Boom Boom!

A terrifying amount of magic shot from the shocking array of magic was unleashed in the air endlessly, changing orbits several times, and finally pouring down like a torrential rain on the camp of the heroic faction, although Hercules regarded Lotvia as an opponent, but Lotsviath's large-scale magic attack was aimed at all members of the Hero faction!

Magical attacks with different attributes of fire, light, water, and thunder swept through the surroundings and attacked the heroic faction!

Houses, shops, roads, and telephone poles were all reduced to ashes in an instant, and the traces dissipated, countless explosions rang out, and the demolition battle between Lotsvia and the giant Hercules was in full swing.

But Lothvia Unleashed an endless stream of magic, and Hercules took it all head-on, sneering with ecstasy!

"Hahaha! This magic attack came just in time!" Hercules was laughing, he had endured the full force of Lotsviath's Nordic magic, and he could laugh at his opponent as if nothing had happened! Of course, Hercules was not without damage, although it was very subtle, but his whole body was wounded.

However, after eating so many magic attacks, he only suffered a slight injury, Hercules' defense can be said to be amazing!

Every time Hercules threw his fist, there would be an explosion on that side!

Rosviathur deftly dodged, and Hercules' iron fist swung into the air and hit the tree behind him, and in an instant, the explosion sounded and the tree exploded into ~ dust!

"My artifact is the prank of the giant who will explode at the same time as the attack, so it's okay to continue to perform a demolition show while punching your magic away!" Hercules said lightly, "But we have already lost one of our teammates, and it seems that we should also get a victory fruit!"

"Forbidden hands!" Hercules roared, and the giant body glowed, and the light gradually formed a thick object on Hercules's arms, legs, feet, and back, and when the light dimmed, countless protrusions appeared all over Hercules' body. Those protrusions are missiles!

"This is my forbidden hand!Superman's malicious fluctuations!" Hercules' attack aimed at Lotsviath, who realized this and moved to pull away!

"If it goes on like this, it's not safe here!" Lotvia Arthur kept moving, of course, not for fear of such an attack, but for fear of involving her companions, especially since Irina had already fainted!

"Haha, what a nice woman, do you want to distract me from trying not to get your companion involved in the explosion!" Hercules laughed excitedly, looking at Rose Viath, who was far away, and the missile entered the launch position, and then shot out in one go.

At this time, Roseviath's magic array had already opened! The moment countless missiles directly hit Roseviath's unfolded Rubik's Array, a huge explosion occurred in the air! A strong blast swept across the surrounding area, and a figure appeared in the cloud of smoke from the explosion! On closer inspection, Roseviath's injuries were already taken, but he still landed steadily!

"How's it going, woman, you know my horror now!" said Hercules laughing!

"I'll beat you!" Lotvia looked up and looked at Hercules coldly!

"Orpheus's snake!" the injured Lothviather found that his heart to protect his companion activated the latent power in his body, Orpheus's snake!

"Lend me the power!" Lotvia shouted in his heart, and in the depths of his consciousness, the item of the swarthy Orpheus snake suddenly bloomed with a shining white light, and outside, Lotsviath's whole body was shrouded in a layer of white light, and then turned into a powerful aar, and the injuries on Roseviath's body were healed!

"The magic is increasing, that's what makes it interesting!" Hercules didn't move, but looked at Lotvia with interest!

Lotsviather had already stood up, and after the white aura enveloped his body, Lotsviath's whole body changed, of course, not like Irina, his body shape changed, but his whole body was covered with a white armor, as if he was forbidden to his hands, and with it, the white aura gathered and formed from his shoulders to his back.

On the back is formed a rucksack, and on both shoulders are mounted large-caliber cannons!

"You can actually stop it!" Hercules was a little surprised to see Rose Viather look like this!

Rosevia was also stunned to look at her newfound strength, she felt that she was more than ten times stronger than in the past at this time!

"I'm going to kill you down there!" Lotvia snorted coldly, and a silent sound sounded, and the cannon muzzle was already aimed at Hercules!

The energy is condensing, and even the rest of the people feel the fluctuations of this energy!

"That's dangerous!" Cao Cao glanced at Roseviath, as if sensing the power of the concentrated cannon.

"Boom, boom!" The cannon on his shoulder unleashed a huge blow, and the high-power energy shot towards Lotvia Arthur!

"Interesting, I'll take this blow!" Hercules blocked the front, intending to take the blow!

"Don't do it!" Cao Cao wanted to shout, but Lias had already made a move!

"It's very dangerous to be distracted in battle!" Lias's destructive power directly hit Cao Cao and sneered!

In the end, the shelling directly blasted Hercules into the air!

There was another loud bang, a big bang that shook the whole space, and the city in the background was surrounded by a huge aura.

The energy is constantly spreading, and the whole city is surrounded by a strong light, and when the strong light dissipates, there is nothing!

"Wipe out the whole city!Hey, if he keeps firing, this space won't last!" Joan of Arc looked at the terrible situation after the bombardment, there was no doubt that Hercules had turned to dust!

After Lotsvia defeated Hercules, the battle between Janova and Arthur came to an end!

Janova's body also burst out with a dazzling blue light, and she was able to communicate with Orpheus's snake!

Soon, Janova, like Lotsvia, wore blue armor, but this blue armor covered very little area.

"Suffer death!" Janova was already approaching speed, faster than he could travel through space! suddenly appeared in front of Arthur, and then before Arthur could react, he slashed down with a sword!

"It's over!" The blood flew up, and Arthur had fallen!

Joan of Arc summoned, and a sword was born at her feet! Eube Luna flashed and easily dodged Joan of Arc's attack, and then, Joan of Arc seized the opportunity to stab a sword!

"You're not going to tell me, you're capable!" Joan of Arc said with a smile!

"As a sign of respect, I'm going to tell you first that my ability is the creation of the Holy Sword, and any attribute of the Holy Sword can be created!" Joan of Arc said again!

Yube Luna sneered and rushed forward first, she didn't have time to waste on Joan of Arc, although their side won three games, but all three of Genova were injured, especially Irina, the most serious!

"Forbidden?" Seeing Eube Luna rush up, a large number of holy swords appeared under Joan of Arc's feet, violently overlapping each other!

"This kid is my forbidden hand! The holy dragon of sin is a subspecies!" Joan of Arc smiled, but Yube Luna faced Joan of Arc without the slightest fear!

The dragon roared, and countless holy swords erupted from its mouth, attacking Yube Luna!

"It's useless!" A blue vortex appeared in front of Yuber Luna, absorbing all the holy swords that were fired!

"It's this ability again!" Joan of Arc frowned at the sight of Yube Luna using this ability!

"Holy Dragon!" Joan of Arc ordered, and the Holy Dragon rushed forward!

Yubeluna's cane swayed slightly, and the blue magic array covered the holy dragon like a flying magic carpet!

"This is...!" Joan of Arc saw that his holy dragon was imprisoned by the blue magic array as if he was in a deep quagmire, and the body of the holy dragon continued to sink into the blue magic array!

"No contact?" the Holy Dragon was submerged until Joan of Arc felt that she could no longer contact the Holy Dragon!

Solving the Holy Dragon, Yuber Luna's eyes are on Joan of Arc!

"Joan of Arc, you should die!" Eube Luna threw out the big move, and the blue vortex burst out at once, and finally engulfed Joan of Arc!

Although she was imprisoned by the blue vortex, she didn't feel any pain, she just felt that the energy in her body kept disappearing!

"What's going on?" The power in her body kept passing, and Joan of Arc hadn't reacted yet!

As if after a baptism of water, the blue vortex disappeared, and Joan of Arc found herself a little over five years old!

"How so?" Joan of Arc was taken aback!

"Tell you, this is my power, the power to deprive time!" Eube Luna snorted!

"Really, you, who inherited the soul of a saint, are actually helping the people of the Vortex Regiment!" Yube Luna said with hatred!

"Cao Cao, see it, your companion is dead, you are going to be alone!" The attack of the two kept repeating, and then returned to the same place, but when you looked in the downstream direction where the two came, you could see that there was smoke everywhere, and the earth had become a barren and scorched earth!

At this time, Lias and Cao Cao were both embarrassed, Cao Cao's clothes were worn, and the holy spear in his hand was trembling, and Lias, the divine clothes collapsed in several places, and in general, it was Lias who had the upper hand!

"But your companion is not good!" Cao Cao swept away Irina and the others who had fainted out of strength, and sneered!"But only those who can survive are qualified to be my companions, and that dead garbage has no money!"

"But I'm curious, your dependents always burst out with energy that doesn't belong to them when they're in danger, why is that?" Cao Cao asked again!

"Hehe, who knows!" Lias squinted her eyes and smiled, "I'm also curious, you don't have anything to do with the Vortex Regiment, why do you want to serve the Vortex Regiment?"

Ask for flowers

Hearing this, Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and said at the same time: "My reason for action is very simple, I just want to know how far I can go as a human being, I am challenging this, and in addition, it will be humans who will defeat demons, dragons, fallen angels, and various other supernormal races, no, definitely humans." "

"Oh, it's a racist, no wonder!" Lias smiled, in her impression, human beings are indeed weak, but why do human beings still occupy a world in the time when there are many races!

"This is the end of the warm-up, let's show our real skills and fight!"

Lias moved, her posture graceful, but fast, and the red magic began to condense on her double-strand fork!

"That's just right!" Cao Cao also planned to attack head-on!

The two of them floated in their mouths at the same time, looking at Lias who was coming over, Cao Cao's spear was aimed at her, and the blade of light flew towards her!

Click! The wings of Lias's divine robe are already in front of her, and she will meet it head-on!

"Bang!" The wings were pierced, and Lias herself was not hurt much, and Lias had already hit Cao Cao with a double-strand fork, first jumping him up, and then knocking him down!

Cao Cao fell to the ground, kicking off a large amount of flying dust and dust.

Black Song had already broken into the castle and was about to get to the room he had previously identified, but the ground was foggy again!

"It's... Absolute fog!" Black Song was surprised at the same time, and found that the ancient castle he had left was in an empty area without ground!

"This is a dimensional gap!?" Black Song didn't expect that the power of the God Exterminator was so powerful!

"But...!" Hei Ge sneered, if Arthur who can smash space is her nemesis, then Hei Ge, who can travel through space, is also the nemesis of Absolute Mist users!

Hei Ge sneered, and with a wave of his hand, a crack immediately appeared in the space, and Hei Ge walked in!

Stepping in, Hei Ge once again returned to the inside of the ancient castle, that is to say, the power of the Absolute Fog could not play any role in front of Hei Ge!

"Kitten!" Soon, Hei Ge rescued the kitten, and at the same time caught Lu Fei!

The smoke cleared. Cao Cao walked up from the large pit formed by the impact of the fall to the ground, bleeding from his nose and mouth. After Cao Cao wiped away the blood, he gurgled and rattled his head.

"It's amazing!" Cao Cao sneered! After speaking, he raised his spear and chanted a powerful incantation!

"Gun, a true holy spear that even a god can penetrate! Absorb the overlord ideal that sleeps in my body, and bless and perish!" At this time, the user of the Absolute Mist, Georig, pressed Cao Cao's mouth and body!

"Cao Cao, don't sing! Let's retreat quickly! The Mystery King has arrived!"

"Retreat, after this battle, there are only three members of the Hero Faction left, and the Leonardo created by the Warcraft is also almost to the limit, and at this point, the battle will be wiped out!"

"Do you think you can escape?" Lias snorted coldly, but when the mist rose, and when Lias passed through the mist, Cao Cao and the three had already escaped through the magic array!

At this time, Qin Feng and Zhu Nai had already rushed here!

Qin Feng didn't expect that the Hero Faction had completely failed, although he didn't leave all of them behind, but it was also a good result!

"Master, this is the spy I caught!" After speaking, Hei Ge picked up Lu Fei!

Qin Feng looked at the golden-haired Lu Fei, pitiful, the tears in his eyes were obviously trembling!

"Master, I've taken Joan of Arc captive!" At this time, Eube Luna also came up with the five-year-old Joan of Arc, and even Loufey's brother Arthur with her!

"Brother, are you okay!" Lu Fei saw that his brother was arrested, and immediately asked with concern!

"Lu Fei, you...!" Arthur looked at Qin Feng with his eyes and said, "Please let my sister go, I did everything!"

"Master, it was Lu Fei's brother who saved me!" At this time, the kitten told Qin Feng everything that happened in the ancient castle!

"That's it!" Qin Feng smiled and said to Arthur: "Since you saved the kitten, then I won't kill you!" But it's your sister's fault that the kitten is in danger, so I will imprison your sister, and when you have enough strength, you can ask me to return your sister!"

After speaking, without waiting for Arthur to answer, Qin Feng rolled up his sleeves, and the women were shrouded in black fog and left, leaving Arthur alone!

"Lu Fei, you wait, I will definitely rescue you, I will!" Arthur finally said firmly after crying!

Arthur embarked on the path of cultivation, he wanted to increase his strength by challenging the strong, so he chose the underworld for the first stop, and at this time, Arthur, wearing a suit and glasses, appeared on a hill!

There are guys with good strength in the underworld, and the strongest Lott is even more transcendent, but he will not challenge the transcendent, with his current strength, it is possible to fight against the opponent of the demon king level!.

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