"Lord Cangna, you don't have to worry, if it doesn't work on the front, just change your strategy!" At this time, Tsubaki reminded hime!

"Change your strategy?" Hearing this, Cang Na's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have found a good way!

Sharuba looked at the earth-shattering attack, and it can be described as terrified!

"Gotta get out of here!" Charupa thought of running away and immediately fled!

Qin Feng of the ancient castle still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the direction of Charupa's escape, a big hand directly penetrated the void and caught it!

"Since you're here, don't think about getting out of here safely!" Qin Feng sneered, and his huge palm stretched out into the void, although Xia Luba sensed that something was wrong, but he didn't have the slightest strength to resist, he was caught by Qin Feng, and then pinched to death by Qin Feng like an ant!!


After Wally left Komagoh Gakuen with Kiba and Hyoto, who didn't know whether to live or die, he immediately rushed to the land of Northern Europe!

"Father-in-law, where are you? I'm looking for you?"

"You kid,Didn't you say that you were imprisoned in the Koma King School Park?how can you still run back?" The old voice came, and a sloppy old man walked out!

"I'm lucky, although I was caught by the Mystery King, but I didn't kill me, and I took in two dependents in the Koma King School Park!" "After Wally put Hyoto down, he introduced Kiba next to him and said: "This is Kiba, and this is Hyoto, but he was seriously injured, father-in-law, hurry up and save him!"

"I didn't expect you to be so lucky!" Hearing this, Odin smiled bitterly and said, "But others are not so lucky!"

"What do you mean?" Hearing this, Wally was stunned!

"Because you were imprisoned, I cooperated with the evil god Loki, who sent the demon wolf he created to save you, but the demon wolf was killed!" Odin said!

"Of course!" Wally nodded, "Even you, Father-in-law, are no match for the Mystery King... Send one of your men over, where can you get the results of the battle!"

"You don't understand!" Hearing this, Odin shook his head and said: "Although that magic Fenrir was created by Loki, it has god-killing fangs, which are more powerful than the evil gods, and they are not something that ordinary opponents can deal with! Even I have to be careful of its fangs! But I was still killed, and the evil god Loki has been looking for me from time to time!"

"That's amazing!" Wally was also shocked!

"Yes!" Odin sighed, nodded and said, "It seems that the strength of the Mystery King must be evaluated higher!"

"By the way, father-in-law, hurry up and save the vine!" Soon, Wally said anxiously!

"Hmm!" Odin nodded, then put his hands on Hyoto's body, and said: "The demon's cage hand, and you are a relative artifact, logically speaking, you will become the old enemy, I didn't expect you to become a dependent, the fate is unpredictable!"

"And is he saved?" Valli was most concerned about this question!

"He was severely injured in many parts of his body, and he was also injured by the light of the fallen angel!" Odin sighed and said: "The situation is not optimistic, and he has passed the best time to rescue, and now he can only use the fountain of life to hang his life, as for whether he can survive or not, it is up to him!"

Later, after Odin fed the fountain of life, he took Wally to a dark chamber and said, "Wally, this is my gift for you!"

"Gift?" Wally was a little surprised!

"Well, it should be a dependent, but his ability is extremely dangerous, of course, with your current strength, you should be able to control him!" Odin laughed!

"Then why did you lock him here! Is his power really that terrifying?" asked Wally curiously again!

"No!" Hearing this, Odin sighed and said, "There is another reason here!"

"Is he a family squat?" Kiba said!

"That's right!" Odin nodded and said, "But the child inside is definitely a super strong existence!"

"Don't!" As soon as Odin and the others entered, there was a very loud scream inside!

"Gaspar, you're in good spirits!" said Odin, walking straight in!

"Yes, yes, what's the matter?" Valli sounded good!

"Gaspar, you can go out now!" Odin said with a squint!

"No, it's fine here, I don't want to go outside!" Gaspar objected violently!

At this time, Wally saw Gaspar's appearance clearly, a beautiful girl with blonde hair and red eyes like a doll with a dignified face, sitting on the floor slumped, her body trembling very much, wearing women's clothes, looking very cute, if Hyoto was here, he must be astringent, but Wally is a person who pursues the peak of strength, so naturally he will not be confused by the pink skeleton in front of him!

"Is it a girl?" Kiba is not a womanizer either, and when he saw Gaspar, he was only surprised!

"Although it looks like a girl, this child is a boy who has been faked!" said Odin, his face gloating, thinking that he had also been deceived by Gasparna's appearance!

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, as long as he has what it takes to be my companion!" said Wally!

"Who are you?" Gaspar looked at the two of them with some trepidation at Wally's voice!

"Alright, show me your strength!" With that, Wally reached out and grabbed Gaspar's wrist!


"It's really weird!" Wally frowned, which reminded him of the black cat's abilities, and as soon as his eyes changed, the figure would disappear!

"That kid has an artifact that, if excited, will stop the time of all objects in his sight for a certain period of time. Odin explained!

"Time stops, is it really fake, and there is still such an exaggerated artifact that is so strong!" Kiba suddenly exclaimed!

"Very good, really strong!" Valli's expression was solemn! Just like that, Gaspar was taken in by Wally!

"Wally, what did you gain from going to Komagoh Academy this time?" Odin asked after solving the matter of Gaspar!

"The guys there are very strong, and I'm nowhere near enough to compete with those guys!" Valli thought for a moment and said!

"It's good to know!" Odin nodded: "Then you stay, I will do a series of training for you, and the same goes for Brother Kiba!"

"Yes!" Wally nodded!


After knowing that God no longer existed, Janova easily became a dependant of Lias, and now, Lias has four dependents, namely Irina, Kitten, Janova and Yubelluna, and Junai also has three dependents, Black Song, Lothvia and Aisha!

However, Zhu Nai was a little surprised when she saw Jenova, no, it should be said that she was envious, she couldn't believe that this servant of the god had become a dependant of Lias!


Janova snorted and continued, "Knowing that the gods were no longer there, I gave up on myself and reincarnated as demons. I got the knight's pawn from Lias, and although Dirandal was very powerful, I only consumed one because I wasn't strong enough to do that, so I had to enter this school as well. "

"Lias, is it really okay for you to make her your dependent?" asked Zhu Nai!

"It's okay, Durandal is pretty reliable when he becomes a dependent. In this way, another swordsman was born. Lias said in a good mood!

"That's right, I'm already a demon. There is no turning back. Well, but God is gone, and my life is ruined!"

"Will the people of the church come and take revenge!" said Junis with a smile!

"Whatever, I'm not afraid of retaliation!"

"Come in!" Qin Feng's long voice came from the sky, and immediately after, the space in the sky distorted, forming a tunnel!

"It's father!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Lias and Zhu Nai glanced at each other, and then jumped into the tunnel!

Through the tunnel, Lias and Junai and their family arrive on a deserted island!

"Father, where is this?" exclaimed Lias, curious!

"This is the cultivation ground I specially prepared for you, from today until the end of the holiday, you will all cultivate here!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Hah! Cultivation! It's boring!" Hearing this, Lias pursed her lips and said!

"That's right!" Zhu Nai muttered: "I originally wanted to go to the beach with my father and let my father see his outstanding figure!"

Qin Feng naturally wanted to stay with his daughter, but he had been in this world for more than two hundred years, and he had to speed up the pace of cultivating Lias and Zhu Nai, and Qin Feng also had to take the initiative to eliminate those who were against him!

At this time, Qin Feng and Cang Na met again!

"Qin Feng, I think you let my sister go, what do I need to do?" Cang Na took a deep breath and asked!

"It's not what you want to do, it's what your sister does!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "You also know that your sister has been unwilling to obey for more than ten years!"

"That's... Then what if I make my sister obedient?" Soon, Cang Na hesitated!

"If your sister can surrender to me, I will naturally let her go and reunite your sisters!" Qin Feng said with a promise!

"Okay, I need to meet with my sister and convince her!"

After sending Cang Na into the secret room, Qin Feng walked into another secret room, where there was also a person, but it was not Serafel, but Rebel!

"Get out of here, get out of here?" After coming in for a few days, and under the double blow of knowing that his brother was dead, Rebel was in a very bad mental state!

"Hmph!" The black color on Qin Feng's body surged out, and it was immediately absorbed like a magnetic field! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's you!" Qin Feng had come here to see her a few times, so Leibel knew Qin Feng!

Naturally, Leibel wanted to resist, and when he saw the black gas spreading, Leibel was surrounded by this flame, wanting to incinerate the black qi!

"What do you want to do?" Rebel's strength was low, and the black gas was like cold water, which extinguished the flames on Rebel's body at once!

The black qi restrained Rebel, and then pulled him to Qin Feng's side!

"You want to avenge your brother?" Qin Feng asked in a cold voice!

"Of course, I'm going to kill that woman!" Rebel remembered the red-haired woman!

"If you want revenge, just come to me!" Qin Feng squinted his eyes: "Because I am her father, and your brother was killed by me, but I don't think you will be able to take revenge in your life!"

"Liar!" Rebel was in disbelief, but she clearly remembered that a few days ago, this man had roughly gotten her first time!

"I've already got his ability!" After speaking, Qin Feng tried to prove his words, and the flames on his arms swirled out!

"It's really you!" Qin Feng watched Rebel's fierce reaction, knowing that it was even more difficult to subdue the girl in front of him than to subdue Seraful!

At this time, Cangna had already met with Seraful, and Qin Feng didn't know what the two were talking about, anyway, Seraful agreed to join the vampire clan and become Qin Feng's woman!

Although there were some surprises, Qin Feng still happily released Seraful, as for whether they would play small tricks, Qin Feng naturally didn't care, in the face of absolute power, any means were in vain!

"Very good!" The two sisters, Cangna and Seraf, stand together, which can be said to be extremely eye-catching!

"Then come and wait for me!" Qin Feng said evilly!

"Hmm!" Cang Na nodded generously, but Seraful was a little unable to let go, enjoying the services of the two girls, but Qin Feng's mind was on Lias and Zhu Nai, it seemed that Lias and Zhu Nai were also sisters!

"Is he really a ghost-father?" Qin Feng smiled bitterly!


"Damn Odin!" a young man cursed fiercely in the Nordic land, "I've lost my god-killing fangs!"

"Odin, get out of here!" At this moment, Loki, dressed in a black cloak, came to Odin's residence and shouted loudly!

"Mr. Loki, my father-in-law is resting, please don't disturb!" At this time, the white-haired Wally walked out, followed by Kiba and Gaspar!

"Oh, it's you little ghost, I didn't think 863 that you were still by the side of the old man Odin, could it be that the old man who changed his sexual orientation?" Loki snorted coldly and said directly: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and let Odin come out!" After saying that, Loki pushed Wally away and was about to break in!

"Loki, if you want to break in, you're welcome!" In an instant, Wally's whole body was incapacitated, and his whole body was covered with a layer of white full-body armor without any flaws, and then he made a fighting posture!

"It's foolish to challenge God!" Loki looked like Wally's age difference was not much, but the aura emanating from his body was much stronger!

"Do it!" Wally ordered, and Kiba and Gaspar rushed forward!

"Ignorant human!" Wally attacked as Loki sneered, and the light followed a zigzag trajectory in the air towards Loki at high speed.

The wings behind Kiba also stretched out, and then the magic erupted from behind, and Wally was in the air while Kiba charged on the ground!

"Boy, just let me see what you've learned from Odin's side!" Loki, who was overjoyed, unfolded a large-scale defensive magic array covering his entire body, and several magical rays of light turned into bands and shot out of the magic array, flying towards Wally!

Wally froze, then dodged the attack, but those magic beams seemed to be high-tracking attacks, and a few bands of light flew towards Wally hovering in the air!

"Humph!" Wally snorted coldly, flying around as if he was doing an aerial performance, dodging all the attacks, but Kiba was not as skilled as Wally, and while dodging the beam, there was also a beam that hit his body!

"Drink!" Kiba was the first to come to Loki, and the magic sword in his hand was slashed high!

"Boom!" After Loki's magic circle was torn apart by Kiba's sword, Wally aimed at the gap and sent a massive exaggerated magic attack through. Wally's hands also unfolded spells other than magic.

The huge pillar of light blasted out, and after the attack ended, only a bottomless crater was left on the place where Loki was stationed.

A high-pitched laugh came, it was Loki's voice, and Wally looked over with a solemn face, only to see a figure floating in the air, although the cloak was somewhat broken, he himself did not seem to be injured.

"Gaspar, stop time!" Valli yelled at Gaspar!

Loki was slightly stunned, and then he saw that a Wally had come behind him and punched him in the face!

"Poof!" The magic-infused fist slammed into Loki's face, and Loki was immediately blasted out!

"It's... How is this possible?" Loki took a fist and looked at Wally in disbelief, he was actually injured by a mortal!

"Damn!" Loki's hands began to gather glorious particles, "Punch the gods, you will pay!"

Wally also knew the horror of the attack, and the magic power in his whole body exploded, and the situation in his hand was similar to that of Loki!

Boom! The energy was gathered, and then, the two waves collided violently in the air, and they bounced off without losing momentum!

Red smoke came out of Loki's hands, and he looked at Wally with some surprise!.

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