Qin Feng looked at the Heavenly Emperor with a smile and stepped into the God Realm, although his strength did not increase much, he could feel that he was much stronger than before, as if the whole world was under his control, it felt more mysterious than when he obtained the power of Hades in the God Slayer World, he could easily seduce the souls of human beings, even the souls of demons!

The Heavenly Emperor looked at Qin Feng, who exuded infinite might, and frowned, the strength of the guy in front of him became even stronger!

With a wave of the Heavenly Emperor's hand, countless clouds flew in, and at the same time as they flew, Qin Feng saw the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals hidden in it!

"It's really lively! all the hidden guys come out!" Qin Feng's voice was not loud, but it echoed in the air for a long time!

Soon, Qin Feng saw the man in the cloak descend from the void!

"Lezevim, even you are here!" Qin Feng smiled slightly! And with the appearance of Lezevim, hordes of demons and angels also appeared!

"Wally, Michael, you're all here!" Qin Feng laughed when he saw the crowd surrounding him!

"I'm going to kill you to avenge my father-in-law!" Wali looked at Qin Feng fiercely!

"I'm going to kill you to avenge your ancestors!" said the Monkey, who had become Wally's family!

"Great, since you are all here, then you will witness the birth of this miracle, the ceremony of sealing the gods!" Qin Feng didn't care!

"Sealing gods?" Hearing this, the emperor's heart sank, when he achieved the god position, he could also be a god, the heavenly soldiers and generals behind, and even Sun Wukong, the god position of the battle victory Buddha was canonized by him, as long as the gods were sealed, they could communicate the origin of heaven and earth, and go further!

"Kill me!" the Emperor of Heaven shouted, and many heavenly soldiers and generals behind him rushed forward, and the demons and angels also rushed forward!

"If you are in such a hurry to be reincarnated, then I will give you a ride!" Qin Feng smiled faintly, and a huge whirlpool formed in the sky, and in the end, the sky seemed to be about to fall!

"What is this, what is going on?" The heavens and the earth changed dramatically, and everyone noticed the scene above them!

Everyone instinctively sensed the danger and wanted to escape, but in the whirlpool, a powerful attraction erupted, and they couldn't escape at all!

Soon, they saw that something had fallen from the whirlpool, it was an ancient castle, it was the ancient castle where Qin Feng had lived for two hundred years!

There was a black aura around the castle, and it crashed down on them!


The ancient castle appeared in the air like this, and Qin Feng also appeared above the ancient castle, and many people kicked out of the ancient castle!

"Lias, what's going on?" Zhu Nai and her dependents were the first to rush out, stunned to see Lias who stayed by Qin Feng's side, and then 653 glanced at the dense enemies around him, frowned, and said!

"As you can see, the world war!" said Lias!

Soon, Grufia and the others all flew out, including Gabriel and the other women!

"Qin Feng, what's going on?" asked Gu Razia a little shocked!

"I have become a god!" Qin Feng solemnly told the news to everyone, "Hades Divine Throne, from today onwards, I am Hades!"

"Are you Hades?" Hearing this, Lias was stunned, isn't Hades the guy with only bones!

"Hades is not a name, it's just a god!" Qin Feng explained!

"Even if you become a god, how can we not beat you with so many people here?" the Emperor of Heaven stood up and said in a deep voice!

"That's hard to say!" Qin Feng said with a smile. With a wave of his hand, an arc of slash was thrown out, and immediately after, all the enemies in the surrounding circle died!

"Give it all to me!" Seeing that Qin Feng could kill so many people with an easy blow, the Heavenly Emperor frowned!

The energy began to condense in everyone's hands, and it was colorful, as if they were going to use magic to destroy Qin Feng!

Zhu Nai and the other women's eyes changed, there are at least more than 10,000 enemies here, and if you use magic on such a large scale, no matter how powerful you are, you can't stand it!

"Boom, boom!" Countless magic blasted towards Qin Feng, but Qin Feng didn't make any moves, and those magic had already been blocked by the defensive shield formed by the black qi before they hit Qin Feng, of course, including the women, they didn't suffer any damage!

"It's so strong!" Cang Na was also among them, she stared blankly at the magic that was constantly bombarding outside but couldn't hurt the inside, her expression was a little complicated! After Qin Feng used the exchange magic, Qin Feng and Cang Na's positions were exchanged, and Cang Na sent back to the ancient castle, and now the ancient castle has descended from the dimensional gap, and Cang Na is naturally among them!

"I don't think we will be able to avenge the demon clan in our lives!" Serafel is also a man who looks at the domineering man in the center!

"That's fine, I'll finally save the bloodline for the demon clan!" Serafel said again, looking at Gurefia and the others!

"It seems that there are too many people watching the ceremony, we have to clean it up!" Qin Feng squinted his eyes, let them bombard, and after muttering, wisps of black began to gush out on the ground, and there seemed to be something about to break through the ground, and finally, the aura of black qi completely burst out!

"Roar!" came out one after another, the three-headed dogs of hell came out! Four stout feet, with extremely sharp claws on the feet, made people feel a chill down their backs just by seeing them, their blood-red eyes flashed in the night, and the protruding mouth revealed extremely vicious fangs, and the fangs were lined up one by one, and the white breath flowed from the gaps between the teeth...

These are the three-headed dogs of hell that inhabit the gate of the underworld, Qin Feng has become the master of the underworld, so he can naturally order his watchdog to deal with these guys!

Although the strength of the three-headed dog is not strong, the strength of the little minions on the opposite side is not much stronger!

After the three-headed dog of hell came out, they immediately tore at those minions, and for a while, they also suffered heavy losses, but they quickly gained a foothold and fought with the three-headed dog!

"Father, let me deal with these guys!" Zhu Nai looked at the situation on the field, frowned, and said!

"Don't worry!" Qin Feng smiled, the double-strand fork in his hand slammed into the void, and the entire earth below trembled, and then cracked!

"Grim Reapers, come out for me!" In the crack, countless figures with scythes in their hands, wearing black robes, and unable to distinguish between men and women, flew out of it, all of them half-kneeling in front of Qin Feng, the new Hades King, including Bennya, who was fighting with Lias, and Ergoth, the superior god of death!

They are subordinate to Qin Feng, so naturally they don't dare to resist Qin Feng!

"Go ahead, kill the enemy in front of me for me!" Qin Feng laughed!

"Yes!" the Grim Reaper shouted!

"Father, you can leave that girl behind!" At this time, Lias looked at Bennya and led the ranks of the battle, and said with some worry!

"Okay then!" Qin Feng also saw the little Lori named Bennia, and finally smiled slightly! It went well, Bennia stayed, and the rest of the Grim Reapers all went to fight!

Among the Grim Reapers, there are not many high-level Grim Reapers, most of them are Intermediate Grim Reapers, and the strength of the Intermediate Grim Reaper is comparable to that of the higher-level demons, so the two forces are evenly matched, and the casualties are extremely heavy!

Time passed minute by minute, Qin Feng's side, most of the Grim Reaper died, and on the other side, the casualties were also extremely serious!

"It's almost!" The double-strand fork in Qin Feng's hand shook slightly, and the visible shock waves began to ripple!

Lias and the others didn't feel anything, but the surviving heavenly soldiers and demon angels had a headache, and finally their whole bodies turned into ashes and disappeared!

"Okay, there aren't many remaining viewers now!" After killing the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, Qin Feng glanced at the Heavenly Emperor and the others lightly!

"Appear, Divine Seat under the Starry Sky!" Qin Feng shouted, the sky seemed to be dyed with a layer of red, which was very weird, and in the distance, an extremely luxurious chair fell from the sky!

The chair glowed with golden light, incompatible with the blood-red sky around it, surrounded by golden aura, there were no people sitting on it, but everyone could feel the majesty of the god, it didn't land after it landed to a certain height, and a golden staircase suddenly appeared, connecting it with Qin Feng!

"Ascend the Divine Throne!" The Emperor of Heaven frowned, he also had his own divine seat when he became a god, of course, his divine seat was simple and unpretentious, and the white mist under his feet now was the divine seat, which looked like a white cloud!

"Lezevim, we must stop him from ascending to the throne!" said the Emperor!

"Huh?" Lezevim is not a god, so naturally he doesn't know what will happen after ascending to the throne, so he is curious about what will happen next, and he is also conceited and unwilling to make a move!

"Let's do it!"

Wally immediately stopped his hands, put on white armor on his body, and rushed towards Qin Feng at the speed of light!

Qin Feng walked on the golden ladder, and the aura of the whole person was connected with the divine seat, so he naturally didn't care about Wally who rushed over!

"Poof!" Wally was ejected before he arrived!

"Boy, use your greatest strength!" said the Emperor in a deep voice, "Otherwise, you won't be able to break through his arrogance defenses!"

"Good!" Wally nodded, but his eyes were on Hyodo Issei!

"I see!" Hyoto nodded, then withheld the gem from his cage hand and threw it to Wally!

Wally took the black gem and swallowed it!

"What is he doing?" Lezevim was a little strange!

"Hehe, I think I want to fuse the power of angels and demons, it's really interesting!"

"Hmph, if the angel god is still around, he will undoubtedly bring about his own destruction by doing this!" Lezevim sneered!

"Isn't the angel god dead!" the Emperor smiled again, his eyes on Wally again!

After Wally swallowed the gem, his whole body ached and he began to scream, but the magic emanating from his body continued to rise!

"The power of the demon and the angel is fused, although the process is painful, but as long as he passes this level, Wally's strength will definitely be greatly improved, and he may be able to surpass the demon king!"

The wings behind Wally's back began to change, one side of the original white and flawless wings turned black, and the same was true for people, one side was filled with the holy aura of angels, and the other was the evil aura of demons!

"Are you going to fail!" was so clear that the Emperor of Heaven also felt that Wally's success rate was very small!

"Cao Cao, you're ready to do it, use your strongest strength, Ba Hui, and leave the rest to us!"

"Forgive me for being rude, Emperor of Heaven, why don't you do it yourself?" Cao Cao frowned!

"The Enthronement is not as indestructible as inheriting the throne, but destroying the ceremony of Enthronement is to be equally harmed, if I make a move, even if I destroy the Enthronement Throne, it will be useless!"

"But if I use Bahui's words, I'll die!" Cao Cao smiled bitterly!

"Don't worry, I will protect you with magic, you won't die!" the Emperor promised!

When the Emperor of Heaven promised, Wally's body erupted with black and white entwined light, and the two were intertwined! After the white light dissipated, the gray-haired Wally appeared in front of everyone, and the wings behind him were still black and white, but they were no longer black on one side and white on the other, but black and white colors intertwined!

"The fusion has been successful!" said the Emperor with a smile on his face, because Wally's strength was so strong that it was comparable to Lezevim!

"Then you don't need me!" Cao Cao spread his hands and said!

"No, I still need you to destroy!" Hearing this, the Heavenly Emperor shook his head and said!

"Okay then!" Cao Cao nodded, he somewhat understood the thoughts of the Heavenly Emperor, Wally was now a transcendent, the main force to deal with Qin Feng, and he, even if he used Bahui, he did not have the strength of a transcendent, at most he was close to the transcendent, of course, those demon levels did not have that strength to destroy!

Cao Cao was about to stand up, but was stopped by Wally!"Now is a critical juncture, we must unite all forces!" Although Wally has become a transcendent, he is not arrogant enough to single-handedly take on Qin Feng!

"But if we don't break through this defensive arrogance, it will be difficult for us to attack Qin Feng, once he is allowed to ascend to the Divine Throne, then his strength will be even stronger, and when the time comes, we...!" the Heavenly Emperor explained!

"Just leave it to me!" Wally said lightly!

"The moment the arrogance is broken, the attacker will also suffer the same damage, if you destroy it, you will definitely be seriously injured!"

Lezewim glanced at the Emperor of Heaven meaningfully, didn't he want to trap himself when he called himself to attack just now!

"Don't worry, I won't do it myself!" Wally smiled, palm height, and a crack appeared in the void, and in the crack, a huge puppeteer that looked like it was made of wood fell from it!

"This is...!" The puppeteer looks unpretentious, but the Emperor of Heaven will not judge the strength of others because of their appearance!

"Gegumag, a weapon of war created by God, has been exiled to the dimensional crevices, and I discovered it by chance!" Valli began!

"The war weapon created by God, its strength is at most the demon king level, and it doesn't have that strength!!" At this time, Liezevim said! Seeing Qin Feng getting closer and closer to the divine seat, Liezevim was also anxious!

"Indeed!" Wally did not deny the strength of the weapon of war, but said, "But what if it blew itself up?"

"If you blow yourself up, you should burst out with a power that surpasses the Demon King's level, so that you can destroy the defensive arrogance!" Wally smiled!

"Lias, what are they doing?" Zhu Nai looked at the people in the distance, frowned, and said!

"I guess it's trying to sabotage the ritual!" Lias thought for a moment, then replied!

"Then are we going to do it?" asked Zhu Nai!

"No, my father has become a god, and no one is my father's opponent!" said Lias confidently!

"But... But my father, he faced so many enemies alone... I...!" Zhu Nai seemed to want to say something!

"Daughter, let your father deal with it!" At this time, Zhu Li walked up, and when he saw Zhu Nai, who was usually very calm, panicked, he sighed in his heart, something must have happened between Qin Feng and Zhu Nai!"And, even if you go, can you stop those people!" "Zhu Nai is not yet the strength of the transcendents, and he can't stop those transcendents outside at all!"

Gegumag had no life, after receiving Qin Feng's order, his feet erupted with flames, and his body began to rise into the air, and finally, several people looked up at the sky and could only see a black dot! Then, Gegumag was pulled by gravity, falling like a meteor, and in the eyes of everyone, the black dot turned into a red dot, and then it got bigger and bigger!

"Boom!" At the moment of collision, Gegumag exploded by himself, and the surging aftermath of the explosion directly broke the arrogance, but Qin Feng inside was not affected!

"It's successful, let's rush in immediately!" the Heavenly Emperor said with an order! The interrupted ceremony meant that Qin Feng would miss out on the Divine Throne!

Several of them used their strongest moves and blasted out at Qin Feng, who was still one step away from the Divine Throne!

"Father!" Hearing the continuous explosions, Zhu Nai subconsciously shouted!

"Calm down!" Looking at Zhu Nai, who was about to rush up to see clearly, Lias grabbed Zhu Nai and said in a deep voice!

The Heavenly Emperor, Lezevim, Wally, and the others all surrounded the center of the smoke and dust, and the center was Qin Feng, and they all stared at it tightly, eager to know if everyone's attack could kill him!

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the Heavenly Emperor and the others saw the golden light shining in the smoke and dust, which was a golden arrogance! .

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