Samael's death hit Odin very hard, and of course, Odin didn't know how Samael died!

And now, Qin Feng's attack has become even more powerful, and in the night black sword, there is already endless black qi!

Every time Qin Feng swung his sword, a black slash would be thrown out, and it was already very difficult for the two of them to block, especially when Raphael had already broken an arm!

"In this world, there is nothing I keep chopping!" Qin Feng smiled, and the black qi on the Yemo Black Sword erupted again!

"Touch!" slashed at Raphael!

Raphael raised his sword with one hand, but the holy sword was directly cut by the Yemo Black Sword like a soft body, and in the end, the sword fell directly on Raphael!

"Poof!" Blood flowed everywhere, and Raphael, who was seriously injured, was kicked a few times by Qin Feng again, and then crashed into the ground like a meteor!

"Raphael!" Uriel shouted, and was about to go over to see if Raphael was okay, when Qin Feng had already appeared!

"You damn demon!" Seeing Qin Feng appear, Uriel was angry and stabbed out with a sword!

Qin Feng sneered, stretched out his palm, and grabbed the holy sword!

"Uriel, hurry up and get out of the way!" After seeing Qin Feng directly catch the sword body, Odin shouted, but it was too late!

Qin Feng's sword was cut down again, this time directly cutting off Urie's head!

"Damn! Water Dragon!" A huge water dragon formed in an instant, and then rushed towards Qin Feng!

"This kind of attack is useless to me!" Qin Feng swung his sword, and the huge slash directly blasted the water dragon away!

Odin's expression was hideous, his palms moved violently, and countless magic beams attacked Qin Feng!

"Now that you're the only one left, do you think you still have a chance to win!" Qin Feng sneered, his body was very fast, and he appeared next to Odin in an instant!

"Earth barrier!" Odin roared, and above the ground, a solid stone pillar rose up, and then surrounded Qin Feng!

"Black coffin!" Odin drank again, and a jet-black lid fell from the sky, and then sealed the headspace, and then, the original yellow mud turned dark black, which looked very weird!

Qin Feng didn't make any moves, allowing these strange things to seal themselves up!

After the black coffin was completed, Odin sealed it again, and in the void, the chain was thrown out, and then the black coffin was entangled, and then, the sky changed, the ice crystals condensed, and the appearance of the black coffin condensed into a thick layer of ice!

"Whew!" After doing all this, Odin finally 21 breathed a sigh of relief!

Maybe it was Qin Feng who sealed it, but at this time, the giant god soldier who was fighting against Sun Wukong roared, and his huge body became transparent, and then disappeared!

"How's it going? Seal him up?" said Sun Wukong, who had changed back to his original form, came to Odin's side!

"Hmm!" Odin nodded! "The strength of the Enigma King is really strong! We are no match for him at all, so we can only use this method to seal him!"

"Odin, are you sure you can seal the Mystery King?" Sun Wukong was silent for a while, and then said!

"The black coffin is a sealing technique handed down from ancient times, there must be no problem!!" Odin smiled confidently!

"Really?!" Sun Wukong glanced at Odin and didn't say much!

"Odin, do you feel that the temperature here seems to be rising?" But soon, Sun Wukong frowned and asked!

"Hmm!" Odin's face changed, because he found that the thick ice layer was actually showing signs of melting!"It's the Mystery King who is breaking the black coffin!" "It's hard to imagine that if the Mystery King really broke the black coffin, then his strength is really unprecedented!

"Didn't you say that the Enigma King couldn't break this seal?" Sun Wukong suddenly shouted!

"Maybe he's struggling in there!" Odin said for a moment, then uncertainly!

"Let's let the Emperor of Heaven make a move!" Sun Wukong was a little worried, he had never met such a powerful character since he was born!

In fact, after Qin Feng was locked in the black coffin, Qin Feng slashed at the inside, but the crescent moon sky seemed to be absorbed by the barrier when it hit the barrier, and it had no effect at all, which couldn't help but make Qin Feng curious, this black coffin is really unique as a secret technique of sealing power!

Then, Qin Feng shot again, his whole body turned into a phoenix, and then hit the barrier, again, the barrier was still undamaged, and then, Qin Feng turned into a huge pillar of fire again, and hit the top, but the result was the same!

"What a powerful seal!" Qin Feng smiled faintly and muttered, "Then there is no way!"

"Come out, the winged dragon that symbolizes the sun's brilliance!"

Outside, Odin saw that the ice was covered with cracks, and immediately after, a huge amount of magic spread out in a black mist visible to the naked eye!

"Magic can be substantiated!" Sun Wukong was shocked, and then, they saw that the magic power condensed in the sky above the black coffin, condensing into a black sun!

"It's... The sun was formed, the ice collapsed faster, the clatter sound kept ringing, and finally, the ice shattered!

After the ice shattered, the chain that held the black coffin quickly turned red, as if it had been burned in fire, and finally slowly melted!

"It's coming out!" Odin was also dumbfounded!

In the end, the black sun fell, destroying the black coffin directly, and slammed it down on the ground, bringing up billowing smoke and dust!

"Odin, let's go immediately!" Sun Wukong also felt desperate!

"Hmm!" Odin also made a quick decision, and at the same time turned around and flew away!

"Do you think you can escape?" Qin Feng stood on top of the black sun, sneered, and then slowly melted into the sun!

After Qin Feng's figure merged into it, the sound of the dragon's groan came from the black ball!

The black ball bloomed with a strong light again, and then the black ball deformed!

The afterimage flashed, and the black metal-like appearance could be faintly seen, and then swept in the direction of Sun Wukong and Odin's escape!

Sun Wukong flew fast, but he still faintly heard the dragon's groan coming from behind!

"You have to hurry up!" Sun Wukong frowned, and glanced at Odin beside him, he has a cloud with Douyun, 108,000 miles away in an instant, the speed is unmatched, the reason why the speed is so slow is completely because of Odin, for example, he is racing with a weight and others, although he is temporarily ahead, but it is a matter of time before he is caught up!

Of course, with his character, he naturally will not leave Odin!

"Let's split up!" Odin has no speed advantage, and if this continues, neither of them can escape!

"Hmm!" Sun Wukong also knew Odin's thoughts, which was nothing more than sacrificing one person and preserving one person, and just like that, the two separated!

Qin Feng, who was chasing after him like lightning, saw the two people who were separated, but he sneered!

Qin Feng had already fused with the Winged Divine Dragon, Qin Feng's heart moved, and the Winged Divine Dragon split was generally split into two!

"Jade Dragon, come out quickly!" After parting, Sun Wukong shouted anxiously!

"Monkey, what are you doing? Why are you in such a hurry?" Yulong went back after sending Sun Wukong to the battlefield, and now he only came out when he heard Sun Wukong's shout, and he didn't know what happened at this time!

"Don't say it, hurry up and destroy the space, we have to hide inside!" Sun Wukong said anxiously!

"Hmm!" Yulong's face also became solemn, because he felt a very powerful aura chasing after him!

Sun Wukong jumped, and then sat on the jade dragon, and immediately after, the jade dragon crashed through the space barrier!

After the two successfully hidden, Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief!

"Monkey, how did you get into such a horrible creature?" said Jade Dragon teased!

"Hey, it's hard to say! he's the King of Mysteries!" Sun Wukong sighed and said!

"What, he is the Mystery King, that is to say, you are not the opponent of the Mystery King!" Hearing this, Yulong was a little surprised!

"Of course, this matter is not something I can handle, go back and tell the Emperor of Heaven and let him deal with the Mystery King!" Sun Wukong said with a tired expression!

"Okay!" Yulong nodded, and was about to speed up, when suddenly, the road ahead seemed to collapse!

"What's going on?" Sun Wukong was closing his eyes to recuperate, when the jade dragon stopped, suddenly opened his eyes and said!

"He... He's catching up!" Jade Dragon's voice was a little frightened, and he couldn't help but be afraid, after all, how strong it would take to accurately locate a person in the spatial turbulence!

"What!" Sun Wukong hurriedly looked ahead, and at this time, there was a black light in front of him!

"Prepare for battle!" Before Sun Wukong finished speaking, the entire space was filled with black flames!

The black flames were raging, and the two of them didn't even have a way to escape, so they could only burn alive in the black flames!

After dealing with Sun Wukong and the Jade Dragon, Qin Feng broke through the space again and returned to the underworld!

On the other side, Odin didn't escape, he knew that he couldn't escape from Qin Feng's hands, so he stopped, planning to fight to the death!

Odin's hands condensed an incomparably huge water dragon!

The Winged Divine Dragon that Qin Feng had transformed into was completely unafraid of this water dragon, and when he approached the water dragon, the water dragon evaporated!

Odin didn't expect Qin Feng to become so powerful, and the bird-like guy in front of him exuded a terrifying might, completely a monster he had never seen before!

Before he had time to think about it, Odin realized that he was powerless to stop the monster in front of him!

After killing Odin, this clone of the pterodactyl dragon also disappeared!

After Qin Feng killed everyone who came to support, soon, Lias and Zhu Nai also returned!

Their faces were a little tired and a little embarrassed, but they were very excited!

"Father, I have eliminated all those demons who escaped, and none of them have slipped through the net!" Zhu Nai smiled! Of course, what she said only represented her direction! Then, Lias also spoke, her result was the same as Zhu Nai, she completely destroyed those demons, but Qin Feng knew that there must have been many demons who escaped!

Soon, the magic circle appeared, and Kadileia, Gortha, and Joan of Arc walked out of it!

"Master, I've killed Asacher!" said Kadileia with a smile!

Soon, Gabriel also appeared, she was much more embarrassed than the others, and she also had multiple wounds on her body!

"I'm sorry, I can kill Michael!" said Gabriel, ashamed!

"It's okay!" Qin Feng smiled, although Michael is fine, Raphael and Uriel are dead, Odin is also dead, and Lott is also dead, that is to say, after this battle, only the Emperor of the East and Hades, the king of Hades, can fight with him, as for Michael, it is no longer a climate!

However, the Emperor of Heaven and Hades also suffered heavy losses, the Emperor of Heaven lost Sun Wukong, and Hades lost Samael the Dragon Eater!

After this battle, even the Heavenly Emperor and Hades couldn't stop Qin Feng's ambitions!

After Asachel and Lott died, Qin Feng believed that the fallen angels and demons would definitely fall into civil strife, and when the civil strife subsided and they elected their leader again, at that time, they would no longer be a threat to Qin Feng!

However, Qin Feng has not forgotten the purpose of coming to the underworld in the first place, which is to rob Rebel's mother, Mrs. Phoenix!

In Qin Feng's impression, Mrs. Phoenix looks like a girl, and she is also a beauty! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Qin Feng asked Zhu Nai and the others to go back, he came to the courtyard of Phoenix alone!

At this time, because of the impact of the Great War, Phoenix's influence is also very great, and there are tatters all around, are there one or two dead demons!

At this time, the battle is over, and as a super family of demons, they naturally have more responsibilities to appease the surviving demons!

However, this appeasement is also purposeful, because their Phoenix family wants to become the demon king, after all, they must have the support of the demon!

Qin Feng walked all the way, and it was desolate, perhaps because during the war, Qin Feng came to the door of Phoenix without any obstacles!

As soon as Qin Feng entered the door, he saw a woman with the appearance of an intellectually beautiful girl commanding!

With a slight smile, Qin Feng walked up!

"May I ask if you are the lady of the Phoenix family?" Qin Feng asked easily!

"Yes, are you...?" Mrs. Phoenix nodded subconsciously, but then looked at Qin Feng suspiciously, because in her impression, she didn't know the man in front of her!

"My name is Qin Feng, and your daughter asked me to come!" Qin Feng said again!

"My daughter, my daughter is not dead!" Mrs. Phoenix asked, overjoyed!

"Of course!" Qin Feng smiled, "I'll let you meet your daughter now!" After speaking, Qin Feng suddenly picked up Mrs. Phoenix 380!

"You... What are you doing?" Phoenix was startled and immediately struggled! Then, Phoenix felt a black wind envelop her, and the next moment, she found that she was already in the castle!

Qin Feng put Mrs. Phoenix down and said, "We're here!"

"Where is this?" asked Mrs. Phoenix with some vigilance in an unfamiliar setting!

"This is my home!" Qin Feng smiled!

"How is this possible? How can my daughter be at your house? Even if she didn't die, she should have been caught by the Mystery King!" Mrs. Phoenix said here, and then thought of a possibility, and then looked at Qin Feng with wide eyes, pointed at Qin Feng, and stammered, "You... You're the King of Mysteries!"

Qin Feng nodded, and then took Phoenix to Rebel's room!

Although Leibel was released by Qin Feng, she was still imprisoned in the room by Qin Feng because of her fierce personality!

"What are you doing here?" Seeing Qin Feng coming in, Leibel said with a sneer!

"Hehe, I understand, you must be going to vent your hunting desire!" After speaking, Leibel took off his clothes, revealing his fair skin, and then said: "Come on, it's not the first time I've experienced this kind of thing!" Before that, Qin Feng had already had a relationship with Leibel, of course, this relationship was forced!

Qin Feng glanced at Leibel, who didn't seem to have any interest in her body, and then said, "I brought someone to see you!"

"Who!" was about to ask Raibel, when a familiar figure appeared in front of her!

"Mother, you... How did you get here?" Rebel said in surprise when she saw that it was her mother!

"Child, you've suffered!" said Mrs. Phoenix, holding Rabel in her arms!

"When you mother and daughter meet, you should have a lot to say, I won't bother you!" After speaking, Qin Feng left!

"By the way, Reibel, where's your brother?" asked Mrs. Phoenix, after draping her coat over Rebel!

"Brother, he's dead!" said Raibel with some sadness!

"Did the Enigma King kill your brother?" Hearing the news of her son's death, Mrs. Phoenix was dizzy and finally asked!

"That's right, it's the demon!" said Raibel, gritting her teeth!

"How did you get caught by him?" Hearing that Qin Feng had killed his son, Mrs. Phoenix had no idea of revenge, and then said!

"We were ordered to come to the rescue of Cangna!" Rebel said, "I didn't expect to be arrested before we met Cangna!"

"Sidi's daughter!" Hearing this, Mrs. Phoenix was stunned again. Then he continued: "Lott asked the two of you to come and save people, didn't you send them to death?"

"Mother, don't worry, I will definitely avenge my brother!"

Hearing this, Phoenix shook his head and said, "You don't have to take revenge!"

"No need for revenge, why?" asked Rebel, confused!

"Because the strength of the Mystery King is too strong, you are not his opponent, I have already lost a son, and I don't want to lose another daughter!"

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