"There are too many differences in strength, no matter how well you cooperate, it won't help!" Qin Feng sneered!!

"Boom!" The sound that shook the space sounded, and Qin Feng's eyes also looked over, it was the sound of cutting off the space, and someone was coming.

Sure enough, in the void, a hole was being created there.

"Someone's coming!" Odin's faces were happy, "It looks like someone has come to support again!"

"Fighting spirit?" Qin Feng could feel the powerful fighting spirit that emanated from that void!

Soon, what appeared from the crack in the space was an oriental dragon with a slender body that was dozens of meters long, emitting a green aura from its body, and it looked beautiful!

"Is it the Dragon Boy of the West Sea, the Jade Dragon?" Odin immediately called out!

Jade Dragon, Qin Feng was also stunned, so that is to say... Thinking of this, Qin Feng set his eyes on the figure on the back of the jade dragon. There's a little figure there.

A very large demon airflow, and there is also a hegemonic airflow, which makes this capital full of demonic ups and downs!

"Ape!" Qin Feng had already determined the identity of this little figure!

Soon, the ape appeared, his body hair glowing golden, his vestments gradually revealed, his face was wrinkled, his skin was dark, he was armed with a long club-like weapon, and he had a rosary on his head!

"I didn't expect it to be so lively!" the ape laughed!

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness the Holy Buddha of Fighting, I didn't expect you to come here!" Raphael and Uriel naturally recognized the original Monkey King!

"Lord Odin, you're also there!" The two are gods of different gods, even if Odin's position is higher than that of Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong doesn't have much respect!

"Hmm!" Odin nodded!

"Sun Wukong, are you going to hinder me?" Qin Feng asked with a sneer!

"Hehe, you are the King of Mysteries!" Sun Wukong looked at Qin Feng for a long time, and finally said: "Unbelievable, you have such strength at a young age, but what you said is not wrong, I am here to stop you, the Emperor of Heaven ordered me not to allow you to come nonsense, the peace of the world "one zero three" balance cannot be destroyed, you can retreat!"

"Retreat!" Qin Feng sneered and laughed: "Then it depends on whether you have the ability to do it!"

"Giant God Soldier!" one supporter after another made Qin Feng feel bored!

Qin Feng shouted, the giant god soldier fell from the sky, he wanted to kill this monkey at the speed of thunder!

When the Titan Soldier appeared, Raphael and Uriel were even more frightened! It was the Titan Soldier who severely injured the God and finally died!

"Leave this big guy to me!" Sun Wukong squinted, then threw away the pipe in his hand and took a horse step on the ground!

"Whew!" Sun Wukong took a deep breath, the powerful fighting spirit, demon energy, and domineering spirit condensed into one, and Sun Wukong's body began to get bigger!

"Transform!" Qin Feng is somewhat acceptable to Sun Wukong for being able to transform, because he has watched too much TV, and now, Sun Wukong has become a huge ape no less than a giant god soldier!

"Battle Holy Buddha, watch out for that guy's fist!" Raphael reminded!

"Chao Bi!" Qin Feng's face was gloomy, and he gave the order to attack the giant god soldier!

The Titan Soldier's fist burst out with blue light again, but this time, the ape did not choose to hit it hard, but when the fist slammed in, he dodged his attack, and then wrapped his tail around the neck of the Giant Soldier, and the ape's entire body hung on the Giant Soldier!

"The Giant God Soldier can't move!" Qin Feng frowned, because the ape had restrained the Giant God Soldier's hands and feet!

"I've studied this big guy!" said the ape, laughing loudly, "His fist is a one-hit kill!" God is no exception, but as long as you dodge it, you'll be fine, and then use the monkey's natural ability to climb trees to entangle this big man, it's not a big problem!"

"In that case, you won't be able to win!" Qin Feng Zhengse said, "You are also bound!"

"Do you think it's useful for you to delay time!" Qin Feng continued, "I have more time to play with you!"

"Yes!" Sun Wukong's tail curled up his stick, and the stick changed, and then turned into a huge long sword!

"I've always wondered, where did these things you summoned come from?" Sun Wukong smiled, and the long sword stabbed down towards the heart of the giant god soldier!

"In this way, the doubts in my heart may have to be solved!" Sun Wukong laughed again, "After figuring out this secret, it will be your death!"

"Roar!" In the sky, a fire-colored pillar of light shot out at Sun Wukong!

"Don't forget! I still have a lot of helpers!" Qin Feng sneered, in the sky, the red sky dragon was hidden in the clouds, the huge dragon head stretched out, and a red pillar of energy light blasted towards Sun Wukong!

"I already knew about this situation!" Sun Wukong hurriedly jumped and dodged the attack of the Sky Dragon!

Sun Wukong floated in the air, squinted, and then said, "It's a dragon above you!"

"Hmm! Sky Dragon!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Sure enough!" Sun Wukong laughed: "Although it is not the five dragon kings of cognition, but a dragon is fine!"

"Prepare to summon Samael the Dragoneater!" said Sun Wukong!

"Dragon Eater?" Qin Feng was also stunned, and soon, Qin Feng saw a strong black light erupt from a magic array, originally, Qin Feng could interrupt this summons, but Qin Feng also wanted to know in his heart if the Dragon Eater could restrain his Sky Dragon!

"Of course, I borrowed it from Hades!" Sun Wukong sneered!

Raphael and Uriel were also surprised, but they knew that, strictly speaking, Samael was from the heavenly realm, but after being blown away by Qin Feng, he was picked up by Hades!

"Alright, with the addition of the Dragon Eater, our next battle will be much easier!" Odin said with a smile!

"Hmmm!" the reinforcements arrived, and Raphael and Uriel raised their confidence!

"Since you have so much confidence in the Dragon Eater!" Qin Feng sneered: "Sky Dragon, give it to me!"

Most of Samael's body had already burst out of the magic array, and the sky dragon, with red energy condensed in its mouth, suddenly erupted before Samael came out completely!

"Despicable!" Odin scolded secretly, his body moved, intending to resist the attack for the dragon eater, but Odin did not arrive, he was stunned, because Samael did not have the slightest fear, in the face of the incoming energy, he also opened his mouth, of course, there was no energy in his mouth, but swallowed the red energy into his stomach!

"It's really a dragon eater!" Qin Feng was also a little surprised, the powerful attack of the Sky Dragon, even Odin didn't dare to say that he could completely withstand it, let alone swallow it!

Samael had already come out, and Qin Feng saw that Samael's stomach was bulging with a large chunk, and the energy of the Sky Dragon was not so easy to digest!

"That's not right!" Qin Feng frowned, because Samael's mouth was still open, and sure enough, the next moment, a red energy spurted out, it was the attack of the Sky Dragon just now!

"Reflected the attack back?" This surprised Qin Feng even more!

The sky dragon was such a proud sky king, and he didn't seem to expect this situation, he was bombarded by his own energy, and suddenly roared!

The sound of the dragon's groan, this means that the sky dragon is angry, completely angry!

The Sky Dragon struck swiftly and tore Samar together!

"The Sky Dragon is not an opponent!" Seeing this, Qin Feng sighed, even the gods were afraid that the Infinite Dragon God would be defeated by Samael, and compared to the Sky Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God, maybe the Sky Dragon was weaker, of course, this was just Qin Feng's personal guess!

Maybe the dragon eater is really the nemesis of the dragon, after the sky dragon with high fighting spirit rushed to Samael's place, all the speed slowed down, and the energy in the body was reduced a lot due to the influence of the curse, but the dragon eater was able to use the energy of the sky dragon for his own use!

"Sky Dragon, keep the distance!" Qin Feng naturally knew the problem, and hurriedly said! However, Samael had already wrapped himself around the Sky Dragon, and his whole body was lying on the Sky Dragon!

"Roar!" the Sky Dragon roared and soared into the sky!

Sun Wukong also seemed very happy, his tall body stopped the giant god soldier!

"Let me have a good understanding of the power of your giant!" Sun Wukong held a huge stick in his hand, and then knocked it down at the giant god soldier!

The Titan Soldier instinctively raised his head to block!

"Haha, it's really happy!" Sun Wukong is beating the giant god soldier with a stick!

The Titan Soldier has been standing in place, and every time the stick hits, he can punch very correctly and hit the stick!

So although Sun Wukong is holding a weapon, the giant god soldier also did not suffer, no, it should be said that he still has a slight upper hand, the giant god soldier is the son of the god of the earth, only his call is on the earth, then he is invincible!

"We won't let you pass!" At this time, Raphael, Uriel and Odin stood in front of Qin Feng!

"Do you think this will stop me?" Qin Feng smiled, also raising his hands high!

"Lion's gold!" The magic power on Qin Feng's body gushed out, and finally turned into a golden thunderbolt, flashing towards the sky dragon!

"Double-horned deep scarlet!" Qin Feng said again! Similarly, the magic power formed a batch of dark black horses, and they also walked towards the Sky Dragon!

"This!" Seeing Qin Feng summoning monsters continuously, Raphael's eyes widened wide as he chatted with me!

They remembered the scene that happened on the battlefield of the underworld, and at that time, he could already summon many such monsters!

"What's going on?" Odin frowned at the sight of two monsters he had never seen before!

"They're also the helpers of the Mystery King!" Hearing this, Uriel smiled bitterly!

In the sky, the yellow thunder fell directly on the dragon eater Samael, and at the same time, Samael suddenly screamed in pain, and immediately after, the shock wave on the double horned deep scarlet head also swept out!

The Dragon Eater was hit again, and then fell from the Sky Dragon!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The Sky Dragon flipped, and it was a howling attack on the Dragon Eater!

A red attack that is even more powerful than the previous one is coming at the Dragoneater!

The thick pillars of energy light stained the sky red!

Both Raphael and Uriel were taken aback by such an attack, and if such an attack landed on them, they would be seriously injured if they did not die!

Samael's massive body fell to the ground, and immediately after, terrifying energy bombarded down!

"Woo!" Several people could hear the wailing scream, but Qin Feng frowned, because there was irrepressible excitement in this mournful voice!

The energy dissipated, and a deep pit had been blasted out of the ground, and everyone thought that Samael had been blasted into slag, and Samael had returned from the endless abyss!

Samael has serious injuries on his body, but his momentum is undiminished, and he is even more aggressive than before!

Seeing that Samael was still alive, Odin's spirits were lifted!

Samael hissed as he raised his head to the sky, and the wounds on his body began to heal, no, the swarthy body seemed to be stained with some red streaks!

"This is...!" Now, Samael's body has become extremely strange!

The Sky Dragon was furious again, and the red pillar of energy light blasted down again!

Samael also didn't dodge, and the red pillar of energy light fell on his body!

"He's devouring those energies!" Qin Feng immediately saw why Samael had such a change!

Soon, all the energy of the red pillar of light was absorbed, and on Samael's body, there were even more red parts!

"Sky Dragon, come back!" Qin Feng didn't plan to let the Sky Dragon go out to fight, but summoned another beast, Flame Hoof!

As soon as the flame hoof came out, the white body was suddenly covered with flames, and then rushed towards Samael!

However, Samael has already absorbed some of the energy of the Sky Dragon, and is already not afraid of the attack of the Flame Hoof!

After Flamehoof was repulsed, the lion's gold turned into a thunderbolt again, and at the same time, a shockwave struck!

Samael absorbed part of the energy of the Sky Dragon, although it was powerful, but the three major beasts joined forces, and they also pressed Samael to come, and now it can also squander the energy of the Sky Dragon, but after the energy of the Sky Dragon is used up, Samael is definitely dead!

And Qin Feng didn't pay too much attention to the above situation, anyway, it was only a matter of time before Samael was killed!

Qin Feng blasted up with a long sword, and Raphael and Uriel were naturally two people blocking!

"The situation has reversed!" Qin Feng smiled!

Hearing this, Raphael was a little bitter, maybe from the moment the battle started, they didn't have any chance of winning at all!

Suddenly, Raphael saw the black qi on the Yemo Black Sword gushing out!

The two glanced at each other, and subconsciously shouted, "Not good!" The two immediately jumped away!

While jumping away, Qin Feng shouted: "Crescent Sky Chong!" Immediately after, a black slash erupted from the Yemo Black Sword!

After the black slash broke out, Qin Feng glanced at the direction in which the two of them fled, but the two chose different escape directions, so Qin Feng chose Uriel, and the first thing he wanted to kill was Uriel!

Qin Feng jumped up and chased after Wu Lie, and the Yemo Black Sword was raised high!

"Crescent Sky Rush!" the black slash was thrown out again!

"Not good!" Raphael didn't expect that Qin Feng would deal with Uriel alone!

At this time, Odin was in front of the crescent moon sky!

At this time, Odin completely lost the appearance of an old man, seemed to be more than ten years younger, his muscles were bulging, and he looked powerful!

Odin stretched out his palm, intending to block the crescent moon with one hand!

"You think you can really block it!" Qin Feng sneered!

Layers of magic arrays appeared in Odin's hands, which were defensive magic arrays, and finally, the crescent moon Tianchong needed to break through these defenses before he could hit Odin!

The Crescent Moon Celestial Rush shattered the defensive magic array like a bamboo, and then Odin's palm really stopped the Crescent Celestial Rush!

In the sky, after the crescent moon sky was washed away for 4.6, Odin's breathing became short!

Odin's clothes are in tatters, and there are sword wounds from Crescent Moon Tianchong in his palms!

After blocking the crescent moon sky, Odin's body instantly dried up!

Above, Samael continued to squander the energy of the Sky Dragon to compete with Qin Feng's three major beasts, and soon, the balance was broken, and Samael was at a disadvantage!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Feng shouted, "The white steel of the water spirit!" The magic power then formed a long-haired water demon composed of the lower body of a blue-white giant snake and countless snakes!

"Go!" Qin Feng shouted and ordered at the Water Spirit White Steel!

The water demon swam up, and the huge palm of his hand had already held Samael's entire body down!

Samael was about to struggle, but he found that he seemed to have fallen into a whirlpool of water and could not break free!

Soon, Samael was pushed into the whirlpool by the water demon and disappeared without a trace!

Samael was wiped out, and everyone's hearts were shocked, and they were even more dangerous when they were already at a disadvantage, but fortunately, Qin Feng didn't seem to let the rest of the monsters attack!

After Qin Feng saw Odin blocking his attack, he didn't think too much about it, and his body moved, and he also appeared behind Uriel!

"Be careful!" Uriel was shocked, but Raphael had already returned to help, and as soon as Qin Feng appeared, Raphael slashed down with a sword!

"Originally, I wanted to deal with Uriel first, but since you came to send you to death, then you sent you on your way!" Qin Feng dodged Raphael's attack with a slight side of his body!

Then, Qin Feng grabbed Raphael's palm with one hand!

"Die!" Qin Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then cut it down!

Raphael was able to save Uriel in time, but Uriel didn't have the ability to react, nor did he have the guts, after Qin Feng cut it down... Uriel subconsciously jumped away, looked back, and saw that Raphael's arm had been cut off by Qin Feng!

"Damn!" Uriel's legs trembled.

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