"Can you still stand up!" Seeing that the monster was still alive, Ling Cai was a little surprised, but he didn't have the slightest fear, but smiled: "This is better, in the sky, I can't play to my advantage!" After speaking, the gold of the gun in Ling Cai's hand seemed to understand the master's mind, and it shined again!

"This time, I must kill you!" Ling Cai sneered and rushed forward!

The monster raised his head to the sky and roared, and after he found that he still had half of his head left, the momentum was like a volcanic eruption, and it climbed again!

"I'm going to kill you!" the monster who had never been wise finally said these simple words!

It looked at the flying Zero Dish and grabbed it fiercely with its right paw!

Whew! It is extremely powerful, and its right claw is extremely huge, swinging in the air, directly destroying a large area of buildings around it!

The air was violently squeezed, there was a loud explosion, and the wind roared like a dragon, and under this blow, Zero's figure shattered like foam.

"The captain is dead!" The individual demon attackers who stayed behind to take care of it suddenly became depressed when they saw Ling Cai's body being torn apart!

Qin Feng's face remained unchanged, and the monster did not have any joy color, but was even more violent, its expression was as hideous as a demon, it turned its huge eyes, and stared at ~ another high altitude viciously.

There, Ling Cai held a spear aloft, and the spear became so huge that it was hard to imagine that a petite girl could lift something like Optimus Prime, and at the top of the spear, the golden light was extremely dazzling, like a sun!

"It's too fast!"

"It's so fast that it has formed an afterimage, and the blow just now only broke through this afterimage!" Soon, the Demon Attacker understood—come here!

Seeing Ling Cai again, the monster was a little afraid, to be precise, it should be afraid of the gold of the gun in Ling Cai's hand!

"Suffer death!" Ling Cai shouted again, the spear in his hand was not slow, and he quickly put it down, and then, the golden energy slash was thrown out!

It's like a curtain of light falling from the sky, directly splitting the monster into two!

Boom Boom Boom !!!

A huge explosion was heard, and when the smoke cleared, the monster had been split in two!

"Captain, you're amazing!" After seeing the monster being dismembered, the demon attackers walked up happily and said with a smile!

"No, it's not dead yet!" Ling Cai just showed a relaxed expression, and then his expression became solemn!

"No, won't you die?" the Demon Attacker thought Zero was joking!

"Everyone be on alert!" Ling Cai didn't explain too much, and after shouting, the fishy wind blew in, and everyone felt unusually uncomfortable!

The fishy wind blows, and it all pours into the smooth cut of the monster!!

"It's really going to be resurrected!" the attackers' faces changed, and soon, the two halves of the corpse began to squirm, and then fused together like flour, crumpled together!

"Not good!" Ling Cai's face changed, and the gold of the gun in his hand stabbed out, but after the gold of the gun pierced in, it was like piercing into a marshmallow, and the tip was dented with the flesh, which was very weird!

Ling Cai frowned, and then quickly stabbed hundreds of shots, but all the same!

"We're attacking too!" the attackers glanced at each other and used their own tricks!

For a while, there was a constant blast of magic against the monster, but the effect received was very small!

Qin Feng was in the distance, looking at the-like monster with a smile, and sighed secretly in his heart, Cain is worthy of being the ancestor of the demon race, and he can raise the strength of the demon race to such a strong level, but for Qin Feng, it is just an ant, but for Ling Cai, it is a good opportunity to experience!!

The lump of flesh gradually took shape, and finally it took on the form of the monster again!

The monster was unharmed, and even the brain that was killed by Zero Dish was already healed, and the monster glared at Zero Vegetable angrily and pounced on it all at once!

"Captain, what are we going to do?" the attackers were terrified!

"Whew!" Zero Cai calmed down, and the gold of the spear suddenly pressed against its chest, preventing it from getting closer!

"Hurry up!" said Zero Dish to the Demon Attacker behind him!

The demon attacker didn't say a word, and hurriedly fled, and Ling Cai also jumped up, the golden gun in his hand shone again, followed by a blow, the monster was killed again, and with a howl, a huge blood mark appeared in a semicircle on his left shoulder, and the wound was golden and glowing, and there was a black demonic qi constantly burning, like black smoke, trying to recover, and was temporarily suppressed by the golden light.

The golden light flashed again, and the zero dish stabbed out again!

The monster's whole body was like an electric shock, subconsciously pulling back the left leg that was attacked, its left leg had also pierced a big hole, and the tide-like sharp pain invaded its nerves in waves, like adding fuel to the fire, so that its fury added a violent irritability, in this extreme anger, its whole body burned bursts of black smoke, black smoke swirled together, rising, rolling endlessly!

Boom! The monster swung its fist so fast that it left an afterimage in the air.

It's hard to imagine that it is so huge and has such a speed.

Caught off guard, his body was suddenly hit, and he finally flew out upside down!

"Not only the attack speed, but even the attack intensity, has skyrocketed several times. It seems that the more angry and irritable these monsters are, the more powerful they become. "Zero Cai was not seriously injured, and he analyzed while walking over!

"However, you won't be my opponent!" After speaking, a powerful black mist erupted from Ling Cai's body!

"This is...!" Qin Feng was stunned, he didn't expect Ling Cai to inherit his Shadow Devouring ability!

"It seems that this girl will surprise me!" Qin Feng smiled faintly!

The black qi on Ling Cai's body surged, forming a huge palm in the sky!

"Roar!" the monster roared and pounced again!

A huge palm fell from the sky and pressed the monster to the ground in one fell swoop!

"I won't let you hurt this beautiful city again!" A cold light burst out of Ling Cai's eyes, and the golden spear in his hand began to condense his magic power, and at the same time as the magic power was condensed, the light also bloomed, but it was not golden light, but black light!

"Die!" Zero just stabbed out!

"Roar!" This time, Ling Cai picked off a piece of flesh and blood on the monster's shoulder, this time, the flesh and blood did not heal, and the black qi attached to it was eating away at his flesh instead, and the devouring ability of the Shadow Devouring was domineering!

"It hurts!" the monster yelled again!

The monster broke free and fought with Ling Cai again, but after Ling Cai used his shadow devouring ability, he had already gained the upper hand, and soon, the two fought and left, and came to a place close to Qin Feng!

The monster roared, and black energy began to condense in its mouth, attacking Zero Food!

Ling Cai jumped lightly and easily dodged this attack!

Ling Cai was in the sky, and when he looked back, he found that the young man with a familiar feeling just now was still there, and the black energy blasted straight at the young man!

"Hurry up and get out of the way!" Ling Cai shouted, and at the same time, her body quickly pounced, wanting to save Qin Feng! She didn't know why she had such a move, she only knew that if she didn't save the man in front of her, she would definitely regret it!

In addition, Qin Feng originally wanted to block this attack, but he didn't expect Ling Cai to pounce on him like he was dead, as if he wanted to save himself!

Qin Feng stopped operating the magic, and Ling Cai finally caught up at the last moment!

Ling Cai came to another place with Qin Feng in his arms, and looking at the attack that destroyed a large number of buildings, Ling Cai yelled at Qin Feng: "Why are you still here, why don't you take refuge in the air-raid shelter! You know that this is very dangerous! You don't want to die!"

Ling Cai looked at Qin Feng angrily, and was about to speak, but he found that the monster's attack was coming again, and in desperation, Ling Cai picked up Qin Feng again and jumped up!

"You're looking for death!" a cold light burst out of Ling Cai's eyes, and then, above the gold of the gun, a black cyclone swirled, and then condensed on the end of the gun!

The golden tip of the spear turned jet black, and Zero Dish shot at the monster, and at the end of the gun, a huge spear shot out!


The monster never healed again, and after it turned into ashes and disappeared, the demon attackers walked up!

"Captain, you're amazing!" Seeing Ling Cai destroy the monster, one of the demon attackers complimented!

"Yes, Captain, you are the patron saint here!" They said good things not only because of Zero's strength, but also because of Zero's identity, the princess of the Empire!!

Zero Cai's compliments are naturally true, and at this time, she remembered the boy who gave her a familiar feeling!!

"Huh?" Ling Cai found that he was still holding the strange boy, and the manly breath entered his snort, his face suddenly turned red, and he hurriedly let go of Qin Feng!

"Are you okay!" Ling Cai didn't know why he wanted to scold this young man who didn't know the height of the sky, but when the monster came, he didn't go to the bomb shelter to take refuge, he was really looking for death, but he said soft words!

"I'm fine!" Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head!

"Hmm!" Ling Cai nodded, because after Qin Feng became a god, his aura was all constricted, and he looked like an ordinary person, so Ling Cai treated Qin Feng as an ordinary person, which was also the reason why Ling Cai was familiar with Qin Feng, but he didn't think about his father!

"Remember, if you are in danger in the future, you must go to the bomb shelter!"

Ling Cai is easy to speak, but the demon attackers under her are different, one of the demon attackers glanced at Qin Feng, and said coldly: "Your life will be saved, but Lord Ling Cai's arm is injured, and the next time the monster invades, Lord Ling Cai will be in danger!"

"Are you injured?" Qin Feng looked at Ling Cai's shoulder, there was a trace of blood, it should have been injured when he was saving himself!

"Hehe, with my physique, it will heal soon!"

"Show me!" Qin Feng was very domineering and pulled Ling Cai's arm! I don't know why, Ling Cai didn't resist, and even enjoyed the feeling of being cared for by Qin Feng, maybe she didn't know why, you know, in the past twenty years, she has never been so close to a man!

The wound is not big, but it is slowly healing!Qin Feng stretched out his palm and slowly stuck it to Ling Cai's wound!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

"You... What are you doing?" Zero frowned, she didn't believe that the boy in front of her could heal her injuries!

"Don't move!" Qin Feng's palm was attached to the wound, and after half a breath, Qin Feng's palm moved away, and Ling Cai's wound disappeared!

Ask for flowers0

This time, Ling Cai looked at Qin Feng in surprise!, "Are you an over-adaptor?" Ling Cai asked suspiciously!

"So to speak!" Hearing this, Qin Feng smiled!

"Very good!" Ling Cai nodded, and then seemed to think of something, and said, "My name is Ling Cai, what's your name?"

"My name is Zheng Qin!" Qin Feng smiled and casually said a pseudonym!

"Zheng Qin?" Ling Cai muttered, and at the same time took out a small computer machine, as if searching for Qin Feng's name!

"Without your name, who are you?" Soon, Ling Cai and Qin Feng distanced themselves and said vigilantly!

"Don't get me wrong!" Qin Feng hurriedly spread his hands and said, "I just came from a foreign country and haven't seen monsters, so I can't run when I see those monsters!"

"Hmm!" Ling Cai nodded, although he was skeptical about Qin Feng's identity, but if he came from abroad, it would take a little time to verify his identity!

"By the way, Zheng Qin, you just came here, and you don't have a place to live yet!" Ling Cai thought for a moment, and then said!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded!

"Then you join my team first. Your healing ability is very important to the Demon Attacker!" Ling Cai smiled again: "The problem of residence, we will help you solve it!"

"Lord Zero, is this a good thing, let a stranger join the guards!"

"There's nothing bad about it!" Ling Cai shook her head, "He'll be watched by me!" Although Ling Cai was suspicious of Qin Feng, she still invited him to join the Demon Attacker, so that she could spy on Qin Feng, and secondly, that inexplicable familiarity made her want to have more contact with Qin Feng!

"Okay!" Qin Feng smiled, he agreed to join the team of zero vegetables!

Soon, Ling Cai took Qin Feng to an abandoned apartment!

These apartments look shabby from the outside, but once inside, they are luxurious!

"The environment here is good!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Don't get me wrong!" Ling Cai smiled and said, "Although this place is good, it's all from the Empire, and the Demon Attackers are fighting for the people, so they really need to enjoy it!"

"Oh!" Qin Feng nodded and continued to ask, "Then what do I need to do?"

"It's good to live like a normal person!" Zero continued, "We'll let you know when there's a mission!"

Although Qin Feng restrained his breath and did not alarm anyone, as a mount, the Warcraft Leviathan seemed to know about Qin Feng's return and slowly woke up from his slumber!

The huge eyes looked up at the sky, and after seeing that there was nothing in the sky, they fell into a deep sleep again!

However, Leviathan, who hadn't woken up for twenty years, suddenly woke up and attracted the attention of many people, especially Qin Feng's women!

The palace sits on the back of Leviathan, since twenty years ago, after the actual controller of the Qin Empire left this world, Leviathan has also fallen into a deep sleep, twenty years have passed, and it has been safe! But on this day, Leviathan suddenly woke up from his slumber, his huge head looked directly at the sky, and his huge body moved slightly!

Of course, this slight move is in the eyes of Leviathan, and in the eyes of everyone, it is a distance that has moved a province, completely separating the palace and the island of the string gods, and the palace building has also collapsed a little!!

Leviathan's movement quickly attracted the attention of the women, and Yukina rushed out first, and sure enough, she saw Leviathan wake up, and from a distance, she could see Leviathan's head looking at the sky!

"In the sky!" Yukina also hurriedly looked at the sky, but in the sky, there was no special existence in the blue sky and white clouds!

"Xuecai, is Qin Feng back?" At this time, Sha Yahua also walked out and asked anxiously!

Hearing this, Yukina shook her head in frustration, didn't find anything, and said, "I don't know either!"

"Oh!" Saya Hua sighed faintly, at this time, twenty years have passed, but the years have not left traces on Yukina and other women, Yukina and the others still maintain their original appearance, but they have changed out of the pure school clothes and put on more mature clothes, a little less cute, a little more charming!

"But... But how did the Leviathan wake up?" asked Sayaka again!

"I think it should have something to do with the rampant demons!" After thinking about it, Yukina gave a reasonable explanation!

"Why don't we go find shallots!She's a computer expert, let her look at the video of Xianshen Island, maybe she can find out Qin Feng!"

"There's no need for Qin Feng to hide from us!" "If Qin Feng comes back, he will definitely return to the palace, since Qin Feng didn't appear, it means that Qin Feng didn't return!"

"You can't say that!" Hearing this, Sha Yahua shook his head and said, "Maybe Qin Feng has something to delay!"

"Then it's up to you!" Yukina finally agreed!

"There's nothing in the sky!" At this time, a little girl of four or five years old appeared on the top floor of the palace and muttered, she was that month, as always, wearing a gothic dress, looking very cute, since she was deprived of time by Qin Feng, she has been like this for twenty years, but it seems that she has adapted to this body and!.

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