"It seems that you have learned some skills under Odin's teaching!" Loki was a little excited!

"Great, then I'll have some fun with you!" Loki unfolded his cloak and began to call out loudly.

"Come out!" Loki shouted a moment later, space distorted, and a wolf appeared in the space warp!

"What's going on?" Wally felt his whole body be bound, and then there seemed to be a chill flowing through his body, producing a feeling of horror, murder, trembling, and heart being caught that was more terrifying than when he confronted Loki...

Of course, the same goes for Kiba and Gaspar, both of whom are shocked by the invisible weight unleashed by the wolf!

"Is this Fenrir? wasn't he killed?" Valli was surprised!

"You also know that Fenrir was killed!" Hearing this, Loki snorted coldly: "I came here to let Odin give an explanation, I didn't expect my lovely son to die for saving you guy! This wolf is not Fenrir, it is its child, the giant woman who lives in the steel forest turned into a wolf and mated with Fenrir, and as a result, he was born, although he is worse than his father's generation, but his teeth are still alive, enough to bury you here!"

"Loki, you've had enough trouble!" the wolf was about to bite when an old voice came from inside the house!

"Odin, you shrunken turtle, you're finally out!" Seeing Odin come out, Loki gritted his teeth and said!

"Loki, I know what you think, you want to welcome the twilight of the gods, and now I can't promise you!" Odin said!

"But what about my Fenrir, he died in vain!"

"This can only mean that your pet is too weak!" said Odin, who said nonchalantly!

"Too weak, don't forget, you're still at the hands of the Enigma King!" Loki reminded, "So I think the Ragnarok Project should be implemented as soon as possible!"

"Are you crazy? The Mystery King is so powerful, we should unite with other forces!" Odin sighed!

"I absolutely disagree!" Loki snorted!

"Obsessed guy, you can go to the vampire city to see the strength of the Mystery King, and I guess you will change your opinion!"

"I'll go naturally!" Loki sneered, he didn't have an intuitive understanding of Qin Feng's strength! Even if his son Fenrir died in the vampire town, he didn't think the Mystery King was so powerful!

"Good luck then!" Odin smiled, "I hope you can come back alive!"

After discovering the powerful strength of the Mystery King, Odin had plans to join forces with the three major forces, but Loki didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and wanted to challenge the Mystery King alone!

"Father-in-law, he will be fine if he goes like this, right?" Wally looked at the direction in which Loki left, which was the direction of the extreme east, so he asked a question!

"Something will definitely happen, if you don't die, you won't die!" Odin sighed, and then said: "Okay, your strength is still far behind, hurry up and cultivate!"

And Loki has already met Qin Feng, in fact, to deal with Loki, Gabriel alone is enough, but Qin Feng has just obtained the strength of the flame, so he wants to use one person to try the move, so he agreed to Ji Pick!

"You killed my son?" asked Loki in a cold voice, his black clothes making him look very chic!

"You are the owner of that stupid wolf, the evil god Loki!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "That's right, let's do it!"

"Look for death!" In an instant, Ji hit the oversized magic ball!

"It's too weak!" Looking at the flying magic ball, Qin Feng lightly stretched out his palm and directly blocked the magic ball!

"Nordic magic also has merits, it's just too easy to learn!" After speaking, several clips shot out from Qin Feng's hands with Nordic magic-style magic attacks, although they were all swept away by Loki's magic, but they were not completely dispelled, and a few attacks still hit Loki's body, but they didn't bring damage to Loki!

"You know how to do Norse magic!" Loki said in a cold voice!

"Nordic magic is not very difficult to learn!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"I know, it must have been Odin's good deed!" Loki said fiercely! He remembered that Odin had sent a Valkyrie to Qin Feng!"But do you think this is to learn Norse magic!" After saying that, Loki unleashed a large magic wave that flashed with seven colors of light!

"I'll come too!" After speaking, Qin Feng also took the same pose as Loki, and then threw out a huge magic wave in his hand!

"Boom~.!" Countless cannonball-like magic collided together, causing a huge roar!

"Loki, do you only have this bit of strength?" Qin Feng laughed, and his raised fist burned like flames!

The scorching breath came to his face, Loki was stunned, looked at Qin Feng with wide eyes, and said, "This is the ability of the Demon Seventy-Two Pillars Phoenix Family?"

"A little eyesight!" Qin Feng squinted, and then swung out with a punch!

"Fire Fist!" Qin Feng shouted, and the huge flame fist blasted out towards Loki!

Loki didn't panic much. In the face of the sharp fist of fire, Loki showed an eerie expression that was at ease!

"You want to block my fire fist head-on!" Qin Feng sneered, and sure enough, the fire fist was blocked, but Loki's hands were cramping!

"Damn!" Through a simple fight, Loki already knew Qin Feng's strength, which was as strong as rumored, but he had already come here, so it was naturally impossible for him to escape, and Qin Feng would not allow him to escape!

"Strike first!" Loki moved instantly, he came behind Qin Feng, and the super-large magic attack came down!

Qin Feng's mind moved, and the flames in his whole body burned, covering Qin Feng's body like a defensive shield, and then bypassing it like a phoenix!

"Devour him for me!" The flame-formed phoenix flapped its huge wings and attacked Loki!

"Boom!" The massive magical attack was blocked, and the huge phoenix devoured Loki like a devastating one!

Loki's face changed, and he hurriedly stepped back and dodged the phoenix's attack!

"Come out, Skoll, Hatti!!" Loki shouted, and the space on both sides of Loki was violently distorted, and from the distortion of space, the gray wolf's head stretched out!

"Is it a wolf again?" Looking at the two-day wolf who was roaring in the sky, Qin Feng sneered!

Loki instructed the two wolves: "Skoll, Hatti, the enemy who killed your father is right in front of you, use your fangs to tear him apart!"

The two wolves walked towards Qin Feng with the sound of breaking through the air!

"Just two wolves!" Qin Feng sneered, and punched out the flame of karma!

"My wolf is very powerful!" Loki snorted coldly, and sure enough, as expected, the wolf had already flexibly jumped away from the attack of the fire fist, one left and one right, and then pounced!

"Great Flame Ring!" Qin Feng snapped his fingers, and with a wave of his hand, the flames he brought out burst out like a pillar of fire, soaring straight into the sky!

"Woo!" the two wolves were directly knocked away by the pillar of fire, and they wailed out in pain!

Qin Feng walked out of the flames and said with a smile, "It's your turn to do the rest, Loki!"

"My wolf hasn't lost yet!" Loki sneered, and sure enough, the two wolves got up despite being burned by the flames!

"In that case, then burn your cute pet to ashes!" After speaking, Qin Feng looked at the wolf that pounced, and did not make any movement, but stretched out his fist!

"Roar!" The wolf bit Qin Feng's fist at once, and the other wolf also bit Qin Feng's thigh!

"It worked!" Loki laughed and said, "You're dead, my demon wolf ignores defenses, and even gods can kill them!"

"So what?" Qin Feng's performance was so calm, which made Loki feel inexplicably flustered!

"Don't forget, I have the abilities of the Phoenix family, and naturally I have inherited their immortal body!" Qin Feng sneered, and then, a fire fist erupted directly into the demon wolf's mouth, and the flames were injected into the demon wolf's body!

And immediately after, flames also erupted from Qin Feng's body, and then kicked the magic power under his feet away!

Two heads of magic power, one demon wolf was directly blasted out of ashes by Qin Feng, and the other one, who was also stuck in the karmic fire of the prairie and struggled on the ground for a while, also turned into ashes!

"Your pet is dead, so the next one is you!" Qin Feng raised his head and looked at Loki coldly!

"Don't be complacent, you may not be able to win me!" It's just that when Loki said this, his tone was obviously lacking in confidence!

"Then look at it! Great Flame Ring!" After speaking, it was another burst of fire, but the sky-high flamelight did not dissipate, but formed a small ball in the sky, and as the flames continued to be injected into it, the flames continued to grow larger, and finally formed a round of "sun", emitting a dazzling and scorching light!

"Is this the sun?" Hearing this, Loki swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then, with a huge blow, he swallowed Loki, the big ball of flame dispersed, and Loki's body emitted billowing smoke, and the scarred Loki began to fall to the ground, and then his body had begun to disintegrate, and finally turned into ashes!

"It's dead!" Qin Feng smiled, and finally returned to the ancient castle, but after returning to the ancient castle, Qin Feng did not stop, because Lias and Zhu Nai, who were left by Qin Feng to cultivate on the desert island, fought!

At this time, on the barren island, the two girls were exercising with their respective dependents, but the cause of the battle was Qin Feng himself!

"Lias, I have to tell you, don't think I don't know what you're thinking?" Zhu Nai snorted coldly and said loudly: "My father is mine, and no one can snatch it away!"

"Father is yours, Zhu Nai, are you really a father?" Lias snorted coldly!

"You're not the same!"

"Hehe, Zhu Nai, I'm different from you!" Lias said with some pride: "You are the father's real daughter, you can't be together, and I am only the father's daughter in name, not the father's biological daughter, in other words, we can live together in the future, and I can also have children for my father!"

"Give birth!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai's face flushed, and he said, "You are really shameless!" Now, Zhu Nai finally knows the meaning of those strange words from those people before!

"What shamelessness, your ideas are shameless!" Lias snorted!

"Even if that's the case, I won't let you be with my father!" Zhu Nai said with strong words: "Anyway, my father is mine, and I am alone!"

"Don't you want your mother to make love to your father?" asked Lias!

"That's different!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai defended again: "Anyway, you can't be with your father!" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You're targeting me on purpose!" Lias snorted and looked at Ju Nai!

"What's the matter?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai said without concessions!"Don't think I'm still afraid of you!" After speaking, Zhu Nai showed his god-killing dagger and continued: "This is a dagger that ignores defense and can even be killed by gods, so the divine clothes that my father gave you are useless in my eyes!"

"Then there's nothing to say, let's have a fight!" "Now, Lias is already the most advanced demon, and she is naturally full of confidence!

"Very good!" Zhu Nai sneered, and rushed to Bu with a god-killing dagger!

Lias hurriedly jumped back, stretched out her slender hand, and a red magic array immediately emerged from her hand, and then, the red pillar of light blasted towards Zhu Nai!

"Demon Beast!" Zhu Nai shouted, and the black qi immediately poured out, and then took that attack, and at the same time, the thunder in the Demon Beast turned into a dragon and blasted out at Lias!

"You think you'll be able to defeat me like this!" Another red pillar of light, mixed with the power of destruction, instantly destroyed the yellow thunder!

"Corn ball, come out for me!" With that, the ball-like creature swam towards Lias!

"You want to use this thing against me!" Lias sneered, and with a movement of her hand, a seal sealed the corn ball inside!

"Your corn ball will only multiply when it is attacked!" After sealing the corn ball, Lias continued to laugh: "If you don't understand its characteristics, your opponent will probably be fooled, but I'm different, I've seen your fighting style, so your trick is useless to me!"

"Let's let you feel my destructive power!" Lias finished speaking, and the magic array spread out in the sky multiple times, unleashing countless magical attacks!

"All-round attack!" Zhu Nai's pupils shrank slightly, and then his entire body opened a layer of defensive shields!

"Boom, boom!" Zhu Nai's defensive Rubik's cube spread out like a whole body, and all of Lias's attacks were barely blocked.

"It's my turn now!" Defending against that attack, Zhu Nai sneered, and the figure of the demon beast gradually increased!

Dozens of demonic beasts surrounded Lias!

"Let's let you taste the power of thunder as well!" After speaking, the thunder light in the demon beast's hand continued to blast out!

"Divine Clothes!" Countless thunderbolts roared, and Lias immediately put on a black divine robe, and while defending against the thunder, the huge steel wings swept towards many demonic beasts!

The demonic beast has been destroyed, and the heroic Lias has stepped out of it!

"Has your divine clothes changed?" Seeing the divine clothes on Lias's body, Zhu Nai was slightly stunned, in the previous battle, Zhu Nai didn't pay attention to Lias's situation!

"This divine cloak is really a good thing, my strength is improving, and it is also improving!" Lias smiled with satisfaction, "No, it should be said that I can better exert the power of the divine robe!"

"That's better, my god-killing dagger is prepared for your god's clothes!" Zhu Nai held the god-killing dagger in his backhand and sneered!

"Lias, Zhu Nai, stop fighting!" In the sky, a thunderbolt flashed down, appearing in the center of Lias and Zhu Nai, and the thunder formed the appearance of Qin Feng!

"Father, it's her who owes the beating!" Zhu Nai snorted coldly!

"Hmph, you wicked person sue first!" Lias was extremely dissatisfied!

"It seems that you guys are quite spiritual!" Qin Feng smiled, "Why don't you take this opportunity and let the two of you and your dependents have a battle!"

"Does Father want us to play a chess game?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai was stunned for a moment, and then took the lead in asking!

"That's the best!" Lias nodded, she subdued Janova and Yubeluna, and the strength of her family was greatly enhanced, if she played a chess game, she would definitely not lose!

"I don't agree!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai suddenly muttered, she is not stupid, she naturally knows that Lias's team is stronger than her!

"What, you're scared?" Lias glanced at Zhu Nai defiantly!

"It's not that you're afraid, but you're too shameless, not to mention getting Jenova, but also asking my father for Yube Luna, if I want to fight, I will also borrow someone from my father!" Zhu Nai said angrily!

"Feel free!" Lias narrowed her eyes, anyway, she had a powerful guy like Eube Luna, and she wasn't afraid of losing!

"Okay, don't quarrel, this time it's not a chess game, but you choose three people from your dependents, including yourself, to fight, and finally adopt a best-of-three system!" Qin Feng quickly decided and said, "Yube Luna's artifact is very powerful, so Yube Luna can't participate in this battle!"

"Father, how can this be?" Lias was a little dissatisfied!

"Okay, don't talk about it, you guys hurry up and choose three people!" Qin Feng waved his hand, ignoring Lias's coquettishness, and said!

"I'm only four dependents, and Aisha has no combat effectiveness, so I choose Rose Viath, Heige and me!" Zhu Nai thought for a while and said!

"Then I'll choose the kittens, Irina and me!" Lias said after a moment's thought.

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