Unlike the gray world outside, it's white, white, and quiet at the same time!

After Qin Feng was sure that it was safe here, the women also came out of the underworld, looking at the surrounding environment curiously!

"Great, we survived!" Zhu Nai hugged Qin Feng's arm and cried with joy!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, after coming to this safe place, the magic power of Qin Feng's body quickly recovered!

"Daughter, you and Qin Feng him...!" At this time, Zhu Li grabbed Zhu Nai and asked later!

"Hmm!" Zhu Nai nodded slightly, and said: "Mother, I really like Qin Feng, and now I am Qin Feng's woman!" After experiencing a series of life and death challenges, Zhu Nai felt that she didn't need to hide it, she wanted to express her love for Qin Feng openly!

"Mother, do you know, when Qin Feng was facing Ragnarok, I was really afraid, I was afraid that Qin Feng would die, and I was afraid that I would lose him from now on!" Zhu Nai lowered his head, like a declaration, and said: "I know that I can't dodge like this anymore, I also want to enjoy the love that Qin Feng gave me openly!"

"You...!" Looking at Zhu Nai's firm eyes, Zhu Li moved his lips, but he didn't say it!

"Qin Feng, you...!" Knowing that he couldn't persuade Zhu Nai, Zhu Li had no choice but to set his eyes on Qin Feng, but seeing that Qin Feng and Zhu Nai were tightly clasped with their fingers, he finally sighed, which was regarded as a tacit acquiescence to their relationship!

After seeing Zhu Nai disclose her relationship, Lias also boldly grabbed Qin Feng's other arm, announcing her relationship with Qin Feng like other women!

Venier Lana's face was stunned, and then she turned red, she knew that Lias was not Qin Feng's biological child, so she didn't have Zhu Li's tangled feelings, but she was a little shy at the thought that she was going to wait for a man with her daughter!

"Father, there's nothing in the white expanse here?" Zhu Nai asked suspiciously!

"It's not strange!" Lias thought for a moment and said, "This is the center of the dimensional gap, except for the True Red Dragon God Emperor and Orpheus, no one should have come here, we are the first guests here!"

"But where is the True Red Dragon God Emperor?" Zhu Nai asked again!

"This center is very large, the True Red Dragon God Emperor will not stay in one place, we may not have met it!"

"Orpheus, are you back?!" At this time, Qin Feng saw a huge red shadow rolling in the vast white world!

"True Red Dragon God Emperor, why are you here?" Seeing the True Red Dragon God Emperor again, Orpheus looked at the True Red Dragon God Emperor with some vigilance!

"I didn't expect you to bring outsiders in here!" After saying that, the red dragon slowly changed into a cute girl with yellow hair!

"He's Qin Feng!" After speaking, the True Red Dragon God Emperor's gaze was on Qin Feng, and said: "Caused Ragnarok, come here to take refuge, I'm sorry, I have the responsibility to maintain peace and security here!"

"What do you want? Expelling us?" Orpheus sneered and said, "Do you think that you alone will be my opponent with Qin Feng!"

"I'll defeat you, of course, if it weren't for that little girl, I wouldn't be here!" The True Red Dragon God Emperor pointed at Zhu Nai beside Qin Feng and smiled!

"Ah, I brought you here?" Zhu Nai was a little surprised, it was the first time she and the True Red Dragon God Emperor had met!

"To be precise, it was your strong desire to have a dream reaction, and the dream of your father's strong desire to live attracted me!"

"Father, I'm sorry!" Hearing this, Zhu Nai's heart was cold, and he hurriedly apologized!

"Silly Nizi, it has nothing to do with you!" Qin Feng touched Zhu Nai's head, then looked at the True Red Dragon God Emperor and asked, "Do you really want to be my enemy?"

Hearing this, the True Red Dragon God Emperor smiled, "Ragnarok will hunt you down to the ends of the earth, that is to say, you have no other choice but to stay here~'!"

"Then do you think I'll leave here?" Hearing this, Qin Feng sneered again!

"Of course not, so I think you can do something for me, it's a good deal to stay here!"

"Okay!" Qin Feng nodded, he was already the Hades King now, but the True Red Dragon God Emperor in front of him was equal in strength to him, Qin Feng was afraid that once a battle broke out, this place would collapse, and when the time came, Qin Feng would have to face the endless pursuit of Ragnarok!

"You know Lezevim, right?" said the True Red Dragon God Emperor!

"If you're talking about him, then he's dead!" Qin Feng said lightly!

"Yes, he's dead, but his Super Beast Ghost and Mighty Beast Ghost have found here, and it seems that they are coming to deal with me!" said the True Red Dragon God Emperor!

"Creatures in the Bible!" Qin Feng was stunned, he didn't expect that Liezevim had resurrected these two powerful monsters, of course, this strength was relative, for the True Red Dragon God Emperor, the two beast kings were definitely not his opponents!

"That's right!" the True Red Dragon God Emperor nodded!

"Although the Beastmaster is strong, it hasn't reached the point where you can't deal with it!" Qin Feng frowned and asked!

"Yes, I have the ability to deal with it, but I can't make a move, because this place will not be able to withstand my strength and collapse!And you can't make a move!" The True Red Dragon God Emperor said again: "My idea is to let the women behind you do it!"

"But with their strength, it's a little reluctant to face the two holy beasts!"

"I'll give them power, just like Orpheus!" the True Red Dragon God Emperor smiled, his eyes fixed on Lias, and a red light poured into Lias's body! "Then you can rest assured!"

"Hmm!" After Qin Feng was sure that Lias had received great benefits, he finally nodded and agreed!

Soon, the True Red Dragon God Emperor took Qin Feng and the others through the space and came to a place, here, there are a lot of super beast ghosts and powerful beast ghosts, and the size is huge, Rao is in the vast world is also extremely obvious!

Qin Feng didn't expect that the number of these monsters would be so amazing, and he didn't expect that Liezevim had already sent the Beast King into the dimensional gap to deal with the True Red Dragon God Emperor, but where did he think that how could these monsters be the opponent of the True Red Dragon God Emperor!

The women who have become gods easily destroyed these monsters, and in the end, only the beast king and super beast ghosts remained!

Although the super beast ghost is humanoid, it also has various parts of dragons, lions and other creatures on its body, and it is a monster like a Chimera, which is even bigger than the real body of the True Red Dragon God Emperor!

"Lias, I'll leave it to you with the super beast ghost!" Qin Feng smiled softly and said!

"Hmm!" Lias nodded, her heart moved, and then she turned into a true dragon like the True Red Dragon God Emperor, this is the power that Lias got from the True Red Dragon God Emperor!

It can be said that it was an overwhelming battle, Lias opened the dragon's mouth, energy condensed in the mouth, and finally a huge extremely thick red aura cannon burst was launched!

After the shelling is over, the figure of the super beast ghost is gone!

After destroying the super beast ghosts, Qin Feng and the others can be regarded as settling down in the dimensional gap!

The time of the dimensional gap is not clear, but to God, time is meaningless!

One day, Qin Feng and the True Red Dragon God Emperor had an in-depth exchange!

"I want to go out!" Qin Feng said solemnly!

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Hearing this, the True Red Dragon God Emperor said in surprise!

"Of course I'm afraid of death, so I'm here to ask if there's a way to get the best of both worlds!" Qin Feng thought for a while and said!

"It's impossible to destroy Ragnarok!" Hearing this, the True Red Dragon God Emperor shook his head and said, "At least with your current strength, I can't do it, there is another way, which is to give up your current god position, of course, giving up the god position means giving up the power you have now!!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng's face was stunned, and then he frowned, he killed all the way, relying on this strength, even if he could never go out, he didn't want to give up his strength!

"You can't give up your strength, right!" the True Red Dragon God Emperor smiled and said Qin Feng's heart!

"Is there no other way?" Qin Feng asked without giving up!

"No!" Hearing this, the True Red Dragon God Emperor shook his head!

"Oh, by the way, if I can leave this world, will Ragnarok still target me?"

"Other worlds, what do you mean?" the True Red Dragon God Emperor wondered!

"That means entering another dimension!" Qin Feng thought for a moment, and then said, "I'll tell you nothing, I'm here from another world!"

"It's another world!" The True Red Dragon God Emperor nodded, not too surprised, among the demon colleges, with the existence of dimensional gaps, there will naturally be other worlds, Liezevim discovered the other world, and he still wants to conquer the other world!

"Then can you tell me about the other world?" asked the True Red Dragon God Emperor curiously, she knew that there was another world, but she had never been there!

Qin Feng recalled his past, and then said: "What about me, I was originally a very ordinary human being, living in a society with a developed mechanical civilization, where there is no super power, and the power of the individual is not obvious, and by chance, I got a very strange ability, the ability to devour everything, and then came to a world, where there are beasts, elves, vampires, artificial life, etc., there, I got the power to summon beasts, such as this!" After Qin Feng finished speaking, the magic power in his hand burst out, and then a yellow thunder lion was formed!

"Hmm!" The True Red Dragon God Emperor was even more curious, and after glancing at the beast, he asked again, "Is there anything else?"

"Of course, my second world is the world of gods and earthly kings, that is, the world of gods and godkillers!"

"Can humans kill gods?" Hearing this, the True Red Dragon God Emperor was surprised!

"That's right, although the probability of this is very small, but once he succeeds, then he will be able to inherit everything from the gods, not a god, but he can have the combat power of a god!" Qin Feng smiled: "And I, I killed a lot of gods there and gained a lot of power, but those powers can only be used in that world, so when I came to this world, I didn't bring them over!"

"The third world is this world, you know everything that happens!" Qin Feng smiled bitterly!

"According to what you say, Ragnarok will only target this world, and if you go to another world, Ragnarok should be useless!"

"However, you have the power to travel through the dimension?" the True Red Dragon God Emperor also asked curiously!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded and said, "In the first world, I gained that kind of power!"

"Then can you take me out of another world, I want to see it too!" Hearing this, the True Red Dragon Divine Emperor spoke!

Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head and said, "With my current strength, I can't take people there!!unless I become stronger!"

"That's it!Forget it!" The True Red Dragon God Emperor nodded, and then asked, "When are you going to leave for the other world?"

"It should be soon!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, "I'll go and improve my divine kingdom first!" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Qin Feng regained his divine seat, his magic burst out, and the architecture of the Kingdom of God expanded and changed again!

The kingdom of God is divided into two halves, the first half is the terrifying Huangquan Road, the eighteen layers of hell, etc., and in the middle is the Wall of Sighs, and the other end of the Wall of Sighs (the king's) is the Pure Land of Bliss!

There, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, beautiful, here is splendid and splendid, and the huge building complex is closely linked, six palaces, twelve halls, twenty-four pavilions, thirty-six pavilions and pavilions.

Red walls and green tiles, elegant and magnificent. The golden bricks and jade pillars are magnificent and dazzling. It exudes a nine-colored glow, and the surrounding Ruicai is steaming, and under the cornerstone is a huge cloud composed of blue and white gas.

The women have already settled in the Pure Land of Bliss, and Qin Feng has also come to the Pure Land of Bliss!

This kingdom of the underworld has become magnificent once again!

Suddenly, Qin Feng thought that if he could pass through here without being chased by Ragnarok, then he would be furious!

First of all, he has become a god, which is his biggest gain, and second, he may be able to leave this world with the kingdom of the underworld, so that he doesn't have to be separated from his own woman!

With this thought, Qin Feng once again found the True Red Dragon God Emperor!

"I have a way to take you away!" At this time, Qin Feng said with a smile!


"Well, you are hiding in my Hades Divine Kingdom, and the Hades Divine Kingdom and I are one, so that we can get out of here!" Qin Feng said his thoughts!

"Really?" the True Red Dragon God Emperor was overjoyed, and then asked!

"Of course!" Qin Feng nodded, if he could really take the True Red Dragon God Emperor away, then he would have one more super thug!

"Come in!" After Qin Feng nodded, he began to open his Hades Divine Kingdom and let her in!

The True Red Dragon God Emperor's body moved, and then he entered the Pure Land of Bliss!

After all the women returned to the Pure Land of Bliss, the next moment, Qin Feng opened the spatial passage and slowly walked in!

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