"Your body's reaction speed is not slow!" Hades didn't have time to think at all, but his body's instinct urged him to do it!

Qin Feng has the ability to devour shadows, but this is a negative thing, it can't cause a lot of damage to Hades, Qin Feng doesn't plan to use the ability to devour shadows, nor does he plan to use the ability of flames, although the flame ability has a restraining effect on the black fog of death against Hades, but Qin Feng holds Lias, and the flame ability will hurt Lias!

"It's useless to rely on speed alone!" Hades was surrounded by the black mist of death, and then covered Qin Feng, Qin Feng could feel that despair and depression continued to impact his mind, Qin Feng's gaze fell on Lias, under the influence of the black fog of death, Lias's face turned pale, and then, the feathers behind Qin Feng fanned, and then all the death mist was blown away!

"Lias, are you alright?" Qin Feng asked with concern!

Lias shook her head, smiled, and said, "I'm fine!"

Hades looked at the scene in front of him with a hint of mockery, "Are you two husband and wife?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Qin Feng glanced at Hades and said again!

"No, if you carry this soy sauce bottle, you are destined to not be able to hurt me!" Hades said proudly! "Because the death mist on my body will automatically protect the master, of course, you can ignore these death mist, but your daughter Lias cannot, therefore, you can't hurt me!"

"Father, why don't you let me go to a safe place!" said Lias, after a moment's thought!

"I heard that you, like me, also have a black mist protector, use it for me to see!" Hades was very curious about Qin Feng's origin, he had a death attribute divine robe, and he also had black mist, maybe he was the same kind of person as him!

"I'm not the same as you!" Hearing this, Qin Feng sneered, but he hadn't attacked yet!

"Father, I'm dragging you down!" Lias said with her head down, she knew her father's temperament, knew her father's way of fighting, and liked to crush the enemy with great strength, instead of chatting with the enemy as she is now!

Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head, hugged Lias tightly, and said softly to Lias: "You won't be a burden to me, let's complete this ceremony together!"

"What does the ritual mean?" Lias was puzzled, but Qin Feng didn't answer, because Qin Feng began to speak spiritually!

"If you want to turn the stars, you must be the master of the heavens, and whoever is able to draw from the earth must be the things of the earth. Qin Feng thought, everything around him was changing, the black light seemed to spread around, and near Qin Feng, the earth and rocks began to rise!

"It is the God King of creation, born in the darkness, who created the earth, established Hades, and ruled the heavens with his brothers, and is the master of the earth, Hades, and night!"

"Its kingdom of God, its power, will be inherited by me!" Qin Feng had finished reciting the spirit of the words!

Lias stared blankly at the changes in front of her, and when she came back to her senses, she found that she was at the bottom of the mountain, and on the top of the bare mountain, there was a weapon inserted, she recognized that the weapon was the double-strand fork she often used, but it was very different from the double-strand fork she usually used, the difference was that the double-strand fork on it was now attached to a powerful divinity!

Restless, fearful, like a mortal seeing the true God, Lias's whole body trembled!

"Father!" After discovering that Qin Feng was by her side, Lias quickly settled down!

"Let's go, let's go pull out that weapon!" Qin Feng pulled Lias's palm, and as soon as the two of them raised their feet, a road made of black stone appeared, extending to the top of the mountain!

"Hmm!" Lias nodded, and then followed Qin Feng up!

Hades also found himself in this space, he looked at the double-strand fork with some fear, and told him in his heart that the double-strand fork belonged to him, and he must take it back, but it happened again, he was imprisoned in this strange space, and he couldn't move at all!

Hades found that he could only watch Qin Feng get that weapon and come to this space, Hades had more inexplicable cognition in his mind, the cognition of this place, this is the sacred mountain, and Qin Feng's purpose is to get the double-strand fork on the top of the mountain, and then become a god himself, no, it should be said that he wants to replace his own god position!

The ritual is underway, and as the god of the original god, he has to follow the rules set by this sacred mountain realm, and now is not the time for him to move!

Qin Feng and Lias were about to climb the ladder, when suddenly, a strong pressure came over, as if they wanted to stop themselves from climbing the ladder!

When Qin Feng knew that there was Hades, the king of Hades, when the demon college was in the demon college, he was planning to make himself a god, at this time, the time was ripe, and the first step for Qin Feng to do was to pull out the double-strand fork on the sacred mountain, but how difficult it was to become a god, at this time, hindering Qin Feng from ascending the sacred mountain was only the first test that the divine mountain gave Qin Feng, and there were even more difficult and dangerous tests to follow!

Qin Feng just felt pressure, but Lias beside Qin Feng couldn't do it, just one staircase, Lias's face turned pale, and her whole body strength seemed to be drained, lying on her stomach in Qin Feng's arms!!

"Hey~'!" Qin Feng smiled bitterly, he originally thought that he could take Lias to climb the sacred mountain and make her a god, but now it seems that his thoughts are still too naïve!

Although Lias really wanted to climb this sacred mountain, she also knew her strength, and it was impossible for her to reach the top of the mountain!

"Father, go up!" Lias stepped back, gently pushed Qin Feng, and said!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, now that he could only climb the Divine Mountain alone!

Qin Feng took one step at a time, but as he climbed the ladder, the pressure on him became greater and greater, of course, Qin Feng could naturally overcome these pressures, but Qin Feng had to beware of the jungles everywhere, because he felt that there seemed to be something lurking around him, and he didn't dare to be careless!

"Bang!" The arrow was like a meteor, shooting towards Qin Feng's face, the speed was very fast, although Qin Feng was under the influence of coercion, the speed was much slower, but the range of action to dodge was not large, Qin Feng gently sideways his head and dodged the attack, with this, Qin Feng went up a few steps, and the three arrows had already shot over!

Qin Feng still easily dodged it, but behind, there were more and more arrows, densely packed!

"There are more and more!" Qin Feng frowned, stretched out his palm, and a black mist burst out, directly absorbing all the arrows!

"Roar!" a beast roared, and a small lion appeared on the steps!

"Danger!" Based on instinctive directness, Qin Feng suddenly erupted into powerful flames, and then engulfed the lion!

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng climbed a few more steps again, and with each step, Qin Feng would encounter obstacles, and the degree of obstruction gradually became more and more difficult!

At first, it can be easily solved with one move, but later it takes a little more effort, and in the end, Qin Feng almost exhausted his strength, for example, at this time, Qin Feng has climbed the last step, and above, a black shadow appeared, the height is the same as Qin Feng, and he can't see his facial features clearly, but Qin Feng knows that the black shadow is a copy of himself, and he keeps sending monsters to test his strength in front of him, in order to take the test later!

Qin Feng's expression was solemn, because he felt that the black shadow in front of him was the same as himself, and his strength was comparable, and he had to break through himself to win the battle!

Lias watched Qin Feng keep walking up, there was worry in her eyes, she knew what Qin Feng was going to do, and she also knew the danger!

"Father, you can do it!" Lias clenched her fists and muttered!

Qin Feng took out the night black sword, and on the black shadow's side, there was also an extra sword!

"Bump!" The two weapons collided fiercely, the weapons collided, Qin Feng's other hand was not satisfied, the black energy condensed in his hand, and on the other side, the black energy also condensed in his hand, and at the same time, it blasted out!

After a few moves, Qin Feng had a strange feeling, and the movements of the two were basically the same!

The black qi on Qin Feng's body rose up, then turned into a fist and blasted out at the black shadow, and the black shadow's movements were the same, and then, Qin Feng jumped up, the flames burst out, and the flames formed a round of scorching sun in the sky, but this time, the black shadow did not follow the same action!

The black qi around the black shadow swelled, and at the same time, the black canopy opened immediately!

"Emperor Yan!" Qin Feng held the huge sun and blasted out at the black shadow, and the black shadow also threw out the dark sky!

"Boom!" The huge energy collided together, but then it was annihilated, and of course, it failed to destroy the surrounding flowers and trees!

"Poof!" After the energy exploded, Qin Feng took a few steps back, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, two hundred years, Qin Feng didn't expect that he would be injured!

Lias also looked at Qin Feng in a daze, she didn't expect her father, who had always been very strong, to be injured!

"The magic is one foot high!" Qin Feng and the black shadow's ultimate move collided like a collision of light and darkness, and in the end, light was still defeated by darkness!

"Then I'll let you see another kind of power!" Qin Feng felt that the black shadow could use all the moves he had used when he climbed the ladder before, fortunately Qin Feng didn't use the power of the beast, otherwise, this black shadow would be even more difficult to deal with!

"Come out, Sky Dragon!" The magic power on Qin Feng's body exploded, and then converged into a red dragon in the sky!

Sure enough, the black shadow raised his head in a little confusion, looked at the sky dragon in the sky, and did not move!

"Sky Dragon, Sky Dragon's howl!" Qin Feng shouted loudly and gave an order to the Sky Dragon!

A huge pillar of red energy erupted from the Sky Dragon's mouth, and the black shadow, the black mist on his body suddenly erupted, as if he wanted to use the black mist to block such an attack!

"I want to block it!" Qin Feng sneered, and killed it, if it was an ordinary opponent, Qin Feng would naturally hand it over to the Sky Dragon to deal with, but the enemy was a copy of himself, and Qin Feng would naturally go into battle!

The black aura on Qin Feng's body burst out, and at the same time, he attacked the black shadow!

The black shadow seemed to have been prepared for Qin Feng's attack, and with the other palm, the whole body was cremated, and a fire fist blasted out! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing the attacking fire fist, Qin Feng smiled, this guy also made the mistake he made just now, and the magic is high!

Qin Feng's black qi instantly devoured the fire fist, and then entangled with the black qi of the black shadow!

The black shadow was helpless, and with a stroke of his palm, powerful flames erupted, and he planned to use the flames to meet the howling attack of the sky dragon!

The flames soared into the sky, and the pillar of fire of the black shadow and the pillar of red energy collided together!

Boom! Powerful forces fled in all directions, and the entire sacred mountain shook!

Qin Feng's sword has already slashed over!

"Giant God Soldier!" In order to complete the one-hit kill, Qin Feng also summoned another beast, the Giant God Soldier!

After the Titan came out, the fist began to glow, and then blasted out!

Three-way siege, the black shadow may not know the nirvana attribute of the giant god soldier, and when he jumps up, he only blesses himself with magic power, intending to forcibly take a punch from the giant god soldier, and finally is blown up by the giant god soldier's punch!

"Look for death!" If the black shadow dodges, the three-way siege may not be able to take it down in a short time!

After solving the last opponent, Qin Feng successfully stepped into the pinnacle of the Divine Mountain!

Qin Feng looked at the double-strand fork inserted in the sacred mountain, his face was excited, but Qin Feng didn't pull out the double-strand fork, he had a second step!

The fire energy on Qin Feng's body burst out, and a pillar of red flame light from his whole body shot straight into the sky, and then, the flames expanded, and the little sparks fell like meteors!

The flames are lit!" The entire Mount Kinabalu was lit up, giving Mount Kinabalu a hazy feeling!

Soon, Qin Feng's eyes were on the double-strand fork!!

Through his spiritual feelings, Qin Feng found that the double-strand fork, which was originally very sacred, was now like a dead piece of metal, without any breath, but its heavy feeling was very obvious!

Qin Feng approached again, he finally confronted this powerful weapon, the long handle of the double-strand fork was about a zhang or so, as thick as a child's arm, and it was pitch black!

Qin Feng held the double-strand fork again, and the feeling of electric shock spread throughout his body, the heaviness of the previous feeling really appeared in his grasp, he had been in contact with the double-strand fork many times before, but now it gave him the most special feeling, this long handle turned out to be warm, and it seemed to flow with blood.

Suddenly, Qin Feng's eyebrows appeared, and the mark of the double-strand fork appeared, and a restrained Hades divine light shone on the long handle of the double-strand fork in front of him.

"Boom!" At the moment when the light of the Hades God shone brightly, Qin Feng only felt that two fiery temperatures suddenly entered his body, instantly sweeping through his body, the double-strand fork in his hand seemed to tremble, and an extremely excited emotion came from it, and then, starting from the place where Qin Feng held it with both hands, a faint white light began to spread, and on the originally dark long handle, a trace of white lines began to spread with the release of the white light breath.

The blazing air flow that entered Qin Feng's body reversed, and in an instant, Qin Feng felt the blazing sensation in his double-strand fork hand!

"Are you going to pull it up?" Qin Feng knew that he was going to pull it out!

The long handle was slowly rising under Qin Feng's efforts, and the blood that began to flow out of his palm was also covered with more and more white lines of the long handle, turning into red light.

That blood flowed out, not downwards, but upwards, and then converged on the double-stranded forks!

The red light shone like a volcanic eruption on the entire Sacred Mountain! At this moment, the air seemed to freeze, and a strong red light instantly bloomed from the double-strand fork!

Qin Feng himself (good) was also shrouded in red light!

"Pull it out!" Qin Feng held the double-strand fork high, he could feel that the godhead was forming in his body!

At this time, Hades, who had been watching, found that he could finally move, and he was overjoyed, and he immediately rushed forward, wanting to snatch the double-strand fork over!

"Qin Feng, hurry up and hand it over!" Hades said with a hideous face!

"Father, danger!" Lias also saw Hades rushing towards Qin Feng, and immediately reminded, but she found that after the white light dissipated, her father wore that divine robe, and the divine robe did not change much, but the gang feather behind him was gone!

Seeing Hades rushing over, Qin Feng smiled faintly, stroked the pitch-black handle, and said softly: "As my new partner, let me come and see your strength!" After speaking, Qin Feng threw the double-strand fork in his hand, and the last step to inherit the Hades Divine Throne was to kill the original Hades Divine Throne!

The double-strand fork shot out like a shooting star!

"Die!" Qin Feng sneered!

Hades frowned when he saw the black light flashing by, and was about to dodge, but found that his abdomen was pierced by a double-strand fork!

"Do you think you're going to kill me?" Hades looked hideous, and was about to catch the double-stranded fork, as long as he held the double-strand in his hand, the weapon was his!

"The double-strand fork is no longer the same!" Qin Feng smiled faintly, Hades was about to touch the double-strand fork, but found that the double-strand fork became as hot as an oven, and then, Hades's body began to collapse!

Hades shouted, screamed, and his whole body turned to flying ashes!

After Hades died, Mount Kinabalu disappeared!

"Come out!" Qin Feng hugged Lias again and smiled at the void! He had just discovered that someone was outside the Divine Mountain and wanted to rescue Hades, but the altar ceremony could not be planned, and outsiders were not allowed to enter it!

"I really underestimated you, I didn't expect you to even kill Hades!" The golden light flashed, and Qin Feng heard the sound of rolling thunder!

"Hehe, it's the Emperor of Heaven!" Qin Feng smiled faintly, "But now I'm also a god now!"

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