"Very good, then I'll set the order of the duel!" Qin Feng smiled, "In the first game, Lotvia Arthur vs. Irina!"

Irina and Rosevia reacted, and then saw a thick black mist envelop them and disappear in place!

"They have been sent into the dimensional gap by me, and the battle will be fought in the dimensional gap, and finally, you can watch the situation inside here!" Qin Feng waved his hand, and the blue sky became transparent, and Lias and the others could see the situation inside clearly from the outside!

At this point, Irina and Lotvia are facing off!

"For Miss Lias, I won't lose!" After saying that, a magic sword appeared in Irina's hand!

"Although I have a good relationship with you, but each is his own master, I will not keep my hand!" said Lotsvia with a single look!

"Drink!" Irina snorted, her body moved, and her speed was unbelievably fast, but Rosvia Arthur was also a knight, and her speed was comparable to that of Irina, and then, the two collided fiercely, and the weapons in their hands made a metallic sound!

"Irina, with your current strength, you're no match for me!" said Lotvia Asshur calmly, and at the same time as the impact, the massive magic bombardment continued to be used!

Irina hurriedly swung her sword, but it was useless to swing the sword, because the attack was too dense, and although some magic bullets were blocked, there were still magic bullets that attacked Irina's body!

Outside the court, Lias wrinkled slightly every day, if Irina loses, then there will be a lot of pressure on the next matchup, as for Zhu Nai, she is very excited, the strength of the two dependents chosen by Lias is lower than her dependents, maybe she can win the game without fighting!

Lotvia Arthur's magic continued, and Irina struggled to dodge, let alone fight back!

"I can't lose again!217" Irina gave up her defenses, and rushed forward in a desperate stance!

"Do you think you can win me like this?" Roseviath's palm flicked, and the huge magic circle suddenly went out, and Roseviath's huge fist slammed into the magic array!

"Boom!" the magic array immediately spat out a huge fist shadow!

"Bump!" Irina took a solid punch and was knocked away again!

"Poof!" After flying far away and stabilizing herself, Irina couldn't hold back anymore and spat out a mouthful of blood, but Lotvia Arthur didn't stop like this, and the magic array followed, surrounding Irina from front to back, left and right!

"Stopped resisting?" Lotvia Arthur muttered as she looked at Irina from a distance, who didn't move!

"Resonated?" Qin Feng smiled slightly!

"Resonance!" The two women were confused, not knowing what Qin Feng was talking about, but they had already seen that Irina was exuding a black aura, which was extremely terrifying!

"Do it!" Lotvia made an immediate decision, and countless magic bullets burst out from the magic array!

"Boom, boom, boom!" exploded one after another, and Irina's entire body was drowned out by the explosion!

"The situation is about to be reversed!" Qin Feng smiled, and sure enough, with the sound of an explosion, Irina walked out intact, and Irina's arm holding the magic sword began to scale, and then swelled!

"Dragon Claw!" Zhu Nai was taken aback, and then saw that Irina also stretched out a handful of wings from her back, which could not be regarded as wings, and the wings stained with dragon scales completely protected Irina's body in it!

It turned out that Irina and these dependents had all accepted Orpheus's snake, and now only Irina had successfully activated this power!

"This time, I won't lose!" Irina glanced up at Lotvia Arthur, the black flame tightly wrapped around the magic sword!

"Crescent Sky Rush!" Irina snorted, and the huge black slash swung down!

"Mie, Rashomon!" Seeing the huge black slash, Lotvia Arthur retreated as the magic array in front of her appeared layer by layer, and then blocked in front of her!

The black slash pierced through the magic array of countless people like chopping melons and vegetables, and went straight to the front of Lothviath!

When the slash landed in front of Lotsvia Arthur, it disappeared strangely, and the two were slightly stunned, and then they were sent out!

"In this game, Irina wins!" Qin Feng announced!

The second scene is naturally a kitten vs. black song!

Although the kitten is a little younger, its strength is not weak, however, Hei Ge, as the sister of the kitten, is even more terrifying, because of Hei Ge's immortal arts, witchcraft, and magic power, even the spells of manipulating space have been learned, and it is even possible to master the spells of time!

Immortal magic and magic, magic is not the same, the biggest difference is that immortal magic is to attach importance to qi, that is, the aura of the fundamental power flowing in life, based on these, and the magic of demons and the power of light of angels are other powers, and direct destructive power and magic or light power can be said to be completely incomparable, because immortal magic uses animals and plants in nature, unknown power hidden in the human body, in short, understand immortal magic can read qi, Reiki can grasp the dynamics of distant objects to some extent, and master everything about the other party!

In other words, immortal magic is the art of manipulating the flow of life, disturbing the opponent's qi, cutting it off and causing direct damage to life, because there are not many corresponding methods with the magic of demons and magicians compared to immortal magic, so if you hit it, you will basically die!

"Heige, you've learned the spatial technique?" thought about it, and Lias asked!

"Hmm!" Hei Ge nodded, "I can already completely isolate the entire island from the space outside, so kitten, you hurry up and admit defeat!"

"I don't want to!" the kitten shook his head and said, "I can also do immortal arts, so I can win you!"

"You're all ready!" Qin Feng waved his hand and sent everyone into the dimensional gap!

"Sister, hurry up and admit defeat!" As soon as he entered the dimensional gap, Hei Ge used space magic, broke through directly, and knocked the kitten away with one kick!

"Sister, you actually sneak attacked!" the kitten didn't suffer much damage (cffg), and said angrily at Hei Ge!

"It's because your vigilance is too low, the moment we are sent into this, the battle begins!" said Hei Ge with squinted eyes!

"Damn sister!" the kitten scolded and said, "Sister, let me show you what I have learned! As you progress, I am also improving!"

Off the field, Lias is full of confidence, she knows the kitten's hole cards, and Zhu Nai has absolute confidence in Heige!

Hei Ge saw that the kitten's body began to gather a faint white light, and was slightly stunned, but he didn't make a quick move, and then, the white light wrapped the kitten's petite body, and the kitten itself echoed and released a fighting spirit, entwined with the fighting energy, and the kitten glowed all over his body, and the light finally swelled up, became larger, and began to form a certain shape.

After the light is closed, the loli-type kitten is gone, and there is a big sister who looks like a black song, wearing a white kimono, with a cat and a forked cat tail!

"Are you a kitten?" Looking at the girl who looked like him, Hei Ge asked suspiciously! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Of course!" the kitten nodded, and her figure suddenly appeared next to Hei Ge!

"It's faster!" Hei Ge easily dodged the kitten's attack, and then said: "Gather the aura of existence and the surrounding nature, and force yourself to grow by making it in tune with your own fighting energy, it's really amazing, kitten!"

"I specially developed it by inhaling the external aura into my body in order to be able to use the power of the cat freely!" The kitten squinted her eyes, like a ghost, and once again approached the black song!

The kitten spread out his right hand, and a large wheel appeared in the palm of his hand, which was gradually wrapped in white flames.

"Is this a train?" Seeing the kitten use the train, Hei Ge was stunned! The train is one of the abilities used by cats, it is a monster that leads the dead to that world, it is rumored to be another posture of cats, for those guys who have been resurrected from the dead to vampires, the flame on the characteristics of that skill can be described as a killing blow, but for Hei Ge, the power of the attack will naturally be halved!

After the kitten builds several trains in the air, it is released towards Black Song!

"If I can't hit, I'm in vain!" Black Song narrowed his eyes and moved quickly!

"Chains!" Black Song dodged the train as the dark chains stretched out of the void!

"Hehe, Hei Ge's attack is getting closer and closer to that month!" Seeing Hei Ge's attack, Qin Feng remembered that little Lori who would always stay at the age of seven or eight was already seven or eight years old, she was just as proficient in space magic, and she used chains to attack enemies!

The chains shrouded the kitten like a delicate net, but when the chains touched the kitten, a layer of flames burned on the chains, white flames!

"Huh!?" Hei Ge was a little surprised!

"Sister, now I am the power of purification itself, anything that touches me will be incinerated!" the kitten explained! "Sister, this time I want to win you!" Soon, the chains were retracted into the void by Black Song!

"The power of purification!" Black Song restrained his smile, and the chains were still thrown out, but this time, instead of being burned, the chains were tied up solidly!

"How can this be?" the kitten was stunned: "Why hasn't the power of purification taken effect?"

"Of course it won't take effect!" Hei Ge came to the kitten, pinched the kitten's nose with his fingers and said, "Don't forget, I'm your sister!

"Ah!" the kitten was stunned, indeed, the power of purification is very effective against outsiders, but against his sister, it will naturally not work!

"The victory and defeat have been decided!" Qin Feng smiled, although the process of the battle was very easy and a little dramatic, but it could be seen that the kitten had also grown!

Soon, Kitten and Black Song were sent out!

"In the second game, Hei Ge won!" Qin Feng coughed a few times and announced!

The game has been played for two rounds, and the two sides are tied 1-1, which means that there will be a third duel, the duel between Lias and Junai!.

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