"Maybe Zhu Nai figured it out!" Qin Feng said again! He didn't know if Zhu Li had seen something wrong!

"Yes!" Zhu Li nodded, "You persuaded Zhu Nai?"

"That's right!" Facing Zhu Li's gaze, Qin Feng nodded curtly!

"Then how did you convince Zhu Nai?" asked Zhu Lichi!

"Of course, it is to know it with affection, and move it with reason!" Qin Feng said vaguely!

"Forget it, anyway, Zhu Nai's heart knot is untied!" Zhu Li nodded!

"Zhu Li, you lie down, I'll apply sunscreen to you!" Qin Feng had an extra bottle of sunscreen in his hand, and then smiled!

"It's not good, so many people are watching, and there are children!" Hearing this, Zhu Li's face turned red and he said in a low voice!

"It's okay! they're not outsiders!" Qin Feng said again, there were only a group of them on this beach!

"Hmm!" Zhu Li was a little moved, then nodded very shyly, and finally unbuttoned his back!

More than ten years have passed, Zhu Li's appearance and body have remained in her teens, and the only thing that has changed is her temperament, from a girl who is not familiar with the world to a woman with mature charm!

Qin Feng naturally wouldn't let go of such an opportunity!

Lias and Zhu Nai will be jealous for Qin Feng, and Venier Lana and Gurefia are the same, they saw that Zhu Li was carefully cared for by Qin Feng, and at the same time, they were also saying: "Qin Feng, you can also help me apply sunscreen!"

After saying that, the two girls also lay on the beach!

Soon, the beach trip was finally over, because Zhu Li and the others were there, and Zhu Nai and Lias were also in order!


After the beach tour, Qin Feng planned to go to the underworld and take the Phoenix family!

Also accompanying Qin Feng were Lias and Zhu Nai, and after the two of them knew that Qin Feng was going to the underworld, they naturally wanted to take this opportunity to get along with Qin Feng openly!

Without bringing a mount, the three of Qin Feng soon came to the underworld!

The three of them appeared on a hill, looking at the familiar surroundings, and Lias sighed a little, "I remember we visited here once when we were kids!"

"Hmm!" Qin Feng smiled: "At that time, I also accepted the two dependents of Kitten and Heige!"

"Then what are we doing here now?" Zhu Nai asked again!

"Kill!" Qin Feng smiled faintly!

"Great!" Zhu Nai also laughed! "Are we going to end the demon clan this time!"

"Sort of!" Qin Feng nodded, when he planned to subdue Phoenix, he would also kill Lot!

"Can it be just the three of us?" Lias was much more sensible!

"Don't worry, my father defeated the three major forces by himself, and now he is just going to deal with the demon clan, it must be easy!" Zhu Nai squinted his eyes and said again!

"Hmm!" Qin 523 Feng nodded, "I'll deal with Lot, and the rest will be handed over to the two of you to deal with!"

"Now that the three major forces have joined forces, the fallen angels and the angel clan will definitely come to help!" Lias was a little worried that the two of them alone might fail!

"You can rest assured about this!I've already sent Gabriel and Cardilaya to intercept the people of the two major forces!" Qin Feng continued!

Soon, Qin Feng took the two girls to the Castlevania City, before Qin Feng destroyed the Castlevania, and after decades, the new Castlevania City was established again, which was even more prosperous than the previous one!

Qin Feng did not hide his aura and appeared in the sky above Castlevania, and Lott sensed it at once!

"Hurry up and inform Assahir and Michael, and also, inform the Norse god Odin!" Lott immediately said to the people below, at this time, Lott had already met with Wally and the others, and also agreed to join forces, and now it can be said that the four major forces have joined forces, but before they have made great achievements, the enemy has hit the door!

Without the assistance of the rest of the forces, it would be impossible for the Demon Clan alone to stop the Mystery King's attack!

"Let's do it!" Qin Feng gave an order, and Lias and Zhu Nai flew in opposite directions!

Billowing black qi came out of Qin Feng's body, and the black aura also erupted like a blowout, injecting into the sky!

The sky of the underworld is changing, and the whirlpool of black gas is constantly expanding, which is extremely weird!

"Come out, Giant God Soldier, Sky Dragon!" Under the explosion of magic power, a huge blue figure appeared in the whirlpool, and immediately after, the red dragon-like creature also churned in the sea of clouds!

"Boom!", the giant god soldier slammed to the ground like a giant!

"Giant God Soldier, you must kill with a punch!" Qin Feng looked coldly at the countless demons below who looked up at the sky in amazement, smiled, and gave the order to attack!

The Giant God Soldier raised his hands, and his fist emitted a blue light, like an atomic bomb, and the blue fist swung out suddenly, and it landed directly in Castlevania!

There was a loud noise, the sand and gravel splashed thousands of meters, and for a while, the smoke and dust were filled, and it was not clear what was going on inside, but Qin Feng believed that with such a punch, the Castlevania City would definitely be destroyed, as for the people who could survive inside, there should not be many, the lower-level demons, the middle-level demons, and the higher-level demons all had to die, and only the demons whose strength reached the highest level demons and above could survive!

However, those demons may not be able to escape if they survive, because Lias and Junai are waiting for them!

At this time, Lias and Junai were guarding in two directions to avoid escaping!

"Father's strength is so strong!" At this time, Zhu Nai, who was able to summon the Three Illusion Demons, already understood that the beasts he summoned would not be weak!

"It's coming!" After the smoke and dust cleared, a black figure appeared in the Castlevania City that was razed to the ground below!

"Come out, Phantom Demon Emperor!" Zhu Nai also shouted, and the blue figure also intercepted their escape path!

On the other side, Lias also summoned the divine clothes and prepared to fight in the face of the fleeing demons!

Qin Feng looked at the endless stream of fleeing demons, frowned, and thought in his heart: "This number is still a bit much, Zhu Nai and Lias should be difficult to deal with!" Thinking of this, in the sky, a red dragon swept down like a ghost, opening its mouth and biting the hordes of demons to death!

"The howl of the empty dragon!" Then, a red pillar of light erupted from the Sky Dragon's mouth, sweeping away these demons in a steady stream!

Qin Feng's two attacks cleansed the demons by eighty percent, and what was left in the end, Zhu Nai and Lias were enough to deal with!

"Lot, this is the first time we've met!" Soon, a bewitching man stretched out his black wings and came to Qin Feng, Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Hmm!" Luo Ting nodded, he looked at Qin Feng carefully, and found that this Mystery King was even younger than he imagined!

"What is your purpose in destroying the demon clan, do you want to dominate the whole world?" asked Lott in a deep voice!

"No!" Qin Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in dominating the world, it's just a personal preference!"

"Can't we coexist peacefully?" Lott said this, undoubtedly begging Qin Feng for mercy!

Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head, "If it's not my race, its heart will be different!"

"And many of your vampires are demons, too?" retorted Lot!

Qin Feng shook his head, but didn't speak!Although there are a lot of demons, with the bloodline of vampires, they will eventually abandon their demon identity!!

At this point, Lott didn't feel the need to talk!

The first strike was strong, Lot's figure suddenly appeared behind Qin Feng, and swept over with a very strange arc!

"Melee Demon?" Qin Feng could feel the fierce wind sound caused by the sweep in his ears, and the power of that kick could also be imagined!

"I can't get close to me at such a speed!" Qin Feng smiled, and those black qi transformed into a big hand like long eyes, grabbed Lot's feet, and then threw them out!

Lott stabilized his figure in the air, and he looked at Qin Feng in some surprise!

"What kind of ability is that black gas on your body?" Lott couldn't imagine that those black qi would be conscious!

"Presumably, you have studied me a lot over the years!" There is more and more black qi on Qin Feng's body, and Lott can no longer see Qin Feng's face clearly, only hearing the indifferent voice: "My black qi is my most basic ability!"

"Hmph!" Lott then tried a few times, but in the end he was caught by the giant hand of the black qi illusion and threw out!

"Magic Array!" Perhaps seeing that the melee had no effect, Lott began a long-range attack, and the magic array was like a lined team, constantly surrounding Qin Feng!

"Boom!" Lott clenched his fists, and with it, countless pillars of energy light burst out of the magic array!

Qin Feng sneered, the black qi enveloped his whole body, and those pillars of light shot on the black qi, as if they were stuck in a quagmire, without setting off a single wave!

"It's useless!" Qin Feng walked out indifferently and said, "The gap between you and me is too big!"

"Yes!" At this time, Lot's voice had already appeared behind Qin Feng, and it was another kick, and the black qi instantly turned into a big hand, wanting to block it, but Lot's figure disappeared again, and before the black qi could react, Lott had already hit Qin Feng in the face!

"Interesting!" Although the black qi was not coming (cbdg) and defensive, Qin Feng's palm caught Lot's foot!

One hand catches it, and Lot's other foot also sweeps out!

"It's fast!" Qin Feng let go of Lot, and then jumped to dodge Lot's attack: "It seems that you have worked this!"

"Of course!" Luo Ting nodded, "Although I don't know the principle of those black gases, I have found that the speed of black gas reaction is limited, as long as you increase your speed, those black gases will not be able to react!" (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, he didn't deny it, the black qi did have such a flaw!

"Then what about this move!" After speaking, the black qi on Qin Feng's body completely retracted back into his body, and then, Qin Feng raised his right hand, and the red flames rose!

"It's... This is karmic fire!" Seeing the karmic fire coming out of Qin Feng's body, Lott was shocked!

"That's right!" Flames poured out in a steady stream, instantly enveloping Qin Feng inside: "This is thanks to the stupid people of the Phoenix family!"

Hearing this, Lot remembered that a year ago, he sent Serrell to the Koma King School Park to save people, and finally came the news that the two were killed, but Lot didn't expect that Qin Feng would get the unique karmic fire of the Phoenix family!

"How did he do that?" Lott frowned!

"I'm curious, right!" Qin Feng squinted, but devouring was his biggest secret, and he wouldn't blow up his hole cards like an idiot villain!"I'll tell you when you're dead!"

Qin Feng's whole body turned into a flaming phoenix and rushed towards Lot!

Lott took a deep breath and opened his mouth, and amazing energy converged in Lot's mouth!

"Die!" A pillar of energy light that was many times thicker than before blasted out towards Qin Feng!

The phoenix that Qin Feng turned into also opened its mouth, and a thick flame erupted!

The two collided, there was no earth-shattering loud noise, and after the surroundings were quiet, the final energy aftermath dissipated silently!

Qin Feng turned into a human form again, and Lott didn't suffer much damage!

"Whew!" Lott shouted, and his figure suddenly increased!

"This is interesting!" Qin Feng looked at Lot, who had become the same size as the Giant God Soldier, and was a little surprised, and then, Qin Feng felt a shadow on the ground, and when he looked up, his huge palm pressed down!

Qin Feng hurriedly dodged, and then called out: "Giant God Soldier!"

The Giant God Soldier and the Sky Dragon were guarding the other two directions, torturing and killing the fleeing demons, and now after hearing the master's order, the Giant God Soldier couldn't care about the fleeing demons, and jumped up, his eyes were on the huge version of Lot, and the fist in his hand began to condense the blue light!

"Let's decide the winner with one punch!" Qin Feng laughed, and Lott began to clench his fists, ready to punch!

"Kill!" Qin Feng added a trait to the giant god soldier's fist!

The two fists collided together, and Lot's body suddenly flew out upside down, and at the same time as flying out, Lot's body shrunk, and blood spit out from his mouth, on the other hand, the giant god soldier only took a small step back!

"Okay! You've already lost!" Qin Feng landed beside Lot, and said with a smile!

"Accept death!" After speaking, flames appeared on Qin Feng's arm again, and he was about to burn the seriously injured Lot to ashes!

"Hmm!" In the void, a tornado water wave hit, this is not an ordinary water source, but a water source that can be assimilated, Qin Feng frowned, and at the same time as jumping away, an old man walked out of the spatial crack, and then saved Lot!

"Odin, it's you!" Qin Feng smiled, "I originally sent someone to stop Assahir and Michael, but I didn't expect you to join forces with them!"

"I didn't want to make a move, but for the sake of world peace, I have to get rid of you!" Odin said coldly!

"What's the matter! make me look like a wicked person in the world!" Qin Feng smiled, and didn't mind and said, "You are a typical solipsist! But it's normal, people don't kill the heavens and the earth for themselves!"

At this time, Asacher had already gone to the underworld and was about to support the demon clan, but was stopped by dozens of black-clothed people in front.

"You're from the vampire clan?" Asahir said coldly!

"Die!" dozens of people acted together, and a shining light appeared in their hands, thinking that they were going to make a move together!

"Hmph!" Asachel sneered, and countless light guns shot towards the man in black like rain!

"Stretch out the defensive shield!" the leader of the man in black shouted, and the black defensive barrier was quickly opened!

"Leviathan's Rubik's Cube. At this time, Asachel was surprised, and then a woman appeared from the Rubik's Cube. The chest is wide open, and he wears a skirt with a high slit.

"Asacher, we're meeting again!" Kadireya greeted Asacher without fear.

"Kadileia, why are you here?" said Asahir with a sneer!

"Of course we're here to declare war!" Cardileia smiled and said, "We will destroy this world and build a new one!"

"Hahaha!" Asahir laughed!

"Asacher, what's so funny?" said Kadireya in a cold voice!

"Do you think you have the power to change the world?" said Asacher!

"It's not me who will change the world!" Cadilea shook her head and said, "It's the master who will change the world!"

"That's really incredible!" Hearing this, Asacher's face became much more solemn!

"Let's do it!" Cadileia let out a magical spell.

Immediately after, Asacher unfurled twelve pitch-black wings, which were even darker than darkness!

"I still have an important task to do, so I don't have time to mess around with you here!"

In the face of Asacheel's compelling challenge, Kadireya also responded with a fearless smile: "You want to go to support, it's a pity, I'm also here for this purpose, stop you!"

For this result, Asacher has known for a long time!

Subsequently, the two launched an offensive and defensive battle of light and demon in the sky above the school court, and a roar and dazzling light came from the air.

Assahir summoned a number of giant light spears that were much larger than his own body, and threw them at Kadileia, who unleashed several defensive phalanx defensive light attacks in the air.

"I haven't seen you for many years, but you're a lot stronger!" said Asaherken lightly!

"The surprise is yet to come!" Cardileia sneered, and the magic power released from her body instantly expanded, exuding a terrifying aura.

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