"Lias, it's finally our turn!"

"Well, I'm looking forward to the fight between us!" Lias smiled and nodded!

The battle between Zhu Nai and Lias was definitely the fiercest battle, so Qin Feng didn't plan to let them fight in the dimensional gap, lest there be an unexpected situation!

Qin Feng swiped his palm, broke through the space, beckoned Lias and Zhu Nai to walk in, and soon, Qin Feng teleported a group of women to a dense jungle belt~!

"This will be the place where you fight!" Qin Feng smiled, and with a wave of his palm, countless trees were destroyed, leaving a large area of bare loess!

"Lias, I'm not playing false, use your strongest strength!" Zhu Nai squinted: "Put on your divine clothes!" After speaking, she also took out a dagger!

"Hmph, that's what you said!" Lias really put on a black divine robe, the huge wings covered the entire sky, Lias waved her palm, and countless magic arrays surrounded Zhu Nai layer by layer, not leaking, these magic arrays were even more powerful after the blessing of the divine clothes!

"That's what's interesting!" Zhu Nai didn't have much fear, countless black qi gushed out, and a huge amount of demonic beasts continued to emerge from the black qi, striking at those magic arrays with a devastating blow! At the same time, Zhu Nai's hands were also high and huge, and the thick thunder struck down, and then condensed in Zhu Nai's hands!

"Thunder Dragon!" Zhu Nai shook his hands, and the thunder that was thrown out turned into a yellow thunder dragon, howling at Lias!

"It's this trick again, do you think it will work for me?" Lias's divine robe just feathers blocked in front of him, blocking the thunder dragon!

The thunder dragon was scattered, and the thunder light was scattered, but Zhu Nai had a smile on the corner of his mouth!

"Why, I'm so happy that the attack was blocked?" Lias sneered!

"Block my attack, you can look at your divine clothes and then talk!" After speaking, Zhu Nai lit up the dagger in his hand!

Lias was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly looked at her Gang Yu, at the top of Gang Yu, there was a gap, although it was not obvious, but there was a gap!

"Lias, I deliberately let Thunder rush over with the god-killing dagger!" Zhu Nai touched the god-killing dagger, a little intoxicated, and said: "Now it seems that the power of this god-killing dagger is quite great!"

Outside the field, Qin Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth, it was not the power of the god-killing dagger that could be used, but the power of the god's robe had not yet been fully exerted by Lias at this stage, so there would be cracks!

"Zhu Nai, you don't want to be scared!" After speaking, a double-strand fork appeared in Lias's hand!

"Crescent Sky Rush!" The strongest attack directly, the double-strand fork suddenly threw out a huge arc slash!

"In that case!" The dagger in Zhu Nai's hand also began to gather strength, and the dagger of thunder stabbed out at the slash, and the condensed energy shot out in a straight line!!

The huge slash was pierced through a small hole, but the slash hadn't gone away yet, and if it went on like this, both girls would be injured!

"Okay, no need to fight!" Seeing this, Qin Feng already knew the gap between the two women, Zhu Nai's strength had surpassed Lias, and he had inherited the power of his bloodline, if Zhu Nai summoned the three illusion demons out, it was estimated that Lias would not have the strength to fight back!

"Did I win?" Kankan dodged the slash, and Zhu Nai looked at Qin Feng with a look of hope!

"Hmph, I won!" Lias also dodged Zhu Nai's attack and said dissatisfiedly!

"Okay, let's settle for a draw!" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"No, how can it be considered a draw?" Zhu Nai was even more dissatisfied!

"You two are very strong, I decided to give you a reward, say, whatever you want, as long as I can do it, I will give it to you!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"That's what you said!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai immediately nodded down!"Then I want you to stay with me for a day! It's just the two of us!"

"What a child!" Qin Feng scratched Zhu Nai's nose, smiled and was about to agree, but Zhu Nai said with a huge fierce head: "I'm not small anymore, and that's what I mean!"

"What does that mean?" Hearing this, Qin Feng looked at Zhu Nai, whose face was flushed, and seemed to understand what Zhu Nai meant!

"Shameless, to make such a wish!" Lias muttered!

Qin Feng shook his head helplessly, looking at Zhu Nai, who was becoming more and more beautiful day by day, he was also very tempted, but the relationship between the two was in front of the two, Qin Feng could only follow that kind of thought, otherwise, Qin Feng would have eaten Zhu Nai a long time ago, but Qin Feng did not go down to Zhu Nai does not mean that he will allow Zhu Nai to get close to other men, in the final analysis, he is also a selfish person!

"Okay then, but on this day, you have to settle down a little!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Hmm!" Zhu Nai nodded, thinking that he could finally be alone with Qin Feng, Zhu Nai's face was full of smiles!

"What about you, what reward do you want?" Qin Feng said again!

Lias thought for a while, glanced at Zhu Nai, and said directly: "I want to be your woman!"

"Lias, do you know what you're talking about?" Hearing Lias's words, Qin Feng was immediately stunned, looking at Lias dumbfounded, even Zhu Nai didn't expect Lias to be so bold!

"Of course I know, and I know that I'm not your biological child, so you won't have that kind of psychological burden!" Lias smiled and explained!

"But... But nominally, you're still!" Hearing this, Qin Feng sighed and said, "If you become my woman, you will be laughed at by the world!"

"I'm not afraid!" Hearing this, Lias shook her head! "I'm not afraid of what others think of me!"

Although Lias swore that she would not regret it and did not mind the eyes of others, Qin Feng still asked her to think about it!

Today, it is the day when Qin Feng and Zhu Nai are alone, the itinerary is set by Zhu Nai, and the destination is Kyoto, at this time, the two of them embarked on a journey to Kyoto like ordinary people!

On the bus, there were only Qin Feng and Zhu Nai, and Zhu Nai suddenly became bold!

Zhu Nai's little bird snuggled up to Qin Feng's side like a human, his hands tightly protected Qin Feng's arm, his huge chest and Qin Feng's arm had an intimate contact, Qin Feng could feel the soft feeling coming from his arm, because Qin Feng looked like a young man in his early twenties, in the eyes of others, Qin Feng and Zhu Nai were just a pair of lovers!

"We can finally be together in the name of justice!" Zhu Nai said with satisfaction!

"What, weren't we together before?" Qin Feng smiled slightly!!

"That's different, at that time, you had your mother by your side, Aunt Gurefia, Aunt Venilana... Now I feel that you belong to me alone!" Zhu Nai said with a smile!

"It seems that you still eat your mother's vinegar!" Qin Feng said again!

"Hmm!" Zhu Nai nodded honestly and said, "Who let mom stay with you all the time!"

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Zhu Nai glanced at Qin Feng charmingly, and then said!

"Of course it's beautiful!" Qin Feng nodded as a matter of course!

"Then who is more beautiful than my mother and me?" Zhu Nai asked again!

"Each has its own merits!" Qin Feng said with a smile! In fact, Zhu Nai is seven or eight points similar to Zhu Li when he grows up!

"Hmm!" Zhu Nai nodded, his little hand kept groping Qin Feng's body, this kind of action was not like what the usually calm Zhu Nai could do!

Qin Feng looked at Zhu Nai, who was getting bolder and bolder, a little speechless, at this time, Zhu Nai's whole body was almost hanging on Qin Feng's body!

"This old man!" Zhu Naizheng and Qin Feng were like glue, but behind him, a voice interrupted Zhu Nai's movements!

Zhu Nai glared at the people behind him hatefully, it was this hateful guy who interrupted the warmth with Qin Feng!

"This is your girlfriend!" The man glanced at Zhu Nai and said with a smile: "It's really beautiful!"

The man's words made Zhu Nai smile, and Zhu Nai whispered: "Look, others say I'm your girlfriend!" After speaking, Zhu Nai also carefully tidied up Qin Feng's clothes and leaned over again!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng didn't come to Zhu Nai's kiss, and the two had already made close contact!

Rao is Qin Feng has many women, and his body is also solidified in an instant, his face is red, and he can't even move!

"You... You!" Qin Feng's brain was blank, and he didn't know what he wanted to express! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I didn't expect you to be shy!" Looking at Qin Feng, who was incoherent, Zhu Naijiao said with a smile!

"Don't make trouble!" Qin Feng looked around like a thief, and when he saw that no one was paying attention here, he breathed a sigh of relief!

"You really have to agree to Lias's request!" Zhu Nai said with his arm around Qin Feng's neck!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng thought for a while, finally nodded and said!

"Then why are you able to accept Lias and not me?" asked Junai again!

"You and Lias's situation is different, Lias said it too!" Qin Feng sighed and said, "And you are different, you have already done too much today!"

"But I'm not afraid!I just want to be your woman!" Zhu Nai said firmly!"I know you like me too, but it's just because of that identity!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Qin Feng said with a straight face!

"Hmph, you still don't admit it, let me ask you, if I find a boyfriend, will you kill that man!" Zhu Nai asked!

"I...!" Qin Feng fell into deep thought, if Zhu Nai was really looking for a boyfriend, then he must have killed that man, because Zhu Nai belonged to him alone, after Zhu Nai said this, Qin Feng found that his feelings for Zhu Nai were not as simple as he thought!

"Okay, let's not talk about this topic!" Looking at Zhu Nai, Qin Feng changed the topic and said, "Zhu Nai, where do you want to play?" In fact, Qin Feng may not have noticed that the tone of Qin Feng and Zhu Nai's speech has changed, and there is some special feeling mixed in addition to doting!

"I've already investigated, let's start with Kiyomizuji Temple, and then Ginkakuji Temple and Kinkakuji Temple, although these three places have a certain distance, but we can work hard, we can turn all at once!" Zhu Nai smiled and said: "Then go out to Tenryuji Temple, and finally walk around Kyoto Station, and buy some souvenirs by the way!"

"With so many places, can it be done in one day?" Seeing this, Qin Feng said weakly!

"Of course not, so I want you to stay with me for a few more days, just take it as a holiday!" Zhu Nai's eyes were as beautiful as the crescent moon and said!

"Okay!" Qin Feng had no way to refuse, so he had to agree! But for the relationship between the two, Qin Feng needed to face his heart!

"I'm about to arrive in Kyoto!" After hearing the announcement in the car, Qin Feng and Zhu Nai walked down with their luggage!

"It's Kyoto!" Zhu Nai held Qin Feng's arm very affectionately and said happily!

Kyoto Station has a large transparent atrium! There are many hand-held people in the station, and the scale is very large, and many people come and go!

"Ah, it's Kyoto Tower!" Zhu Nai cried out like a child!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, the two of them were playing in Kyoto City like lovers, and soon, a day passed!

At night, Qin Feng and Zhu Nai set up a presidential suite, originally Qin Feng wanted to book two, but he still couldn't resist Zhu Nai and booked a double room!

The two walked for a day, and although they said that they wouldn't feel tired, they would sweat and the like, so the first thing Zhu Nai did was to take a shower!

Qin Feng looked at Zhu Nai who went to take a bath briskly, and smiled slightly, he recalled today's bits and pieces, he had to admit that more than three hundred years had passed since Qin Feng got this power, but shopping with Zhu Nai gave him a wonderful feeling!

Qin Feng was bored and turned on the TV, but he didn't expect the TV to flash, and the sound came out, and the TV was showing pictures that were inappropriate for children, and he remembered that in order to improve the passenger flow and service quality of some hotels, the TV was playing some passionate things! If the person taking a bath was someone else, Qin Feng could do it without hesitation, and hurriedly turned off the TV by himself, suppressing the throbbing in his mind!

"This Nizi shouldn't even take this into account!" Qin Feng shook his head a little helplessly, he remembered that this hotel was chosen by Zhu Nai!

"Can you come in for a while?" Zhu Nai's beautiful voice came from inside!"I forgot to take the bathrobe!"

"Oh!" Although he knew what Zhu Nai was thinking, Qin Feng still took the bathrobe!

When he came to the bath, Qin Feng saw that in the huge bath, the white mist was rising, and in the haze, Qin Feng saw a white body!

"Here!" After Qin Feng handed over the bathrobe, he found that Zhu Nai pulled himself and then dragged himself into the water!

"Zhu Nai, don't make trouble!" At this moment, the distance between Qin Feng and Wei Nai was closer, although it was still white and hazy, Qin Feng could already clearly see Zhu Nai's snow-white skin, as well as the flushed face, perhaps because the temperature of the pool was too high, Qin Feng felt that Zhu Nai at this time was even more charming!

"Whoa!" Zhu Nai stood up, like a beautiful woman out of the bath, this time, Qin Feng hurriedly turned his face!

"I remember when I was young, you took a bath with me!" Zhu Nai hugged Qin Feng's body, then clinged to Qin Feng's back, and muttered, "Now let's relive the events of our childhood!"

Qin Feng didn't expect Zhu Nai to remember what happened when he was a child, but Zhu Nai was already mature, and her figure was not inferior to her mother, if Zhu Nai continued to take the initiative like this, Qin Feng was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to control it, especially the hot body behind him that was sticking up to drive the fire in Qin Feng's body!

"Zhu Nai, you have grown up now, you can't be like when you were a child!" Qin Feng said with a sigh!

Zhu Nai pursed his lips, and when he saw that Qin Feng was about to break free, he said, "I won't mess around, you can wipe my back!" After speaking, Zhu Nai handed the bath towel to Qin Feng's hand, and then turned around!

After Zhu Nai turned around, Qin Feng turned his head, looking at the flawless skin that could be broken with a snap of his fingers, Qin Feng carefully wiped his daughter's back!

After a while, Qin Feng finally completed the task, just as when he was pardoned, Zhu Nai said again: "Can you help me wipe the front?"

"There's no need for this!" Qin Feng thought of Zhu Nai's beautiful figure, and decisively refused!

"Why don't I help you wipe your back!" Zhu Nai thought for a while and said again: "You have to take a bath anyway!"

"This...!" At this time, Qin Feng was still wearing wet clothes, after hearing Zhu Nai's words, Qin Feng hesitated and thought about it, and finally took off his T-shirt, then turned around, leaving only one back for Zhu Nai!

"Hehe!" Zhu Nai smiled, then picked up the bath towel and carefully wiped Qin Feng's back, but Zhu Nai would not be so honest, his slender little hand kept touching Qin Feng's back, making Qin Feng smile bitterly, this little girl is completely a little goblin who leads people to commit crimes!

It's a touching scene, but here, there are ripples in Qin Feng's heart! It wasn't until he came out that Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief!

"My skills are good, right?" both of them were wearing bathrobes, and Zhu Nai asked with a grin...

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, indeed, Zhu Nai's skills in massaging and washing his back were first-class!"But you can't be so foolish in the future!" Qin Feng said with a deliberately straight face!

"What! You enjoyed it just now!" Zhu Nai muttered!

"You still say!" Qin Feng glared at Zhu Nai, although the relationship between the two had not progressed substantially, it was more intimate than before!

"Okay, let's all go to sleep and go back to the ancient castle tomorrow!" Qin Feng waved his hand and said!

"Ah, didn't you say you wanted to stay with me for a few days?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai was stunned for a moment and said zero!

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