"Not dead yet?" the Emperor of Heaven felt a pang in his heart, and his brows furrowed together!

"I'm not dead, you're surprised!" At this time, Qin Feng sat on the divine seat, holding a double-strand fork in his hand, and slowly appeared in front of everyone as the divine throne rose, the golden aura continued to linger around, and occasionally brought out flashing thunder!

"Shenwei is so powerful!" At this time, Qin Feng was like an emperor, like the master of the entire heaven and earth!

"Now let you feel my power!" After speaking, the aura that swirled around Qin Feng began to spin, and the golden yellow slowly faded, turning into ~ inky black!

In the feelings of everyone, Qin Feng's magic power is increasing again!

"Hades controls life and death!" Qin Feng laughed, and his inky black aura spread out to the surroundings!

"Resurrection, my Grim Reapers!" Qin Feng shouted, the black qi began to take shape, all of them became black-robed people, holding scythes in their hands, if you look closely, you will find that these Grim Reapers are those Grim Reapers, who died in battle!

"Don't worry about death, go ahead, fight for this king!" Qin Feng waved his hand, those gods of death were still in the excitement of resurrection, but now after hearing Qin Feng's words, they were even more excited, looking at the Heavenly Emperor and the others, they hurriedly killed them, lest they take a step slower, and they were not even afraid of death, so what else could stop their soldiers!

The gods of death flocked here, and the emperors of heaven all frowned, with their strength, they naturally would not be afraid of these low-strength gods, but if they didn't die, it was indeed very difficult!

With a wave of their hands, a large number of those Grim Reapers, but after the dead Grim Reaper turned into a wisp of black gas, it did not disappear directly, but condensed, and then took shape and was resurrected!

The resurrected Grim Reaper continued to rush forward, then to be killed, to be resurrected, to be killed, and they kept repeating these things!

"It's terrible!" Cang Na's face turned pale! Looking around the entire battlefield, there were less than a hundred demons alive!

"It's too strong!" Seeing that Qin Feng walked out intact and stopped those transcendents without making a move in person, Zhu Nai said happily!

Compared to the excitement on Zhu Nai's side, the mood on the Heavenly Emperor's side was extremely low, especially for Kiba and the others, who were not very strong, the resurrected god of death was simply a devastating disaster!

The Heavenly Emperor and the others also knew the situation of everyone, and the three of them glanced at each other, knowing that if they wanted to stop the resurrection of the god of death, they had to destroy Qin Feng!

"Hurry up!" The three of them quickly surrounded Qin Feng, and after that, Cao Cao and Michael also caught up!

"Gun, the true spear that runs through the gods, absorbs the ideals of the overlord that sleeps in me, and digs the gap between blessing and destruction. Thou, tell the will and turn into brilliance!" When Cao Cao finished chanting the incantation and the front of the holy spear opened, there was a great radiance there!

"Ba Hui!" Five people surrounded him, Cao Cao hurriedly launched Ba Hui, the battlefield is changing rapidly, especially the duel between the strong, he is afraid that if he retains his strength, he will die!

The light of the holy spear enveloped Cao Cao, and soon, Cao Cao put on a piece of armor, which was the same as Wally, it was dazzlingly white armor, holding a gun in his right hand, and the gun was connected to a part of his body, which looked very sacred, but it was weird!

"This is the state of Ba Hui?!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, but his eyes were on Cao Cao and he moved away for a moment, Ba Hui just brought out the will of the god who died in the holy spear, Qin Feng became the king of Hades, so he was naturally not afraid of this guy!

"Everyone, come on!" the Emperor of Heaven gave the order, and the five of them rushed forward at once!

"Spear of Holy Light!" Cao Cao made the first move, and the gun in his hand suddenly changed, becoming huge, and the head of the spear burst out with a cold light!

"Go!" The tip of the holy light suddenly burst out with a white energy!

Michael also raised the Bible in his hand, facing Qin Feng is extremely domineering sword, the cold sword light, completed into substance, across the sky, the holy energy is completely fused together, no matter the condensation, the space is vibrating, the cold light is terrifying, and it can reach Qin Feng in an instant!

Emperor of Heaven, at this time, sitting in the clouds, surrounded by ethereal Sanskrit sounds, awe-inspiring!

"Rulai Divine Palm!" After speaking, the Heavenly Emperor slowly stretched out his palm, and a huge energy palm struck out towards Qin Feng!

Wally also used the most powerful power, and the extraordinarily large spiritual power burst out!

"Qin Feng, let you see my anger now, no, it should be the anger of you who killed all the angels and demons!" After speaking, Wally seemed to communicate with the dead angels and demons, and countless undead began to converge towards Wally's body, merging into Wally's body, and Wally, the wings behind him skyrocketed, and then emitted powerful magical power, and the pure white armor was wrapped in divine light!

"Hehe!" Qin Feng watched as those undead broke into Wally's body, and did not stop it, otherwise, with his ability, he could completely ban these undead, because he was the king of Hades, and the undead were all under his control!

"Are you going to reach the limit?" The light became more and more brilliant, and Qin Feng was very curious about Wally's next big move!

Wally's armor changes slightly, and emits a silver glow.

"Lead you to the ultimate of the illusion of silver and the path of demons!" At this time, the whole body was wrapped in silver armor, releasing a great aura, as if it was the existence of another dimension.

"It's my strongest form, feel it!" Valli snorted.

"Destroy it!" Qin Feng could feel that the invisible pressure was pressing on him, as if he was going to crush himself to death!

Lezevim looked at his great-grandson whose magic power completely surpassed his own, his eyes were a little complicated, but he was not afraid, his ability was to neutralize the artifact, and Wally's strength was based on the artifact!

Lezevim also began to move, and in the palm of his hand, a whirlpool began to appear, and the whirlpool gathered up, forming a small black ball, and then blasted out towards Qin Feng!

All five of them used the most powerful attacks, and wherever the energy passed, the space collapsed!

Qin Feng was still sitting on the throne, not the slightest nervous, and when all the attacks were approaching, Qin Feng moved, and the double-strand fork in his hand swept out!

"There is a price to be paid for swinging a fist at the gods!" The double-strand fork in Qin Feng's hand swept out, and a huge black arc slash blasted out! The black arc slash seemed to have life, and it was emitting a terrible and violent sword roar, resounding throughout this piece of heaven and earth, and it seemed that a sleeping giant beast was slowly waking up!

The Heavenly Emperor and the others were shocked in their hearts, their eyes were firmly fixed on the huge arc slash, but they felt their eyes tingling, not only their eyes, but even their souls seemed to be pierced, and everyone felt a palpitating cruelty, tyranny, and seemed to be filled with endless thoughts of destruction and killing!

The slash lit up, and the world seemed to lose all its colors, turning into black and white, and time seemed to freeze in this moment, and then dragged the world into endless darkness!

Everywhere the slash went, the sword light was broken, the giant palm was broken, and the white light was broken!

The attacks of the five people were all disintegrated, and at this time, the huge slash was still there, and it was blasting towards them like a devastating one!

"Die! garbage!" Qin Feng laughed loudly, and the huge arc slash that hit them burst out!

In the midst of the smoke and dust, Qin Feng killed the two of them with one attack!

Michael and Cao Cao's strength was slightly inferior and they did not block Qin Feng's attack, while the other three, although they did not die, were also seriously injured!

With just one blow, the three of them were hurt to varying degrees!

"There's no chance of winning!" Wally's pupils dilated, blood flowed out of his abdomen, and he looked at Qin Feng sitting on the divine throne in disbelief!

"How can it be so strong?" At this time, the Heavenly Emperor looked at the scars on his palms and frowned!

Wally was injured in the abdomen, the palm of the Emperor was injured, and Lezevim had a long bloody mark on his arm, and all three of them were injured to varying degrees!

"The Sutra of Death!" "The Sutra of Death!" the Heavenly Emperor recited words in his mouth, the Sanskrit sound rolled, and the swastika mantra was integrated into everyone's body, including the already scarred Kiba and others, Kiba and the others only felt that the cool energy flowed all over their bodies, and the injuries on their bodies began to heal, and finally fully recovered, even the magic power!

Wally and Lezewim are the same, with no injuries on their bodies!

"Heavenly Emperor, can you still use this move?" After seeing that the knife wound in his abdomen had healed, Wally's face turned happy and he asked!

Hearing this, the Heavenly Emperor shook his head and said, "You can still use it a few times, but you have to be careful!"

"Hmm!" Wally nodded, his eyes looking at Qin Feng vigilantly again!

"Diamond Sutra, Vedic Sutra Protector Sutra!" The Heavenly Emperor once again recited countless Sanskrit sounds from his mouth, blessing everyone!

Wally and the others only felt that the magic in their bodies had risen again!

"Do it!" Wally rushed forward, another powerful move!

The black qi rolled, immediately hindering the movement of several people, and then slowly coalesced, and then took shape, and what took shape was a huge black-robed man holding a huge death scythe in his hand!

"An enlarged version of the Grim Reaper!" Valli frowned, then saw a huge scythe swing over!

"Bump!" There was an illusory metal sound, and everyone saw that the huge scythe was shattered by Wally's fist, of course, the offensive did not stop, after his sharp fist smashed the scythe, and then hit the jaw of the god of death, making a violent beating sound, and the huge figure was blasted into the sky!

"Since you can't kill it, then compress it!" With that, Wa grabbed the shoulder of the giant god of death with his hand!

The huge body is compressed in half vertically, then horizontally in half, then horizontally, vertically... Keep repeating!

"Disappear!" the massive Grim Reaper's form was compressed to a size that was almost invisible to the eye, and finally disappeared completely!

Wally was about to take down Qin Feng with one blow, but before he could move, he found the scene in front of him, next to it was an endless river, in the river, countless undead were struggling there, surrounded by a rolling sea of corpses and bones!

"Everyone be careful!" at this time, the Emperor of Heaven spoke!

"Hmm!" Wally thought the situation was not good!

"Welcome to my world!" At this time, Qin Feng was still sitting on his divine seat, smiling at the people who were pulled into this world!

"Lethe River...!" The Heavenly Emperor looked at the souls in the river, frowned, and looked at Qin Feng's gaze again!

"I didn't expect you to comprehend the divine power, how is this possible?!" The Heavenly Emperor was surprised!

"It turns out that it's called theocracy here for you!" Qin Feng smiled, "Then can you leave here?"

Ask for flowers

Kiba and the others were also recruited, but they were frightened by the sight in front of them!

"Kiba, are we going to die here?" Issei asked worriedly, he had no power of the artifact, he could only rely on the demon's own ability to fight, of course, it was only the strength of the lower-level demon, if it wasn't for Kiba waiting by the side, he would have been killed by the Grim Reaper who could resurrect indefinitely!

"Don't worry, we'll get out of here alive!" Kiba said comfortingly! In fact, he knew from previous duels that the odds of Wally and the others winning this battle were slim!

"Wally, I will open up a path for you, you remember to leave here in time!" At this time, the Heavenly Emperor looked solemn and said to Wali and the others! After the Heavenly Emperor finished speaking, the Sanskrit sound rolled in his mouth, and a scorching sun rose behind him, emitting a strong light, and those dead souls looked extremely painful under the illumination of the light!

Qin Feng looked at the sky, and in the sky, those white lights were actually condensed in the air and did not disperse!

Wally and the others were surprised by the strength shown by the Emperor of Heaven, but they were more joyful, the stronger the Emperor of Heaven, the greater their chances of victory!

Qin Feng's brows furrowed, and through the white light, Qin Feng saw that the white mist-shrouded palace began to slowly manifest and crashed into his own underworld!

"Touch!" A hole was blasted open in the sky of Hades, and through that hole, everyone could see another sky, the sky of the underworld!

"Let's get out quickly!" The Emperor didn't have time to explain too much, rolled up those with low strength, and walked out!

After escaping, the Heavenly Emperor and the others found that Qin Feng was still sitting on the divine throne as always, and his position had not moved!

"What just happened?" asked Wally, confused!

"We just fell into his Hades, in the Hades, Qin Feng can do whatever he wants, it is impossible for us to defeat Qin Feng!" The Heavenly Emperor only began to explain now: "But I didn't expect Qin Feng to open up the Hades so quickly and get his own Hades divine power!"

In fact, if Qin Feng hadn't obtained the rudimentary Hades in the world of God Slayers, it would have been impossible to open up his own world in such a short period of time!

"Qin Feng is really so powerful?" Wally smiled bitterly!

"Hmm, leave it to me next!" the Heavenly Emperor said solemnly, "You are not the opponent of Qin Feng who has the power of God!"

"Then I'll pass on the power to you!" Wally thought for a moment, then nodded!

"Hmm!" the Emperor nodded, one more person's strength, one more point of victory!

"So what am I going to do?" Lezevim found that although he was also a transcendent, he couldn't help!

"You take the group of people behind you and leave!" the Emperor thought for a moment, "If they fight, they will be very dangerous!"

"Dead is dead!" Lezevim snorted coldly: "They're just garbage!"

"Heaven has the virtue of good life, you should go and save them!" the Emperor smiled!

"Alright!" Lezevim was not used to the Emperor's actions, but he thought that he was already alone, and saving them might be beneficial to his plan to conquer another world!

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave!" Qin Feng said with a smile, the black aura was swirling, and it seemed to seal the surrounding heaven and earth!

In the sky above Qin Feng, a large area of black qi was condensed together, through the black qi, Wally they could clearly see that inside the black qi, there was an endless river and a sea of corpses and bones, which was the place where he had just fallen in!

"It seems that I can't keep my hand!" At this time, Wally saw the Emperor muttering, looked over, and found that above the Emperor of Heaven, there was a white light, and in the white light, the white mist was churning, and the classical building was faintly visible!

The Emperor of Heaven, like Qin Feng, also has his own divine right and divine kingdom!

Black and white continued to expand their range, and finally collided fiercely, and the rest of the people looked at the two divine kingdoms that collided in the sky, and their hearts trembled!

"You guys don't want to leave quickly!" Lezevim shouted loudly, after the collision of the two divine kingdoms, he really felt that he was like a lonely boat in the sea, in danger of destruction at any time, not to mention that his strength was far inferior to his own Kiba and others!

Wally followed the Emperor of Heaven by his side, as if he was in the eye of a hurricane, but he was not harmed, and after he saw the two fighting, he immediately transmitted the power amplified through the artifact to the Emperor!

The kingdom of the Emperor of Heaven is the Heavenly Palace, which was cultivated after thousands of years when the Emperor became a god, and Qin Feng had to fight the prototype of the Underworld by chance, and finally turned it into his own kingdom of God in one fell swoop after becoming a god.

"Hades, you're going to lose!" Gaining the advantage, the Emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"Let me tell you! The competition of the kingdom of God is not only a competition of magic power, but also a competition of divine position!"

"Divine position?" Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, and his eyes looked at the top of the Heavenly Palace, although the sky was surrounded by this white mist, but his eyes penetrated the thick white mist, and he could see the situation inside clearly!.

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