"Miss Zhu Nai, are we going to do it?" asked Hei Ge at this time!

"Let's wait!" Zhu Nai narrowed her eyes, the four-in-one holy sword in front of her didn't put much pressure on her, since the last time she summoned the Phantom Demon Emperor to fight against Fenrir, she also successfully broke through and became the most advanced demon, plus the god-killing dagger, even if it was a demon king-level opponent, she had the confidence to fight!

"Baparu, I want to take back the holy sword that you stole from me!" At this time, Jenova, covered in blood, walked up with the holy sword!

"Hehe, it's you little girl!" Paparu's eyes were on Jenova, and he said with a smile, "It's really good, I'll try the power of the four-in-one holy sword with you today!"

"Bump!" the two swords collided together with a dull sound!

"How is it possible, why is your sword not broken?" Baparu looked at Janova with some surprise!

"If it was the real Holy Sword, I definitely wouldn't have been able to win, but now!" Janova snorted coldly and pushed hard, and Paparu retreated!

"Stretch out!" Baparu shouted, his holy sword changing its trajectory in the air as if it had a will, rapidly approaching!

This is the ability of mimicry, the tip of the sword is scattered, flying at great speed, in all directions, up and down from the endless sharp spurs, but it is still blocked by Jenova one by one!

"How can this be, this is a four-in-one holy sword!" Paparu shouted, visibly becoming anxious.

"In that case, let's add this!" Baparu said, and the tip of the holy sword disappeared!

This time, Jenova was a little embarrassed, but it was next!

"Now it's my turn to attack!" Janova held the holy sword in his left hand and raised his right hand to the sky.

"Peter, Basil, Dionysius, and the Virgin Mary. Listen to me. It seemed to be some kind of speech, and the space in front of Jenova was distorted, and then, Jenova went deep into the distorted center "Four-Nine-Zero", and looked for it effortlessly, as if he had caught something and pulled it out of the gap in the dimension.

"Another holy sword, enveloping this divine aura!"

"In the name of the saint who dwells in this sword, I order it to be liberated, Dilandal!" Janova shouted!

"It's Durandal, how can you use Durandal?" Babaru was surprised!

"It's a pity that I was originally the user of the Holy Sword Dirandal. It's just a user of the Holy Sword. "Jenova set up Dirandal.

"How is that possible!, my research should not have reached the realm of mastering Dirandal!?" asked Baparu again!

"I'm special, I'm a natural sword maker!" Janova's words left Barupa speechless.

"Dirandal is strong, can cut through anything, and is a sword that is difficult for even its users to handle. Alright, Baparu, don't die all at once!" Janova said with a sneer, and after saying that, Dirandal's sword body began to release an aura that was even more powerful than the four-in-one holy sword!

"Damn!" Baparu unleashed a murderous aura at Jenova, and the invisible branching transparent holy sword also attacked her...

"Click!" With just one swing, the four-in-one holy sword shattered and manifested.

Dilandar unleashed a sword wind that set off a large area of loess!

"The victory and defeat have been decided!" Zhu Nai smiled and said! However, Bapalu, who had lost the Holy Sword, was much older, and his pupils were blank, and after a short panic, he quickly calmed down!

"Why, why are you so desperate! The gods are dead!" said Paparu with a smile as he looked at Janova, "Who are you fighting for?"

"How is it possible, God is dead?" Jenova, who was still in high spirits and in high spirits, sat down on the ground!

"Don't you believe it? There is one person around you who knows, if you don't believe it, you can ask her!" After speaking, Bapalu's eyes were on Zhu Nai!

"Miss Zhu Nai, this... Is this true?" Hearing this, Hei Ge also asked in disbelief!!

Zhu Nai spread his hands and said, "I don't know!"

"Back then, the Mystery King made a big fuss about the three major forces, and what remained after the war was the angel who lost the god, the demon who lost all the demon kings and most of the superior demons, and the fallen angel who basically lost everything except for the cadres!"

"Liar, liar!" Not far away, Jenova, who had lost his strength, knelt on the ground on the spot.

Her expression is very embarrassed, the active believer, the servant of God, to serve God as their own responsibility, to serve God as the purpose of life, now that God's existence is denied, the reason for life will be lost!!

Aisha also covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes were wide open, her whole body trembled, and her pretty face was even paler.

Although she has become a demon, her faith is still alive.

There is a belief in God, Janova has no desire to fight, and the situation has reversed, but Zhu Nai has no scruples, she has never believed in God, so it is extremely simple to solve Bapalu, a lightning bolt struck, and immediately made Bapalu turn into ashes, of course, for angels and fallen angels, Bapalu is a talent, but in front of Charupa and Theodora, it is a dangerous factor, so Bapalu was killed, and neither of them made a move to stop it!

Charupa originally thought that the incident was over, but when Theodora saw Aisha, she immediately showed up with love! Charupa was originally an old demon faction who had taken refuge in the Vortex Regiment, so after finding out that Theodora had gone out to die, she thought about sending some demons to help him!

Of course, he didn't provoke death like Kirkbor, but after glancing at Aisha greedily, he smiled and said, "Dear Miss Zhu Nai, my name is Diodora, and this trip is to convey friendship intentions to the nobles!"

"Do you represent the demon clan?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai was stunned!

"Of course!" said Theodora, narrowing her eyes!

"What a joke!" Zhu Naike heard Paparu say that his father killed the demon king of the demon clan and the gods of the angel clan, and there was a common hatred among them, how could it be possible to get back together!

"To show my sincerity, this is my marriage proposal!" After speaking, Theodora took out the red invitation card and said: "Although it is the first time that I meet your dependents, Miss Aisha, but I am also super rich among the superior demons, hehehe, please give Aisha to me, I will definitely make her happy!"

"This guy is jumping too fast!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai has a black line! Aisha is a dependent she has worked so hard to get, how can she let it out, not to mention, Aisha is now hiding behind her like a rabbit!

"I can't agree!" Zhu Nai waved his hand and said!

"Miss Zhu Nai, do you want to destroy the friendship between the two clans?" said Theodora, squinting!

"Are you threatening me?" Zhu Nai also said in a cold voice!

"No, I wonder if we're going to decide Aisha's ownership in a fair way!" said Theodora!

"Decide where Aisha belongs, Aisha is not a cargo!" Zhu Nai's face was cold, and he snorted coldly!

"Is the daughter of the King of Mysteries afraid, too? If so, then you have fallen into the prestige of the King of Mysteries!" said Theodora.

Hearing this, Zhu Nai took a deep breath, and then said: "I can have a fair fight with you, but if you lose, I will kill you!" Originally, Zhu Nai could go up and kill the man in front of him without hesitation, but Diodora's words made Zhu Nai resist the impulse in her heart, she couldn't let her father's prestige be damaged in the slightest!

"Very well, but let's play a demon chess game!" said Diodora!

"Chess game?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai was stunned!

"Miss Zhu Nai, the chess game is a group fight!" Hei Ge said succinctly, "And there are only a few people on our side, so we don't have an advantage in numbers!"

"No matter who it is, they can't stop me!" Zhu Nai showed a smile on his face, and the dark clouds in the sky were also condensing: "Because I am the daughter of the Mystery King!"

"In that case, you've accepted the challenge!" said Theodora, with a smile on her face that had succeeded in her plan!

In this way, when the two parties started the demon chess game on the spot, an accident appeared!

A large number of demons emerged from the magic array, and all of them appeared with an overflowing killing intent and hostility!

Hundreds of demons surrounded Zhu Nai!

"It's really dishonest!" Zhu Nai was surrounded, but he didn't have too much fear!

"Miss Zhu Nai, judging from the results of observing the magic array, these are people from the old demon king faction who have defected to the group of calamities. In addition, Hei Ge reminded!

"That's right, our people from the old king's faction!" One of the demons surrounding Zhu Nai provoked Zhu Nai's exit! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Miss Zhu Nai, hurry up and let Aisha out, maybe I will spare your life, otherwise, in the face of many intermediate demons and superior demons, you will definitely be dead!" Diodora laughed out loud! He knew that Charupa would help him, but he didn't expect to send so many demons, and he was also shocked when he saw so many demons!

"Heige, you protect Aisha, don't let her be snatched away!" Zhu Nai said coldly!

"Miss Zhu Nai, do you want to use that trick, the master said that you can't...!"

"Don't worry! There's no need to use that kind of cheating move to deal with these minions!" Zhu Nai squinted, and then said to Rose Viath, "Rose Viath, let's go together!"

"Yes!" Lotvia nodded earnestly, then took the lead and rushed forward!

"Come out! Corn Ball!" Zhu Naijiao shouted, after the Corn Ball came out, it was quickly attacked by many demons, and then continued to split and multiply!

"What are these?" Split enough corn balls and stick to the demons in groups!

At this time, Lias also rushed back with her dependents!

"Zhu Nai, what's going on?" Lias asked with some surprise when she saw that the entire campus was occupied by demons, "Could it be that the demon clan has launched a general offensive?"

"No, these are the demons of the Vortex Group!" Zhu Nai shook his head and said, "And the purpose should be my dependents!"

"Do you want my help?" Heige wants to protect Aisha, so only Junai and Lotsviacer can fight, and they are also stretched thin in the face of so many demons!

"Hmm!" Zhu Nai didn't take it, nodded and said, "You stop these minions, I'll kill that bastard!" After speaking, Zhu Nai's eyes were on Theodora in mid-air!

At this time, Lias also noticed Theodora in the demon group, and the strength of the supreme demon stood out among the demons!

"He won't be Junior's opponent!" After Lias gave Theodora a death sentence, her eyes fell on the huge group of demons, seeing so many demons, Lias also felt a tingling in her scalp!

"Irina, Baiyin, Yube Luna, let's act, each one is responsible for clearing one direction!" After saying that, the four daughters of Irina killed in different directions!

The demons' hands lit up with a strange light!

Immediately after, the demons of the Old Demon King Sect flew over with a salvo of magic bullets, which was an astonishing number!

"Divine clothes!" Lias snorted, and the black divine clothes were put on Lias's body, but this time the state of the divine clothes was different from the previous ones, perhaps because of Lias's strength, the shape of the divine clothes also changed, and the steel-like wings stretched out like the wings of the Great Peng!

"Boom!" The wings were retracted, and the magic bullet bombarded the wings, and they were thrown away!

Then, a double-strand fork appeared in Lias's hand!

The double-strand fork lightly brought out a black slash that shook the space, and the sharp sound resounded all around, and then, the traces of this blow extended all the way into the distance, digging deep into the ground!

Zhu Nai looked at the extremely brave Lias, a little surprised, but after she fought against Fenrir, her strength has also improved greatly!

"I can't lose either!" Irina was very unhappy that she had lost to Kirkbor! After saying that, the magic sword in Irina kept swinging!

"Unbelievable!" Charupa in the shadows was even more surprised, the huge demon group was at a disadvantage!

"Diodora, suffer death!" At this time, Zhu Nai had already come to Diodora!

"Hmph, do you think you're going to be my opponent?" Diodora laughed out loud as if delighted, and a wave of black energy began to envelop him!

"Arrogant garbage!" Zhu Nai knew Diodora's strength, he really couldn't understand, where did this guy get his confidence!

Boom! Zhu Nai's palm was raised, and a thick thunderbolt struck, followed by a series of lightning bolts!

"Damn, I... I'm a blood relative of the current Demon King!" Theodora roared, stretched out her hand forward, and unfurled countless magic bullets, "It's impossible for a noble bloodline like mine to lose!"

Theodora's almost infinite magical rain of power...

Zhu Nai strolled in the rain of magical bullets and slowly approached Diodora!

"Go die!" The thunder dragon condensed in Zhu Nai's hand threw out!

The brontoron slammed into it, and Theodora was knocked upside down by me, and Theodora fell to the ground and crawled on the ground like a headless fly.

"Impossible, I can't be pressed like this!" Barely having a chance to fight back, Theodora stretched her hand up, and several layers of magic immediately appeared around her, sharp cone-shaped objects, all of which pointed at Zhu Nai, and then they shot out like missiles.

"No!" Zhu Nai looked at Di 3.2 Odora's attack with contempt, and jumped lightly, it was a kick!

"Bump!" Diodora was knocked away again!

"It's over!" A dark dagger appeared in Zhu Nai's hand, it was the god-killing dagger created by Qin Feng!

Zhu Nai took the dagger, quickly approached Diodora, who was still flying upside down, and then stabbed Diodora in the abdomen!


After Zhu Nai solved Diodora,The battle of the Koma King School seems to be coming to an end.,After countless demons were annihilated,,There are not many demons left on the field!

In the ancient castle, Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction, after this battle, Zhu Nai and Lias finally grew up!

"Then I'll help you!" Qin Feng squinted in front of his eyes, and waved his palm slightly, in the sky of the Pony King Academy, a huge palm with flames fell into the sky, illuminating the entire night sky like a round of sun!

"What is this?" The rest of the demons immediately noticed the change, and they all looked up at the giant hand in the sky!

"It's not good, let's run away!" The sharp-eyed demons knew at a glance that it was against them, and immediately shouted!

"Hmph, none of you can escape!" On the other side, Lias reaped their lives like a god of death!

The huge palm came in an instant, and it hit the stadium directly, and the entire stadium was flattened, and those demons were also nine deaths, and the demons who survived in the end were also cleaned up by Lias, so to speak, this time the vortex group came to attack, and almost all of them were destroyed!

Cang Na had already withdrawn the enchantment, staring blankly at the flaming palm, and a sense of powerlessness suddenly rose in his heart, because in a sense, Qin Feng was also her enemy, and such a powerful enemy, could she really defeat it!

It's unknown that I'm going to leave here, do I really have to be trapped here for the rest of my life?

"What should my sister do?" Cang Na thought with some bitterness!

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