"Get out of the way!" With a height of more than three meters, Gandoma blasted over like a bulldozer!

"That's not going to work!" Yura Tsubasa's palm turned dragon again, and it was a claw against Gandoma who rushed over!

And on the Liban's side, there are more and more slates, and it is time to cap it!

"Black Coffin Seal!" After Hua Ring Tao finished speaking, a huge stone slab sealed the top! This trick was developed by Qin Feng after seeing Odin's black coffin seal, but it has no attack power, and Lias and Zhu Nai can't look down on it, and Hua Ring Peach has an artifact that seals the enchantment, so Qin Feng taught this trick to Hua Ring Tao!

Now, Hua Jietao relied on this trick to successfully suppress the Liban, with the strength of the Liban, there is absolutely no possibility of coming out, but the seal has a time limit, and during this time, Yura Tsubasa's task is to solve Gandoma!

Hades was a little moved, isn't this move the move of the Lord God Odin. He didn't expect the mystery king to kill Odin, not to mention, but also to learn his skills!

Yura saw that the liban was sealed, and he didn't have any scruples!

"Wing Sha, hurry up, the seal won't last long!" said Hua Jietao loudly!

"Don't worry, as long as I have ten minutes, I can deal with him!" Yura Tsubasa said with a laugh!

"Hmm!" Hua Ring Tao nodded, and Yura Tsubasa's other palm also began to dragonize!

The two palms began to dragonize, and Yura Tsubasa's attack became fierce, and just like that, it was hard to imagine that a three-meter-tall giant would actually be pressed by a petite girl!

"How can it be so powerful?" Gandoma didn't expect that his giant body couldn't match the girl in front of him!

"Die!" Yura Tsubasa swooped down with both claws, directly breaking through Gandoma's defenses!

After defeating Gandoma, Yura Tsubasa set her eyes on the black coffin sealed by Liban!

"Flower Ring Peach, untie the black coffin, I'm going to defeat this kid!"

"Hmm!" Hua Jietao nodded, and then took the initiative to untie the black coffin!

"Boom!" After the black coffin collapsed, Yura Tsubasa immediately rushed forward!

The strength of the liban is very poor, it originally relied on Gandoma, after Gandoma was out, the liban could not defend against its offensive at all, even if it could be manipulated by gravity, but it was powerless in the face of two people, and soon, the liban fell into class!

At 9 o'clock of the third match, Tsubaki-hime vs. Keisa!

The place where Tsubaki arrives is a group of countless towers made of huge stones, and on the opposite tower stands a blonde sister with a ponytail.

"Are you the queen of Cangna?" said Krissa with a sneer!

"Hmm!" Tsubaki said solemnly, "Please advise!" As soon as the game began, both sides immediately spread their wings and flew into the air, and then launched a fierce force in the air!

Tsubakihime has an extra bow in her hand!

"Demon Breaking Arrow!" When the distance is opened, Tsubaki Ji shoots arrows at Krissa, and when she gets close, Tsubaki Ji attacks with magic power, of course, Krissa's magic is not weak, but she is good at wind magic, whether it is the Demon Breaking Arrow or Tsubaki Hime's fire magic, all of them are blown away!

This battle of magic is in the air, and the two of them are not giving in to each other. The surrounding towers have almost collapsed under the influence of the aftermath of the attacks of both sides!

At this time, black clouds were already brewing in the sky, and then thunder began to fall!

"You can use thunder and lightning too?" seemed to be unexpected, and Krissa frowned and said!

"There's nothing strange about that!" Tsubaki smiled, the thunder had arrived! The lightning quickly surrounded Krissa, but just before it was completely encircled, the space distorted, and then the distortion quickly turned into an empty cavern. A large amount of thunder was powerless, and it was gradually sucked into the cave!

"This is the hole, your abilities?" Tsubaki asked with a rhetorical smile!

"Hmm!" Krissa sneered!

"Then let's see how about this!" Tsubaki said, and the thunder and lightning in the sky became even more intense!

A large number of thunderbolts quickly hit the surrounding places, and the surrounding towers shattered one by one at a very fast speed under the attack of the thunderbolts, and then the thunderbolts that almost covered most of the arena danced towards Kyisha.

"No matter how powerful a superior demon you are, the blow you take is fatal!" Tsubaki smirked!

Kyisa had nowhere to hide, and soon, many caves quickly appeared around her, and the caves effortlessly sucked Tsubaki-hime's thunder and lightning into it!

"My cave is capable of opening countless caves at the same time. In addition, the cave can break down the opponent's attack and release it. Suddenly, Tsubakihime's surroundings were surrounded by countless caves, and all the cave entrances were facing her!

"Break down your thunder, remove the thunder, and the last thing left is light!" Queisa screamed, and the cave instantly released light, striking in a straight line!

"Artifact, Mirror of Remembrance!" Tsubaki finished speaking, and a huge mirror with decorations appeared in front of her!

The shattered mirror rippled !! and struck at Krissa!

Unable to defend at all, Kisha spat out a mouthful of blood!

"When this mirror is damaged, it will return the attack to the opponent exponentially!" Tsubaki said with a smile!

"Win!" Tsubaki-hime was victorious, and Kona breathed a sigh of relief, and Krissa fell to the ground, spitting blood from her mouth in pain.

No surprise, Tsubaki won the game!

And by this time, Bennia was already angry!

"Big sister, I'm going to catch you!" Bennya's speed became extremely fast, and he came to Lias in an instant!

Lias frowned, she didn't expect Benya's speed to suddenly increase, and suddenly, Lias's arm was cut by the scythe in Benya's hand!

"What an amazing speed!" Lias's expression changed, and she became interested in this little girl!

"Tell my sister, why did you come to catch her?" asked Lias with a smile!

"I won't tell you!" Benia pouted!

"If you don't say it, I know, if Hades didn't call you over!"

"You... How do you know?" Bennya panicked like a child who was told the truth!

"Alright, let's stop the game!" Lias had plans to take this little girl as a dependent, "Since Hades sent you, then I'll catch you back!"

After saying that, Lias's whole body magic burst out, and her palms stretched out gently!

Bennia wanted to resist, but found that her body couldn't move and was trembling!


Soon, the game came to the end, the king versus the king, and Cang Na played alone, but what made her feel strange was that Seraoge would play with the soldiers, but she didn't care!

"You're from Sidi's family, why do you want to help the Mystery King?" said Serraog in a deep voice as soon as he came up!

"Good bird chooses wood!" Cang Na sneered: "I think following behind the Mystery King is more promising than staying in the underworld!"

"Then do you know that Uncle Lott was killed by the Mystery King!" said Seraoge's eyes a little colder, "Have you forgotten that Uncle Lott was kind to you?"

Sera Og questioned loudly, Cang Na lowered his head and did not make any answer!

"Uncle Lot's death can only be blamed for his incompetence, and I won't!" Cang Na smiled, "I'm here to persuade you to surrender!"

"Persuade me to surrender, do you think this is possible?" Seraoge laughed: "I will kill the Mystery King to avenge the demon clan, and now I will take you as a traitor!"

In an instant, a strange pattern appeared on Serraog's limbs.

"This is the shackle that binds my body and increases the load on my body, I will fight you with all my might, and you will also use your true strength, otherwise, you will die a miserable death!" A faint light spread from Seraoge's limbs, and then those strange patterns gradually disappeared.

In the next moment, the surrounding area centered on Serraog was bounced open! A hurricane rolled up, and a large hole was dug under Serraog's feet!

The water shook violently, rippling in layers, and around the crater, Serraog's body radiated a white glow in all directions.

"I haven't seen you for many years, and your fighting spirit has been condensed to the point where you can see it with the naked eye!" Cang Na sneered, she admitted in her heart that if it weren't for the help of the Mystery King, ten of her would not be the opponent of the person in front of her!

"What about you, shouldn't you have made no progress, your strange abilities should have been given to you by the Mystery King, so what are your abilities?" said Seraog with a sneer!

"You'll know!" Cang Na smiled!

"Then don't blame me!" Serraog sneered, the ground was immediately flattened, and Serraog was already moving at high speed!

"If you want to defeat me with the advantage of speed, it's impossible!" Cang Na was surrounded by a magic array, and as soon as Sera Og appeared, he would be blasted into scum!

However, it was not Serraog's offensive that waited for it, but countless magic cannonballs, which hit the magic array, causing a series of bombardments!

"I see you!" Cangna caught Serraog's movement, and the magic bullet exploded!

"You think this rough attack can knock me down!" At this time, Cangna's ears rang with Serraog's words, accompanied by the sound of punching in the air, Serraog used his fist to knock back all the magic that had just attacked him!

In a rough way, Serraog punched Cangna's magic bullet back, and finally Seraoge's fist had directly concentrated Cangna's abdomen. The moment it hits the abdomen, the air around it moves.

"How's it going, my fists don't feel good!" said Seraoge!

"Now let me see how you stopped my fist!" After saying that, he flew out, and the fist around the fighting spirit went towards Cangna!

Cangna's path in Serraog is once again full of magic arrays!

"It's naïve! can't anything of this magnitude stop my fist?"

"Boom!" Serraog's fist had already arrived in front of Cangna!

"Now I'll show you the power I got from the Mystery King!" After saying that, Cangna's arm began to be cremated!

"Karmic fire, what are you?" Seeing Cangna's arm cremated, Sera Og frowned!

"What do you have in your hands is the fire of the Phoenix family?"

"Hmm!" Cang Na nodded! "Fire Fist!" After saying that, a punch blasted out!

"Boom!" the huge fist of fire blasted out at Seraog, and the scorching breath came to his nose, and Seraog didn't dare to touch it!

Serraog hurriedly jumped, and then dodged the attack of the Fire Fist!

"This is the power that the Mystery King gave me!" Naturally, this ability can't be cremated like Qin Feng's whole body, Cang Na can only cremate his arm!

"Fire Fist!" Hearing this move, Serraog clenched his fists, and at that time, the Mystery King also used this move!

At this time, the soldier who was watching the play came over and blocked in front of Seraog, his body gradually swelled, golden hair grew all over his body, his limbs swelled and became very huge, and sharp teeth could be seen from the cracked corners of his mouth... The tail appears, then the neck is also covered with golden fur, and finally transforms into a huge lion.

"Use my powers!" the soldier began!

"Hmm!" With a loud bang, Serraog's body gradually filled with energy, and the huge lion's whole body shone with golden brilliance, and then changed to a rush of light to flow towards Serraog!

Bathed in golden light, Serraog cried out: "O my lion, King of Namaier, Thou of the Lion King, answer my call and transform into a garment!"

Immediately afterward, the entire arena shook, and everything around was blown up!

Serraog has completed the ban!

After the dust was billowing and Serraog had completed his ban, he was wearing a yellow armor that shone with golden dazzling light, and the golden sideburns from the helmet on his head fluttered gently, and on his chest was a face that could be said to be a lion's face, and his eyes shone as if he had one.

"Lion Maru's Tomahawk Forbidden Hand, Lion King Steel Skin, Cangna, let's continue our battle below!" Serraog's voice was even colder!


Lias was about to catch Benya, when suddenly, a slash slashed across the middle of the two!

"Who is it?" said Lias, dodging the slash, looking around suspiciously, and shouted coldly!

"You injured my daughter?" was also wearing a black robe, and he couldn't see his face clearly, but he heard the voice of a middle-aged man, of course, his age was not visible from his appearance!

"Father, are you here?" at this time, Bennia also shouted out happily!

"She's your daughter?" Lias muttered and laughed, "It seems that your daughter made a move on me!"

"Hmph, dare to quibble and die if you hurt someone!"

"Just a high-level god of death wants to do something to me!" Lias was a little disdainful, the high-level god of death is the strength of the high-level demon, of course, it may be a line higher than the high-level demon, but with the current strength of Lias, he is afraid of the god of death in front of him!

"Magic Array!" Lias sneered, and countless magic arrays began to form!

Facing the countless magic arrays, Elkuston, who rushed down, stopped his figure, and looked at the dense red magic arrays around him, and suddenly felt his scalp tingle!

He could clearly feel the huge magic power in Lias's body, such a huge 5.6 magic power, he could easily kill him!

"What kind of task is Hades giving to himself?" Erkhus howled in his heart! In fact, Hades didn't expect Lias to be so strong, originally according to his thoughts, even if he was talented, it would be very powerful to reach the highest level of demons at the age of his early twenties, but he didn't expect Lias to have the strength of the demon king!

"Father, hurry up!" Bennya also knew that his father was in danger!

Elquis reacted, jumped backwards, and fled backwards!

"Do you think you'll be able to escape?" Lias sneered, the magic circles trailing behind Elquath!

"Give it to me!" Suddenly, red destructive power erupted from the magic array!


"What an embarrassment!" At this time, another black-robed man walked over, looked at Erkus who fell to the ground with contempt, and said with a sneer!

"Pruto, it's you!" exclaimed.

"Of course, I didn't expect you to be able to complete a small task, no wonder you can't be Lord Hades's henchman!" Pruto laughed!

"Lord Pruto, please be careful, her strength is very strong!" Elkuse reminded! Although Pruto's strength is one level higher than him, Elkuse feels that the girl in front of him is even more powerful than Pruto!

Hearing this, Pluto frowned, but said, "Is it that your strength has weakened!"

At this time, Lias had already hidden part of his strength, and the careless Pluto didn't take Lias, who was a superior demon, to heart at all! In the same rank, the power of the god of death is stronger than that of the demon, but he is the highest level of death, and he can match the demon of the demon king level!

Elkus smiled bitterly, since Pruto was going to die, then he would not speak again!.

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