"Hmph, hurry up and get out of here!" How could Yube Luna believe their nonsense, she also knew what was going on in the room, so she said: "Don't tell me about tonight, otherwise, you will wait for death!"

"We got it!" the two of them quickly left the place, in fear!

After the two left, Yube Luna came to the outside of the room, and when she heard the voices coming from inside from time to time, her heart was also a little hot!

Julia was right, since she knew that the maid could become a mistress, she also wanted to be a mistress!

The two girls hurried and fled for their lives!

"Whew, what a danger just now!" said Mario with a long sigh of relief! The reason why she was so afraid of Eube Luna was not only because of her identity as the head maid, but also because of her strength, and the artifact of going back in time made the other maids jealous! If Eube Luna wanted to kill them, she would definitely not be able to escape!

"That guy, that's so infuriating!" said Julia, grinning!

"There's no way around it, who made Eubeluna better than us, and our top boss!" said Mario with a sigh, "Now she's Miss Lias's queen!"

"I think we should find a backer too!" Julia thought for a moment, then said, "This is the only way to get close to the master!"

"Are you saying that we, like Eubelluna, are the dependents of the young ladies?" asked Mariohu!

Julia nodded and said, "That's right, only this method is possible to get close to the master! If I guessed correctly, Eube Luna should be the master's woman now, but the relationship has not yet been made public, once Eube Luna is pregnant, then she may fly on the branch and become a phoenix!"

"No, I don't think Eube Luna is usually such a proactive person!" Mario was a little incredulous!

"Why, don't you believe it?" Julia sneered, "do you see her exaggerated figure, more exaggerated than a cow!

"You mean... We're going to make the front bigger, too!" said Mario, looking at her own fierce department, which was not small in size, but far from being compared to Eubeluna!

"There's no hurry, we'll still find a way to increase our strength and become the dependents of the young ladies!" Julia waved her hand!

"But Miss Lias and Miss Junai don't look down on us!21" Mario was a little frustrated, she was also self-aware, and knew that her qualifications were limited!

"Not now, doesn't mean it won't work in the future!" Julia said confidently, "The power that the master has given us is very strong, as long as it is completely opened, it will definitely not be worse than Yubeluna!"

"But in the future, Miss Lias and Miss Junai have found a full family!" said Mario, worried!

"What's this!" Julia said disdainfully, "Let's not mention that Venier Lana has a child in her belly, even Gurefia's daughter Sakiya can do it!"

"Yes!" Hearing this, Mario also felt very reasonable!

At this time, Yube Luna was already guarding the door, and her face was hot as she listened to the voices inside!

"Come in!" When Yube Luna was in a dilemma, Qin Feng's voice came out, and at the same time, the low voice was gone!

Yube Luna pushed the door and walked in, at this time, Qin Feng and the three of them were sitting on a chair in neat clothes, if it weren't for the crimson afterglow left on the faces of the two women, no one would think about that aspect!

However, Yubei Luna didn't expect Qin Feng to get together with two girls, and suddenly felt that this was too crazy!

"Lias, Zhu Nai, you guys go back first!" Qin Feng said!

"Huh!" The two nodded, inside the ancient castle, the two naturally didn't dare to spend the night with Qin Feng!

"Thank you just now!" There were only two people left in the room, Qin Feng and Yubei Luna!

"This is what I'm supposed to do!" Lonely man and widow, Yuber Luna was a little restless!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Whatever you want, I will satisfy you, and I will take it as a reward for you!"

"It's right to share your worries for your master!" said Yubeluna, seriously!

"You really don't need anything?" Qin Feng smiled, suddenly narrowed the distance between him and Yube Luna, and raised her chin and smiled!

"I...!" Looking at Qin Feng's fiery eyes, Yube Luna knew what was going to happen tonight!

Yube Luna closed her eyes a little shyly, letting Qin Feng ask for it!

After a night of romance, Yube Luna also became Qin Feng's woman!

Yube Luna didn't expect everything to come so easily, everything to be so happy, without the hesitation and uneasiness of before!

"Yube Luna, are you my woman now, do you want to break away from Lias's family?" Qin Feng said with a smile!

Hearing this, Yube Luna thought for a long time, and finally shook her head and said, "No need!"

"Then how can it be done, isn't this a mess!" Qin Feng shook his head and said!

Yubeluna shook her head and smiled, "Lias is also your woman!

Hearing this, Qin Feng's face turned red, he was all messed up, why should he care about this little thing!

The next day, Yube Luna retired, and Qin Feng also came to the secret room where Joan of Arc was captured!

At this time, Joan of Arc is deprived of time, and on the outside, Joan of Arc is a five-year-old little girl!

"What are you doing here?" Seeing Qin Feng coming in, Joan of Arc said coldly!

"I'm just curious, why do you want to do evil to the descendants of the Saint Soul?" Qin Feng asked with a smile!

"If your answer satisfies me, I will give you back the time and let you go at the same time!" Qin Feng said again!

"Evil?" Joan of Arc sneered: "What does it mean to do evil? to go against you is to do evil?" Joan of Arc sneered!

"Huh!" Qin Feng also forgot that every force would claim to be the righteous party, and those who opposed it would be called a wicked person, and Qin Feng also made such a mistake!

"I am a descendant of Joan of Arc, and I am also a human being, exploring the limits of human beings and proving that human beings are the strongest, is there anything wrong with this!" Joan of Arc snorted coldly! "As for what you mean by evil, I know what it means, it is nothing more than joining the evil organization of the Vortex Group, but the evil of the Vortex Group is relative, in a word, you are fighting ghosts, in my eyes, as long as you do not harm human beings, it is not evil!"

Qin Feng nodded, from the perspective of human beings, it is understandable to do this!

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?" Qin Feng sneered!

"Kill me too, humans are not vassals of the rest of the races!" said Joan of Arc!

"I won't kill you!" Qin Feng looked at the stubborn Joan of Arc, seemed to be interested, and said, "If you weren't a human anymore, would you still think so much about human beings?"

"You're going to turn me into a demon?" Joan of Arc was stunned again!

"No!" Qin Feng shook his head: "You remind me of my identity back then, I used to live in this world as a human being!"

"Then why did you abandon your human identity?" asked Joan of Arc curiously!

"Because of power!" Qin Feng remembered the days of living in the Celestial Empire, and laughed again! "Humans like you have amazing talents and great strength, but what about those ordinary people, they also want to be strong, and I am just an ordinary member, and in the end, I got the opportunity, I also gained strength, and I also abandoned the identity of a human being!"

"Okay, no more nonsense!" Qin Feng pointed his finger at Joan of Arc's forehead, and Joan of Arc's forehead glowed blue, and after the light slowly merged into Joan of Arc's body, Joan of Arc's body also changed!

The most intuitive change is the appearance, Joan of Arc has changed from a five-year-old girl to a mature royal sister!

However, the first thing Joan of Arc did when he recovered was to make the Holy Sword and then slash at Qin Feng!

"It's useless, you're too weak!" Qin Feng shook his head, and the black qi from his whole body spread out, and then enveloped Joan of Arc inside, and at the same time imprisoned Joan of Arc!

"Even if it was a human being in the past, I have to admit that in the face of other races, the starting point of human beings is too low!" Qin Feng said with a sigh!

"I believe in humans!" said Joan of Arc despite being imprisoned!

"Soon you won't be human!" After speaking, Qin Feng showed his long fangs!

"Are you a vampire?" Seeing Qin Feng's exposed fangs, Joan of Arc was stunned and asked!

Qin Feng bit down on Joan of Arc's neck!

"I hope you can still maintain a human heart!" Qin Feng laughed, and then locked Joan of Arc in the secret room!

Locked in the secret room, there is also a human woman who is in a coma!

"You bastard!" Joan of Arc subconsciously touched the wound on her neck, but found that there was no tooth hole in her neck!

"Will you really become that kind of monster!" Joan of Arc remembered Qin Feng's long fangs!

"Are you alright!" Before she had time to think about it, Joan of Arc walked up and probed the unconscious human woman, and was relieved to find that she was just unconscious!

Inadvertently, Joan of Arc glanced at the white neck of the stunned woman!

"Not good!" Joan of Arc hurriedly covered her mouth, she remembered that as long as she was bitten by a vampire, the person who was bitten would also become the same kind, and now, she finally knew what Qin Feng meant by what she said, strictly speaking, she was no longer a human being, she needed to absorb blood for a living, and the woman in front of her was a blood source!

"It's disgusting!" thought Joan of Arc, gritting her teeth!

"I won't let you get away with it!" Joan of Arc almost thought, if she had sucked this woman's blood, he would have laughed!

"I won't hurt humans!" Joan of Arc repeated, but the urge to suck blood became even more apparent!

"Roar!" I don't know how long it took, a thick black circle appeared on Joan of Arc's beautiful eyes, obviously, Joan of Arc was tormented by the urge to suck blood!

Now, Joan of Arc's fangs have grown!

Joan of Arc cowered in the corner of the wall, her legs curled, her head down, trying to suppress the urge to suck blood!

"Huh?" With a sigh, the woman who was in a coma woke up, she first looked at the surrounding situation, and after it happened that this was a secret room, she immediately screamed!

After an initial panic, the woman finally calmed down.

The woman looked around and found that in the corner of the wall, there was a shivering woman squatting with a face that could not be seen clearly!

"You... Are you alright!" The woman approached Joan of Arc cautiously!

"Hurry up... Hurry up and go, don't come near me!" Joan of Arc, who was desperate for blood, heard the woman's voice, and the impulse was as if she had been beaten with chicken blood, but she suppressed it with a strong will, and said with difficulty!

When the woman heard Joan of Arc tell her to leave, the woman stepped forward step by step!

"Are you alright?" the woman shook Joan of Arc's body!

Joan of Arc was already on the verge of collapse, but now that she was shaken by the woman like this, the only remaining sober reason was suddenly shaken away!

"Ah!" the woman screamed, and at the same time, it was the last voice Joan of Arc heard!

Joan of Arc came to her senses again and found herself lying on top of a woman, with a faint smell of blood remaining on her lips, and the woman's eyes were wide open, as if she was dead!

"I killed someone!" Seeing the woman who had died, Joan of Arc immediately reacted and couldn't believe it!


"What is this power?" At this time, Zhu Nai and Qin Feng were together, feeling this powerful power, Zhu Nai asked with some surprise!

"It seems that she still hurt the human race!" Qin Feng squinted, and then laughed!

"Zhu Nai, let's take you somewhere!" Qin Feng picked up Zhu Nai, and the black qi then enveloped the two of them, and then, the two came to the secret room!

"Qin Feng, I'm going to kill you!" When the enemy saw him, his eyes were extremely red, Joan of Arc shouted angrily, and his figure rushed up quickly!

"Anger will bring out the power of a vampire!" At this point, Joan of Arc's hair turned white, and there were a few more textures on her face, which looked a little weird!

"Calm down!" "Fast as lightning, even Zhu Nai can't please Jeanne d'Arc's rampage, but Joan of Arc is facing Qin Feng, and the black qi alone imprisons Joan of Arc again!

"Joan of Arc, I didn't expect you 840 to kill her so soon!" Qin Feng pointed to the woman who was already dead and sneered!

"You forced me!" Joan of Arc said coldly, "So it wasn't me who killed her, but you!"

Qin Feng suddenly burst out laughing and said, "It's you who can't suppress the urge to suck blood in your body, but blame me!"

"If it weren't for you, how could I have become such a monster!" Joan of Arc said again! "She wouldn't have died!"

"You're justifying your killing!" Qin Feng rubbed his forehead and said with a smile! "If you can't control the power in your body, you will kill people again and hunt the humans you once wanted to protect!"

Qin Feng's every word entered Joan of Arc's mind like a magic sound!

Joan of Arc covered her ears in pain and cried out, "Don't... Say no more!"

"Actually... Actually, you're not wrong!" At the appropriate time, Qin Feng smiled and said!

Hearing Qin Feng say that he was right, Joan of Arc's mood seemed to have stabilized!

"Do you know that natural selection, survival of the fittest!" Qin Feng said with a smile: "Everything we do is to survive!

"Yes, I... I killed her to survive!" said Joan of Arc, who was extremely helpless and remorseful!

In this way, Qin Feng can be regarded as subduing Joan of Arc, but Joan of Arc is very unstable, and Qin Feng can only send her to Gabriel!

Qin Feng believed that Gabriel could handle this problem very well, but what Qin Feng didn't expect was that Joan of Arc's temperament had really changed, she no longer had compassion for humans, and everything she did was just to live!

Soon, the summer vacation will be over, the sun is shining brilliantly, and the warm sun is also shining.

Qin Feng took his family to the beach to play, so the women who had a relationship with Qin Feng came!

At this time, Qin Feng's women all changed into swimsuits!

The first to come out was Lias, who looked at Qin Feng with a flushed face and asked, "How is my swimsuit?"

Qin Feng glanced at Lias's swimsuit, there was very little fabric, a lot of fair skin was exposed, and the bewitching curves were also very wonderful!


Zhu Nai was wearing a pure white swimsuit that contrasted with Lias, and the area of the fabric was also very small!

Next, Zhu Li, Gu Reyfia and others walked out, and Cang Na and Seraf sisters also walked out!

Of course, because Zhu Li, Veni Lana and others are all there, Qin Feng naturally can't get close to Zhu Nai and others, so Qin Feng has always been with Zhu Li and other women!

"How strange?" Zhu Li looked at Zhu Nai, who was already fighting with Lias, and said! "Zhu Nai looks much happier!"

"Isn't this great, do you want your woman to cry and mourn every day!" Listening to Zhu Nai's muttering, Qin Feng was stunned!

"It's not!" Zhu Li shook his head, "It's just that I cried a few days ago, and now it's fine, it's just a little strange!"

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