"Lias, yes, Lord Hades wants to see you, please come with me!" Pruto glanced at Lias, and said!

"Then it depends on your strength!" Lias glanced at Pruto, and had a preliminary estimate of Pruto's strength, the strength of the highest level demon is stronger than Erquus, but it is definitely not her opponent!

"You have to think clearly, I'm not an Elquis kind of shit, I'm going to beat you to death!" Pluto smirked!

"And what are you going to take me for?" asked Lias again!

"Hades is interested in what your father has in his hands, so he wants to use you as a hostage in exchange!"

"Going to blackmail your father?" Lias frowned, sure enough, she was going for her father, and suddenly, a violent emotion rose in her heart, and anyone who wanted to hurt her father would die!

"Little sister!" Lias glanced at Benya, and then in Benya's stunned gaze, Lias had a smile on her face, and then said, "I'm sorry, all three of you will die here!"

"Die here... Do you think you are...?" Pluto seemed to hear the best joke in the world, but the next moment, Pruto's face was full of fear!

"This is impossible, how can your strength increase so much!" Pluto roared!

Now, Lias has put on her divine clothes, and with her double-strand fork in her hand, the demon-level aura is undoubtedly revealed!

Elkus's face also changed, but he could hear it clearly, the person in front of him was going to kill his daughter together!

"Damn, Pruto, your family was killed by you!" said Elquath with a howl inwardly!

"Yes, it must be fake, I'm going to kill you!" At this time, feeling the terrifying power on Lias, Pruto roared and rushed towards Lias!

Lias didn't look up, and the wings behind her shot out like just feathers, dense, and Pruto couldn't defend against it at all!

"Damn, how could this thing hurt me!" Pluto yelled, still rushing forward!

Lias gently pushed the double-strand fork in her hand into the void, and a huge red magic array immediately appeared in the void!

And Pluto, too, went on the defensive!

"Superior Death, goodbye!" Lias muttered, and a pillar of red energy spurted out of it that was thicker than it was 21 years ago!


"Turned to ashes?" Elkuth glanced at Lias in disbelief, he didn't expect the Supreme Grim Reaper to be killed in an instant!

"Now it's your turn!" After killing Pruto, the Supreme Reaper of Death, Lias set her sights on Elkuth!

"Hey, I'm going to die today!" Elkhus could feel Lias's killing intent!

"Big sister, please spare my father!" At this time, Bennia hugged Benya's leg and cried!

"Get out of here!" Lias drank and kicked Bennya away, if it weren't for Pruto, Bennya would have interceded like this, and Lias would have released Elgus mostly, because Lias herself liked Bennya's child, but Pruto's words completely angered Lias!

As the most successful father, she doesn't allow anyone to hurt her father!

"Die!" Leah didn't spare a hand, countless magic arrays surrounded Ergus, and through the blessing of the divine clothes, Erquus had no chance of surviving!

"Oh, I'm careless, let you kill my cutest helper!" Suddenly, the space was stunned, and those red magic arrays collapsed, and Hades's voice came!

"Hades, it's you!" In the void, the skeleton man walked down!

"Lias, we're meeting again!" Hades smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a powerful power, the Mystery King's method of cultivating children must be very special!"

Lias already knew that Hades wanted to catch her, so she hurriedly asked Qin Feng for help!

"Do you want to ask the Mystery King for help?" Looking at Lias's gloomy face, Hades laughed and said, "It's useless, I've sealed this space, even if it's the Mystery King, it's impossible to get here in time!

"I won't let you succeed!" Qin Feng couldn't be contacted, Lias said coldly!

"That's not up to you!" Hades stretched out his palm to catch Lias!

Lias swept her palm, and a row of magic arrays came out side by side, and then blasted out countless energies at Hades' palm!

"Scythe!" Hades jumped up slightly, dodged the bombardment of energy, and a huge black scythe suddenly appeared in his hand, and then slashed at Lias, the speed was very fast, Lias couldn't see the movement of the scythe at all and found that he had been hit, but with the blessing of the divine clothes, Lias was not harmed!

"It's amazing!" Hades was a little surprised to see that Lias was not injured, this blow could have made Lias lose her strength, but because of the armor, Leah was not injured at all!

Hades stared at Lias's divine clothes tightly, his heart throbbed, he always felt that the divine clothes worn by Lias had a great relationship with himself, and there was a strong breath of death attached to the divine clothes, which was from hell, no, it was not like it, so Hades was very puzzled!

"Lias, what is the armor on your body?" Hades couldn't help but ask!

"What my father gave me!" Countless magic arrays burst out, but the scythe in Hades' hand sliced the magic array in half with a single move!

Soon, Hades was with Lias again!

"Shenyi, it's up to you!" Looking at Hades' speed, Lias knew that she was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of speed!

The divine clothes on Lias's body seemed to understand Lias's mind, and the steel wings behind her moved, and Lias also dodged Hades's attack with thunder!

"Get out of the way!" Hades was even more surprised, but seeing the slightly agitated wings behind Lias, he was a little enlightened, and there was a greedy look in his eyes, even Hades wondered why he was so desperate to get a death item!!

"Lias, give me your armor!" Hades laughed, almost roaring, "That's a rare treasure! With your armor and the power of Orpheus, I will dominate the world!"

"I won't give it to you!" Lias's face was gloomy, and the double-strand fork was already raised high!

The rich aura of death condensed at the tip of the double-strand fork, and the black ball swelled up!

"I'm going to kill you!" Lias's face turned grim, and then the black ball exploded!!

"What a powerful force!" Hades sneered, "but have you forgotten, I am the master of death!"

The black orb shrouded Hades, but it was quickly absorbed by Hades!

At this time, in the face of the powerful Serraog, Cang Na had nothing to do! Cang Na didn't expect that Seraoge could already be banned!

She has gained the power of Phoenix, but she has not fully exerted it, so naturally she will not be the opponent of Serraog!

"If that's your strength, you'll be defeated!" Serraog laughed and swung his fist again!

"Boom!" At this moment, a layer of brilliant white light burst out from Cang Na's body!

"Is this...?" Powerful, angry, and violent momentum swept out, Serraog's eyes widened, and he looked at the girl in front of him in a daze, but because of the light, he didn't dare to force his eyes!

"It's changed!" The white light dissipated, and Cang Na was gone, replaced by a young man in his early twenties!

"Who are you?" asked Seraoge with a sneer!

"Didn't you always want to fight me?" Qin Feng sneered!

"You... You're the King of Mysteries!" Hearing this, Serraog was slightly stunned, and then her legs began to tremble!

There are emotions of excitement and fear in trembling!

"I'm sure I'll be able to beat the man in front of me, I'm sure I'll be able to!" said Seraoge!

Sera Og blasted his strongest punch at Qin Feng!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sure enough, it's a very powerful little ghost, and he has reached the strength of the demon king level, but this kind of strength is in my eyes...!" Looking at the terrifying punch, Qin Feng stretched out a finger and gently pressed it against Seraoge's fist!

The ferocious punch was blocked like this!

The black mist rushed out of Qin Feng's fingertips, then stuck to Serraog, and finally covered Serraog with Seraog's frightened gaze, and then devoured it!

Of course, there are still many demons on this field, and when they saw Sera Og being killed, they all stood up in motion, of course, they were also wondering, who was that young man, but there were also demons who had witnessed Qin Feng's face, and after seeing Qin Feng's appearance, they were suddenly drenched in cold sweat, and finally shouted out in horror: "Yes... It's the Enigma King here!"

This shout suddenly made the demons boil, you know, Qin Feng killed the Demon King, destroyed the Castlevania, etc., these arrogant actions made the demons hate and fear to the extreme!

Qin Feng originally paid close attention to Lias, but found that Lias had lost contact with him!

Qin Feng immediately felt that Lias was in danger, so he wanted to travel through the space and rush to Lias's side, but he found that the underworld was sealed by someone, and he couldn't cross the space to the underworld, which made Qin Feng feel even worse!

The space seal of the underworld is to delay time, even if Qin Feng rushes over non-stop, it will be too late, fortunately, Qin Feng left a hand on Cang Na's body, which is to exchange magic, and in this way, Qin Feng entered the interior of the underworld without breaking the seal!

"I don't have time to mess with you!" Qin Feng glanced at the panicked demons, the black mist erupted again, and finally enveloped the entire Sky City Clubhouse inside, after killing all these demons in the way without effort, Qin Feng's body moved, and he had already rushed in the direction of the magic power explosion!

"Crescent Sky Rush!" After seeing that her attack was useless, Lias switched the way of attacking!

The black slash swung out, and with the blessing of the double-strand fork, the black slash was the size of a mountain, and blasted towards Hades!

"That's what you want to do with me!" Hades snorted, and with a swing of his scythe, a slash larger than a mountain slammed in!

Destroying the withered and decaying, the slash broke through Lias's slash!

Lias's pupils shrank, and she quickly dodged this slash, and soon, she slashed at Lias again!

"Dodge again!" Hades's attack failed again, and he coveted the divine clothes on Lias's body even more!

There is a huge gap between the strength of Lias and Hades, if it weren't for the god clothes, she would not be Hades's opponent at all!

"But what about this move?" Hades laughed, and countless slashes were densely packed towards Lias!

No matter how fast Lias's armor is, it can't dodge all the knife blows!

"Bang bang bang!" the slash landed on the god's clothes, which had already made the god's clothes tattered!

"Damn!" Now, Lias is finally at a loss for what to do!

"How's that? can't you defend it?" Hades said again: "I think your god clothes also have a limit!" Indeed, Hades is not wrong, now is the maximum performance that Lias's strength can play, so it can be destroyed by Hades!

The next moment, Hades had already come to Lias's side, and he slashed down again!

"Bang!" the feathers on Lias's robe were shredded!

"In this way, you can't escape!" Hades said fiercely!

Lias gave up resistance, of course, not because of the gap between the two, but because she found that Qin Feng was coming!

Hades also noticed Qin Feng's arrival for the first time, and his heart was horrified, he couldn't understand why Qin Feng appeared here!

"Hades, you're looking for death!" Qin Feng's angry voice came from afar!

The fierce waves of fire surged out, Hades's eyes flashed, the cold light was great, and the knife in his hand sped up!

The next moment, Qin Feng had already hugged Lias, holding the Yemo Black Sword in his hand, blocking the scythe in Hades' hand!

"How did you get here?" Seeing that his 100th attack had failed, Hades hurriedly stepped back!

"Do you think it's okay for you to seal this piece of heaven and earth!" Qin Feng sneered, grabbed Lias's slender waist with one hand, and floated smoothly in the air!

"Father, you're here!" Lias said as she lay on Qin Feng's body like a little woman!

"Well, I'm coming late!" Qin Feng smiled, "From now on, I will protect you!"

"I trust Father!" Lias nodded!

"Haha, I've been hearing rumors about you, now let's have a good fight!" Hades said coldly!

"You will die today!" Qin Feng snorted coldly, and the divine clothes on Lias's body began to detach, and then put it on Qin Feng's body!

Since the battle two hundred years ago, Qin Feng has never worn a divine robe again, and now Qin Feng has once again put on a divine robe!

The tattered divine clothes were worn on Qin Feng's body, and soon, the divine clothes changed, those broken places began to recover, and the severed Gang Yu also recovered!

The appearance of the divine robe on Lias's body and Qin Feng's body are fundamentally the same, and now the appearance of the divine robe has become even darker, as if it is flashing with black light, and the gang feather is even larger!

It was also the first time for Lias to see Qin Feng wearing a divine robe, her face was heroic, and her face couldn't help but turn red! However, Hades's gaze at Qin Feng became solemn, and he paid more attention to Qin Feng's strength, and that powerful momentum seemed to make the air freeze!

However, in Qin Feng's hand, he was not holding a double-strand fork, but holding the Yemo Black Sword!

Hades is also a Beyonder, but even more powerful than Sazex and Lot!

Qin Feng put on a divine robe, he must kill Hades here, dare to touch his own woman, no matter who he is, he will die, Qin Feng is ruthless in his heart!

"Haha, it was repaired, it's a pity just now, I didn't expect this armor to be a treasure!" Noticing the divine robe on Qin Feng's body again, Hades laughed and said, "After killing you, I must get it!"

A smile flashed in Qin Feng's eyes, and he said, "You are also interested in the divine clothes on my body, but it's not strange!"

"What do you mean?" Hades asked in a deep voice!

"My divine robe is called the Hades Divine Vestment, and it is the possession of the strongest person who was in charge of death in the past!" Qin Feng said concisely! The main lines of the two worlds are different, among the god killers, the underworld is the residence of Hades, and in the Demon Academy, the underworld has become a gathering place for demons, so Qin Feng doesn't explain too much!

"The strongest has a thing, and it really suits me very well!" Hades coveted even more!

"Use your strongest strength to get this thing from me!" Qin Feng sneered, the movements in his hand were not slow, and the night black sword slashed out!

The Gang Yu behind Qin Feng was instigated, which could be said to be instantaneous, suddenly appeared behind Hades and slashed towards Hades!

Hades turned around and was able to block Qin Feng's attack!

"You're fast!" Hades sneered!

Qin Feng didn't speak, with the blessing of the divine clothes, his speed was much faster than Hades, and being blocked by Hades just now was just Hades' instinctive defense!.

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