After Qin Feng came back, Veni Lana came!

Although Veni Lana let go of Sazex's death, her hostility towards Gurefia is undiminished, especially after seeing the originally mediocre Sakiya show amazing talent, she also wants to have a child!

"Venerana, what are you doing here?" After some warmth, Qin Feng found that Venilana arched her body, and Qin Feng couldn't help but ask!

"I... I've heard that if you say this, it's going to be easy to get pregnant!" said Venilana, blushing!

"Eh!" Qin Feng looked at Venierana's posture, and the dolphin was raised high, in order to prevent Qin Feng's descendants from flowing out!

"Don't do this!" Qin Feng patted Veni Lana's dolphin and said with a smile: "For a period of time in the future, I will stay in the castle and have time to accompany you!"

"That can't be wasted!" retorted Venilana!

Qin Feng shook his head helplessly, Veni Lana wanted to conceive a child to the point of going crazy!


After a night of warmth, Lias came to the door!

After Zhu Nai's incident, Qin Feng was really a little afraid of these two bold guys!

"I've already thought about it!" After meeting Qin Feng, Lias then said firmly: "I want to be your woman!" Unlike Zhu Nai, Lias's feelings for Qin Feng are more pure, completely between men and women, as for Zhu Nai, she also questioned her heart for thousands of days and nights, and finally affirmed her feelings for Qin Feng!

"Silly boy, you know your mother won't agree!" Qin Feng touched Lias's bright red hair, shook his head helplessly and said!

"I don't care, mother is mother, I am me, I want to be with you!" Lias shook her head and said!

"You know there are a lot of women behind you, why do you pounce like moths to a fire!"

"Even if I can't last forever, I'm going to shine for a moment!" said Lias lightly!

At this point, Qin Feng naturally couldn't back down, and he also liked Lias!

Seeing Qin Feng nodding, Lias was overjoyed and hurriedly grabbed Qin Feng's arm!

"Lias, don't do this yet!" Qin Feng took a step back and said, "I'll show your mother it!"

"If she sees it, she will see it, I'll go back and talk to her!" Lias looked at Qin Feng dissatisfiedly and said!

"Lias, don't worry, you 21, Venier Lana will definitely be very sad if you do this, so we have to give her a little time to accept it!" Qin Feng suggested!

"You mean we can't make our relationship public?" Lias was even more dissatisfied!

"Of course not!" Qin Feng smiled, "It's just not the right time yet!" Lias, do you want to try the secret feeling!"

Hearing this, Lias was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "Secretly, it's exciting to think about it!So...!" After speaking, Lias pulled Qin Feng over, and after seeing that there was no one on the left and right, she kissed Qin Feng's lips fiercely!

Qin Feng's heart was also stirred up by Lias, he hugged him backhanded, held Lias in his arms, and took the initiative to get up!

I don't know how long it took, but the sound of footsteps came!

The two of them were startled and hurriedly let go, but Lias's face was still ruddy!

"Lias, so you're here?" Lias didn't expect her mother to find her!

"Hmm!" Lias nodded, her face flushed!

"Hey, what's the matter, what did you do with Qin Feng?" Venierana looked at Lias's little girl-like posture and glanced at Qin Feng strangely!

"Mother, I remember that I still have something to do, you two talk!" The atmosphere was a little strange, and Lias's face was like a red apple, which became more and more obvious!

Lias fled, and Qin Feng could only smile! "Winy Lana, what's the matter?"

"Didn't you say it, you have to accompany me every day!" Veni Lana smiled, and then pulled Qin Feng into the room, and then the sound of battle sounded in the room!

Listening to the beautiful voice, Qin Feng remembered that when Lias left, his fingers were slightly erected, which meant that they would meet there at the time of the third watch, but in this situation, how could he withdraw and leave, he had to think of an excuse!

After another round of warmth, Winy Lana got a lot of satisfaction, but then she was a little lonely!

"Hey, what's going on? It's been so long, and my stomach hasn't moved!"

"This kind of thing can't be rushed!" Qin Feng touched Venierana's white and smooth abdomen, and said with some amusement!

"Then what's the matter, let's do it again!" Veni Lana sat on Qin Feng's body all of a sudden!

Qin Feng naturally wouldn't refuse, and after completely knocking Veny Lana down, Qin Feng spoke: "Veni Lana, I'm going to go out tonight?"

"Where are you going?" Venierana suddenly called out sensitively and said, "Are you going to meet with Lias!"

"Meet Lias, where do you want to go?" Hearing this, Qin Feng's heart jumped, and then said lightly!

"I've always felt like you're not normal!" said Venierana suspiciously!

"You're too careful! I'm going out tonight to deal with the affairs of the Vortex Regiment!" Qin Feng made an excuse for himself!

"Really!" Venierana finally put the doubt in her heart, and fell into a deep sleep!

Time passed minute by minute, Qin Feng looked at Veni Lana next to her, thinking of meeting her daughter later, and there was an indescribable excitement in her heart!

But what Qin Feng didn't expect was that with a click, the door of the room was opened!

Qin Feng was stunned, he didn't expect Lias to be so bold and come to the door wearing a pajamas!

Venier Lana is so strong, the moment Lias came in, she woke up!

"Who is it?" said Venilana!

"Mother, it's me!" In the dark, Lias smiled at Qin Fengwan, and then said!

"Lias, it's been so late, why don't you sleep yet?" Venierana frowned and said! Veneryana subconsciously glanced at Qin Feng, she always felt that Lias must have an ulterior secret when she came to her room so late!

"Mother, I want to sleep with you!" said Lias with a smile!

"Silly boy, you've grown up, so you still have to sleep with your mother!" Hearing Lias's coquettishness, Venierana had a lot of doubts in her heart, and then smiled!

"Mother, I just want to sleep with you!" said Lias again!

In the face of Lias's coquettishness, Venier Lana was a little helpless, she has always loved this daughter very much, so she generally agreed to Lias's request, but not today, today there is Qin Feng by her side, and more importantly, at this time, she has no clothes on her body, and her body is also full of sweat, and more importantly, because of madness, the sheets are also soaked!

As a mother, how could she let her daughter know all this!

"Okay then!" Veni Lana nodded, and then said, "But it's not going to work tonight, Qin Feng is also here tonight, so...!"

"What, I just want to sleep with you guys so we're like a family!" Lias said dissatisfied!

Hearing Lias's words, Qin Feng shook his head a little helplessly, this little girl is really in a hurry!

"But I'm now...!" Hearing that Lias disagreed with her opinion, Venierana turned red, if Lias got into the bed, she would definitely find her ugly state! At the same time, Venierana touched Qin Feng, hoping that Qin Feng could persuade Lias!

"Hee-hee, I see, you must have been doing something that only husband and wife can do just now!" said Lias with a smile!

"You little girl, how do you know these things!" Hearing this, Venier Lana's face became even more ruddy, and she said angrily!

"Ahem, Lias, stop messing around, go to bed quickly!" At this time, Qin Feng had to speak!

"I don't want to!" Lias said in a dissatisfied tone, "Can't we sleep like a family, there are too many women around you, after missing this time, I don't know when it will be!"

Seeing that Lias didn't seem to give up until she reached her goal, Qin Feng gave the choice to Venierana!

At this time, Venierana used her magic power to condense a piece of clothing, and finally relented and said, "Okay! Lias, you sleep next to me!"

"Hmm!" Lias nodded, then slipped into the bed, hugged her mother, and whispered!

The sheets were wet, so Venierana let Lias sleep on the clean side, but Lias had to get an inch!

"Mother, can I sleep in the middle?" and after a moment of intimacy with her mother, Lias spoke again!

"No!" Suddenly, Veni Lana hurriedly refused!

"Why?" Venier Lana disagreed, and there was a hint of crying in Lias's tone!, "When I was a child, I slept between you and Qin Feng!"

"But you're grown up now, and you're not a child anymore!" said Venilana, gritting her teeth!

"Isn't that the same, I'm your daughter!" As she spoke, Lias didn't forget to give Qin Feng a wink!

"Alright!" Vignera agreed!

In this way, Lias slept between Venierana and Qin Feng!

"Hmm, mother, isn't this quilt clean?" Suddenly, Lias muttered!

"This is Qin Feng's sweat!" Veni Lana gave her daughter a blank look!

"Oh!" Lias nodded, but thought in her heart, it's strange to believe you! Qin Feng is so strong, how can he sweat! In fact, with Qin Feng's strength, illness and the like will not happen, and even the body will not produce any consumption, unless there is a fierce battle!

Lias had no desire to talk to her mother, looking at Qin Feng, who was close at hand, Lias's heart was pounding!

The two faced each other, Qin Feng saw that Lias's eyelashes were stirring, and he knew that the seemingly bold Lias was also nervous!

"Qin Feng!" The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally, Lias shouted out affectionately!

"You little girl, you are so bold!" Of course, Qin Feng didn't say it, but grabbed Lias's little hand under the quilt and wrote it in the palm of her hand!

Lias naturally knew what Qin Feng meant, and after smiling, she wrote in the palm of Qin Feng's hand: "What? Qin Feng, this is exciting!"

"It's exciting, but your mother almost found out!"

"Hmph, it's better to know!"

"Haha, I'm afraid your mother will beat you to death!"

"I'm not afraid, because I know you won't let my mother beat me!"

The two communicated quietly, and half of Qin Feng's attention was on Venilana, knowing that she had fallen asleep again, and only then did she become a little bolder!

At this time, Lias had already grabbed Qin Feng's palm and moved towards the murder!

Qin Feng could feel that Lias's delicate skin was so wonderful!

Since Veni Lana was right next to her, neither of them had much movement!

It was late at night, and there was silence all around, but Qin Feng could feel the heartbeat of himself and Lias, which was the result of a rapid heartbeat after extreme tension!!

"Qin Feng, how is my comparison here with my mother?" Lias wrote in Qin Feng's palm!!

"Very good!" Although it was said that it felt very good, Qin Feng could only give a vague promise! After speaking, Qin Feng could feel Lias's little hand squeeze the back of his hand fiercely, thinking that she was very dissatisfied with her answer!

"Why don't we do something that only husbands and wives can do!" Lias wrote in Qin Feng's palm!

"No!" Qin Feng hurriedly responded, doing that kind of thing would definitely be discovered by Vini Lana!

"No, I'm ready!" After speaking, Lias pulled Qin Feng's palm and leaned down!

Qin Feng's face was stunned, and he immediately reacted, Lias was fully prepared for this time!

Lias turned around and exposed the dolphin's part, and finally, under the cautious circumstances of both parties, Qin Feng finally had negative distance contact with Lias, and then, the amplitude of the two was not large, and Lias also suppressed herself fiercely, letting Qin Feng come to him!

The next day, after Qin Feng woke up, he found that Lias had gone back, and Venier Lana had also gotten up, and she was the only one lying on the bed!

"You're up!" came not Venierana, but Lias!337

"Lias, why are you still here?" Qin Feng saw that Lias was wearing a pajama as always, and the pink pajamas looked very cute!

"Why can't I be here?" said Lias with a smile, "Don't forget, I'm your woman!"

"But if you say this, your mother will find out!" Qin Feng said helplessly, not knowing if it was his own delusion, Qin Feng found that Lias seemed to be even more attractive!

"I'm not afraid!" Lias muttered, becoming Qin Feng's woman for the first time, Lias seemed very excited!

"Eh!" Qin Feng was a little speechless, but Lias continued: "Lie to you, my mother went out, and it seems that she went to the doctor!"

"Oh!" Qin Feng then remembered, in order to be able to conceive a child, Venier Lana went out to see a doctor all day long, but is this useful? Demon physique, health needless to say, not to mention not being able to conceive, can only be said to be a matter of chance!

After finishing speaking, Lias trotted a few steps and threw herself into Qin Feng's arms!

"Bad guy, I thought about it...!" A very powerful sentence, Qin Feng immediately went into battle, without any scruples, and fought with Lias!


"You slept with him last night?" Lias walked out satisfied, meeting her sister Junai!

"Of course!" Lias narrowed her eyes and smiled!

"Could it be that you have become Qin Feng's woman?" Zhu Nai asked again!

"Naturally, hurry up and call me aunt!" Lias said with a grin!

"No, Aunt Veni Lana is also here, you can't succeed!" Then, Zhu Nai thought of the key!

"Hmph, does Aunt Zhu Li agree with you?" Lias didn't deny it, but said! How did Zhu Nai know that Lias had already gotten along with Qin Feng several times, but Lias wanted to enjoy this sneaky feeling with Qin Feng, so she didn't admit it!

"Mother will agree!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai couldn't help but think of the scene last night!

Yesterday evening, she found her mother, and looking at her mother, who looked similar to herself, Zhu Nai also used the same means as Lias!

First praise the mother's beauty and beauty, then be coquettish, and finally say your purpose!

However, Zhu Li was originally made obedient by Zhu Nai, but as soon as she heard that her daughter was going to be with Qin Feng, she immediately exploded!

"What did you say?" Zhu Li looked at Zhu Nai in disbelief, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, and repeated!

"I want to be Qin Feng's woman!" Zhu Nai said categorically!

"Are you crazy!" Zhu Li felt that the daughter in front of him was very strange, and then said: "Is it that astringent Qin Feng forced you to become his woman, no wonder he will go to Kyoto alone with you, damn it, even you won't let it go!" After speaking, Zhu Li rushed out angrily, as if he wanted to settle accounts with Qin Feng!

"No, it's my own idea!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai shook his head!"He told me a lot, saying that we can't be together, and finally he asked me to ask you, if you agree, he agrees!"

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