"The Demon Dragon of the Underworld seems to be there!" Arthur looked at the direction in the distance and thought! There is no doubt that Tanning's power is beyond him, but it is not the kind that is absolutely suppressed, in a desperate situation, he may be able to burst out and then slay the dragon, but he doesn't know that the magic Tanning has already followed Qin Feng, and Wally, who also doesn't know that he wants to challenge the strong man met Arthur like this!

At this time, the four Wally took Odin's letter and went to the underworld!

"This is the Underworld!" said Wally, opening his arms and taking a deep breath!

"I said, why did I accompany you to this kind of ghost place? I don't read good books, I came here to do hair!" On the other side, the same young guy complained helplessly: "What about the good girl!"

"Issei-kun, accept this fate, you are already a demon!" Kiba said with a smile! Under Odin's treatment, Issei was finally saved, and he officially joined Wally's family team, and on this trip to the underworld, Wally brought Issei to train Issei!

"Fate of bullshit!" yelled Issei!

"Issei, you don't have a chance to turn back now!" Wally smiled and said, "Unless you want to be killed!"

Hearing this, Yicheng was terrified, he remembered that day he was killed by a girl for no reason, and that feeling was really desperate!

"But why did he kill me?" Yicheng retorted! He has never had a grudge against others, is it because of the identity of the demon, hateful, it was this demon identity that harmed me!

"It's not because you're a demon!" Wally seemed to be able to see clearly what Issei was thinking, and continued to explain: "Let's be honest,Koma King School Park was originally a school run by demons.,There are many powerful people in it.,Even angel people,,Will be arranged in it!As for the reason,I can't explain it to you in detail! It's the top management of Komagoh School Park who shot at you!"

"Then why do they want to kill their own kind?" Issei said again!"Six-four-seven" "Because of my relationship!" Wally smiled and pointed at himself, and said: "We are actually the force against the Koma King Academy, you have become my dependent, so naturally I want to kill you!"

"Sure enough, sure enough, you guys hurt me again!" Issei shouted!

"Don't say that, I'll be sad as your best friend!" said Valli again!

"Fart, my best friend!" said Issei angrily!

"Well, there's nothing wrong with staying!" said Wally, pulling Gaspar, who looked very cute in women's clothes, "You see, he's not a girl!"

"Your sister!" Issei clearly remembers that when he was sober, he saw the excitement and heartbeat feeling of Gaspar for the first time, and then after knowing that Gaspar was just a pseudo-girl, he enjoyed that feeling of heartbreak!

"Actually, gay men can do that kind of thing!" Vally said with a smile!

"Gay man!" Yicheng burned the flames of war and said, "I'm the one who wants to open the harem!"

"Kiba, let's go!" Wally shook his head and said to Kiba when he saw that Issei was caught in an astringent fantasy!

"Hey, where are you going?" Seeing Wally and the others walking away, Issei looked at the uninhabited sand dunes, and suddenly said!

"Go find a good opponent!" Wally was a little excited!

"Powerful opponent, don't we have to deliver the letter?" Kiba smiled bitterly, Wally is this kind of character!

"It's okay!" Wally waved his hand and said, "It's a rare trip to the underworld!"

"And who are we going to now?" Kiba asked again!

"The Demon Dragon of the Underworld!" Wally nodded and said, "Definitely a super strong opponent!"

"You're a madman! Dragon! How powerful is that!" Issei complained!

"Best friend, you just need to quietly watch how the artifact is used!" Wally smiled, although Issei has received more than ten days of training, he has only reached the point where he can use the artifact as he wants, and there is still a long way to go if he wants to reach the forbidden hand!

Wally didn't find Tanning, but he met Arthur!

"It's human!" The moment he saw Arthur, Wally was a little surprised and a little curious!

"Are you Tanning?" Arthur's hand was already on the hilt of his sword, ready to fight!

"No, you're not Tanning!" Then, Arthur didn't feel the dragon aura on Wally's body, and shook his head again!

"Who are you?" Arthur asked in a deep voice again! Although he didn't meet Tanning, it was not bad to meet this guy, judging from the magic that flowed out, the young man in front of him should also be a strong man!

"My name is Wally, and I'm here to challenge Tanning!" Wally smiled, then looked at Arthur and said, "Are you here to challenge Tanning too!"

"Well, my name is Arthur, and I'm a descendant of King Arthur!" Arthur nodded!

"Oh, Arthur, why don't you become my dependents!" Wally smiled and said, "I will take you to challenge more strong people, and then reach the top!"

"You want to subdue me?" Arthur sneered, he naturally knew what his dependents meant!"Then it depends on whether you have the ability to do this, if you can win me, I will become your dependent!"

"That's exactly what I want!" Hearing this, Wally was also ready to move, he was already a battle maniac!

"Then let's get started!" the sword in Arthur's hand swung down, and a slash flew over, and as the slash flew, the space around him continued to collapse!

"Even space can be chopped, it's so strong!" Kiba was surprised!

"Then let's get started!" the sword in Arthur's hand swung down, and a slash flew over, and as the slash flew, the space around him continued to collapse!

"Even space can be chopped, it's so strong!" Kiba was surprised!

Yicheng was stunned and looked at the slash that was taller than himself, a little frightened, and sighed in his heart: "This is the battle between demons!"

"Ichisei, danger!" Kiba is still a knight, pulling Ichisei to dodge the slash!

"Gaspar, you use time to stand still, and I'm going to attack!" Kiba said to Gaspar!

"You don't have to make a move, just leave this battle to me!" Wally smiled and said!

"That's just right!" Arthur sneered!

Arthur swung his sword again, and with each swing of his sword, the space trembled!

"As a descendant of King Arthur, your sword and swordsmanship are very good!, but if you don't hit, there's no point!" Valli is confident in his speed of light!

"Damn!" Arthur snorted coldly, he really couldn't keep up with Arthur's speed, but he wouldn't be afraid, he had seen it faster!

"Look at the move!" Wally released a magic bullet equivalent to infinite as if he was playing, but it was blocked by Arthur, Wally failed to hurt Arthur, and Arthur couldn't hurt Wally!

"You can't beat me!" Before Wally could finish speaking, Arthur's magic suddenly exploded, and his speed increased a lot, and he wanted to make a surprise attack, but Wally dodged it!

"Damn!" Arthur had completely abandoned his defenses and rushed towards Wally!

"Are you looking for death?" Wally looked at Arthur who rushed up desperately, a little surprised!

"To honor you, if you can rush up, I'll take your attack!" Wally smiled, and the magic power exploded again, and the magic bullets continued to blast through!

Arthur kept picking up the flying magic bullets, and came to Wally without any problems!

Wally was a little surprised, then spread his light wings and stood in front of him!

"Halving!" Wally unleashed the artifact's ability, and Arthur's slash power was halved!

"Boom!" A sword fell, and cracks appeared around Wally's mask, and Wally's face could be seen from the collapsed part, and blood flowed out, and Wally's face was also injured!!

"What's going on?" Arthur thought his blow would be a must-kill, but he didn't expect it to only cause minor damage to the enemy!

"It's dangerous!" Valli smiled, and all the jewels on the armor began to glow with white, red, blue, and yellow.

Immediately after, Wally had already rushed in front of Arthur!

"It's my turn!" With that, Wally's huge fist slammed into Arthur's abdomen!

Blood flew out of Arthur's mouth, and he covered his abdomen and staggered back, blood running down from the corner of his mouth.

"It's no fun to go on like this! you've already lost!" Wally muttered!

Arthur also knew that his strength was lower, and he would lose if he continued to fight like this, so he was considering accepting Wally's conditions!

"Well, I can be your dependent, but I have to warn you that I can have enemies!" Arthur sneered!

"Enemy?" Hearing this, Wally was stunned!

"Well, my enemy is the king of mysteries, if you are not afraid of death, accept me!"

"The Enigma King is your enemy!" Valli burst out laughing!

"It just so happens that the Enigma King is also my enemy, and I have worked hard to cultivate in order to defeat the Enigma King!" Valli laughed!

And just like that, Arthur became Wally's dependent!

Qin Feng has no intention of chasing Cao Cao, with Cao Cao's character, he will definitely come out and jump again, and it will not be too late to clean him up next time!

Qin Feng didn't hurt Lu Fei, he just restricted Lu Fei's freedom! And Lei Bell was also released by Qin Feng, after many days of training, Lei Fei was also a lot more well-behaved, but Qin Feng didn't think that Lei Fei would give up revenge, if she wanted her to let go of her hatred, she had to arrest her mother and train her!

Now Qin Feng plans to arrange for Leibel to enroll in the Pony King School Park, naturally he is in the same class as Kitten and Lu Fei!

"Zhu Nai, look at your radiant face, you have really become Qin Feng's woman!" At this time, Lias and Zhu Nai were together again, Lias looked at the smile on the corner of Zhu Nai's mouth, knowing that she was in a good mood, as for the reason for her good mood, she could naturally guess!

"You... What nonsense are you talking about?" neither Zhu Nai nor Qin Feng planned to make this relationship public!

"Hehe, who can you hide like this!" Lias whispered, "If Aunt Zhu Li knows, you will suffer!"

"I didn't!" Zhu Nai said solemnly!"I understand that my feelings for Qin Feng are just simple family affection!"

"Family!" Lias didn't continue, squinted at Zhu Nai, and walked away!

"Where are you going?" the two went in different directions, but they got together again!

"I... Of course I'll go to Qin Feng!" Zhu Nai said confidently!"Where are you going?"

"Me too!" Lias snorted coldly, at this time, both of them had become Qin Feng's women, and naturally wanted to be with Qin Feng!

"My intuition tells me that your relationship with Qin Feng is very unusual!" Zhu Nai frowned and said!

"Hmph, tell me directly, you have become Qin Feng's woman!" Lias also snorted coldly!

"Since you say so, then I won't go to Qin Feng!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai paused!

"Then I'm not going either!" Lias stopped!


It's night, and the night is like water!

Lias and Zhu Nai both had their own hearts, and they turned back after they went home!

Both of them are the first to taste the fruits, so naturally they want to be crooked with Qin Feng for a while!

The two didn't communicate well, but they appeared outside Qin Feng's room door at the same time!

"You... Didn't you say you were going to rest?" Lias pointed at Zhu Nai and asked loudly!

"You... No, it's the same!" Zhu Nai snorted!

"I wanted to come and see Qin Feng!" Lias said!

"I have something important to discuss with Qin Feng!" Although the two were still making excuses, they had already confirmed in their hearts that the other party, like themselves, had become Qin Feng's woman!

"I really don't know the shame, I'm with Qin Feng like this!" I don't know why, Lias was a little surprised, and said coldly!

"It's the same with someone!" Zhu Nai's vinegar is even stronger!

"I'm going to tell Aunt Zhuli about you!" Lias gritted her teeth and said!

"I also told Aunt Veni Lana that I heard that Aunt Veni Lana is pregnant, and she will be very happy when she hears the news!" Zhu Nai said loudly!

"Let's see!" The two were about to go back to complain, when the door of the room suddenly opened, and Qin Feng pulled the two girls into the room!

"You... You two are crazy, just make a lot of noise here!" Qin Feng said helplessly!

"It's all you, who told you to hide it from me!" Zhu Nai pouted and said dissatisfied!

"I didn't hide it from you!" Qin Feng spread his hands and said innocently!

"That's... How did Narias become your woman? How did she become your woman, did she precede me?" Zhu Nai said with multiple accusations!

"This...!" Qin Feng could hear that Zhu Nai was jealous!

"Of course, of course I became Qin Feng's woman before you!" Lias said further excitedly!

"What's wrong with you becoming Qin Feng's woman first! Let me tell you, Qin Feng's favorite person is me!" After speaking, Zhu Nai hugged Qin Feng's arm and said!

"Like me!" Lias hugged her other arm as well!

"Don't fight, let's exercise together today!" Qin Feng said with a smile!


The sound was endless, and outside the room, there were already two more maids who listened to the ears, and they were attracted by the fight between the two women!

Both of them had flushed faces, one was called Julia, and the other was dressed as a maid, and was called Mario!

"Julia, what are the masters and young lady doing in there?" asked Mario!

"Of course it's a 2.5 kind of thing!" Julia is not a girl who doesn't know anything!

"Ah, how can the relationship between the master and the young lady do such a thing?" was Mario's astonishment!

"What's so strange about that!" Julia said wisely, "they are also a man-woman relationship!"

"But that's a mess!" said Mario, still feeling that something was wrong!

"What's so strange about this, I've heard that there are many such perverts in the human world!" Julia thought for a moment, then said!

"Oh, shall we tell the Mistress then?" said Mario again!

"What's there to say about this, maybe the mistress also knows, but she just doesn't want outsiders to know!" Julia waved her hand, "If we tell the mistress about the matter, it means that we know about it, and then we may not be able to finish eating and walking, leaving here without saying anything, and even losing our lives!"

"It's so serious!" Mario quickly closed her mouth!

"Hehe, of course, but with the master's temperament, I think I can be the mistress!" said Julia, smiling!

"You want to be the mistress, that's crazy!" said Mario, looking at Julia in surprise!

"What's so strange about that!" Julia snorted and continued, "Isn't Gurefia a maid in the first place, but now she has become a mistress and has given birth to a child!"

"Oh, then, I have a chance to be a mistress too!"

"Everyone has a chance, it's up to everyone!" Julia said lightly!

"Ahem, what are you two muttering?" At this time, Yube Luna walked out of the shadows, glanced at the two of them, and said coldly!

"Mistress Yubeluna, we... We're in...!" Seeing Eube Luna, Mario was a little scared!

"We're doing hygiene!" Julia made up an excuse.

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