"Yube Luna, it's really rare that the interior of the castle is well organized by you!" After meeting with Yube Luna, Zhu Li didn't go directly to the topic, but chatted with Yube Luna!

"It's all thanks to the master!" said Yubeluna!

"Hmm!" Zhu Li smiled, "Usually, although Qin Feng is busy, Zhu Nai is also more clingy to him, and I, as a mother, am also very jealous!"

"This shows that the relationship between the master and the young lady is very good, and the master mother can rest assured!" said Yubeluna again!

"Everyone wants family harmony!" Zhu Li sighed and continued: "I'm afraid that their relationship will be too good!"

Hearing this, Yubei Luna was stunned, she already knew what Zhu Li was going to ask, she remembered that night, Qin Feng and Junilias were rolling the sheets, but she couldn't tell it!

"The subordinates don't understand what the mistress means?" asked Yubeluna in a deep voice!

"I want to ask... You...... Have you seen Zhu Nai and Qin Feng staying together at night?" Zhu Li thought for a while, gritted his teeth and asked!

"It's a thing everybody knows that the master has been with Miss these days!"

"Ah! Qin Feng has been with Zhu Nai all the time?" Zhu Li was a little surprised, and then asked anxiously, "Is there that between Zhu Nai and Qin Feng?"

"That?" said Yubeluna, feigning confusion!

"Hey!" Zhu Li's face turned red, but how could she say it!

"Can you tell us more about the situation when Qin Feng and Zhu Nai are together?"

"That's right!" Yube Luna thought for a moment, and then said, "A few days ago, the master gathered us all together, and then said that it was to deal with the three major forces, and at that time, Miss Junai and Miss Lias were also present!"

"That's it?" Zhu Li asked again! If it's because of business, it's understandable!

"That's all!" Yubeluna nodded solemnly!

"Then you go back!" Zhu Li waved her hand and asked Yube Luna to leave! After getting no answer to Yube Luna, Zhu Li had no choice but to put her doubts in the bottom of her heart and did not continue to ask the other maids!

This kind of thing is a scandal, no matter whether Qin Feng and Zhu Nai are innocent or not, everyone who Zhu Li doesn't want to make trouble is known, so Zhu Li set his sights on Qin Feng, the main master!

That night, after Qin Feng and Zhu Li were happy, Zhu Li pondered for a while and asked, "Qin Feng, do you want to establish a university department in the Koma King Academy?"

"Hmm!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "It's Zhu 340 who told you! Actually, I can't bear Zhu Nai to leave our side!"

"Reluctance Zhu Nai, is it really that simple?" Zhu Lihu glanced at Qin Feng suspiciously!

"That's right! How complicated do you think!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Qin Feng, I hope you can tell me honestly, is there that kind of relationship between you and Zhu Nai?" Zhu Li asked solemnly!

"Of course not!" Qin Feng shook his head, and then smiled: "You shouldn't be eating Zhu Nai's vinegar!"

Qin Feng didn't expect Zhu Li's mind to be so delicate, and from a little bit of chasing the wind and shadows, he was able to peel off the cocoon and decide that his relationship with Zhu Nai was abnormal!

Of course, even if Zhu Li guessed the relationship between Qin Feng and Zhu Nai, it was just a guess!

Qin Feng flatly denied it, this kind of relationship can be concealed forever, as for catching the adulterer, it is a joke in Qin Feng's eyes, Qin Feng has strong strength, if someone is close, he can find out as soon as possible!

That's it,A month has passed,And the university department has been magically established,Because of the reputation of the Koma King School Park,So the university was established,The students were soon in place,Zhu Nai and Lias have already entered the university,And Qin Feng,It's still in the castle,Because Venilana's belly is getting bigger and bigger,Qin Feng's third child is about to be born!

During this time, Qin Feng has been by Venilana's side, because Veneran's temper is getting bigger and bigger, of course, it seems that they are all coming for Gurefia, for this reason, Qin Feng has to stay by Venilana's side, and at this time, Venerana has been sent to a hospital!

Veni Lana was born in the Baal family, and the demon blood is pure, so there is a lot of movement in the birth of the child!

At this time, it was already night, and the dark clouds in the sky were very low, as if they were about to collapse, but because it was night, not many people paid attention!

Of course, few people could notice that it was night, and it was a black pillar of light, and with a cry, Qin Feng knew that his third child was born!

"It's born!" "Mother gave birth, Lias took leave to come to the hospital, not only Lias came, but even important family members such as Gurefia came!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng's face was also full of smiles!

"Let's go inside!" Lias's expression was a little complicated, but she quickly returned to normal!

Qin Feng and Lias pushed the door in and saw that Venerana was already holding her child, Venerana was a demon, so naturally she would not be as fragile as humans!

"It's a girl!" said Lias, turning the child into Venierana's hand!

"(CBEH) I like it both men and women!" Qin Feng smiled indifferently!

Soon, Qin Feng took the baby from Lias's hands, the baby's skin was wrinkled and a little ugly, and there were a few sparse black hairs on his head, thinking that he had inherited Qin Feng's hair color, because Qin Feng's hair color was black!

"Qin Feng, give the child a name!" Lias said on the side!

"Name?" Hearing this, Qin Feng smiled, remembered a girl who was also a queen-like girl with black hair, and said, "Let's call it Heixue Ji!"

"Kurokyukihime!, good name!" Winnie Lana immediately agreed!

"I want to hug my sister too!" At this time, the white-haired Sakiya hugged her father's thigh and said honestly! She is now six years old!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, among Qin Feng's three daughters, the power exuded was stronger than the other, and the potential shown by Hei Xue Ji was even stronger!

Sakiya hugged her sister, and after saying a few words in a milky voice, she handed the child to Lias!

"Let's all go out, don't disturb Venelana to rest!" Although Venierana is a demon, for Venierlana's sake, Qin Feng still let Venierana lie on the bed and rest!

"Hmm!" Gurefia nodded, although the ward was large, it was also very crowded with a group of families crammed into one ward!

In a hurry, a month has passed, Qin Feng is enjoying the joy of family at home, and Sera Og, now the head of the demon clan, has issued a challenge to Qin Feng!

"This guy is too rampant, isn't it!" Cang Na and Serafel were serving Qin Feng, so they also saw the challenge book!

"It's just a piece of garbage!" Qin Feng sneered, "Find a time, I will kill all the demon clans!"

Hearing this, Cang Na and Seraf were shocked, Cang Na thought about it, and then tried his best to massage Qin Feng, spit out Xianglan, and said: "Master, in fact, you don't need to play such a small role, if you take action personally, isn't it just bullying the small with the big!"

"Oh, then what do you think should be done with this matter?" Qin Feng asked rhetorically!

"Master, if you trust me, leave this matter to me!" Cang Na patted his chest and said, "I will definitely defeat Serraog, and I will never fall into the prestige of my master!"

"That's fine!" Qin Feng thought for a while, and then said, "You and your dependents will go to the demon on my behalf, but don't want to escape, otherwise...!" After speaking, Qin Feng pulled Seraf, who was serving in the crotch, up and said again: "I will kill your sister!"

"I will definitely come back, please rest assured, master!" Cang Na hurriedly said!

Actually, Cang Na didn't even think about running away, especially after knowing that Uncle Lott was dead!

After discussing it with her sister, she knew that it was impossible for the demon clan to defeat the mystery king, so she tried her best to preserve the bloodline of the demon clan, and now that Seraoge was so dead, she wanted to challenge Qin Feng, which made them worried, so Cang Na thought that she would challenge Seraoge by herself, so that she could save Seraoge's life!

At this point, Serafel and Cangna returned to their bedrooms!

"Cangna, are you really going to challenge Serraog?" asked Serafule!

"Hmm!" Cang Na nodded, "I'll try to preserve the demon's strength!"

Hearing this, Serafel nodded, and then said, "If you have the chance, you can also run away with you, don't come back!

Hearing this, Cang Na shook his head and said with a smile: "As long as I can be with my sister, I won't feel bitter, sister, I will come back!"

"Ah!" Seraful sighed and said, "Why are you disobedient?" I know you are worried about your sister's safety, and I would rather sacrifice myself to get your freedom than two of you live a life that is worse than death!"

The next day, Cang Na came to the underworld with his family members, and of course, Lias followed!

The duel is not held in Castlevania, but in a floating city in the sky!

"Hey, there's such a city!" Lias was a little curious and a little regretful, because this city was not destroyed, but the demon clan had been greatly injured, and Lias did not go on a killing spree here, and besides, there are many masters here, and if she dealt with it alone, she would be powerless!

The corners of Cang's mouth twitched, she knew what Lias meant!

"Don't mess around!" Cang Na was a little afraid that Lias would wreak havoc here! "Don't forget, although the master sent you and me here, everything must be done according to my plan!"

"I know!" Lias narrowed her eyes, "But Qin Feng said, if you do anything wrong, I will kill you! Of course, if you embarrass Qin Feng, I will not let you go either!"

"Hmph, don't worry!" Cang Na sneered, "Your mother's maiden family is from the Great King Bal family, you know!"

"What do you want to say?" Hearing this, Lias frowned!

"No, I just wanted to tell you that the Seraoge who challenged us is also from the Bal family, well, to be precise, the head of the Bal family, and your cousin!"

"I naturally know this!" Lias smiled, in fact, before she came here, Venier Lana had approached her, saying that if she could spare Seraoge's life, she would try to save his life, Lias had no objection to this, she herself was not a cold-blooded person, of course, the most important thing was that Qin Feng did not give a killing order to Seraoge!

"But what are you trying to say?" said Lias, sneering!

Looking at Lias's sneering face, Cang Na didn't know how to say it, did he want to make it clear that he would leave Sera Og alive!

Lias also felt that Cang's idea of self-recommendation was nothing more than to reserve strength for the demon clan, well, or to keep Serraog's life, but now that the demon clan has been greatly injured, she also has the heart to keep Serraog's life!)

Soon, Lias and Cangna's family arrived at a high-class clubhouse! a splendid building, a spacious hall, a shiny floor, and a particularly high stained glass on the top, under the guidance of the waitress, several people arrived in a special room!

The game is played the day after tomorrow, so the girls have plenty of time to rest!

"What a powerful breath!" Lias frowned!

It was the passage that had passed, and from the opposite side of the passage, there was a dangerous feeling of a cold aura like pins and needles, and in the middle of that group stood a skeleton dressed like a priest's garment!

"Hades?" Cang Na also noticed the skeleton and immediately lost his voice!

"Hades!" Hearing this, Lias frowned, it seems that her expression that she has never met is not stupid, she knows how to borrow other forces, so she has to weigh and weigh if she wants to make trouble here, but she didn't plan to make trouble here!

"Looks like my father should have come along!" Lias muttered as she saw Hades approaching!

"You're the representative sent by the Mystery King!" Hades laughed, "But I'm curious, didn't the Mystery King come?"

"Father didn't come!" Lias nodded calmly!

"Haha, you're the daughter of the Mystery King, I really want to capture you so I can get Orpheus!" Hades said with some intoxication, and with that, the guys around Hades began to show murderous energy, surrounding the skeletons.

"You're going to fight here?" said Lias with a solemn face, "I'm not afraid of you!"

Lias could barely withstand Hades' murderous aura, but the Cang group couldn't, their faces were already pale!

"Haha, of course not!" Finally, Hades shook his head and said, "I'm just here to tell you a piece of news!"

"News?" Hearing this, Lias was stunned again!

"Hmm!" Hades nodded, "Although your Mystery King has destroyed the three major forces, even the four major forces, I, the Heavenly Emperor and the Vortex Regiment have formed a super strong three major forces, and now even Michael, Serraog, and Wali have joined us, which is really an unprecedented super true face! Of course, our purpose is to deal with your father!"

"Whatever!" Lias was very flat, without the slightest fear!

"Ignorant and fearless, well, forget it, I'll watch your battle today!"

Hades was leaving, and Cang Na exhaled while wiping the sweat from her face, and her dependents were also very nervous.

"It's so powerful! It's like I've been caught in a soul just now!" said Tsubaki Ji beside Cangna, in a low voice!

"Well, that's how it feels!" Cang Na quietly looked at Lias, seeing that her face did not change at all, and finally sighed silently, the gap between herself and Lias was getting bigger and bigger!

Of course, Lias naturally couldn't hear the sigh in Cangna's heart, and after Lias heard that someone was dealing with her father again, she hurriedly got in touch with her father!

Qin Feng didn't expect Hades to jump out too, but this is normal, he sent a dragon eater to help deal with him, even if Hades didn't look for him, he would find Hades, but these people's movements were too fast, and it took almost a month or two to form this super league!

And he was also very curious, Hades, like Loki, was very repulsive to other gods, how could he join forces with the Heavenly Emperor, it seemed that what he had done had brought them too much pressure, and now they were also very afraid of themselves!

Now, Qin Feng has paid close attention to the situation on Lias's side, as long as Hades makes a move, then he will also make a move!

Cangna and Lias came to the resting room, but Cangna was very worried!

"Lias, do you think Hades will interfere?" Cang Na was very afraid that Hades would interfere in the battle between them, if this was the case, Qin Feng would also make a move, and it would be out of control at that time, although the three super forces that Hades said did sound very strong, but Cang Na, who knew Qin Feng's horror, was still a little worried!

"No!" Lias shook her head, "Even if he does, his father will!"

"Hmm!" Cang Na nodded, it's useless to be anxious now!.

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