kirkbor!

"Huh?" Charupa frowned slightly, he had seen Fried, a mid-level demon, and his strength was not bad!, "You can mass-produce this kind of guy? This is impossible!"

"Of course!" Kirkbol nodded!

"That's great!" said Charupa, with a smile on his face, "In this case, even if it is a war, we will not lose!"

Theodora's brows furrowed, if he mass-produced such a priest, it would indeed be a disaster for the demon, but he was not a savior, and he was only a little uncomfortable to hear Kirkbor's words!

"Can you tell me how to mass-produce this guy?" asked Charupa again!

"Of course!" Kirkbol smiled sinisterly, "This is my gift to my allies!Come out, Barupa!"

"Fried's secret is in him!" said Kirkbol with a smile! "Barupa was once a member of the Church, expelled for experimenting with the Holy Sword, now tell them about it!"

"053 Yes, Lord Kirkbor!" the old man nodded, then pondered for a while, as if recalling, " I like the Holy Sword very much, I like it so much that I even dream of the Holy Sword, probably because of the biography of the Sword of Kings that I read before, which makes my heart jump, because of this, when I know that I can't become a Holy Swordsman, I am really desperate, because I can't use the Holy Sword, and I have a longing for the person who can use it, and the longing is getting higher and higher, so I buried myself in researching how to create people who can use the Holy Sword in an artificial way, and in the end, I succeeded!"

"Create a holy sword envoy?" Hearing this, Sharuba couldn't calm down, if this was the case, after everyone had a holy sword, the strength of the heavenly realm would become even stronger!

"In that case, then why were you banished from the Celestial Realm? You are a hero to the Celestial Realm!" Charupa asked in confusion!

Hearing this, Baparu shook his head and said, "I did not enjoy the treatment of a meritorious person, but was expelled as a sinner!"

"Sinner?" Hearing this, Sharuba became even more curious about Baparu's affairs!

"Hehe, he killed those useless guys when he was conducting the Holy Sword Experiment!"

"Kill! No wonder you will be expelled!" Charupa nodded!

"Hmm!" said Baparu, who did not deny it, "I sensed that there was a certain factor required to use the Holy Sword, so I investigated the suitability with the value of the factor. Almost all the young men and women who participated in the experiment had factors, but each of them was not enough to be able to use the sword of the king, so I came to a conclusion, in this case, I wonder if I can extract and collect those factors?"

"Next, I take it from the body of the person who has the Divine Factor and crystallize it, just like this. Balpa pulled out a shining orb from his bosom, the light was very dazzling, and the orb radiated a divine aura.

"After getting this, the research of the Holy Swordsman has made great progress, but the people in the church regard me as a heretic, eliminate me, and snatch away the research materials, damn Michael, do everything possible to beat me as a sinner, but do the same research himself, well, with that angel's way of acting, even if you extract the factors of the test subjects, you will not kill them, at least more humane than me!" Barupa laughed happily.

"That's three of these things on Fried!" Barupa said again!

"Now, my research has progressed to the stage where it can be mass-produced, and it can be carried out at any time as long as the production environment is ready. As long as you collect the legendary holy swords stored around the world, and then mass-produce holy swordsmen, and use the sword of the king unified into one (CBDH), you can dominate the world!"

"It's amazing!" Charupa nodded, in fact, he was a lot more vigilant in his heart, because their demon clan had always been afraid of things like the Holy Sword, and even if he took back the position of the Demon King in the end, then he couldn't make Kirkbol too strong!

"Come out!" Cockbor clapped his hands, and dozens of man-made holy sword envoys walked out, each with a holy sword, no, these holy swords are just copies of copies, and they are even less powerful!

"Now you can take the lead in my ambitions and make a big fuss in this town!" said Kirkbol with a wave of his hand!

"Is this kind of thing useful!" Theodora sneered, among the holy sword envoys who appeared just now, the highest strength was the intermediate demon, and most of them were the strength of the lower-level demon!

"Don't worry! they'll pick the right opponent!" Kirkbol said with a sneer!

After a few people went out, because of their own low aura, they didn't attract the attention of Zhu Nai and the others, and Qin Feng wouldn't care about the life or death of such ants, so they surprisingly survived!

"What, why do you have to practice every time!" It was night, and Hyoto was dragging his tired body along the road!

"Why can't I use the artifact myself!" Hyoto muttered, "Damn Kiba, but his guy's magic sword is really handsome, I don't know what my artifact is?

"If you find a lone lower-level demon, immediately eliminate it!" Those holy sword envoys did not go to find a powerful enemy, but chose a low-level demon as their opponent, and Hyoto, a low-level demon who couldn't even use an artifact, became the target of their attack!

Hyodo muttered to himself, and soon found himself in front of him, and there was a person standing in front of him, blocking his way!

"Who are you?, get out of the way!" Hyoto said unceremoniously!

But the man didn't answer, he drew the sword from behind his back, and then slashed down!

"Poof!" a long blood streak immediately appeared on the chest of the unsuspecting Hyoto!

"Poof!" Hyoto spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the young man in front of him in surprise!

"For... Why?" Hyodo looked at the guy in front of him in disbelief!"Could this be what Wally said about the risk of becoming a demon!But why should I be killed, although I am a demon, I just want to pick up girls!I didn't hurt others!" Hyodo howled inwardly!

"Aren't you dead yet?" Looking at the Hyoto that had not fallen, the Holy Sword Envoy sneered, and the Holy Sword in his hand slashed down again!

"I... I'm going to die!" The holy sword in Hyoto's pupils continued to expand, and Hyodo's heart thought in panic!

"No, I can't die yet!" Hyoto roared inwardly, and black light bloomed from his right hand!

"You guy also has an artifact?" Looking at the cage hand that appeared in Hyoto's hand, the Holy Sword Envoy was slightly stunned, and his slashing action slowed down!

"Touch!" After knocking down the Holy Sword Envoy with one punch, Hyoto finally breathed a sigh of relief! "Whew, it's really dangerous, I almost died!"

"Quick, there's a demon here!" Hyodo's cage hand had already been retracted, but there was a chaotic shout!

"What, there are still people!" Hyoto was startled, and subconsciously looked at his right hand, but the artifact had already returned to his body!

"Artifact, hurry up and give it to me!" Hyoto thought anxiously! Hyoto activated the artifact by chance, but now it is invalid!

"Kill this demon!" Hyoto was terrified to the extreme in the face of the surging crowd of people!


"Thank you!" Hyoto said, looking up at the beautiful woman with her wings spread and staying in the air!

"You're Hyoto!" At this time, Hyoto heard the voice of the beautiful woman talking, well, it's good!

"Hmm!" Hyoto nodded subconsciously, he was very strange, he didn't seem to know such a beautiful woman!

"That's right!" the words fell, and with a sound that almost sounded like tinnitus, Hyoto saw something appear in the beautiful woman's hand. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Something that looked like a spear, as if it was glowing, felt like it was made of light, followed by the sound of wind slicing, and then a dull sound.

Boom, it was like something touched his abdomen, and Hyoto realized that his abdomen had also been pierced by a light gun!

"Why?" Hyoto felt that the world was too dangerous, and everyone was going to kill themselves!

"Really, why did the master kill this weak chicken!" Linali didn't seem to take Hyoto in her eyes, and after kicking Hyoto's body a few times, after finding that Hyoto still had breath, she condensed the light gun in her hand again, and wanted to stab it!

"Hyodo, are you alright!" At this time, Wally, who sensed that his family was in danger, walked up with Kiba!

Faced with the sudden attack, Linali hurriedly jumped back and dodged the attack! Linali is only the strength of a superior demon, so naturally she will not be Wally's opponent, but she naturally wants to complete the order to kill Hyoto, so when she jumps back, the javelin in her hand shoots out!

Another shot hit Hyoto, Hyoto is a demon, and the light gun hurts him a lot!

"Hyoto!" Wally roared, his whole body turned into hands, and the cannonballs of magic exploded!

Linali's expression was solemn, her flight speed was not slow, and after spreading her wings and flying high, she was able to dodge Wally's attack!

"White-haired boy, that's all for today!" Linali smiled and immediately fled into the distance!

"Wally, what should we do now?" at this time, Kiba walked up and asked!

"Get out of here now!" Wally waved his hand, then picked up Hyoto and said, "Go to my stepfather, maybe you can save Hyoto, and it's not safe here!"

Qin Feng didn't expect Wally and Kiba to leave the Koma King School Park like this, and when they met next time, Wally had already fused the power of demons and angels, and his strength was even stronger!


Both former Demon Kings, Kadileia and Charruba have met!

"Kadileia, it's been a long time!" "Seeing Kadileia, who was still in style, Charupa squinted his eyes and said, "Do you remember what happened to us before? At that time, as the Demon King, we were in the underworld...!"

"You're not looking for me to catch up with the past, are you!" Kadireya unceremoniously interrupted Charruba, saying, "Tell me, what are you looking for me?"

"Kadileia, I need you to help me!" said Charuba again!

"Help you, do you want to take back the position of the Demon King?" Hearing this, Kadireya sneered!

"Hmm!" Charupa nodded and said, "As long as we regain the position of the Demon King, you can also restore the position of the Leviathan Demon King! We can take advantage of the contradictions between the three major forces and the vampire clan, let them fight to the death, lose both, and we will finally come out to clean up the mess!"

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in what you're talking about!" Kadileia waved her hand, "Do you know that my status in the vampire clan is no worse than that of the demon king, and besides, the blood clan is ahead of evil!"

Hearing this, Charupa's face was gloomy, without the help of Kadileia, it would be difficult for his own group to succeed!

"Charupa, as a former colleague, let me give you a piece of advice! Don't provoke the wrath of your master, you will die!" said Kadilea with a sneer!

"Kadileia, you really don't want to cooperate?" said Charuba with a sneer!

"That's right!" Kadireya sneered unyieldingly, "You and I are both demons of the same level, don't think you can beat me!"

In the end, the two did not do anything, and after Cardilea refused to cooperate, Xia Lu could only postpone the plan, but he did not expect an unexpected event to happen, which made his plan successfully implemented!


It's night!Lias and Junai's entire family has been dispatched to deal with the "Holy Sword Messengers" who are hiding all over the town!

"What's going on?there are so many Holy Sword Envoys, and their strength is super poor!" After casually destroying a Holy Sword Envoy, Lias muttered!

"That's what I'm going to ask you!" Zhu Nai pursed his lips and said, "Didn't my father tell you to go to the edge of the town to eliminate the invaders?

"Hmph, if it were you, you wouldn't necessarily be better than me!" Lias said unconvinced! In fact, she was very puzzled in her heart, how could these low-strength holy sword envoys evade her own perception!

"Miss Lias, I've killed all the Holy Sword Messengers!" At this time, Eubeluna is back!

"Very well, Irina is still close to completing the mission!" Lias smiled and nodded!

At this time, a powerful aura came out, and the strength reached the highest level of demons, and the level of the demon king was very close!

Lias and Junai both looked up at the sky at the same time!

In the sky, flying with the moon in the background is a male fallen angel with pitch-black wings, with five pairs of black wings!

"Lias, you can't quibble this time, you can't even miss this kind of guy!" Seeing Kirkbor, Zhu Nai was not afraid, but did not forget to sarcastically mock Lias beside him!

"Who are you?" Lias didn't argue with Zhu Nai, but looked at Kirkbol with a gloomy face!

Kirkbol was wearing a well-decorated robe, he sneered, and seemed to recognize Lias, no, it should be said that he recognized Lias's red hair, "You are the daughter of the Jimonri family! It seems that the rumors are true!" The rumor that Kirkbol said is naturally that Qin Feng snatched the wife of the head of the Jimonli family who was still pregnant, and then regarded the child in his belly as his own daughter!

Lias has grown up so far, and naturally understands her life experience, but one is a biological father she has never met, and the other is a mother and adoptive father who gave birth to her, she will naturally make a choice, and after finding out that she is not Qin Feng's biological daughter, she buried a small desire in her heart, that is, a woman who became a father!

Zhu Nai was slightly stunned, Kirkbol couldn't speak clearly, she couldn't understand either, she just felt that Veni Lana was originally from the Jimonri family, so the fallen angel in front of her was mistaken!.

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