"Die!" Ling Caijiao shouted, and sure enough, after the wolves touched the golden light, they immediately turned into a cloud of black mist, and were finally dispelled by the golden light!

After dealing with the wolves, Ling Cai also breathed a sigh of relief, and the black mist was also dispelled a lot, so everyone's eyes could see the surrounding places clearly!

Not far away, a fellow demon attacker who had been bitten beyond recognition by a pack of wolves was lying in a pool of blood!

The mood of everyone is very heavy, and a companion died not long after entering, and there will definitely be more crises in the future, so how many people will die!

Zero Cai has come to the corpse of his companion, and his mood is a little low!

With a wave of his palm, a large pit formed on the ground, and after the others buried the corpse of the demon attacker, "I will avenge you!" Leaving this sentence, Ling Cai led everyone to continue to move forward!

Qin Feng followed behind Ling Cai and smiled slightly!

"Captain, where are we going now?" asked the people around him!

"Keep going!" said Zero Dish lightly. But she knew that it was simply impossible to reach the center of Gozo without a map, especially in this situation of black fog!

After walking for a while, several people found that the surrounding environment had not changed at all!

"Captain, we seem to be back where we are!" said the demon attacker next to him, his face pale!

"What should I do, do you want to die here?" At this time, some demon attackers panicked, and with the death of a companion just now, everyone looked very nervous!

Qin Feng sneered, these demon attackers who usually just guard the String God Island have not experienced strong winds and waves, and their quality is naturally poor, Qin Feng doesn't think this is strange, and Qin Feng and the others have been going around in circles just now because of those black fogs!

"Alright, everyone, calm down!" Ling Cai snorted, "It's just a simple magic circuit!" After Ling Cai finished speaking, he threw the gold of the gun in his hand!

The gold of the gun emitted a brilliant golden light, and flew all the way, and then a click was heard, like the sound of glass breaking!

Ling Cai's face was overjoyed, and then he said, "Okay, it's broken, let's move on!"

A few people moved on, but everyone knew that without a map, they simply couldn't find the right path!

Qin Feng thought for a moment, and then said, "You all follow me!"

"Follow you, why!" Among the Demon Attackers, some male members were very tired of Qin Feng and Ling Cai being so close!

"Do you have any good ideas?" Ling Cai glanced at Qin Feng and said coldly!

Qin Feng didn't care about Ling Cai's tone, in front of everyone, Ling Cai had always been such a face!

"I've been here before, so I'm familiar with this place!" Qin Feng said!

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Ling Cai glared at Qin Feng dissatisfied, and then said, "Everyone follows Zheng Qin!"

Qin Feng has been here and knows that this island can't hide people, and the most likely thing is the ruins of the central zone!

"Everyone, stop!" At this time, Ling Cai waved his hand and asked everyone to stop!

Shrill hiss, and everyone immediately looked around vigilantly!

"It's a snake!" Ling Cai quickly made a judgment, the gold of the gun was thrown again, and after the bright golden light dispersed the surrounding black gas, many exorcists also saw the surrounding situation clearly, and a large group of snakes attacked this side densely, yellow, green, gray, blue, like a colorful carpet, making people's scalp tingle!

This time, the golden light fell on the snakes and did not directly turn into black gas like the wolves last time!

The group of snakes still crawled over, and Ling Cai's face changed, and he said, "Be careful, everyone, these snakes are creatures!"

After the demon attacker got the order, he immediately launched an attack on the snake group, and the snake group was okay to deal with ordinary people, but for the demon attacker who was already superhuman, it was not difficult, and soon, the snake group died in groups!

Soon, however, large snakes appeared, and as they crawled, they even kicked up billowing smoke!

"Be careful!" Ling Cai floated in the air and found a huge snake attacking Qin Feng, and suddenly, Ling Cai threw the gold of the spear and immediately pierced the snake!


"Keep attacking, everyone!" Ling Cai's heart sank, but immediately after, the screams of the demon attacker continued to sound!

Several people worked together and were about to be killed in the end, but at this time, five or six demon attackers had already died, and half of the casualties had already passed!

"Finally dead.!" Zero Cai muttered, so many people had died, and I was a little depressed in my heart!

"Oh no, and!" At this moment, a giant snake appeared in front of it, spitting out a scarlet tongue!

The fishy wind is blowing, and the huge body and huge magic power give everyone a lot of pressure!

"You all stand back!" snorted Zero, but the serpent moved faster, and its target was not Zero, but the Raider at the back!

After swallowing it in one gulp, Shekou directly devoured the demon attacker, and then dived underground!

Lingcai's pupils shrank, and the gold of the gun in his hand was thrown out again!

"Die!" the gold of the spear burst through the ground and shot deep into the ground!

"Boom!" There was a dull explosion from the depths of the ground, and then, the earth flew, and the huge snake broke through the ground and came out, but the wounds on its body showed that the gold of the spear had attacked it just now!!

As soon as Lingcai's palm stretched, the gold of the gun also broke through the ground and returned to Lingcai's hands!

"You all stand back, I'll deal with this thing!" said Zero Dish lightly to everyone!

"Hiss!" The huge pain constantly stimulated its nerves, and it roared in the sky, and its body became faster!

The huge body collided with it, and Zero Cai didn't dodge, but put the gold of the gun across his chest, directly blocking its attack!

"Die!" The gold of Zero's spear ran through the snake's mouth, and the snake's mouth couldn't bite it!

"Hiss!" The huge pain constantly stimulated its nerves, and it roared in the sky, and its body became faster!

The huge body collided with it, and Zero Cai didn't dodge, but put the gold of the gun across his chest, directly blocking its attack!

"Die!" The gold of Zero's spear ran through the snake's mouth, and the snake's mouth couldn't bite it!

At this moment, Zero's pupils turned scarlet!

Zero Cai jumped up, one turned over and came to the back of the giant snake, the small fist burst out with extremely strong force, and Ling Cai punched the snake seven inches above!

"Hiss!" At this moment, the giant snake immediately struggled, and its huge strength threw Ling Cai up at once, and then, the huge tail twitched over!

Zero Cai's body forcibly blocked this attack, and his body flew out upside down!

"The gold of the gun!" Ling Cai shouted as he retreated, the gold of the gun ran through the brain of the giant snake as if it had spirituality! The gold of the gun was the same as Qin Feng's Yemo Black Sword, although it was a weapon, it was spiritual, and the power was not weak, the gold of the gun returned to Ling Cai's hand again, although it penetrated the snake's head, but the gun was not stained with any blood!

The serpent was dead, and Zero said to the surviving demon attacker, "Comrades on the clearing field, let's move on!!"

With Qin Feng leading the way, constantly approaching the center, during this period, Qin Feng and the others also encountered obstacles, and in the case of losing a few demon attackers, Qin Feng and the others finally came to the door of the ruins!

At this time, in the entire team, except for Qin Feng and Ling Cai, there were only three demon attackers left!

"Captain, do we want to go in?" said one of the attackers, hesitantly!

"Of course I'm going to go in!" said Zero Cai, frowning!

"But we've killed so many of us, and we'll probably die if we enter!" said another attacker!

"Well, you all stay, and I'll go in alone!" Zero Cai said a feasible plan! She didn't expect this place to be so dangerous, and her men were almost wiped out!

"That's fine!" The three demon attackers agreed without thinking about it! In this regard, Qin Feng could only sneer and did not speak, there are some powerful monsters here, and only Ling Cai can fight against these monsters, they took the initiative to leave the team, they are simply looking for death!

"What about you?" Ling Cai's gaze was on Qin Feng!

"Of course I'm following you!" Qin Feng smiled and stood with Ling Cai!

"Alright, let's go inside!" said Zero with a smile on her face!

The two of them were about to enter the hole, which looked like a huge black hole from the outside, when suddenly, the hole squirmed like a living thing!

"It's... What's going on?" Ling Cai was taken aback, pulling Qin Feng and hurriedly retreating!

"It looks like something is coming out!" Qin Feng looked stunned and said!

"Hmm!" Ling Cai also felt that a strong magic force was approaching!

The giant cave squirmed, and finally out of it came a huge figure, a sheep-headed human body, covered with fish scales, with a pair of wide wings on its back, silver wings, exuding a dangerous luster of cold metal.

Boom! In the deafening loud noise, in the giant black hole, an incomparably huge momentum erupted again!

Soon, groups of monsters came out!

"It's... How could there be so many monsters!" Looking at the rows of monsters, the three demon attackers were stunned!

It's as strong as zero vegetables, and I can't help but feel a sense of despair that the end is coming! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Captain, let's hurry up!" said the three demon attackers, crying and calling out to their mothers!

"You retreat immediately!" Ling Cai said suddenly, "The King of Monsters is coming!" After saying that, the entrance of the cave suddenly expanded, more than ten times larger than before! Then, under the nervous gaze of everyone, two huge fish scale paws slowly poked out of the black hole, and then the huge body and hideous face!

The whole body is covered with fish scales, and these fish scales show a purple and gold halo, which is both noble and reveals a murderous and terrifying aura!

In this way, a huge king of monsters slowly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

In the face of such a behemoth, without any explanation, the three demon attackers immediately ran!

The Demon King found the three fleeing ants, and after glancing at the three Demon Attackers coldly, the monsters below immediately launched a hunt for them!

It's like locusts passing everywhere, even if it's zero vegetables, it's too late to rescue, you can only watch them die!


"Qin Feng, if you catch this, it will take you to a safe place!" Ling Cai handed Qin Feng the gold of the spear floating in the air and said!

"What about you, you don't have a weapon, and you're not its opponent!" Qin Feng shook his head!

"Don't worry, I won't die!" Zero Cai smiled reluctantly!

"If you don't leave, I won't leave!" Qin Feng refused!

"How could you be so stupid!" Zero stomped her foot in a hurry, and said angrily!

"I want to be with you!" Qin Feng once again firmly expressed his heart!

Looking at Qin Feng's unexpectedly determined eyes, Ling Cai opened his mouth, and finally said: "You find a safe place first, I may not be able to take care of you when the fight starts!" Ling Cai pulled Qin Feng to a safe place and continued: "Don't worry, as long as I am here, no one can hurt you, unless I die!"

"~We will definitely live!" Qin Feng said again!

"I hope so!" Ling Cai sighed slightly, in such a situation, she didn't have the confidence to get out alive!

Qin Feng didn't speak, he knew that Ling Cai wouldn't believe it, but it didn't matter, he would protect Ling Cai in secret!

Ling Cai held the golden gun, and the gun in her hand once again emitted a golden brilliance, and countless black gases also came out of her body, and the black gas continued to pour into the golden gun, and soon, the golden gun turned into jet black!

The overwhelming monsters came up, and Ling Cai faced the attacks of many monsters, and the guns were heavy.

The black shadow of the gun is the same as the jet black color of Friday, but it looks out of place, you can clearly see that the shadow of the gun is constantly flying around, each shadow of the gun will shatter several monsters, and it will also penetrate the head of the monster, for a while, even if there are monsters rushing up, but they are all killed by Zero Cai!

For a while, a vacuum area was formed around Zero Cuisine, where there was no one, and monsters could approach!

The Zero Dish Killing Quartet quickly attracted the attention of the Demon King, and the Demon King roared, and more monsters rushed up!

Ling Cai looked coldly at the countless monsters that rushed up, and the gold of the gun hit the ground fiercely, and a layer of black light suddenly erupted on the ground!

"Let's all die!" The black light continued to expand, and then enveloped many monsters!

The light is gone, and a large number of monsters are dead, and the Demon King may know that his men can't deal with Zero Food, so he decides to take matters into his own hands!

It slapped one palm against the ground, and at the same time, Ling Cai jumped up, and when it rose, it swept out with a shot, and a huge slash was thrown out!

"Boom!" A slash slammed into the Demon King's body, but it was only a shallow trace on the surface of the Demon King, and it couldn't be regarded as a wound at all!

"It's terrible hardness!" You know, Ling Cai has already used the blessing of his ability at this time, and the monster was cleaned up like this before, but now it doesn't work!

The Demon King roared angrily, as if he was very dissatisfied with the ant of Ling Cai, and the other fist blasted out at Ling Cai!

"Poof!" Zero Dish placed the gun's gold on the chest to block, but it was just as useless!

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Zero Cai flew upside down!

Ryōna hit several cliffs in a row, and finally stopped, and then was drowned by the rocks that shook down!

"Roar, roar, roar!" Seeing that after knocking down Ling Cai, the Demon King let out a heaven-shattering roar, (so good that Zhao) seemed to be very happy!


"Monster, I haven't lost yet!" The wounds on Zero's body are already healing, and the vampire's constitution is terrifying!

Ling Cai held the spear high, and on the spear, the black cyclone condensed again, and then, a huge slash swung down!

The surrounding sand and stones splashed, and the slash struck at the Demon King!

The Demon King roared and stretched out his palm!

"Stopped it with your hands!" At this moment, Ling Cai was stunned, and the Demon King actually caught his attack with his own hands!

Although the Demon King's body kept retreating, forced back by the impact of the slash, it was hard to imagine that the slash the size of the Demon King was blocked like this, even though the Demon King's palm was already covered with scars!

The demon king suffered a small loss, his eyes were hideous and he looked at Ling Cai, and quickly killed it, it must kill this ant!

Ling Cai kept dodging, but he was not hit by the Demon King, and he was punched down again, and Ling Cai jumped up, but on the back of the Demon King, an arm stretched out!

"Not good!" Ling Cai didn't expect this demon king to give birth to an extra arm, and he was horrified in his heart, and he was about to dodge, but it was too late, and he was caught all of a sudden!

"Let go of me!" "The powerful hand seems to squash the bones of Ling Cai's body!

"The gold of the gun!" At this moment, the gold of the gun in Ling Cai's hand flew up like a living thing, and then cut the arm with a single shot, and Ling Cai also escaped!

"It seems that I can only use that trick, I hope this island will not sink!"

Zero was panting, the series of attacks just now had consumed a lot of her mana, and now, she wanted to pour all her mana into the gold of the gun!

The gold of the gun was thrown into the sky by Zero Vegetables, breaking through the thick black fog, and soon, the gold of the gun became extremely huge, and the demon king was also attracted by the gold of the gun!

"Come down, the gold of the gun!" "The huge gold of the gun was pulled by gravity, at the speed of the meteorite falling, and the surrounding area was surrounded by the friction of the atmosphere.

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