"Damn!" Hei Ge scolded secretly, but Cao Cao was definitely not a pedantic person, when he saw Siegfried not acting, he decided to do it himself, and in an instant, the holy spear also came to Hei Ge, and Joan of Arc also moved, just like that, Hei Ge faced a three-way attack!

Now that he knew that his sister's life was not in danger, Hei Ge was not in a hurry, his body flashed, and he left here, letting the attack of the three of them fail!

"She's all gone!" Joan of Arc frowned, a little dissatisfied!

"Don't worry! As long as the hostages are still in our hands, they will definitely come to save people!" Cao Cao sneered, whoever comes, I will clean him up with one shot!

"But I've heard that the Enigma King is very powerful!" Joan of Arc said with some hesitation, "It's rumored outside that the Enigma King defeated the three major forces with one enemy and one hundred!"

"Hmph, it's fun to fight against such a strong person!" Arthur sneered!

"Although he is a battle maniac, his strength is terrible!!" Joan of Arc said sarcastically!

"What? do you want to be cut?" Arthur said with a hint of anger in his tone!

"Okay, don't quarrel!" Cao Cao said again: "Although the strength of the Mystery King is strong, with our current strength, we will not be his opponent, but don't forget, we have hostages in our hands, and when the time comes, the Mystery King will be a mouse!"

At this time, Heige had already returned to the outside and met with Lias and the others!

"Heige, what's going on inside?" asked Lias, who was a member of her family, worriedly!

"The kitten is not in danger of life for the time being, but there are a few powerful people inside!" Hei Ge thought for a moment, and then said: "With our strength, it is not a big problem to rescue the kitten!"

After figuring out what was going on inside, Lias weighed it back and forth and felt that she could save the kitten even without her father's support!

After Lias broke in, she found that except for her, Janova, Irina, Heige and others had all disappeared!

"What's going on?" Lias frowned!

Of course, not only Lias, but also all the family members were also shocked by this situation and went into a state of alert.

Soon, something like a mist rose under the feet of several people.

"What is this fog?" Seeing this fog, Lias was a little surprised, she felt the power of space from this fog!

"It should be a kind of god exterminator, the master said, I'm afraid we have been transferred by the members of the Hero Faction!"

"You're finally here!" At this time, the figure from the mist gradually approached, and Cao Cao and a few people had already approached!

"Hurry up and hand over my sister!" Black 633 Song was the first to say!

"Leonardo, summon those cute monsters!" Cao Cao didn't answer, but said to a small boy standing next to him!

The boy was still expressionless, and nodded slightly, instantly. A disgusting shadow appeared at the boy's feet, and it quickly expanded.

Lias noticed that something cold seemed to be crawling behind her, and the shadow was even larger, and finally, when the shadow was formed, and when the arms, feet, and skull were formed, the eyeballs were also born, and the mouth was wide open, of course, there was not just one, ten, hundred, or even more such monsters!

The monsters let out a beast-like roar, and the creation was perhaps the most appropriate expression, the black-skinned monster standing on two legs, the whole body was very strong, the skin was rough and the flesh was thick, the claws were also very sharp, and the teeth were exposed, and the monsters stood in a large row at the front.

"Warcraft creation, that guy's abilities!" Lias sneered.

"The answer is correct, that's right, the artifact held by this kid is one of the divine exterminators, and it is also one of the most vicious artifacts!" Cao Cao laughed happily!

Lias glanced at the combination of the Hero Faction, they were all holders of artifacts, and there were also God Destroyers, but she didn't take it to heart!

"Let's do it!" Lias said, and Jenova took the lead, and the monsters with a chilling roar rushed up!

Jenova waved the Dirandal in his hand, and was slashed by Jenova's bold blow, and a large number of opposing demonic beasts were easily eliminated, although he was a knight, he was crushed like a blood ox bulldozer!

"Roar!" a monster grows and spits out a beam of light!

Jenova didn't dodge, and used the Dirandal in his hand to bounce and impale a building in the distance.

"With this level of light, it's no problem if you don't get hit. "

"No, just take them down before you get hit. At this time, Irina slashed all the way up with the magic sword!

"Cao Cao, let me be your opponent!" Lias snorted and put on her divine clothes!

"You're the daughter of the Mystery King, Lias, that's right, I want to see what you've learned from the Mystery King?!" Cao Cao lifted the holy spear with a fearless smile on his face, the front end of the gun opened, and the glorious golden force field formed a spear blade, and the moment the front end opened, the entire air in this space vibrated with it!

At the same time, a double-strand fork also appeared in Lias's hand, and the moment it merged with Cao Cao's holy spear, it produced a powerful fluctuation!

At this time, Hei Ge chose his opponent, it was Arthur (CBDJ) who had done bad things to her three or four times!

In front of Arthur, Black Song's spatial magic was completely useless, because Arthur's sword was able to cut through space!

"It's an opponent with a sword, I like this!" Janova laughed like a boy, and then stood in front of Black Song!

"Heige, leave this opponent to me, you go and save your sister!" Janova said!

"Hmm!" Hei Ge nodded, and his figure disappeared suddenly!

"Where to go!" The kitten was with his sister, for the safety of his sister, where was he willing to let Hei Ge go over, and cut down at the void, but this blow did not shatter the space, because Jewa was blocked by his sword!

"You're up against me!" said Jenova excitedly!

And at this time, Irina also has her own opponent!

"When we first met, I was a descendant of the hero Siegfried, Jik, but I prefer to be called Siegfried!" The man took a step forward, freeing the sword from the scabbard at his waist, and the sword in his hand began to wrap around the magic.

"My name is Irina!" With that, Liana slashed at it with great speed and received a blow from Irina, the magic of Siegfried's uncomfortable sword not even the slightest bit destroyed.

"I'm holding the Demon Emperor Sword Gramm!" Siegfried touched his sword lovingly, then smiled, and at the same time, his figure disappeared, and like Irina, the two ended up in close combat.

Both of them also quickly flew back and regrouped. Immediately afterward, a fierce back-and-forth exchange of sparks began.

As for Yube Luna, she found Joan of Arc, of course, although Joan of Arc has the artifact created by the Holy Sword, she is not the opponent of Yube Luna, who has a "cheat weapon"!

After a few attacks, Joan of Arc was completely dumbfounded, because all her attacks were defused!

In front of Yubeluna, there is a barrier that resembles a blue vortex, and all attacks are sucked into this blue vortex, and finally become invisible!

"What kind of artifact is this?" asked Joan of Arc in surprise!

"It's not an artifact, it's a holy weapon created by the master, and the ability is to go back in time!" Eube Luna glanced at Joan of Arc proudly and said, "You are not my opponent, admit defeat!"

Lothvia chose Hercules, but because of Hercules' defense, Lothvia was temporarily evenly matched with him!

The figures of Genova and Arthur flickered, followed by the sound of metal handovers!

"Looks like it's going to get real!" Janova held another palm in his hand, and another sword appeared in his hand, this was a holy sword!

Jenova originally liked to use the second knife flow, but after using the second knife flow, the power increased greatly!

The tip of the sword was already swinging at an invisible speed, and occasionally a glittering sword could be seen, and then Jenova slashed down from above with a holy sword wrapped around a powerful field!

"Why don't you use your Dirandal?" said Arthur, holding his sword in the stone and blocking the blow!

"Hurry up and let me meet the tyrant Dirandal!" Arthur said disdainfully!

"Then let you see it!" Janova sneered, and Dirandal's sword began to release divine aura.

Seeing the rich divine aura, Arthur frowned, and the sword in the stone in his hand also moved high, thinking about it, it was also the strongest blow!

Boom! Dirandal released the sword wind, rolling and attacking, and Arthur, the sword in the stone in his hand also fell suddenly, and at the same time as the huge slash was swung, the surrounding space collapsed!

"Dilandal is the strongest!" is a very powerful force, and the two energies collide and make a huge sound!

"Hmph, Dirandal, but my sword in the stone, but the sword left by my ancestors!" Arthur also exclaimed.

"Boom!" the air vibrated and the aftermath of the energy was intense, and Jenova's body flew into the air, but Arthur didn't seem to be affected, and kicked her in the stomach.

"Hmm!" Janova let out a muffled sound and was kicked away.

"That's it, girl! you haven't been able to fully control Dirandal!" Arthur sneered, but Jenova repositioned himself in the air, landed beautifully, and slashed through it again.

In addition, Siegfried, who fought with Irina, is also surprisingly strong!

Irina gave birth to a clone quickly, while constantly sending out attacks from the opponent's dead corner to disrupt the opponent, and even quickly slid in the air, while stabbing straight at Siegfried in the back!

"It's useless!" Siegfried held his sword in one hand and calmly took Irina's attack!

"Looks like we're going to use that trick!" Irina took a step back, thinking to herself, as she began to communicate with the snake of Orpheus in her body!

Irina was immersed in her own spiritual world, and outside, Siegfried saw a steady stream of black gas gushing out of Irina's body!

"It's... The magic is growing!!" Siegfried was a little surprised to see the ever-increasing magic!

Soon, Siegfried saw that Irina's body had changed, no, it should be said that the palm of the sword had changed, and that hand had become a dragon's claw!

Irina had already opened her eyes, but the feeling that Liana gave him was so weird!

Suddenly, he saw Irina's figure suddenly appear behind him, Siegfried was stunned, his backhand was a sword, and the speed was very fast!

"It's useless!" Irina's voice also changed, a little hoarse and gloomy!

Irina blocked the attack with her arms covered in dragon scales, and then swung her sword out at once, grabbing Siegfried's neck!

But what Irina didn't expect was that Siegfried's arm came out and stretched out an arm, and that hand also held a sword in his hand to block Irina's attack!

That hand was similar to Irina's dragon claws, silver and scaly!

"It's a pity that I have the hand of a dragon, just like you!" Siegfried sneered.

"It's not the same!" Irina sneered: "Hmph, another stupid with two knives!"

"No, I'm a three-sword!" Siegfried sneered again, and at the same time, the free hand pulled out a sword from his waist, and the silver light flashed, and although Irina jumped away in time, she was still scratched in the abdomen!

"Balmonk, the power of the legendary magic sword of the Norse legend!"

"Three swords, it's difficult to do this time!" Irina smiled bitterly, and at the same time, she remembered what Qin Feng had talked to her after communicating with Orpheus that snake!

With her current strength, she couldn't borrow more of Orpheus's snake power, so Qin Feng warned him not to borrow too much power!

"If you have too much strength, the more powerful your body will be, and you won't be able to recover in the end!" Qin Feng said solemnly!

"I hate that ugly appearance, but I don't like to lose even more!" said Irina, and her black arrogance grew again!

In Siegfried's surprised gaze, Irina's other arm also turned into a dragon, followed by the body, the wings behind her began to swell, covered with dragon scales, and finally, Irina's face also became hideous!

At this point, Irina has turned into a dragon-like monster!

"Sadly, this power doesn't belong to you!" Siegfried sneered as he looked at Irina, who had become a complete dragon!

"You're right!" Irina laughed, "I don't like the look, but I have a reason why I can't lose, so let's die!"

Irina was countless times faster, and when Siegfried reacted, she found that the sword had already come to her side!

Siegfried hurriedly stepped back, and finally raised his head and looked at Irina incredulously!

"Can't you cut it?" said Irina lightly!

"Bastard, you've slashed!" Siegfried looked up, blood coming from his forehead!

"Hehe, I originally wanted to cut off half of your head!" Irina said calmly: "In my eyes, if you don't achieve your goal, you don't cut it!"

"It's really infuriating!" Siegfried sneered and said, "Since you turned into a dragon, then I'm even more excited, the name of the ancestor hero is from the dragon slayer!"

"Dragon Slayer Brave?" Hearing this, Irina frowned, and then approached the Three-Sword Stream Brave at a faster speed!

One blow swept, and although Siegfried blocked it, he was swept out along with his figure!

Since Irina turned into a dragon, her strength has surpassed Siegfried too much, even if Siegfried is a descendant of the dragon slayer, but the position of the hunter and the prey is not fixed, only the survivors are the hunters, and now, Irina's power has completely suppressed Siegfried!

"Damn!" Siegfried didn't expect Irina to be so strong!

Siegfried was repulsed, and Irina was already behind her!

"Your arm is superfluous!" Siegfried only heard this, and then felt his third hand be caught and cut off!

Siegfried hurriedly slashed at Irina, but Irina's dragon claws grabbed Siegfried's sword and slashed at his sword!

"Poof!" blood flowed, and in just a few seconds, Siegfried had broken two arms!

Siegfried held the sword in one hand and looked at the monster in front of him with a solemn expression!

"Roar!" Irina involuntarily let out a dragon groan, and while gaining great power, Irina was also disturbed by her sanity!

"Not good!" Siegfried saw that a ray of light began to condense from Irina's mouth, a black light, and he could feel the powerful power attached to it!

The black energy light struck quickly, and Siegfried hurriedly jumped away, but in mid-air, Siegfried glanced at the place where Irina was standing just now, but found that Irina was gone, and a bad feeling came to my heart, and when I came back to my senses, I found that Irina had appeared on his head, and I was horrified, the Bible had been ruthlessly cut down!

Since Genova used the second sword, his power has increased greatly, and even Arthur has been suppressed!

The giant on Roseviath's face was even more perverted, and countless magic blasted out! She shouted loudly as she began to set up an unimaginably large number of Rubik's Cubes around her! Not just a dozen or twenty!

"Let's try my Nordic magic that works with all attributes, all spirits, and all gods!"

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