In the center of the Heavenly Palace, the gods and Buddhas are sitting on their own gods, and the Sanskrit sound is full of thunder, and on their side, there is no figure on the gods!

"I understand!" Qin Feng smiled and suddenly stood up from the divine seat!

The double-strand fork stirred, and in the sky, the generous light representing the one hundred and eight stars of the underworld!

And the women in the castle seem to feel the call of Hades!

Zhu Nai and Lias glanced at each other, and finally nodded, turning into a streamer of light and crashing into the underworld above Qin Feng!

"The god of death is in place, the god of sleep is in place!" At this time, on a palace in the Kingdom of God, Zhu Nai and Lias were wearing luxurious divine robes, standing only a little lower than the first seat!

Seeing Zhu Nai and Lias turn into streamers and fly away, the rest of the women were the same, like meteors entering the Hades, and soon, the women found their own place among the one hundred and eight positions in the Hades!

"Hades' Law!" After the women stood on the fix, in mid-air, a huge black light formed a black ribbon, and then slowly spread out, and the emotionless voice was transmitted to everyone's mind!

"Seal Zhu Nai as the god of sleep, seal Lias as the god of death, order Gu Refia to be in charge of the Tiangui Star, order Veni Lana to be in charge of the Tianmeng Star, and order Gabriel to control the Tianxiong Star...!"

After Zhu Nai and the others became gods, they also recited words in their mouths, but they were not Sanskrit sounds, but the demon sounds of the underworld!

The magic sound is full of ears, and the underworld has further strengthened, slowly recovering its disadvantage!

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction, although he hadn't been able to fill up the one hundred and eight stars yet, but with these people, it was enough!

Sure enough, after the completion of the gods, through the black mist, Wally saw that the scene of the underworld had changed a lot!

In the middle of the river, there is already one more bridge, the Mingri Nai He Bridge, there is a road in front, the Mingri Huangquan Road, there is an extra stone next to it, the Mingri Sansheng Stone! The most amazing thing is that on the opposite side of the bridge, the "six or seven zero" bank, it is also a classical building, very luxurious, but it gives people a deep and terrifying feeling!

"Heavenly Emperor, what should we do now?" Wally was taken aback, and then asked!

The Heavenly Emperor's brows were clustered, and he seemed to be very distressed, "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect Qin Feng to be a temporary god, and he has evolved so many scenes!"

"Fengshen?" Hearing this, Wally was stunned again!

"Hmm!" The Emperor of Heaven nodded and said, "As the saying goes, if a person ascends to heaven with a Dao chicken dog, the god is to make his relatives and friends become gods! And the gods can inject their own power into the underworld to make the underworld even stronger!"

At this time, the situation reversed, and Hades not only regained its disadvantage, but also suppressed the Heavenly Palace!

"Now I can only fight for it!" said to Wally, "Wally, pass on all your power to me!"

"Good!" Wally nodded, and immediately gave his power to the Emperor!

After the Heavenly Emperor obtained Wally's power, he was already even more terrifying, and it seemed that he could bring out the power of destruction in his hands! The Heavenly Emperor's body moved, and then crashed into his own divine kingdom, and landed firmly in the chief position!

When the Emperor of Heaven returned to the Kingdom of God, the white light bloomed, illuminating the entire gray sky!

Light is poison for demons, Lezewim was not affected, but the Kiba and Hyoto behind him were not good, they were illuminated by the incandescent light, which looked extremely uncomfortable, and in the end, Lezewim opened the defensive cover, so that Kiba and Hyoto's faces returned to blood!

"Kiba, we can't escape!" Lezevim tried to leave here with the others, but he still couldn't escape, and at this time, Hyodo was very scared!

"Calm down, with him with us, we can live!" Kiba pointed to Lezevim in front of him and said!

"Monkey, are you okay!" At this time, Hyoto found that the monkey next to him was very inappropriate!

Lezevim also looked at the monkey, because he found that the monkey's breath had become extremely unstable!

"Fight to defeat the Buddha, and still not return to the throne!" At this time, the voice of the solemn Holy Spirit spread throughout the underworld!

Hyoto and the others were stunned, and the beautiful monkey around them turned into a streamer and flew towards the place where the light bloomed!

"Hey, Monkey, where are you going?" shouted Hyodo!

"He should have something more important!" Kiba said with a smile as he grabbed Hyoto! Although he didn't know what was going on, when he heard that Dou defeated the Buddha, he knew that the monkey must have gone to complete his mission!

"This is...!" Qin Feng was stunned and looked at the big blooming light, in the light, a monkey flew in, but after the monkey entered, he was surprised!

The monkey held a golden hoop stick in his hand, constantly destroying the palace inside, of course, the palace was destroyed, but the power of the kingdom of God did not diminish at all, but became more and more powerful!

"Havoc in the Heavenly Palace...!" How similar is the scene of the evolution of the Kingdom of God to the Havoc in the Heavenly Palace!

Qin Feng's mind did not relax, but became vigilant, there must be a demon when things go wrong, it can be judged from the divinity of the kingdom of God, soon, Qin Feng saw that the golden Buddha appeared in front of the monkey, it was the Emperor of Heaven, and he caught the monkey in one fell swoop, and then, he saw that behind the Emperor of Heaven, a huge mountain shrouded in golden mist emerged!

"It's Lingshan!" Qin Feng realized that this Lingshan was the true kingdom of the Heavenly Emperor!

The Emperor of Heaven is located on the top of the Lingshan, in the Lingshan, there are eight heavenly dragons, there are eighteen arhats, there are Bodhisattvas, there are Buddhas, everyone has a hideous face!

"Bring the prisoner up!" At this time, the beautiful monkey was tied up behind his back and brought up Lingshan!

"Can the demons be convicted?" the voice of the Heavenly Emperor came!

"Not good!" The breathtaking Sanskrit sound came into Qin Feng's ears, Qin Feng was stunned in his heart, and then found that it was not the beautiful monkey who was bound, but himself!

Qin Feng raised his head and saw that the gods and Buddhas of the heavens were all looking at him, and the Heavenly Emperor was high up, and he was also looking at himself hideously!

"When you see the Emperor of Heaven, why don't you kneel?!" At this time, the voice of the gods and Buddhas exploded in his ears like a bomb!

"I am a god, why kneel!" Qin Feng sneered!

"Demons dare to call themselves gods!" Countless Sanskrit sounds were recited, constantly disturbing Qin Feng's mind, and there seemed to be a voice telling Qin Feng that he was going to kneel down!

"Boring tricks!" Fanyin is good at dealing with others, but if he wants to deal with himself, it is not enough to watch! At the same time, Qin Feng tried to break free of the rope that bound him, but found that the rope was tightly binding himself!

"It's so strange!" Qin Feng frowned, he believed that there was nothing in this world that could restrain him, and in this situation, he must have touched a certain condition, or rather, he fell into the illusion, but with his own strength, would he be in the illusion?

"Hades, you must be wondering, is this an illusion?" the Heavenly Emperor thought for a moment, "Then let's confirm it for you!" After speaking, a thunderbolt flashed down, slashing Qin Feng!

"It hurts!" Qin Feng frowned again, but he wouldn't use this to judge whether he was in an illusion or not!

"Got it!" The Heavenly Emperor laughed and said, "Hades, now you are my prisoner!"

"Really?" Qin Feng smiled, and in the spirit mountain, the black mist spread!

"In my kingdom of God, your resistance is useless!" the Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly and blew away the black mist with his hand!

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to show you how I can break your trick!" Qin Feng smiled, and a wisp of black mist lingered in mid-air for a long time!

Through the black mist, the Emperor of Heaven also saw the situation in the Hades! The souls of the original dead first generation of beautiful monkeys were recruited into the Hades!

"The first generation of Sun Wukong, don't break into the underworld yet!" Qin Feng said loudly, and the voice reached the underworld!

Hearing this, the Emperor's face changed, but the first generation of beautiful monkeys broke into the underworld, and then made a big fuss somewhere, and was finally taken down!

"I didn't expect you to find it!" The Heavenly Emperor's face changed, and his eyes looked at Qin Feng, who was still on the Spirit Mountain, but no longer had any restraints!

"It's very simple!Although I don't know why you want to imitate the Havoc in the Heavenly Palace, I think it has a lot to do with restraining me!" Qin Feng smiled and said: "So I also staged such a play, I remember that there is such a thing as breaking into the underworld in Journey to the West, and my underworld just corresponds to the underworld!"

"Kill him for me!" the Heavenly Emperor shouted, and the Heavenly Gods and Buddhas flew up, and then surrounded Qin Feng, and finally countless magic bombarded him!

The magic bombarded but failed to hurt Qin Feng himself!

Qin Feng has a layer of black qi on his body, and every time he attacks, those energies will be absorbed by the black qi!(If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Now I'll send them all back to you!" Their attack stopped, Qin Feng retracted his black qi, swept his double-strand fork, and a huge slash swept away!

After Qin Feng blasted the Heavenly God Buddha back with one move, his body was like a meteor, flying out of the Spirit Mountain and returning to the underworld!

He is in his own place, and Hades has changed again, and Hades is more complete!

"Heavenly Emperor, come on, this is our final showdown!" A large amount of black qi poured out of Qin Feng's body, it was the death aura of the undead!

Qin Feng manipulated the Hades, the Lingshan manipulated by the Emperor of Heaven, and the two divine kingdoms collided fiercely!

"Boom!!" The two collided violently, like the end of the world, everything around them was destroyed, and in the end, the underworld, the heavenly realm, and even hell were destroyed, and only the human realm remained!

"You've already lost!" The energy was annihilated and calmed down, and on the dimensional gap, Qin Feng floated in it with a double-strand fork, and said with a faint smile! And in front of Qin Feng, there was also the Heavenly Emperor who was sitting cross-legged, but the bloodshot on the corner of his mouth and the bloodstained surface of his chest, his current situation was extremely bad!

"I didn't expect it!" the Emperor of Heaven smiled bitterly!

"You didn't expect you to fail?" Qin Feng smiled!

"No, there are too many things I didn't expect!" The Heavenly Emperor continued: "I didn't expect you to be able to form a divine kingdom and use divine power, I didn't expect you to be a god for a short time, I didn't expect you to break free from my causal shackles by chance, I didn't expect you to be more powerful than me in using the underworld!!"

"Of course!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Maybe you haven't thought of it, I'm from another world!"

"Sure enough!" Hearing Qin Feng say this, the Heavenly Emperor didn't show a look of surprise, obviously, he also had doubts about Qin Feng's origin!

"After this time, except for my Hades King, there are no gods in this world anymore!!" Qin Feng smiled and said! Under the attack just now, no one escaped, including transcendents like Lezevim and Wally!

"Hmm!" the Emperor smiled and said, "There will be no gods, including you, who will die!"

"You... Do you want to die together?" Hearing this, Qin Feng sneered!

"Of course not!" Hearing this, the Emperor shook his head, "Ragnarok, you should have heard of it!"

"You want to trigger Ragnarok?" Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, his face was gloomy, he remembered that the evil god Loki was planning to trigger Ragnarok!

Ragnarok, in ancient times, all the gods couldn't dodge it, Qin Feng wasn't arrogant enough that he could dodge it!

"You've heard of Ragnarok too!" the Emperor seemed to be very proud, and continued: "If you don't become a god, I may not be able to use this move against you, if you weren't too strong, I wouldn't have used this kind of move that will end up together, but that's fine, let this world return to its original state!"

"I won't give you a chance to launch!" Qin Feng said in a cold voice!

"It's useless, I've already launched it!" the Emperor gave one last smile, and then quietly waited for Ragnarok to arrive!

"Hurry up and tell me, how can Ragnarok stop?" Hearing this, Qin Feng's face turned hideous, and he immediately rushed forward!

Qin Feng hurriedly retreated, and when he looked up, he saw that in the void, countless fiery red stones had crashed down!

"Can this kind of thing really destroy a god?" Qin Feng was a little puzzled, but soon, the experience of the Heavenly Emperor illustrated this, those meteorites hit the body of the Heavenly Emperor, and immediately penetrated the body of the Heavenly Emperor, and the Heavenly Emperor's body burned like a fire, and finally turned into flying ashes and dissipated between heaven and earth!

Qin Feng's pupils shrank, although the Heavenly Emperor was injured, his strength was definitely very strong, but he didn't expect to fall like this!

It's really Ragnarok! Qin Feng thought bitterly!

After the Heavenly Emperor died, those hot meteorites aimed at Qin Feng, and then fell!

"Boom!" Facing the hot meteorites, Qin Feng then smashed these meteorites!

"Father, be careful!" At this time, Qin Feng heard Zhu Nai's voice in the Hades!

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, looked up again, and saw that the originally shattered meteorite had condensed and blasted down at Qin Feng again!

"It seems that these meteorites can't be destroyed!" Qin Feng frowned, and then began to dodge, but there were more and more meteorites!

"No way!" Qin Feng smiled bitterly, and then swept towards other places, if he was hit by these meteorites, he would also be like the Emperor of Heaven, turning into ashes, of course, if it wasn't for him when he didn't become a god, no matter how many meteorites like this, he could also deal with it, but after becoming a god, he didn't have this ability!

Now Qin Feng can only keep flying, looking for a place where no meteorites have fallen!

Qin Feng kept running away, and in the human world, those Norse gods who were not affected or the gods who were hidden in it saw the meteorites in the sky, and immediately thought of Ragnarok, and secretly cursed in their hearts, just like Qin Feng, and ran away! Of course, these meteorites will only harm the gods, not the creatures below the gods!

The meteorites became more and more dense, and the gods continued to fall, and in the end, only Qin Feng was left!

"Damn!" No matter where Qin Feng fled, those meteorites were close behind him!

"Orpheus, are you going to attack these meteorites?" Although Orpheus lived in the underworld, 5.8 did not become a god, so only Orpheus could help Qin Feng!

Orpheus immediately blocked in front of Qin Feng, after two hundred years of getting along, Qin Feng and Orpheus had a deep affection between them, and when he heard Qin Feng's request, Orpheus agreed without hesitation!

The meteorite did not change its original trajectory and bombarded it straight down!

"Smash it!" Hearing Qin Feng's order, Orpheus immediately threw a punch!

Qin Feng's pupils shrank, as those meteorites passed through Orpheus's body and continued to attack Qin Feng!

"Damn!" Qin Feng's face was hideous, he didn't expect Ragnarok to be so strong, did he really want to fall?

Qin Feng was startled, and then hurriedly dodged away!

"Damn, can't outsiders help?" Qin Feng frowned!

"Orpheus, you go back first!" Qin Feng said to Orpheus! Since he can't help, then it won't be useful for Orpheus to stay here!

"Don't!" Orpheus Little Lori shook her head decisively and said, "Although I can't smash those meteorites, I can take you away!" After saying that, Orpheus revealed his true body, a cyan dragon!

Orpheus made himself stand on top of her, and kept flying!

I don't know how long it took, the twilight of the gods was not over yet, Orpheus took Qin Feng and kept dodging and flying, the speed gradually slowed down, and she with infinite energy began to be unbearable!

"Alright, Orpheus, stop!" Qin Feng patted Orpheus on the head and said with a wry smile!

It seems that there is no way for him to escape the twilight of the gods! Qin Feng thought in his heart, from the beginning of the twilight of the gods to the present, those meteorites have fallen faster and faster, and the number has increased, and the only purpose is to kill Qin Feng! Qin Feng finally understands, why the powerful gods also fall!

The more powerful the resistance, the more powerful the meteorite will be, Ragnarok is destined to be the end of the gods, and Qin Feng himself is no exception!

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