Qin Feng has done a coordinate positioning in the Blood Devouring World, and now that he has the Underworld Divine Kingdom, he naturally has to go back and bring back Xuecai and the other women!

He quickly opened up to the world of devouring blood, as the True Red Dragon God Emperor said, there is no twilight of the gods here!

Qin Feng's Divine Kingdom appeared in the sky above, because Qin Feng had already become a god, and his breath could be completely hidden, so he did not alarm the people of this world, including the three true ancestors!

"It seems that I'm very lucky!" Qin Feng, who was sitting on the throne of the gods, grinned without discovering the twilight of the gods!

"Hmm!" The True Red Dragon God Emperor nodded, and then through the screen condensed by the black qi in front of him, the screen was the situation of the String God Island below, of course, it was now the capital of the Qin Empire established by Qin Feng!

"This is the world you are talking about?" said the True Red Dragon God Emperor with a smile!

"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded, looking at the String God Island, which had changed a lot of appearance, but still had a sense of familiarity, Qin Feng sighed a lot! Looking at the String God Island below, Qin Feng already knew that since he left the Blood-Devouring Attack World, the time here has not stopped, that is to say, the five-minute world theory of Xiandu Mu Aye is wrong, although the Blood-Eating Attack is a comic world, it is also real! I just don't know, how many years have passed since I left now!

"This is my father's world?" At this time, Zhu Nai also muttered, full of curiosity!!

"I want to go down and see!" all the women want to go down and see the world!

"Then let's go down and have a look!" Qin Feng smiled, he also missed Xuecai and them!"But you have to be careful, there are many races in this world!"

"I know!" Zhu Nai waved his hand and said, "Actually, I also want to see the so-called beasts!"

As soon as he heard Zhu Nai's words, Qin Feng knew that Zhu Nai didn't take his words to heart, but he still said: "Although you are gods, there are few things that can threaten you, but it's better to be careful! When I left, as the strongest combat force in this world, the three true ancestors had not yet died, and more importantly, this world didn't know if there were any other changes!"

"Is the True Ancestor strong?" asked Lias as well!

"Well, this!" Qin Feng thought for a moment, and then said, "I used to win the title of the strongest true ancestor, but now that I have been away for so long, the world should forget me!"

"Haha, father, this is easy to do, I'll take the lead and correct your name!" Zhu Nai said immediately!

"Let's go down!" smiled, and did not deny Zhu Nai's words, Qin Feng was about to leave, but Lias screamed in surprise!

"We... We can't leave here!"

"Impossible!" The True Red Dragon Divine Emperor was a little unconvinced, and then tried it too, but found that the Underworld Divine Kingdom was surrounded by obstacles, as if it was pinched by an invisible big hand, and Rao himself couldn't leave here!

"How is this possible!" Seeing that the True Red Dragon God Emperor was also rebounded, Qin Feng gave it a try and came out of the Hades Mansion very easily!

"I see!" The True Red Dragon God Emperor thought about it and quickly came up with an answer! "That invisible barrier should be the consciousness of this world!"

"World consciousness?" Hearing this, the women were stunned!

"That's right!" The True Red Dragon God Emperor nodded and said: "Every world consciousness is exclusive, it is like a recognition machine, people without ID cards cannot enter this world, and we, who are not originally from this world, cannot come to this world!"

"You mean we're black?" Lias said hesitantly!

"That's right!" the True Red Dragon God Emperor nodded!

"Is there a solution to that?" Zhu Nai also asked!

"I'm sorry, I don't know!" Hearing this, the True Red Dragon God Emperor shook his head!

"Then why can my father travel through multiple worlds?"

"Maybe it has something to do with his own ability!" What the True Red Dragon God Emperor said was still very convincing!

"It seems that we can only understand the world below through this screen!" In the end, all the women had no choice but to accept this reality! And Qin Feng was also a little frustrated, originally thought that he had obtained a gold medal fighter, but he didn't expect that this gold medal fighter could only operate in the kingdom of the underworld, just like a tiger imprisoned!

After Qin Feng came down, he decided to understand the surrounding situation first!

Qin Feng first appeared in the place of Haicai School Park, but he found that there were high-rise buildings here, and there was no school, so he was slightly stunned, could it be that this place was demolished?

With doubts, Qin Feng asked the passers-by and said, "Can you tell me, has Haicai School moved away?"

"Ah! Haicai School Park?I don't know!" asked a few pedestrians in a row, and they all said they didn't know!

"Uncle, has Haicai School been demolished?" Qin Feng asked an older man again!

"Demolished?" Hearing this, the old man glanced at Qin Feng strangely and said, "Young man, you are from a foreign country, right?"

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, "I'm here to visit!"

"Hehe, that's no wonder!" the old man smiled and said: "Haicai School Park has not been demolished, it moved away ten years ago, and it has been renamed Imperial School Park! Look at that tall building, it is the symbol of the Imperial School Park!" After speaking, the old man pointed to the building in the distance (CBEF) and said straight into the sky!

"By the way, young man, what are you doing here?" asked the old man again!

"I'm here to pay homage to the idol's strongest true ancestor!" Qin Feng laughed again!

"Hehe, young man, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to realize this wish!" the old man squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "The strongest true ancestor is no longer in the Qin Empire!"


"I don't know about this!According to the grapevine, twenty years ago, the strongest True Ancestor traveled to another dimension!" the old man said with a smile!

Qin Feng nodded, but he was surprised in his heart, he didn't expect that twenty years had passed since he left here!

"Then who is in control of the Qin Empire now?" Qin Feng asked again!

"Of course she is the strongest true ancestor's woman!" the old man smiled, "Don't underestimate them, their strength is also very strong, of course, their political skills are also strong!!" Through the conversation with the old man, Qin Feng knew a lot of things, first, after he left, the women maintained the operation of the empire, and the empire was not destroyed, now, there are only four major countries in this world, and their rulers are all true ancestors, the forgotten war king who rules Europe, the pupil of destruction of the lord of West Asia, There is also the Chaos Empress who rules North and South America, and finally the fourth true ancestor of the Qin Empire, Agulola!

It is worth mentioning that Agulola regained the title of the Fourth True Ancestor with the last powerful beast, the Enchantress's Cang Bing!

However, what made Qin Feng care was that the original Karn had been resurrected, and the four great countries had been severely damaged, but Caine was extremely powerful, and the four True Ancestors planned to unite to fight Cain!

After bidding farewell to the old man, Qin Feng soon came to the Imperial Academy!

Today's Imperial School Park is more than twice as big as the original Haicai School Park.,It's the same as the Koma King School Park established by Qin Feng in the Demon Academy.,There are junior high schools.,High school.,Three major parts of college!

"It's really good!" Looking at the students around him, Qin Feng narrowed his eyes!

Suddenly, a girl in a school uniform caught Qin Feng's attention, because this girl looked exactly like Yukina!

"Xuecai?" Qin Feng was about to shout out, when it suddenly occurred to him that after twenty years, Xuecai would definitely not be able to study, and this girl was still studying, although she was exactly the same as Xuecai, but it would definitely not be Xuecai! Who would it be? Qin Feng thought in his heart, and soon thought that this girl might be Xuecai's daughter and his own daughter!

He sensed the girl's strength a little, how similar it was to himself, especially in the vampire physique and the power of the beast, and was sure that the girl was his own daughter, but he found that the girl who felt that someone was peeping also set her eyes on Qin Feng!

As the daughter of the strongest true ancestor, Ling Cai can be said to be the princess of the Qin Empire, and her identity is extremely noble, but Xuecai's education is still very successful, and she didn't go domineering because of her noble identity, just like ordinary high school students, she studied in the Imperial School Park, of course, her ostensible identity is a student, and her actual identity is the leader of the guardian area, and there are dozens of demon attackers in her hands, working together to help her protect this important area!

Today, it's rare to have no task, Ling Cai is going to school, but he finds that a very strange boy is looking at himself!

"Who is that person?" Ling Cai glanced at Qin Feng, but thought in her heart, according to her memory, she didn't know the man in front of her, but why did this man give her a kind feeling?

"Moreover, this boy looks so familiar!" Ling Cai thought again! Actually, Ling Cai, as Xuecai's daughter, naturally saw Qin Feng's appearance, but after Qin Feng became a god, his hair became very long, draped on his fair face, covering part of his face, and Ling Cai, who had never seen his father, naturally didn't recognize it!

Zero was about to take the strange boy away, but the next moment, the radio rang out!

"Please note, if you find abnormal magic and determine the demon attack, the target E1 area, please take refuge in the underground bomb shelter for the people of E1 area!"

"Please note, if you find abnormal magic and determine the demon attack, the target E1 area, please take refuge in the underground bomb shelter for the people of E1 area!"

"Please note, if you find abnormal magic and determine the demon attack, the target E1 area, please take refuge in the underground bomb shelter for the people of E1 area!"

The broadcast was repeated several times, and the crowd around Qin Feng was stunned!

"The demons have invaded, everyone hurry up!" A sharp cry, cramped footsteps suddenly sounded, and then frantically ran to the entrance of the nearby air-raid shelter!

"Damn!" Ling Cai naturally wouldn't go to take refuge, she picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "There is a demon invasion in the E1 area, please support immediately!" After Ling Cai finished speaking, his eyes glanced at the sky, and Qin Feng, his eyes were also on the sky, and he saw that countless black dots flew towards here!

"Oh my God!

"Those demons are so rampant that they want to attack here!"

"Isn't it, if the strongest True Ancestor is still there, how can these demons be arrogant!"

"It can't be said that it has been a few years since Caine's resurrection, not only the Qin Empire, but also all countries in the world have also suffered a lot, and the demon race is really powerful!"

"It's true that a True Ancestor is not an opponent of the Demon Clan, but I heard that the Four True Ancestors are ready to join forces, and I think this kind of fearful days will soon come to an end!"

"Okay, don't talk about it, hurry up and evacuate!"


Soon, there was no one on the street, and those demons had already come to the sky above the E1 area!

"The gold of the gun!" "The magic power on Zero Na's body exploded, and then he took a golden spear from the void, and from the outside, it looked very much like Yukina's Snow Wolf!

The demons began to attack the area under the jurisdiction of Ling Cai, and among them, a demon opened its mouth, and black energy condensed in its mouth!

"Die!" "Death!" Ling Cai throws, the gold of the gun penetrates the bodies of dozens of demons at once, after the gold of the gun penetrates the body of the demons, as if there is life, it continues to penetrate the bodies of the surrounding demons, for a while, those demons were killed by Ling Cai like chopping melons and vegetables, almost no demons can block Ling Cai's attack, and finally, a huge demon clan will fly the gold of Ling Cai's gun!

"A little ability!" The gold of the gun returned to his hand, Ling Cai sneered, jumped up, and then appeared in front of the huge demon!

"Roar!" the demon roared, and his claws crossed and flung out, but Ling Cai calmly stopped it!

"Your heat isn't enough!" Ling Cai didn't forget to fight back when he calmly dodged, and soon, the monster was already scarred!

"I'm not going to play with you!!' Zero Vegetable shouted arrogantly, and another shot pierced through the monster's abdomen, there were a lot of monsters invaded this time, and Zero Vegetable didn't have time to fight a protracted battle with this monster, so after killing this monster, Zero Vegetable immediately pounced on another monster, of course, with the level of these monsters, it was almost a one-sided torture and killing, but there were too many monsters, and Zero Vegetable was just tired of dealing with it, and soon, the demon attacker arrived!

After the Demon Attacker arrived, it was even easier for Zero to kill these monsters!

After almost cleaning up the attacking monsters, a black hole suddenly opened in the sky!

"How can this be?" Ling Cai could feel that in the black hole, a terrifying aura was leaking out, it was an aura that was not inferior to himself in the slightest, and even stronger than himself!

Soon, Ling Cai saw that the huge monster had come out of the giant black hole!

It is as high as a hundred zhang, the human body is bull's head, the forehead is in the middle of the eyebrows, there is a natural pattern, shaped like a curved crescent, there is no strong scale armor, but a natural black plate armor, at a glance, it is like a huge black pillar of heaven, and the crescent moon pattern on the forehead, exuding a strange blue glow, flying far away in the sky, like a round of moon!

"Captain, what should we do now?" The rest of the demon attackers were also frightened by this monster!

"Call for support now, I'll drag this monster!" Zero Cai immediately made a decision and said immediately!

"Captain, but...!" the demon attacker below hesitated!

"Nothing!" Ling Cai waved his hand and said, "Hurry up!"

Zero Cai jumped onto the roof of the Imperial School Park, and was far away from the giant monster!

The huge monster set its sights on Ling Cai, although it didn't have much intelligence, but instinctively felt that the little little dot in front of him was challenging his authority!

"Roar!" The giant monster roared at Zero Food, and the breath that erupted from its mouth hung up with a gust of wind! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's really amazing!" Ling Cai frowned, but said, "Don't you guys know that you have bad breath!" After speaking, Ling Cai jumped up and stabbed out the gold of the gun!

"Bump!" Although there is no scale armor, Ling Cai finds that he feels like he is stabbed on a big rock!

"The defense is amazing!" "Zero Dish came to the back of the monster, thinking about it at the same time, he also began to walk to the monster's brain, wanting to give the monster a fatal blow, although the monster's defense is amazing, but any creature is the same, the brain is always the most vulnerable part, and the monster is no exception, so Zero Dish intends to attack the monster's brain!

When the monster found the ant walking on its body, it immediately roared out, and kept slapping its palms on itself!

However, Zero Dish jumped and took it away, and soon came to the top of the monster's head!

"Suffer death!" Ling Cai shouted arrogantly, and the tip of the gold of the gun in his hand split its wings, and suddenly bloomed with a strong golden light, and the magic power was surrounded by layers!

Zero Cai stabbed the monster's brain at once!

The gold of the gun pierced directly through the monster's brain, and the monster seemed to be in extreme pain, shouting, and grabbed Ling Cai with his palm, and then threw Ling Cai off the ground!

Like a cannonball, Zero fell to the ground, but the monster's brain was damaged, and after struggling in the sky for a long time, it also fell!

"Whew! I almost died just now!" Ling Cai fell from a height of several kilometers, then got up like nothing, patted the dust on his body, and laughed at himself!

"Boom!", the monster also fell to the ground, although it was injured in the brain, but it was not dead, but stood up tremblingly!

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