"Tsubaki Hime, you call all the dependents over, I have something to order!" Cang Na thought for a moment, and then said!

"Hmm!" the room is huge, and some of the dependents are not in the living room!

Lias smiled, unlike her, Cang Na is good at the kind of closely calculated game, Cang Na must want to develop some kind of strategy, but Lias herself likes that kind of power-type, crushing battle, the two have different styles, of course, the reason why Cang Na chooses to plan and then move, this also has a lot to do with her lack of strength!

Lias returned to her room, she was not interested in how Cang Na made a strategy! To be honest, Lias had no hope of Cang Na winning the game, because there was still a big gap between the two, and most of Cang Na's dependents were made through artificial artifacts, but Lias didn't know that before coming here, Cang Na had already begged Qin Feng to refine an artifact with new power!

Soon, Cangna's dependents were all complete!

"Tsubakihime, send the information down!" Cang Na smiled!

"Hmm!" Tsubaki sent the information in her hand one by one!

"After reading it, you have a certain understanding of Serraog's dependents!" Cang Na said lightly: "There are eight Seraoge's dependents!"

"The queen is Krissa, the stunt is the cave, the chariot Gandoma is a giant, Ladora is a dragon, Bailuga is a knight, the rank of Liban is also a knight, the original 72 pillars, the Krosel family who was supposed to cut off the offspring, a magic swordsman with the blood of Krosell and a human magician, the artifact MAGIC EYE, through the MAGIC Eye can trigger gravity magic in all places within the field of vision, Kriana is good at using ice, Mistyda is also from the Sbonok family who was supposed to cut off the descendants of the original 72 pillars, mixed with human blood, the coffin of artifact ability, and his physical strength through the coffin of ability, mental power is consumed to the limit, so as to completely seal the ability of ~ a specific opponent within a certain period of time. "

"Among these dependents, it should be noted that the Liban and Mistida are very powerful!" Cang Na continued—Dao!


"Then there are no soldiers in Serraog?" Hearing this, Tsubaki asked!

"It's not that there are no soldiers!" Hearing this, Cang Na shook his head and said, "It's that this soldier is too mysterious, and even I can't get his information, but you must be careful!"

"Hmm!" the few nodded again!

"Knight to knight, chariot to chariot!" Cang Na thought for a moment, and then said!

"Aren't we going to make a strategy? If we do this, we will suffer a lot!" Tsubaki said again!

"Hey, Serraog's strength is so strong that it can't be defeated by strategy, and the rules are unknown, so you may choose the DiceFigure method!" Cang Na shook his head and said: "And you try to be familiar with the new powers, whether you can win or not depends on those powers!"

"What does DiceFigure mean?" asked Tsubaki in confusion!

"Use the dice to decide who will play!" Cang Na thought for a moment, and then continued: "The value of the [Knight] piece is 3, the value of the [Monk] is 3, the [Chariot] is 5, and then the [Queen] is 9! For example, if it is rolled to 8 points, because the value of [Knight] is 3, there can be up to two players in the case of the total value of [8]! [Soldier] with a value of 1 can produce 8 players, and of course, you can also choose to let [Chariot] with a value of 5 and [Knight] with a value of 3 Two players with a combined value of 8 play!"

After admonishing them, Cang then let everyone go back to their rooms!

At this time, Cang Na stood quietly on the balcony, looking at the scenery in the distance, and sighed silently.

Although Lias is a demon, she grew up in an ancient castle and has no sense of belonging to the demon clan, so she naturally can't feel Cang's sad feeling!

At this point, she was wondering if she should make a big fuss here!

And Hades, the king of Hades, was also excited and couldn't sleep, he lost the dragon eater, that is, he lost the powerful weapon that restrained the infinite dragon god, but he was not dead to the infinite dragon god Orpheus, no, it should be said that he coveted the infinite power of Orpheus very much, so he really wanted to get Orpheus!

However, Orpheus is in the castle of the Enigma King, and if he wants to get Orpheus, he must defeat the Enigma King, which is why he and the Emperor of Heaven have joined forces!

But when he came to the underworld today, he found that the daughter of the Mystery King, Lias, was also there, and he was thinking that if Lias was caught, and then there would be an exchange of hostages, so that he could get Orpheus!

"Do you want to do it!" Hades muttered!

Soon, Hades had a plan!

"Lord Hades, are you looking for me?" Soon, a middle-aged man dressed in black walked up and said respectfully!

"Pluto, I need you to do something for me!" Hades began!

Hades knows that if he makes a move, then the mystery king will definitely do it, and the mystery king who can kill the angel god, the main god of Odin, is very strong, and he has no certainty of victory, and it is also unknown who will win and who will lose at that time!

So Hades doesn't plan to use it himself, but sends his right-hand man, just like a child fighting, and the mystery king won't intervene!

The next day, Cang Na came on the field with a group of dependents!

And Cang Na expected to raise a raise, is to use the rules of DiceFigure, but Cang Na used to be a member of the devil, and he is familiar with this rule, so naturally there is no need to explain too much!

The number drawn in the first battle is three, which means that each party can send a knight to the field!

Cangna sent a patrol, and the other party sent Bailuga!

The patrol handle is holding a knife, and she quickly rushes forward with her straightforward personality!

"You're too slow!" Bailuga rode his horse, a little faster, and was able to suppress the speed of the patrol handle every time!

"The high-ranking monster that lives in the lowest layers of hell and the depths of Oxter is the mount of the high-ranking demon and the god of death, known as the horse of death and destruction!" Cang Na sighed, this should be the support that Hades gave to Serraog, fortunately she also got strength from Qin Feng, otherwise, this battle would not be able to compare!

The fluctuations and assaults of countless swords formed a deep crater on the battlefield, and the speed of both of them was very fast, and their faces could only be seen clearly the moment the two collided together!

"You're not very fast, aren't you!" said with a sneer, although his speed was suppressed, he could still catch Bailuga's attack!

"Hmph, then watch!" Bailuga snorted!

"When I pull you off the horse, you won't have this advantage!" said the patroller, looking at the horse under Bailuga!

"Yes, but can you do it?" Bailuga sneered!

With a wave of the Dragon Sword, a huge sword qi was thrown out!

"There's no way this kind of move will hit me!" Bailuga flashed, and then came to the side of the patrol!

"What about this!" Patrolman jumped back, and countless sword qi struck Bailuga like a net!

"Now, you have no way to escape!"

"That's naïve!" Bailuga sneered, and then, his horse flew into the sky, and immediately after, the dragon sword in the hand of the patrol handle was thrown out like a dart!

"Is this...?" The Dragon Sword was surrounded by a rich amount of energy, and those energies looked like a dragon!

Bailuga didn't panic in the slightest, put his hand into the horse's sideburns as if he was taking something, took out his sword, and then blocked!

The knife of the patrol handle was returned to his hand again, and in the sky, Bailuga and the horse increased several times!

"Is it a clone?" muttered to the patroller, but Bailuga attacked, and many Bailuga moved endlessly through the air towards the patroller.

Although he was able to resist with a sword at first, he still attacked from all directions, and there were many wounds on his body!

"How?" At this point, the apparition of Bailuga disappeared and turned back into a Bailuga again!

"Forget it, let's try my new abilities on you!"

"Sure enough, what Seraog said is right, you can already do the banning!" Bailuga said with a smile without the slightest fear!

At this time, the patrol handle was already wearing black and white armor, and he was holding a huge knife in his hand!

"You shouldn't know the function of my Dragon Absolute Sword, right?" Patrol Bar smiled confidently, "That's...!" Suddenly, the sword body of the Dragon Absolute Sword burst into a blazing light, and Bai Luga's eyes flashed subconsciously!

"Oh no!" even he thought it was bad!

At this time, the patrol handle that took this opportunity had already appeared beside Bailuga, and then Bailuga was gradually surrounded by light, and the armor on his body was torn and shattered from his shoulders to his abdomen!

"Win!" Seeing the victory of the patrol, Cang Na breathed a sigh of relief!

And Lias, after seeing the victory of the patrol handle, her face did not change in the slightest, in her eyes, Bailuga's strength is very weak, this victory is not worth rejoicing!

"Who is it?" At this time, Lias noticed that there was a wave of magic power outside, and that fluctuation seemed to be aimed at herself!

Lias walked out, only to see a little girl with a white hat and a somewhat glazed look!

"You're Lias?" the little girl began!

Lias took a closer look at the little girl, especially the skull emblem, and she already knew that the guy in front of her should be the Grim Reaper!

"Hmm!" Lias nodded!

"I've been ordered to come and get you back!" said the little girl, seriously!

"You're going to catch me?" Hearing this, Lias was stunned again, it seems that Hades is planning to do something to himself here!

"My name is Benya!"

Lias finally made it clear that this little girl lacked heart and eyes, and was naturally stupid, and Hades sent this person to catch herself, did she look down on herself?

"I'm not going with you!" Lias sneered!

"Then I'll have to take my sister by force!" Bennya waved the scythe in his hand and rushed forward!

"The strength is good, the speed is okay, but it's still a little worse!" Lias commented while easily dodging! Bennia has not changed much from the original book, including strength, but Lias is different, under the influence of Qin Feng, he is much, much stronger than in the original book!

So how could a high-level demon's god of death hurt Lias!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lias, you must come with me!" Bennia shouted!

Ask for flowers

"Let my sister teach you a trick or two!" Seeing that Bennia was not yet dead, Lias grinned, raised her palm, and a small red magic array suddenly appeared, and Bennia suddenly crashed into the red magic array!

"It hurts to be hit, you have to be careful!" Suddenly, a thin red line shot out from the red magic array, hitting Bennya's face!


The second game began, the points were 10 points, and Aona sent Yura Tsubasa and Hana Ring Momo, while the other party sent a handsome blonde guy in light armor with a sword, and a man with three meters.

"I'm Liban, I'm Gandoma!" the two said in unison!

As soon as Yura Tsubasa came on the field, she quickly flew out and struck the giant Gandoma in the face.

A loud voice rang out, but Gandoma didn't care at all, and it didn't seem to be hurt, Gandoma waved his arm hard, and it could be seen from the picture that the air was shaking, and Yura quickly dodged it!

"Since physical skills can't hurt you, let's try magic!" Yura Tsubasa was moved, and then used magic!

"Boom, boom!" Countless magic blasted past, but there weren't many scars on Gandoma's body!

"Flower Ring Peach, hurry up and use your enchantment ability!" the two shouted!

"Okay!" Hua Ring Peach nodded, about to use her artifact!

Poof, the next moment, Hua Jietao knelt on the ground, and the floor around him seemed to be gradually sinking under some pressure!

"It's the ability of the artifact, Hana Ring Peach!" Yura Tsubasa said immediately!

"Haha, what's the matter, you can't move now!" Liban said as his eyes flashed.

Although Hua Ring Peach was affected by gravity, she was not without fighting back, and she was about to use her own enchantment to seal her actions!

"I won't let you get what you want!" Liban sneered!

Liban's hand unfolded a Rubik's Cube, and ice appeared under the feet of Hua Jietao!

Hanakoshi Momo couldn't help Yura Tsubasa and could only dodge Gandoma's attack while counterattacking with her physical skills.

"Even if you control gravity, there is a weakness!" Hua Jietao smiled slightly: "Just bounce these lights is enough!"

After saying that, Hua Jietao took out a mirror, and then bounced the light back on Gandoma, on the contrary, Gandoma was affected by gravity!

"Success!" The tide turned, and though it was only a moment, it was enough!

At this time, when Gandoma was still under the influence of gravity, Yura Tsubasa began to borrow the power of Orpheus's snake!

Yura's body began to dragonize, and his palms turned into dragon claws, and then he went down against Gandoma's claws, but both of them unexpectedly found that their bodies couldn't move!

"It's strange why I can restrain your movements!" At this point, Gandoma's position has changed to Liban!

"I used a spell before I even started the game, a magic in which the two positions were reversed! and the mirror reflection was the condition for activating this magic!" said Liban triumphantly!

Although Yura Tsubasa is a dragon, it can't move normally because of the influence of gravity!

"Gandoma, hurry up and smash this woman to death!" After Liban finished speaking, Gandoma appeared behind Yura Tsubasa!

"The Absolute Garden of an Instant!" At this time, Hua Jietao made a timely move and saved Yuliang Tsubasa!

"Hehe, are you still dying?" Liban sneered!

Cang Na frowned, the rhythm of the two has been disrupted, this game may not be able to win, Yura Tsubasa must not play, otherwise, with Gandoma's defensive power, Hua Jietao will not be able to win at all!

"You two first think of a way to get rid of Liban's gaze!Then the flower ring peach will seal Liban and give Yura Wing Yarn time to solve Gandoma!" Cang Na said! Now that Sara Wing Yarn can use the power of Orpheus, Cang Na will not worry that Lara Wing Yarn is not Gandoma's opponent, but Ryban's evil eye is too much of a hindrance!

"Flower Ring Peach, use your seal!" After the two received Cangna's order, Yura Tsubasa said!

"Hmm!" Hua Jietao nodded, and began to seal!

"You want to seal me away from this thing, don't you underestimate me!" Liban sneered, swung his sword, and then cut the slate, but after Liban cut a slate, the slate did not separate, it was still tightly glued together, and at the same time, countless slate also flew up!

"In the past, I may not have been able to seal you, but now I can!"

The slate flew towards the Liban, constantly pushing around it, and finally hindered the Liban's gaze, and Yura Tsubasa was also free!

"Get out of here!" After the sword attack was useless, Liban used his fists and feet, but where can the knight's fists and feet break the seal!

"Gandoma, hurry up!" There were more and more stone slabs around, and Liban hurriedly called for help!

"Yes!" Gandoma also knew to rescue his companions, but was stopped by Yura Tsubasa when he was about to go up!

"Your opponent is me!" said Yura Tsubasa with a sneer!

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