"Don't!" Orpheus gritted his teeth and continued to accelerate, dodging the meteorite!

"If it goes on like this, your body will not be able to bear it!" Qin Feng had no choice but to spread his hands!

"It's okay, I'll get you out!" Orpheus smiled, but there was already a hint of exhaustion in his voice!

"Thank you, but Ragnarok...!" Suddenly, Qin Feng remembered that he had promised to join forces with her to defeat the True Red Dragon God Emperor, and then return to his hometown, at the beginning, he used Orpheus, but now, I am afraid that there is no chance to realize Orpheus's wish!

"I'm sorry!" Qin Feng, who had always been arrogant, opened his mouth to apologize!

"Why do you want to say I'm sorry?" Hearing this, Orpheus was stunned!

"All along, you've helped me a lot, and I haven't been able to fulfill your wish!" Qin Feng muttered!

Hearing this, Orpheus shook his head, smiled honestly, and said: "In the past two hundred years, I have been very happy, you are right, I have my own friends here, I have my favorite people here, there is no need to go back to that ghost place where there is no human figure! You have fulfilled my wish, I have found my hometown!"

"That's good!" Qin Feng smiled slightly!

"Qin Feng, now I have a wish, can you help me realize it?" Orpheus thought for a moment and said again!

"Say, while you're still alive, I'll try my best to help you fulfill your wish!" Qin Feng smiled!

"I want you to live, definitely... You must not die!" Orpheus said solemnly!


Facing the flying meteorite again, Qin Feng had no fear, every time the meteorite fell, Qin Feng could dodge it!

"Let's go!" took Orpheus's little hand, and Qin Feng and the two of them rowed towards the sky like meteors!

It's been a long time again, and the falling meteorites show no signs of decreasing!

Qin Feng's heart was heavy, he glanced at Orpheus beside him, and said, "You grew up in the dimensional gap, and you are also very familiar with the dimensional gap, do you know where these meteorites came from?"

Hearing this, Orpheus shook his head and said, "These meteorites contain very strange energy, which is harmless to us, but for you gods, it is fatal damage!"

"Then let's escape from the dimensional gap and go to the human realm!" Qin Feng said again! "The human world may be safer than the dimensional gap!"

"It's possible!" Orpheus nodded, then opened the dimensional rift, and the two flew out!

Because they perceive that in the human world, there are more strange energies than in the dimensional gaps!

"Let's go back quickly!" Qin Feng immediately said loudly after seeing that the sky was full of meteorites!

However, Orpheus has not yet opened the dimensional gap, the meteorite has already arrived, the meteorite is flying very fast, Qin Feng himself has no time to dodge, and in desperation, Qin Feng has no choice but to attack!

The power of the double-strand fork was huge, but it was an artifact, and Qin Feng instinctively felt that it wouldn't work, so Qin Feng didn't choose that way of attacking!

Black gas emerged, Qin Feng planned to use the first power he obtained, the ability of Shadow Devouring, in the future, although Qin Feng got a lot of power that was more powerful than Shadow Devouring, dependents, powers, vampires, etc., but Shadow Devouring was the basis for his rise, and he also had a soft spot for the ability to Devour Shadow!

The Shadow Devouring did not disappoint him, the meteorite crashed into the black gas, and was immediately absorbed by the black gas!

"It's useful!" Qin Feng was overjoyed in his heart, this Shadow Devouring might be his savior!

Qin Feng had already taken out the Yemo Black Sword, and on the blade of the sword, the rich black qi condensed but did not disperse, of course, for the sake of safety, Qin Feng also had this layer of faint black qi on his body!

"Come on!" Facing the strange meteorite that fell again, Qin Feng took a deep breath and smashed the meteorite with a sword, and this time, the meteorite did not recover!

"It seems that there is still a chance to survive the twilight of the gods!" In addition to Qin Feng's destruction of the meteorite, he was secretly happy in his heart, so he no longer ran away, but chose to smash the meteorite!

Qin Feng swung his sword, and in the sky, a large area of meteorites turned into dust!

Qin Feng kept destroying meteorites, but the meteorites in the sky did not decrease, but more and more!

"This kind of scene is like the end of the world!" Qin Feng's expression became more and more solemn, but it was not the end of mankind, but the end of their gods!


"Lias, don't stop me!" Inside the Underworld, they could see the situation outside, and all the women were very worried about Qin Feng's safety, especially after seeing the doomsday scene like a natural disaster!

"Calm down, can you help your father by going out now?" shouted Lias!

"But do you want me to watch my father being hit by a meteorite?" Zhu Nai said with some pain: "You also saw that Heavenly Emperor, he was very powerful but still fell!"

Hearing this, the women remembered the scene of the death of the Emperor of Heaven, who was as powerful as the Emperor of Heaven and could not escape the fate of falling!

"Don't worry, my father will definitely come back safely!" Lias comforted: "We are gods now, if we go out, we will become the target of meteorite strikes, and we may even become a burden to my father at that time!"

"Come in quickly!" At this time, Orpheus opened the passage and said immediately!

"Hmm!" After Qin Feng nodded, the two of them immediately swept into the dimensional gap!

"Qin Feng, you come with me, maybe it will be fine when you get there!" Orpheus said quickly and leading the way in front!

"Where?" Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned!

"The center of the dimensional rift!" Orpheus said in a firm tone!

"Ah, you want to use the power of the True Red Dragon God Emperor?" Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned!

"The True Red Dragon God Emperor's power is very strong, but there is also a limit, and it can't be strong enough to block Ragnarok!!" Orpheus shook his head and said!!" "In the center of the dimensional gap, the dimensional gap is a very strange existence, there is eternal silence there, maybe when we get there, we can get rid of these meteorites!"

"Let's go immediately!" "Coming all the way, Qin Feng himself has nothing to do!"

The two of them flew quickly, constantly passing through the meteorite group, thinking about the depths of the dimensional gap!

Although walking in the gap of the dimension, Qin Feng seemed to be parading in the stars, there was nothing around him, and in the distance were shining points of light, like twinkling stars!

"Are you here?" there are more and more meteorites, and there is no reduction in the slightest!

"Not yet!" Orpheus shook his head!

Qin Feng was surrounded by black mist, and countless meteorites were destroyed by him!

"It's here!" Soon, Qin Feng saw a bright hole in front of him, which looked extremely dazzling in the gray dimensional gap!

"Finally saved!" Qin Feng could feel that there was no tyrannical energy in it, everything was very calm!

"Not good!" Soon, Orpheus's face changed, for he noticed that the bright hole seemed to be blocked!

"It's a meteorite!" At this time, Qin Feng also saw what blocked the entrance of the cave, it was a meteorite the size of the earth, and they also seemed to know that Qin Feng would be safe after escaping there, so they wanted to prevent Qin Feng from entering the center!

"Orpheus, get out of the way!" Qin Feng's face was hideous, and the inky black energy continued to condense!

"Crescent Sky Rush!" a huge slash comparable to a planet was thrown out and slammed into the meteorite!

A loud noise came, and after the aftermath of the energy dissipated, Qin Feng found that the huge meteorite was still there, and his strength was useless!

"Since that's the case, let's play a big game!" Qin Feng snorted coldly and said to Orpheus: "Orpheus, come back to the Underworld!" After speaking, Qin Feng took the lead and returned to the Underworld, and Orpheus also returned to the Underworld!

As soon as Qin Feng returned to the Hades, Zhu Nai hugged Qin Feng and hurriedly asked, "Father, are you okay?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'm fine!" Qin Feng shook his head, and then said, "Everyone go back to their positions, I will forcibly break the meteorite in front of me, as long as we escape there, then we will be safe!" 833

"Yes!" the women nodded, their expressions extremely solemn!

Qin Feng couldn't destroy this planet-sized meteorite with a single blow with all his strength, which shows the strength and hardness of this meteorite!

"It's up to you! Hades Divine Kingdom!" Qin Feng touched the golden handrail on the divine throne and muttered, and the magic power in his whole body began to burst out!

Seeing this, the women also began to burst out of their magical power, and then continuously entered the kingdom of God!

All of a sudden, the entire kingdom of God emitted an astonishing light! In an instant, the entire dimensional gap was shaking.

In the outside world, the pitch-black energy is constantly expanding, of course, these attacks are infused with the energy black mist devoured by the shadows, the meteorite was originally used to deal with the gods, Qin Feng was not stupid enough to simply use the power of the gods to fight the meteorite!

The black light shines to the extreme, and the kingdom of Hades is hidden in the black light!

The kingdom of God collided with meteorites in an instant! Around the collision, countless meteorites were shaken into powder by sound waves in a radius of hundreds of miles.

The extreme explosion was followed by a brief silence.

During the collision, Qin Feng could feel that his divine kingdom had also been greatly damaged!

The sound of "click!" kept coming, and Qin Feng saw that the buildings in the underworld were already full of cracks, and some even collapsed!

"I can't win!" Looking at the meteorite still in front of her, Lias spat out a mouthful of blood and said regretfully!

"No, we won this time!" Qin Feng's state was also extremely sluggish, but with an irrepressible smile on his face!

Sure enough, when Qin Feng's words fell, the planetary meteorite cracked, and finally shattered like a mirror!

"Rush over!" Taking this opportunity, Qin Feng controlled the Divine Kingdom and came to the center of the dimensional gap in one breath!

Sure enough, there was no meteorite attack here, it was white, and it was impossible to see the surrounding situation clearly, and the surroundings were very quiet, very quiet!

Orpheus and Qin Feng came out of the underworld one after another!

"I'm finally back here!" Orpheus whispered to himself, looking at the familiar surroundings!

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