"Mother, don't worry! Although the strength of the Mystery King is strong, the three major forces have joined forces and will soon be able to destroy the Mystery King!"

"No chance!" Mrs. Phoenix said with a wry smile: "The demon clan is finished, and the three major forces are also finished! In fact, when I was robbed by the Mystery King, the Mystery King had already captured Castlevania, Master Lott had already died in battle, and our Phoenix family had also suffered countless casualties, and according to the news, even the supporting Asachel and the angelic Uriel and Raphael were dead!"

"It's... Is this fake?" Hearing this, Rebel's body trembled and asked!

"I hope it's a nightmare, too!" Mrs. Phoenix continued to smile wryly! At the same time, Mrs. Phoenix stood up, then looked around her, and whispered, "Maybe we'll live here in the future!"

In addition, Cang Na also got the news that the demon clan was disabled, and this news was told to her by Zhu Nai himself!

"Cang Na, you wait for me!" Cang Na was meeting with Qin Feng, and after he came out, he was stopped by Zhu Nai!

Cang Na frowned, since Cang Na broke away from Zhu Nai's family, Zhu Nai has been very unfriendly to Cang Na!

"Miss Zhu Nai, do you have something to do with me?" Cang Na said lightly!

"Of course!" Zhu Nai said triumphantly: "I was kind enough to tell you a piece of news, just now, Qin Feng took us to the underworld to make a big fuss, and Lot, who is the Demon King, is dead! Of course, the so-called alliance of the three major forces also exists in name only! The fallen angel's Asahir and the angel's Raphael and Uriel have all been killed by Qin Feng, well, I heard that Sun Wukong and Odin's bad old man are also dead!"

"What!" Cang Na's face changed, and then he calmed down!

"Thank you for the news!" Cang Na smiled faintly, and then walked away, but the steps were obviously urgent, and he should have rushed back to tell his sister what he had heard!

I don't know if it's Mrs. Phoenix's role, but now Rebel has learned a lot and doesn't have to shout for revenge all day long!

And at the request of Mrs. Phoenix, Qin Feng arranged for Rebel to enter the Pony King School Park!

At this time, in the corner of the classroom, the kitten and Lu Fei were talking, but Leibel was alone on the other side, she had just arrived, she had not yet integrated here, but because of her appearance, there were many classmates who paid attention!

"Rebel, do you have a textbook?"

"Rebel is such a rare name, so handsome!"

"I heard that she is a foreign classmate who transferred in, this class is really good!" Rebel was surrounded by girls who were talking about this!

Rebel didn't seem to have seen such enthusiastic girls, and the whole person was stunned, basically someone else asked, and she answered!

"My name is Baiyin, you can call me kitten, let's get to know me!" At this time, the kitten came up and said!

"My name is Rebel!" Rebel naturally knew the short-haired girl in front of her!

"She's the roast chicken princess you said?" At this time, Lu Fei walked up and said with a smile!

There was a moment of silence, the green tendons in Rebel's temples were exposed, and a trembling voice said in a low voice!

"Just... What did you say just now?"

"Roast Chicken Princess!" Lu Fei said without pause!

"You, you're actually! How dare you say that about me as Miss Phoenix!" said Rabel angrily!

"Are you still a princess?" Hearing this, Lu Fei looked at Rebel in surprise and said, "Isn't your Phoenix family destroyed?"

"Okay, Lu Fei, you can say a few words!" The kitten found that Lu Fei's mouth was really offensive!

"Why! she's not a princess anymore!" said Lu Fei as if aggrieved!

"Okay, let's talk a few words!" At this time, Lias came up, she was called by Qin Feng, because Qin Feng was afraid that Leibel would make trouble in the school park!

Of course,Lias was originally a graduate.,The reason why she's still here is because before leaving the school park,Qin Feng will hold a school festival in the school park.,So Lias and other students after graduation also came back to participate!

The school festival is held in the Koma King School Park.,It's still the first time.,So it's held very grandly!

As the idol of the students, Lias naturally went up to speak!

However, just when Lias was giving a passionate speech, on the high floor of the teaching building, Qin Feng and Zhu Nai were crooked together!

"Zhu Nai, you are also one of the representatives, don't you want to go down to speak?" After finishing the matter, Qin Feng hugged Zhu Nai, whose face was crimson, and said with a smile!

"Isn't there a sister, just leave it to her~'!" Zhu Nai wrapped his hands around Qin Feng's neck and said with a smile! "I want to stay with you for a while!"

"I won't run again!" Qin Feng touched Zhu Nai's soft hoard and continued!

"After this time,I won't be able to go to school in the Koma King School Park.,I'm going to be separated from you!" Zhu Nai said with some sadness!

"It's not like you're not coming back!"

"That's different!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai shook his head and said, "I want to see you every day!"

"It's better to expand the Koma King School Park and build a university so that I don't have to be separated from you!" Suddenly, Zhu Nai suggested to Qin Feng!

"That's a good suggestion!" Qin Feng also pondered!

"Then it's decided!" Zhu Nai kissed Qin Feng again!

After Lias's speech, she found that her sister Zhu Nai was not there, and she had a bad premonition in her heart!

"This little girl, shouldn't she go to Qin Feng!" Lias was a little flustered, and after saying a word to Irina, she hurriedly walked towards Qin Feng's office!

Soon, Lias gasped and came outside the office!

"Sure enough, it's here!" Lias could hear the sound of rapid breathing and whispers of love from within!

Lias didn't expect that Zhu Nai would take advantage of her absence to be with Qin Feng!

She didn't hesitate any longer, pushed open the door and entered!

Qin Feng and Zhu Nai were not surprised by Lias's arrival!

"Sister Lias has arrived!" Zhu Nai still sat on Qin Feng's body as always, and said with a smile!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng looked at Lias, beckoned to Lias, and said!

Zhu Nai stood up from Qin Feng wrapped up in his body, and then said to Lias: "Sister Lias, you came just in time, Qin Feng will leave it to you!"

"What did you hand over Qin Feng to me, Qin Feng originally belonged to me!" Lias said dissatisfied! Zhu Nai's words made her look like the master!

"Lias is jealous, please hurry up and comfort her!" said Zhu Nai with a smile!

Qin Feng also knew that Lias was jealous, so he also stood up, then picked up Lias, and in Lias's surprised gaze, he fiercely attacked her!

"You...!" Lias didn't expect Qin Feng to be so bold today, usually they take the initiative, but I didn't expect that Qin Feng took the initiative today!

The matter of men and women is the most fascinating, Lias and Zhu Nai took turns to fight, but they were still killed by Qin Feng and lost their armor!

"Lias, Qin Feng said that he will open a university in the Koma King Academy, so that we and Qin Feng don't have to be separated!" Zhu Nai said with a happy appearance!

"Hmm!" Because of Qin Feng's bravery, Lias now speaks softly!

After the two of them stayed in Qin Feng's office for a long time, they got up, after all, this school festival, the two of them are the protagonists, and if they are absent for too long, it will be suspicious!

Soon, the two of them finished dressing, their faces were crimson, and their smiles were bright and bright!

After the two of them went out, Qin Feng immediately conveyed an order to Gabriel, asking her to find a skilled craftsman and strive to complete the university department within a month!

Qin Feng didn't want to be separated from Zhu Nai and Lias either!


Qin Feng killed Asacher, Odin and others, and soon, the rest of the forces knew!

"Wally, what should we do now?" Wally stood on the hill, looking ahead with a confused look in his eyes, and Kiba walked up and asked softly!

"I want revenge!" Soon, Wally said word by word!

"But... But didn't you say it, that Mystery King is very strong!" Issei said in fear of death!

"So we have to cultivate!" Wally glanced at Yicheng and said, "From today on, you must work hard to cultivate, especially Yicheng, you must complete the forbidden hand!"

"But the Mystery King is very powerful, just a few of us, can we be his opponents?" Kiba frowned, and said his worries very sensibly!

"In the battle, it's not just the father-in-law who died, but also the Monkey King!" Wally thought for a moment, and then said: "I think the one in the east will make a move, even Hades in the underworld will also make a move, what we have to do now is to take over the Nordic forces left by the father-in-law, and at the same time subdue the fallen angels of Asacher!"

"Odin is your father-in-law, you can take over the Nordic forces, but the fallen angels, can you be a demon?"

"No problem!" Wally said again, "Although I am a demon, I grew up in the Fallen Angel Clan, and I am also one of the high-level figures!

"Kiba, from today onwards, it will be up to you to supervise Yicheng's cultivation, and when the two major forces are subdued, I will go out to find a partner!"

In the underworld, a turmoil is going on, and the Phoenix family, which was originally favored by everyone, did not unify the underworld and become the new demon king, but Serraog was born out of thin air and unified the underworld with great strength!

After Michael fled back to the Celestial Realm, he soon learned of the death of Uriel and Raphael, and although the Celestial Realm was extremely weak, Michael had to join the fight!

Celestial Empire, the Emperor of Heaven and Cao Cao have met!

Cao Cao originally cooperated with the Vortex Group, but after that group was wiped out, Cao Cao was abandoned by the Vortex Group, and in desperation, Cao Cao returned to the Celestial Empire and did not make waves again, but he didn't expect that a big man like the Emperor of Heaven would summon him!

Before coming here, Cao Cao remembered what Georg had said to him!

The Mystery King has killed the Demon King of God Odin and the Devil, even with Sun Wukong!

Cao Cao came to an immortal mountain, surrounded by a vast white field, he instinctively felt that there was a tall figure in front of him, which seemed to be very close to him, but he hated to be far away, which felt mysterious and mysterious!

"You know why I'm looking for you!" voices came from all directions!

"Hmm!" Cao Cao nodded!

"Sun Wukong was killed by the Mystery King, and even the Norse main god Odin was also killed, the balance of the world has been seriously damaged, and I have to sanction the Mystery King!" "The voice of the Emperor of Heaven sounded very ethereal, "And I chose you, as the son of a hero, and at the same time a king who can use the power of hegemony, you will definitely be able to defeat the Mystery King!"

"Defeat the Mystery King?" Hearing this, Cao Cao frowned! This is easy to say, but it is even more difficult to do, don't you see that even Sun Wukong, Odin and other gods are dead, even the gods have to die, even if they have hegemony, they can't be the opponent of the Mystery King!

"Heavenly Emperor, with my current strength, can I defeat the enemy?" Cao Cao asked rhetorically!

"I'll help when the time is right!" the Emperor of Heaven finished speaking, and sent Cao Cao out with a wave of his hand!

"Hades, since you're here, let's show up!" At this time, the skeleton frame skeleton landed on the fairy mountain very flexibly!

"I didn't expect to see you for a thousand years, but you still like the mystery of the gods!" Hades sneered!

"I didn't expect you to take the initiative to come to my place, don't you hate the gods of other gods?" said the Heavenly Emperor with a smile!

There was a dark flame in the skeleton's eyes, and when he opened his mouth, perhaps he couldn't even laugh, and the skeleton said calmly: "The Mystery King killed my dragon eater, and his power also makes me feel very uneasy!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Then you want to join forces?" the Emperor asked again!

"Hmm!" Hades nodded!

"I remember that you are not the only god in the underworld, you have already convinced other gods?"

"We all have disputes, but our interests are the same!" the skeleton began, "When the time comes, I will send Pruto!"

"Pruto?" Hearing this, the Emperor pondered for a while, Pruto is Hades' henchman, he can send such a person, which means that Hades is really determined to start a war with the Mystery King!

"Hmm!" Hades said again, "but after the battle is won, I have one condition, I want Orpheus!"

"Orpheus, Infinite Dragon God?" Hearing this, the Heavenly Emperor frowned again!

"Okay, I promise you!" Soon, the Emperor nodded, and just like that, the cooperative relationship between the two was formed!

And the Vortex Regiment, Liezevim's brows were tight, and he also got the news of Qin Feng's victory!

"It's really terrifying!" Liezevim sighed! From this incident, he also knew that he couldn't deal with Qin Feng alone, and he had to have allies, and his ally was Hades, the Hades King, and through Hades, the Vortex Regiment, and the Heavenly Emperor, it could be regarded as an indirect alliance!

A united force even more terrifying than the three major forces was born! Michael, Serraog, and Wali were also invited, of course, they were only mid-range combat forces, and if the battle broke out, their task would be to stop such dependents as Irina and Cangna!


Inside the ancient castle, on the fence made of white jade, Zhu Li looked at the direction in the distance with some melancholy!

"Mother, are you looking for me?" Soon, Zhu Nai appeared behind Zhu Li, and then said with a smile!

"Zhu Nai, you're here!" Zhu Li's expression was shocked, and then he beckoned to Zhu Nai and said, "Hurry up and sit!"

"(Nude Zhao) Mother, what's wrong with you?" Looking at Zhu Li's face with a smile on his face, Zhu Nai asked a little strangely!

"It's okay!" Zhu Li shook his head and said, "Zhu Nai, my mother doesn't agree with you being with Qin Feng, are you still angry?"

Hearing this, Zhu Nai shook his head and said, "Mother, I'm not angry anymore, I know that my mother is also good for me!"

"Oh! That's it!" Zhu Li sighed and continued: "Then last time you ran away from home sadly, Qin Feng went to find you!"

"Hmm!" Zhu Nai nodded and said, "He went to find me, and after his enlightenment, I also knew that my thoughts were wrong, and I also recognized my feelings for him!"

"That's fine!" Zhu Li frowned, carefully observed Zhu Nai's face, and after there seemed to be nothing wrong, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said!

"Oh, by the way, I heard that Qin Feng is going to establish a university department in the Koma King Academy!" Zhu Li asked again!

"That's right!" Zhu Nai nodded and said, "Because he doesn't want me to leave his side, and I can't bear you, so I'll just...!" Zhu Nai lay in his mother's arms and coquettishly!

"Hey!" Zhu Li glanced at Zhu Nai gently, and said: "Silly child, you are not parting with your mother in life and death, what is the point of sticking to us, and besides, you have also grown up, you can't have too close contact with Qin Feng!"

"Mother, you're too ruthless!" Zhu Nai muttered!

"Daughter, mother is also good for you!" Zhu Li smiled and said!

"Oh!" Zhu Nai nodded, and then said goodbye to Zhu Li, and Zhu Li, after thinking about it, recalled Zhu Nai's demeanor and reaction when he spoke, and found that there was no flaw, everything was perfectly performed, for Qin Feng, there was no feeling of love dying and alive before, that's it, Zhu Li was not at ease!

Soon, Zhu Li found the head maid of the castle, Yube Luna Kai!

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