"I don't agree with anything!" Zhu Li objected violently!

"But I really like Qin Feng!" Zhu Nai said with some distress!

After being angry, Zhu Li calmed down, remembering the bits and pieces that happened in the past, at that time, Zhu Nai was more attached to Qin Feng than ordinary children, maybe it was at that time that Qin Feng integrated into her life as a man!

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Zhu Li said earnestly: "Daughter, you are not love, you have to distinguish between the two!"

"No, mother, I know very clearly, this is a woman's love for an excellent man!" Zhu Nai shook his head!

"You guy!" Zhu Li's anger came up again, "Do you endure the ridicule of others?"

"I don't mind!" Zhu Nai said firmly!

"Then do you want to make Qin Feng a laughing stock? Do you want you and Qin Feng to never be able to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives?" Zhu Li shouted again!

"...!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai no longer has a firm intention, she can not care about herself, but she cares about Qin Feng very much!

"Daughter, you will meet an excellent boy in the future, and then marry him and have children!" Looking at Zhu Nai, who was already crying, Zhu Li said again!

"Can my daughter find a man who is even better than Qin Feng!" Zhu Nai muttered, and then walked out!

Looking at the figure of her daughter leaving, Zhu Li sighed slightly, she had to admit that Qin Feng was indeed very good, even if she knew that Qin Feng had many women, Zhu Li never thought of leaving Qin Feng's side, once, she had always been proud of having such an excellent man as Qin Feng, but now, she was troubled!

Because he has been following Qin Feng's side, Zhu Nai can't look down on a man who is worse than Qin Feng at all, but can a man who is better than Qin Feng exist! In terms of strength, Qin Feng can defeat the three major forces, which can be said to be unprecedented!

In order to cut off Zhu Nai's thoughts, Zhu Li called Qin Feng here!

"Zhu Li, what are you looking for me?" Qin Feng saw that Zhu Li's face was not good, and knew that Zhu Nai had a showdown with Zhu Li!

"Hmph, you really don't know what's going on?" asked Zhu Li!

"Of course!" Qin Feng hurriedly shook his head!

"Then let me ask you, what have you been doing with Zhu Nai in Kyoto these days?" asked Zhu Li!

Qin Feng said a little innocently: "I just went to play for a while, and by the way, I found two dependents for Zhu Nai!" "Now Zhu Nai's new dependents are the mother and daughter of Yasaka who joined!"

"Is that really it?" Zhu Li frowned and said!

"Of course!" Qin Feng nodded!

After making sure that Qin Feng didn't have any actions that went beyond the relationship with Zhu Nai, Zhu Li breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "You have to take care of her!"

"What's going on?" Qin Feng pretended not to know!

"Okay, don't pretend!" Zhu Li glanced at Qin Feng and said, "Zhu Nai likes you now, what do you say?"

"I think it's pretty good!" Qin Feng said with a smile: "At least it can prove that I am an excellent man!"

Zhu Li snorted, "It's all your fault!"

"What, I can't control Zhu Nai's heart!" Qin Feng muttered!

Hearing this, Zhu Li snorted again dissatisfied, "Hmph, you can behave a little frustrated in front of Zhu Nai at the right time, who made you as good as ever!"

Qin Feng was even more speechless, and left after leaving this problem to Zhu Li!

In the next few days, Zhu Nai has been sullen, but Qin Fengzheng and Lias are in love, but they don't care much!!

Minutes and seconds passed in the summer life, and at this time, after years of hard work, Veni Lana's stomach finally reacted!

This time, Qin Feng was kicked away by Venier Lana as if she had completed the task, according to Venilana, she couldn't let the fetus be hurt in the slightest, but Qin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, and then lingered among Gu Leifia and the others every day!

"Hei Ge, what's wrong with you today? are you always restless?" Qin Feng and Hei Ge hugged each other and fell asleep, Qin Feng asked!

"Master, Miss Zhu Nai, she is very depressed!" With her intuition, she could feel that something seemed to be going on between Zhu Nai and Qin Feng, but she was smart enough not to say it!

"It's okay!" Qin Feng smiled bitterly, it should be over soon! For Zhu Nai's thoughts, Qin Feng can most of them, but he can't have too much intimacy with Zhu Nai!

"What about the kitten~!" seemed to be a heavy topic, and after the two finished speaking, they fell silent, and finally, Qin Feng changed the topic, and these days, Qin Feng has not seen the figure of the kitten!

"I heard that she went to Lu Fei's house to play!" Hei Ge smiled: "By the way, I forgot to mention, Lu Fei and Kitten's classmates!"

"Lu Fei, Arthur's sister, it's not good, the kitten is in danger!" Qin Feng immediately stood up and said! Arthur is still under the banner of the Hero Faction, so when the kitten goes to Lu Fei's house, it is definitely self-defeating!


"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, "Lu Fei is Arthur's sister, and Arthur is a descendant of King Arthur, and he is also a member of the Hero Faction, that is, the Vortex Regiment!"

"Master, then let's hurry up and save the kitten!" Hearing that it was the Vortex Group, Hei Ge suddenly said! Hei Ge is still very concerned about his sister!

"Okay, you go and call Zhu Nai, let's leave immediately!" Qin Feng said!

Hei Ge hurriedly ran out, but soon ran back and said in frustration: "Miss Zhu Nai is not in the castle!"

"Zhu Nai is not in the castle?" Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned, this little girl shouldn't do stupid things!

Qin Feng thought for a while, and then said: "That's it, you and Rosvia Arthur, and Yasaka will go to save people, I'll go to find Zhu Nai, and support you immediately after I find it!"

"Okay!" Hei Ge also nodded!

For the sake of safety, Qin Feng also asked Lias to go to save people, after all, the kitten is Lias's family!

After hearing the news, Lias also agreed with Qin Feng's idea and asked Qin Feng to find Zhu Nai, after all, only Qin Feng can untie Zhu Nai's heart knot, as for how to untie it, Lias can also guess some!

The simplest thing is to follow Zhu Nai's wishes.

Due to the difference in strength between the two, Qin Feng quickly determined Zhu Nai's position, which was Kyoto!

Stepping back on Kyoto, Qin Feng knew why Zhu Nai appeared here, because this was the place where he and Zhu Nai were alone, and that time was also when Zhu Nai was the happiest!

When Zhu Nai came here, he must be reminiscing about the bits and pieces of those two days!

"Hey!" Qin Feng sighed, locked Zhu Nai's position, and then came to a beach!

"You're here!" Regarding Qin Feng's arrival, Zhu Nai didn't feel anything strange!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, then came to Zhu Nai and sat down!

"Come back with me!!," Qin Feng said softly!

"What about you?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai looked at Qin Feng with burning eyes!

"Me too!" Qin Feng didn't avoid Zhu Nai's gaze and said!

"What I want is not ordinary worries, but worries between male and female lovers!" Seeing that Qin Feng's gaze was not mixed with a trace of evil thoughts, Zhu Nai smiled bitterly and said, "Do you understand my heart?"

"I understand!" Qin Feng nodded emphatically: "But this love is too heavy for us!"

"For you, I can give up everything!" Zhu Nai said!"But I know that I can't be so selfish, you are a world-famous hero, famous, if you have a relationship with me, others will definitely laugh at you! These days, I have been thinking that this love may have been wrong in the first place!"

Zhu Nai's every word seemed to hit Qin Feng's chest, and Qin Feng couldn't wait to hold the delicate Zhu Nai beside him in his arms!

"Do you remember this place!" After speaking, Zhu Nai's eyes looked at the blue sea!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, he remembered that after walking to Tianlong Temple that day, Zhu Nai took himself here to play in the water, and at that time, Zhu Nai was also very happy!

"I'll try to forget you!" Suddenly, Zhu Nai hugged Qin Feng's arms and cried, "But, can you lend me a night time?"

"Hmm!" Qin Feng carefully wiped away the tears from the corners of Zhu Nai's eyes, and after the black qi emerged, Qin Feng and Zhu Nai's figures appeared in a luxurious suite!

Qin Feng knew that after this evening, he was going to miss Zhu Nai!

Thinking that Zhu Nai would be with other men in the future, Qin Feng's heart was like a knife, he gritted his teeth, and Qin Feng hugged Zhu Nai's body!

Feeling Qin Feng's broad chest, Zhu Nai's body stiffened, and he didn't dare to make any moves!!

"What are you going to do?" Zhu Nai's voice was trembling, but there was a hint of excitement in his voice!

"Zhu Nai, let's be together!" The words that were stuck in his throat and had never dared to say it, but now after being yelled out loud by Qin Feng, Qin Feng felt extremely relaxed!

"Ah!" Zhu Nai was stunned, he didn't expect another village!

"But... But in this case, your reputation will be damaged!" Zhu Nai said hesitantly!

"I'm not afraid!" Qin Feng said domineeringly: "If anyone objects, I will kill him!"

"What about mother's objection?" Hearing this, Zhu Nai glanced back at Qin Feng, with a crimson look on his face!

"I... I'll let her agree!" Qin Feng naturally didn't kill Zhu Li, but said in a sneer!(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hmm!" At this moment, Zhu Nai's tears fell again, and after several twists and turns, she finally got what she wanted!

The air-conditioned room is warm in spring, there is no light, the green light shines through the window, you can see Zhu Nai's innocent face, and the autumn-like eyes have a thin layer of mist...

After the knot, Qin Feng and Zhu Nai returned to the bedroom almost intimately!

It was a matter of course, Qin Feng and Zhu Nai naturally combined, and at the moment of the combination, Zhu Nai couldn't help crying!

After a night of warmth, Qin Feng told Zhu Nai that the kitten was in danger, and now Hei Ge, Lias and others have gone to the rescue!

Hearing this, although Zhu Nai enjoyed the time alone with Qin Feng, he still went to support them!

At this time, according to the map given by Qin Feng, Lias and the others had already arrived at the stronghold of the Vortex Regiment!

The stronghold of the Vortex Regiment is very large, and from the outside, it looks like an ancient castle located on a hill, the size is about the same as the ancient castle where Qin Feng lives, but it lacks a domineering spirit!

"Miss Lias, what should we do now?" Zhu Nai was not there, Hei Ge asked subconsciously!

"Let one person go in and find out the situation first, and then attack in a big way!" said Lias, thinking for a moment!

"Then leave it to me!" Eube Luna immediately stepped forward, in the duel that went first, Eube Luna felt that she had not contributed, and now that she had the opportunity, how could she miss it!

"No!" Lias shook her head and said, "Your strength is very special, although it is very strong, but I don't feel that I am a good hand at concealment, so there will be a conflict in advance!"

"Then let me go!" said Hei Ge! She had already mastered spatial magic, so she was naturally the best candidate, and Hei Ge was also worried about her sister and wanted to know the situation urgently!

"That's okay!" Lias thought for a moment, then nodded, among the many women, Hei Song's ability was the most suitable for investigation work!

"Heige, you have to remember, don't clash with the people inside!" Lias said solemnly!

At this time, in the huge living room, the kitten was sitting on a chair with a delicate body, and there was a group of people standing in front of her!

In the center of this line, a black-haired young man wearing a school uniform, wearing a Hanfu on the outside of the school uniform, he is holding a gun in his hand, and the young man is surrounded by several people wearing similar school uniforms, all of them are young men and women, all of whom look young!

"It's so good, I didn't expect this harvest!" Cao Cao sneered!

The kitten glanced at Lu Fei, who was crying in a low voice, and sighed, she didn't expect that she would come to her classmate's house to play but encounter this situation, Lu Fei's brother turned out to be a hero!

"It's a wolf's den!" the kitten smiled bitterly!

"Cao Cao, what should we do with this little girl now?" It was Hercules who spoke, he was a giant who inherited the soul of Hercules in Greek mythology, and a prank of an artifact giant, "Do you want to kill him?"

"Of course it's killed!" Joan of Arc said with a smile! She is a blonde beauty who inherits the soul of Joan of Arc and has the artifact Holy Sword Creation.

After Joan of Arc finished speaking, Arthur next to him frowned, glanced at Joan of Arc very dissatisfied, and said: "She is my sister's classmate, and catching her is already my bottom line, if you want to kill her, don't blame me for turning my face!"

"It seems that you have inherited the character of your ancestor King Arthur Knight!" Joan of Arc snorted coldly!

"I said, no one is allowed to hurt her!" With that, King Arthur drew his sword in the stone!

"Cao Cao, I think it's the same!" At this time, Siegfried said! He is a descendant of heroes, and he feels that Cao Cao's methods are not above board enough!

Cao Cao glanced at Arthur and Siegfried, although these two people joined the hero faction, they were very stubborn in character!

"Don't hurt this girl!" Cao Cao finally spoke: "There are more benefits to keeping her!"

Knowing that the kitten's life was saved, Arthur glanced back at his sister and said lightly: "Lu Fei, help your classmate to rest in the room!

"Hmm!" Lu Fei nodded, and quickly helped the kitten into the room!

"It looks like they're already here!" At this time, Cao Cao sneered!

"Do you need me to do anything?" said Georg, who stepped forward!

"Well, I'll let you take the lead!" Cao Cao nodded and said!

"Who is it!" Suddenly, Arthur let out a loud shout, and the stone sword in his hand slashed into the void, and the seemingly faint blow even cut through the space!

When the space was shattered, a black divine robe burst out, and she flexibly jumped onto the fence on the second floor, looking down at the people below!

Cao Cao immediately knew that this black-haired woman was using space magic! He knew a lot about the power of the Mystery King, and knew that there was a person among Zhu Nai's dependents who was proficient in space magic, and his name was Hei Ge, so the woman in front of him was Hei Ge!

"Where's my sister?" asked Hei Ge in a deep voice!

"Your sister?" Cao Cao sneered, "She's in my hands, I just don't know if you have the ability to rescue your sister!"

Hei Ge glanced at Cao Cao, and her gaze finally fixed on the gun in Cao Cao's hand! Before she came, she heard Qin Feng's advice, be careful of a guy named Cao Cao, the gun in his hand is the strongest Divine Exterminator Twilight Holy Spear, known as an absolute artifact that even a god can penetrate, and it is synonymous with the real Divine Exterminator.

"You're Cao Cao!" Hei Ge sneered, his body suddenly appeared on Cao Cao's side, and an immortal spell blasted out!

"Drink!" At this time, Arthur also moved, and the sword in the stone in his hand was cut out again, and in desperation, Hei Ge could only jump away!

"Siegfried, you can do it too!" Cao Cao said lightly!

"Cao Cao, just leave this opponent to me!" Hearing this, Arthur said coldly!

Hei Ge looked at the group of people in front of him, his gaze swept around, and finally fixed his gaze in a room!

"It's inside!" Hei Ge's body disappeared again, the space shuttled, and when he was about to break through into the room, a huge slash slashed Hei Ge's way forward, why do you say chop, for the sword in the stone to destroy the piece!.

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