"Hello, Fallen Angel, my name is Lias, please remember. By the way, I'm not from the Jimonri family, but from the vampire family, and my father is Qin Feng, the famous mystery king!"

"Hehe, then for the sake of etiquette, I'll also give my name, my name is Kirkbor!" the fallen angel laughed again!

Hearing this, Lias and Junai were stunned, because this guy was the one who appeared in the Bible and well-known literature!

"It's a greeting gift!" Kirkbol narrowed his eyes, then threw the person who was hovering behind him!

"Miss Lias, it's Irina!" Lias took Irina, and found her covered in blood, breathing, and wounded!

"Irina, are you alright?" but Irina's injuries seemed to be severe, and she only moaned in pain and did not answer.

"Who told this little girl to find my base, of course we will welcome her!, but I have to admit that this little girl is very strong!" said Kirkbor, sneering.

"Aisha!" Seeing that Irina was seriously injured, Zhu Nai didn't argue with Lias, but said to Aisha!

"Miss Lias, let me come!" Eube Luna thought for a moment~, and then said!

"Hmm!" Lias nodded, now furious!

Yube Luna placed the scepter on Irina, and in Juni's surprised eyes, a blue vortex enveloped Irina, and then washed Irina's body like rain, and Irina's injuries were completely gone!

Seeing such a miraculous healing effect, not only Zhu Nai, but also Kirkbol was surprised, this is even more powerful than Aisha's artifact!

A green glow shone from Yubeluna's body, enveloping Irina's body.

"Damn, Lias is really good at picking people, and I have to ask my father for people!" Zhu Nai thought through gritted teeth!

"Irina, are you alright?!" At this point, Irina stood up intact!

"I'm fine!" But Irina looked at her body magically, and she remembered that she hadn't been injured by Kirkbor?

"It's thanks to Eubeluna!" Lias smiled, explained a little, and said, "Her artifact has a healing effect!"

"Oh!" Irina nodded, then said, "President, I have found Kirkbor's base, where they mass-produce the Holy Sword Messenger!"

"Mass production of the Holy Sword Messenger!" Hearing this, Lias suddenly realized and said, "No wonder there are so many Holy Sword Messengers!" But Mr. Fallen Angel, what is your purpose in doing this?" Irina came back to life, which made Lias breathe a sigh of relief!

"Then do you need to ask!" Kirkbol squinted his eyes and said, "The three major forces are preparing to go to war, and I am just taking the lead!"

"In that case, then I'll kill you first!" After saying that, Lias's slender hand began to condense red energy!

"The power of destruction!" Kirkbol looked at Lias in disgust and said, "You remind me of that disgusting Sazex, but alas, he's dead!!"

"Do you want me to help?" Zhu Nai also stood up!

"No!" Lias shook her head and said, "If my guess is correct, he must have sent someone to attack the Koma King Academy, you take your dependents to support the Koma King Academy!"

"Attack the Koma King School Park?" Hearing this,Zhu Nai was stunned,In the current situation,It is indeed very possible,And the two of them have come out with their dependents,By the way,Zhu Nai has dissolved the family relationship with Cangna,Only Cang Na still has his dependents in the Pony King School Park,But Cang Na was forced to stay in the Pony King School Park,There is no sense of belonging to the Pony King School Park,I don't know if she will contribute to the Pony King School Park!

"Let's go!" Zhu Nai thought about it, and immediately beckoned to Rose Viather and Black Song, Aisha, and several people rushed to the Koma King School Park!

"Very clever fellow!" Kirkbol glanced at Lias and said again, "But do you think you guys can deal with me?"

"Then give it a try!" Lias was expressionless, "I'll beat you!"

"I'm so confident, I'm worthy of being the sister of Sazex, with the same look!" Kirkbol sneered!

"Who is Sazex?" Lias knew that this man had a lot to do with her!

"He's your brother, but he's dead, for the specifics, I think you'd better go home and ask your mother!"

"My brother?!" Hearing this, Lias muttered, her face changed for a while, and then she became firm and said, "I don't have a brother, I only have two younger sisters!"

"Hehe, I'll tell you kindly, your brother, Sazex was killed by your respectful father!"

"You're looking for death!" Lias was furious, and with a clench of her hands, a large number of red magic arrays appeared!

"Little girl, your growth is amazing!" Seeing the countless magic arrays, Kirkbol was a little surprised!

"Hmph, the real power is still to come!" Red pillars of light blasted out from countless magic arrays, and those magic arrays were like turrets, constantly blasting out cannonballs!

Smoke billowed and Kirkbol came out of the smoke, but he looked a little embarrassed!

"Hmph, you can play with the pets I brought from hell. With the snap of Kirkbor's fingers, something appeared from the depths of the night with heavy steps that shook the ground, and it was a black behemoth ten meters long, it had four thick feet, and there were extremely sharp claws on the feet, which made people feel a chill down their backs just by looking at it, and their blood-red eyes glittered in the night, and the protruding mouth revealed extremely vicious fangs, and the fangs were lined up one by one, and white breath flowed from between the teeth.

"Dog?" Lias was a little surprised, but Eube Luna stood in her way!

"Miss Lias, please be careful, this monster is the three-headed dog of hell!" said Yubeluna, "The name of this three-headed dog is Cerberus, and it originally inhabited the area leading to hell, the gate to the underworld, but I didn't expect to be caught by this guy!"

"Roar!" roared all around! And three heads roared at the same time!

"I can only go up!" On the side, Irina was unexpectedly excited!

"Kitten, Irina, Eubeluna, the three of you will deal with this Cerberus!" Lias quickly decided, "As for Kirkbor, I'll deal with it!"

The three of them did not object, and Lias gave an order, and all three rushed forward!

The kitten rushed up first, came to the feet of the three-headed dog of Hell, dodged its stampede, and then jumped on it!

The little hand clenched into a fist, and then threw a punch at one of the three-headed dogs' heads!

"Boom!" The unimaginable strange force, the head was actually knocked out, and the head of the demon dog that flew into the sky turned into dust and disappeared with the wind.

When the kitten's body fell, it kicked the three-headed hellhound in the abdomen again!

Irina moved, slashing off one of its heads with a swing of her sword, and then Eubeluna's scepter slashed deep into its chest, delivering the final blow.

Cerberas's body instantly turned to dust and scattered in the air.

At this point, Lias and Kirkbol are facing each other!

"What an irony! your brother was killed, and you're here to fight for him, do you know what it's called!" Kirkbol kept sarcastic, "It's called recognizing a thief as a father!"

"Shut up!" Leas raised her hand to Kirkbor!

"Take it!Kirkbor!!"

"Boom!!" Lias unleashed a huge condensation of magic from her hand!

The mana condensation struck Kirkbol sitting in the air at a sharp speed!

"Really, you haven't calmed down, and your attack power is so weak?!" Kirkbol held out a hand!

"Boom!" In Lias's surprised gaze, Kirkbol blocked the attack, then raised his hand upward, causing the condensation of magic that Lias launched to change its trajectory and fly high into the air, disappearing into the darkness at the end of the night.

Looking at the smoke coming out of his palm, Kirkbol smiled happily: "Lias, in fact, you are also very concerned about the death of your own brother!"

"I'm going to kill you!" Leas's face was grim!

"Hahaha, that's good! This fluctuation of mana! The fluctuation of mana I feel belongs to the magic of the supreme demon! It's almost the magic of the demon king, Lias, it seems that the talent you have is not below that of your brother!" Cockbor laughed heartily, his expression very happy. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Wipe it out!" Lias's hand emitted the largest condensation of magical power with destructive power!

Boom! A powerful blow flew towards Kirkbor, causing a shock that shook even the ground.

"Very good, the power of the attack is enough!" "Kirkbol did not have the slightest fear, and the momentum on his body burst out, it was the strength of the demon!

The source of the fallen angel's arrogance was concentrated in Kirkbor's hands, and his appearance was out of the norm, exuding an astonishing momentum!

This is the first time that Lias has not used the blessing of the divine clothes, so the attack just now is already the maximum explosion of Lias, you know, under normal circumstances, Lias is just a high-level demon, but due to Kirkbor's continuous stimulation and use of her own limiting strength, she who had stayed in the high-level demon level for a long time broke through like a natural flow!

"The Superior Demon!" Lias looked at her hands in some surprise, she had gained a lot in this battle!

On the other hand, Kirkbol was not so optimistic, he continued to provoke Lias, and finally although he blocked Lias's attack, the black robe on his body bloomed everywhere, and the hand that caught the magic was also spurting blood.

"Haha, that's great, your hypocritical father should be happy with your performance!" said Kirkbol again!

"I'm not allowed to speak ill of your father!" Lias roared!

Kirkbol said defiantly: "Then destroy me, little girl who recognizes the thief as her father, but you can't do it, because that is your strongest attack just now!"

"Miss Lias, please allow us to go together!" said Eubelluna!

"No!" Lias laughed angrily, and her figure rushed forward!

"That's naïve!" the black wings turned into sharp blades and slashed at Lias mercilessly.

Ask for flowers

"Divine Clothes!" Lias was covered with a layer of black armor and held a double-strand fork in her hand, and Lias let the blade fall on the divine clothes unharmed!

"How is this possible?" Seeing that his blade could not hurt Lias, Kirkbol was stunned!

But before Kirkbol could finish his words, his black wings flew into the sky, and he instantly spurted blood.

At this time, Lias was holding a pair of wings in her hands, which were Kirkbor's wings!

"Bastard, bastard, how dare you break my wings!" said Kirkbor, who had lost his wings, furious!

"You have fallen, the fallen angel has fallen to the ground, do you still want to fly!" Lias sneered and said: "If you are unhappy, then destroy me, but I think you can't do it, I have surpassed you in this divine robe!" After speaking, Lias's body erupted with a powerful momentum, which was the strength of the demon king, and the red aura surrounded the whole body!

Hearing this, Kirkbol was speechless for a while, he just said something like that, but he didn't expect to be saluted back!

"Make your mouth dirty!" Lias was very fast, and suddenly came to Kirkbor's side and knocked Kirkbol down with one kick!

"You bastard!" Kirkbor's body slammed into the ground like a meteor before standing up again, and Kirkbor's arrogance suddenly decreased.

Kirkbol flapped his remaining wings and stepped forward to deal with Lias, but at this time, Lias surpassed Kirkbol in terms of speed and strength, and Kirkbol naturally couldn't catch Lias!

The Fallen Angel Cadre, whose strength is overwhelming us, can only be toyed with in front of those in white armor.

"Damn it!" Kirkbol attacked Lias with the Spear of Light and the Sword of Light, but the double-strand fork in Lias' hand wiped out all of these attacks.

"There's a big gap between us!" said that, Lias appeared at Kirkbor's side and punched Kirkbol in the face.

Then came the boxing that followed!

"This punch is for Irina, this punch is for my father, this punch is for you...!"

"You're going to die next!" felt like the fight was almost over, and the double-strand fork in his hand went out, and without any accident, the double-strand fork pierced Kirkbor's abdomen.


"Miss Lias, we won!" At this time, Lias has been released from the state of divine clothing!

"Let's go support Komagoh Gakuen!" Lias continued!

"Hmm!" After the girls immediately rushed to the Pony King School Park, a black figure appeared in place!

"What a self-conscious fellow!" Charupa didn't expect that as soon as he went to meet with Cadilea, this idiot would run out and die, which not only disrupted his plans, but also made him need more time to plan!

"But that Lias is so powerful!" Charuba thought with a solemn expression!

On the other side, Zhu Nai returned to the Koma King School Park with his dependents!

"Minister Zhu Nai, you're here!" Seeing Zhu Nai coming, Tsubaki Ji walked up and said!

"Hmm!!" Zhu Nai nodded and asked!

"Sona-sama is maintaining this barrier inside!" Tsubaki-hime said!

Zhu Nai looked at the past,Koma King School Park is indeed shrouded in a huge enchantment,Naturally not a strong collision,Then it shouldn't be a big problem to protect Koma King School Park!

"Okay, let's leave it to us next!" Zhu Nai narrowed his eyes!

After Zhu Nai and the others walked into the playground, they saw that there were four swords in the center of the playground that emitted divine light and floated in the air.

A strange magic array centered on this and occupied the entire playground.

An old man stands in the middle of the magic circle!

"You're coming, I'm going to merge the four king's swords into one!" said Baparu excitedly!

"The sword of the king is one!" Zhu Nai looked at the holy sword, a little surprised!

"It's Janova's breath!" I didn't have much contact with the Bible, so I didn't pay attention to the four holy swords after I was only a little surprised, but I didn't pay attention to the holy sword envoy Jenova from the heavenly realm!

"You're the daughter of the Mystery King, but it's too late, I'm done!" Soon, the old man spoke, and the four holy swords in the center of the school court began to glow very brightly.

"Let's become one!" The divine light spread to the entire Komaoh Academy!And in the dazzling light, the four holy swords were overlapping together, and after the dazzling light ended, there was a holy sword that released a blue-white aura in the center of the school courtyard.

Facing the four-in-one holy sword, the black song is okay, but the new Aisha is not good, facing the thing that restrains the demon, Aisha, who has the strength of the lower-level demon, is pale!

"That Fried guy is dead, and it looks like we'll have to do it myself!"

"What a great feeling! Power keeps pouring in!" The aura on the holy sword quickly covered Bapalu, and Bapalu's body seemed to have become larger, and he looked much younger!.

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