"Of course, you're only a teenager, what can you do if you don't study!"

"But didn't I become a demon attacker!" Qin Feng smiled, he didn't expect that after he came back, he would have to be a student!

"Demon Attacker is just a deputy position, you still have to study!" Ling Cai patted Qin Feng on the shoulder, and then said: "But today is the Imperial School Park holiday, I'll take you to play for a day, you just came to Xianshen Island, you must not be very familiar with Xianshen Island!"

In this way, regardless of Qin Feng's opposition, Ling Cai took Qin Feng to the street!

"Why can't Aunt Nagisa come over?" Ling Cai has already bought a lot of clothes, of course, these clothes are held by Qin Feng, and now the two of them are standing on the street, waiting for Nagisa in Ling Cai's mouth!

"Are you talking about Xiao Nagisha?" Qin Feng coughed a few times and asked!


"You... Why are you looking at me with such eyes!" Qin Feng was slightly stunned!

"You don't like Aunt Nagisa!" Zero Nagina muttered and asked, "But Aunt Nagina is really beautiful!"

"It's... How is this possible!" Hearing this, Qin Feng remembered the talkative, naïve little girl, and he didn't know what had become of them after twenty years!

"Not the best!" Zero snorted coldly!

"Am I so bad in your mind?" Qin Feng said depressedly!

"Who knows!" Ling Cai sneered, "In the past twenty years, I have seen many people who have pursued my aunt, but before I even got to the palace, I was thrown into the sea to feed the fish! Aunt Nagisa is my father's woman, you can't think like this, otherwise, I won't be able to help you!"

"Men are all virtuous!" Ling Cai did not forget to scold!

"I'm not that kind of man!" Qin Feng hurriedly defended!

"Oh, I hope you don't have to be a fish food!"

The reason why Qin Feng paid attention to Nagisa was because he was afraid that after meeting Nagisha, Nagisa would recognize his identity, and Qin Feng didn't want to return to the palace yet, but a phone call from Ling Cai dispelled Qin Feng's worries!

"Alright, let's go on with the two of us!" Ling Cai waved his hand and said, "Aunt Nagisa called me just now, she can't come because of something!"

"That's it!" Qin Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

"You shouldn't feel sorry, right?" Ling Cai looked at Qin Feng strangely again!

"Of course not!24 Qin Feng shook his head!

"Hmph!" Ling Cai snorted coldly, she didn't know why she cared about Qin Feng's thoughts!

"Where are we going?" Qin Feng asked again!

"Don't ask so much, tell you, it's your pleasure to accompany Miss Ben on the street!" said Zero Food!

Qin Feng shook his head helplessly, at this time, Ling Cai only revealed a trace of arrogance, the temper of the eldest lady, of course, the temper of the eldest lady of Ling Cai did not detract points from herself, but added a lot of points! Qin Feng smiled slightly, this is the true character of Ling Cai, arrogant but not domineering, cute but not pretentious!

It's just that living in such an era, especially when Caine, the great enemy, came into the world, Ling Cai had to restrain his most innocent side and put on a strong and cold face!

"Ling Cai, in fact, you don't have to wear a mask...!" Qin Feng thought for a while, grabbed Ling Cai's small hand, and was about to speak. And Ling Cai jumped away like a rabbit, his face was steaming like a steam engine, and even the roots of his ears were ruddy!

"You... You astringent dog, what are you doing!" was attacked by Qin Feng, and Ling Caijiao snorted!

"I... I didn't do anything!" Qin Feng didn't expect Zero Food's reaction to be so intense!

"Hmph, it's really a pervert!" Ling Cai snorted coldly and regained that cold face again, at this time, the phone rang!

"Aunt Nayue, what are you looking for me?" Through Ling Cai's conversation, Qin Feng knew that the other end of the phone was Na Yue, the Lori who was deprived of time by him!

"That's good!" Soon, Zero nodded!

"Is there a mission?" As soon as Ling Cai hung up the phone, Qin Feng frowned and asked! Actually, he just heard the conversation between Ling Cai and that month, they have a mission this time, but it is still a very special mission, which is to go to a place called Gozo Island to investigate the situation!

It's just that Qin Feng has an ominous premonition in his heart, this trip to Gozo will not be so peaceful!

"Hmm!" Ling Cai nodded and continued: "Our mission this time is to go abroad to investigate a place called Gozo, we are the second group of investigators, the first batch has died, but I think, that place is very bad, you are new to this mission, I won't take you with you!"

"How can this be done?I'm also a member of the Demon Attacker, so naturally I'm going to go with you!" Qin Feng frowned and said!

"You're not afraid of death!" Ling Cai glanced at Qin Feng, she was also worried about Qin Feng's safety, she also knew that this trip was extraordinary, even she couldn't guarantee her own safety, so she didn't plan to bring Qin Feng, although Qin Feng had healing powers, but in the face of absolute power, it was definitely not enough!

"Of course I'm not afraid!" Qin Feng smiled, grabbed Ling Cai's little hand again, and said sincerely: "Wherever you go, I will go!"

"You...!" This time, Ling Cai did not break free, listening to Qin Feng's seemingly confessional words, his face turned crimson again, and finally whispered: "You can go with you, but you must remember, don't leave my side, otherwise no one will be able to save you!"

"This is natural!" Qin Feng nodded!

Because the time was urgent, everyone hurriedly prepared, and then quickly set off for Gozo!

Ling Cai and the others entered the Italian Peninsula as ordinary people, and the country that was once autonomous has now become a vassal state in the realm of the War King!

The first batch of demon attackers entered Gozo as diplomats, but they were destroyed unexpectedly, so that month suspected that it was the War King Realm that moved, so this time they did not enter Gozo as a diplomat, but let Ling Cai and others hide their identities, enter Gozo, and investigate secretly, of course, as ordinary people, they also encountered a lot of difficulties, the most obvious is that they can't act together!

Now, only Qin Feng and Ling Cai have come to Italy in pairs, and the demon attackers behind will also come in this way, one after another, that is to say, Qin Feng and Ling Cai will stay here in Italy for a few days, wait for the team to assemble, and then go to Gozo Island to investigate!

There were only two people, Ling Cai and Qin Feng, Ling Cai once again removed the cold mask, and as soon as he entered the hall of the airport, he looked around at the surrounding scenery and let out cheers.

"Look, it's a foreigner, there are a lot of foreigners!" said Zero Dish excitedly!

"What's so strange about this!" Qin Feng spread his hands and said with a smile!

"You don't understand, I haven't been abroad since I was born, now while there is still time, let's have a good time!" said Ling Cai with a grin!

"But we're not here for fun!"

"What's the matter, they haven't arrived yet!" Zero Dish said confidently!

"Okay!" Qin Feng looked at Ling Cai with a smile on her face, her usual straight face was different, this was her true character! Of course, Ling Cai's startled voice and waist-length long black hair were very eye-catching!

"What's the matter, hurry up!" At this time, Ling Cai was already waving to him in the distance!!

"You really have the spirit!" Qin Feng smiled!

"It's a rare overseas trip, and it's at public expense, so it's a waste if you don't enjoy it. Would you like to eat coffee biscuits, give you half of them!" Zero Dish said with a smile!

"No need, but you ate so much on the plane, do you still eat it?" Qin Feng said with a yawn.

"Of course!" Zero nodded with a smile!

"Where are we going next?" At this time, Qin Feng asked again!

"Aunt Nayue arranged someone to answer here, and it should appear soon!" Ling Cai looked left and right, and finally fixed his eyes on a girl in a luxurious dress!

"That's her!" After saying that, Zero Dish walked towards the girl!

"You're Miss Zero!I'm here to pick you up!" the brown-haired girl smiled slightly, "Please follow me!"

"Hmm!" Ling Cai nodded, then pulled up Qin Feng and followed behind the girl! (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This is also a Demon Attacker!" The three of them walked side by side, the girl's eyes were on Qin Feng, and Wan Er smiled!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, he recognized the girl in front of him, called Verdiana, but she only had one side back then, she shouldn't remember herself! She is a member of the Earl Caruana's family in the territory of the War King, and the younger sister of Liana!

Soon, a few days passed, and the demon attackers arrived one after another!

During this time, Verdiana explained the situation in Gozo to Zero, including the loss of contact with the first group of people who went first!

Since the invasion of monsters, Gozo has become an uninhabited island, of course, there are some people who are not afraid of death who have entered Gozo, but they have never been seen back, and now, Gozo is shrouded in black fog, and the satellite can't see the situation inside, and the first batch of people went in with the people of the War King Domain, but in the end, the people of the War King Domain came out, and their people have not come out yet!

So that month suspected that it was the people from the War King Realm who killed them, so he sent a second team, that is, Zero Dish them!

"And what is our specific mission?" asked Zero again!

"Determine the life and death of the first team members, and if possible, figure out the purpose of the demons!" Verdiana said solemnly!

With a clear mission, Zero and the others sat in a military four-wheel drive vehicle equipped with light armor, and Vildiana drove it through the city of Victoria, the central area of Gozo, moving in the opposite direction of the island.

"Won't we attract the attention of the War King Realm if we are so public?" asked Ling Cai curiously!

"Of course not!" Hearing this, Verdiana shook her head and said, "This is in the name of the company, you can rest assured!"

"Hmm!" Ling Cai nodded, the Qin Empire has many companies in the other three major empires, some are open and some are secret, Yana can say that, this company should be a secret company!

Soon, Qin Feng saw the whole picture of Gozo Island, the whole island was shrouded in black fog, and he couldn't see the situation inside, but those tumbling black qi condensed in Gozo Island, forming a giant creature in the sky, which looked very weird!

Ling Cai also stared at Gozo Island tightly, her brows furrowed, and those black gases gave her a very uneasy feeling!

"I'll send you here!The rest will be left to you!" "Lingcai and the others have already arrived at the entrance of Gozo Island, Yana didn't follow in, but let Lingcai and the others get out of the car and said!" "By the way, you have to be careful, Gozo Island is shrouded in black fog, and there must be a lot of crises inside!"

"I know!" Ling Cai waved his hand and said impatiently! The reason why Ling Cai was impatient was because Vildiana and Qin Feng had been too close in the past few days, and she was very unhappy!

Looking at Ling Cai, who was like a jealous girl, Verdiana smiled indifferently, came to Qin Feng's side, tidied up Qin Feng's collar, smiled, and said, "You have a good relationship with Miss Ling Cai!"

"Yes, he's my captain!" Qin Feng didn't know what Vildiana was going to do, so he had to smile!

"Gozo is in danger, so you have to protect your captain!" Verdiana said with a smile!

"Of course, even if I sacrifice my life, I will protect Captain Lingcai!" Qin Feng agreed!

Verdianadé raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes stared at Ling Cai's delicate and perfect cheeks, which even she was amazed at, and smiled: "Miss Ling Cai is really beautiful, no wonder she can get a man!"

"You're a vixen, and your skills aren't bad!" Ling Cai muttered, as a woman, she instinctively felt that Vildiana was interesting to Qin Feng, thinking of this, somehow, she couldn't help frowning, and an inexplicable emotion rose in her heart, which made her slightly irritable, so she turned to Qin Feng with a pretty face, and her voice became much colder: "Let's go quickly, don't rub around here!"

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, and followed Ling Cai into the black mist!

Vildiana looked at Qin Feng's disappearing figure, sighed silently, and finally drove away!

After Qin Feng and the others came in, the swirling black mist kept rolling, and they seemed to sense Qin Feng's arrival!

"Everyone be careful!" The unusual aura made Ling Cai frown, and immediately waved his hand and said!

Many demon attackers were also vigilantly looking around, and Qin Feng also looked at 847 to look at the surrounding situation, the effect of these black qi seemed to isolate this Gozo Island, just like when he was in the Demon Academy, he wrapped the ancient castle with black qi to isolate it in the gap in space, of course, at that time, Qin Feng was with the help of the power of Orpheus!

And the current Gozo Island is also like this, although the methods used may be different, but they have the same effect, but Qin Feng can't figure out what the effect of Kayin spending so much force to blockade this island!

"Captain, the map can't be used!" At this time, the demon attacker beside Ling Cai immediately said!

"Can't be used?" Hearing this, Ling Cai frowned: "Could it be that these black fogs can shield high-tech!"

"Contact me immediately to manage the commune!" said Ling Cai again!

"Yes!" The man immediately connected to the management commune, and soon, the voice of the cute onion came, and it was more delicate than Ling Cai!

"Ling Cai, do you have anything to do with me?" The voice was a little lazy, but it was very nice!

"Meng Onion, you help me see the situation here, the video has been transmitted!" Ling Cai said immediately!

"Meng Onion!" Qin Feng smiled, if he guessed correctly, this girl named Meng Onion is also his daughter!

"Okay, I'll give you an analysis right away!" Meng Scallion nodded, but a hoarse voice came, and the communication was cut off!

"Captain, I can't get in touch anymore!" At this time, the man adjusted and spoke!

"It seems that these black fogs can block our contact with the outside world!" "Zero Cai looked around, leading everyone to move forward step by step!

"Whoa!!" The men hadn't advanced long before a wolf howl came!

Everyone's faces changed, and their eyes looked at the surrounding situation vigilantly!

"Everyone must be careful!" Ling Cai also took out the gold of his gun, and then whispered to Qin Feng: "Remember, stay here obediently, don't go away!"

The black fog was thick, and even with a light source, the visibility was very low, so everyone only heard the sound of wolves running!


"Don't scatter, everyone, gather together!" Ling Cai shouted, suddenly found a gust of fishy wind rushing towards him, looked ahead, and found that a wolf had opened its bloody mouth and pounced on himself, targeting his own neck!

The gold of the spear in Zero's hand swept out, knocked it to the ground with a stick, and then stabbed it out!

"Whew!" After the huge hungry wolf was stabbed by Zero Cabbage, it did not leave a corpse, but turned into a cloud of black mist!

"It's black mist!" Soon, Zero Cai knew the nature of the wolves!

"In that case, then...!" Ling Cai sneered, jumped up, the gold of the gun in his hand was raised high, and finally flew out like an arrow, with a golden light, everyone's eyes were on the sky, and in the sky, with the light blooming, the visibility gradually increased!

And below, the visibility also increased, and at this time, the wolves launched a total attack on Qin Feng and the others, and dozens of wolves pounced! .

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