"Boom, boom, boom!" Before the gun fell, the monsters who were almost strong were burned and finally turned into dust, and the demon king roared, and his body became even bigger!

The Demon King stretched out his hands, not dodging or dodging, trying to stop the gold of the gun!

"It's impossible to take my gun's gold!" Zero sneered, she was confident in her attack!

The gold of the spear has collided with the Demon King!

"Roar, roar!" The two froze for a moment, but soon, the Demon King couldn't hold on, and he roared, and the gold of the spear had split it in half!

"Finally won!" Seeing the Demon King being split in half, Zero finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground!

"Lingcai, are you okay!" At this time, Qin Feng walked up and asked with concern!

Hearing this, Ling Cai shook his head and said to Qin Feng: "It's okay, it's just that the magic power is consumed too much, just take a rest!"

"Oh, then I'll help you go over there to rest!" Qin Feng hugged Ling Cai in the way of a princess hugging!

"You... What are you doing, hurry up and put me down!" All of a sudden, Ling Cai's face turned red and he struggled!

"Don't move, you're a wounded now!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Hmph, you astringent dog, forget it now, if there is a next time, I will...!" Ling Cai put his hands on Qin Feng's neck and whispered!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded and smiled slightly, now Ling Cai's head was resting on her chest, and he could smell the blue fragrance emanating from Ling Cai's flowing hair when he lowered his head!

As soon as Qin Feng and Ling Cai came to a safe place, the huge hole began to squirm, and the powerful magic power pressed over again!

"Not good!" Zero's face changed!

Zero's gaze fell on the huge hole again!

The entrance of the cave kept squirming, and soon, a large number of monsters came out, and then, a huge demon king walked out!

The Demon King raised his head to the sky and roared, and a powerful force began to erupt, and the entire island of Gozo began to shake!

"How can this be?" Ling Cai couldn't believe it, and said with a pale face, "Why are there still monsters coming out!"

"I see, it must be the hole, it can produce a steady stream of monsters!" "Zero Dish quickly made a judgment, "You must destroy that hole!" After saying that, Zero Vegetable still wants to stand up!

"Ling Cai, can you still destroy them with your current magic power?" Qin Feng asked worriedly!!

"I don't know, but this thing must be destroyed, otherwise, monsters will continue to descend on this land, and when the time comes, no one will be able to stop the monsters' attacks!"

"Then I'll go and help too!" Qin Feng also said!!

"No, it's too dangerous, you're going to die!" Zero Cai shook his head decisively and said!!

"I'm not afraid!" Qin Feng shook his head!

"Okay 837!" Ling Cai thought for a while, and then nodded, but the moment Qin Feng turned around, Ling Cai knocked on Qin Feng's neck!

"Why...!" Ling Cai saw Qin Feng turn around in disbelief, and said a little apologetically: "Sleep well, if I die, I must tell Aunt Agulola the news here!"

After putting the "stunned" Qin Feng in a safe place, Ling Cai once again held the gold of the gun, and his eyes were full of red!

Ling Cai rushed out and soon became the target of the monsters, but Ling Cai's spear trembled, and after killing several monsters in an instant, the spear in his hand shot into the sky!

"Gun gold, it's up to you!" Zero Cai's magic began to be infused into it, but because of the lack of magic power, the gun gold was not as huge as before, and then the huge gun gold fell down, like a burning meteor, and attacked towards Gozo Island, but Ling Cai's purpose this time was not the Demon King, but the huge black hole!

The Demon King also sensed Zero's intentions and was about to return to help, wanting to block that attack!

"I won't let you get away with it!" Zero sneered!

The black qi on Ling Cai's body suddenly burst out, tightly binding the Demon King!

The binding of black qi can temporarily incapacitate the enemy, this is the rule, and the Demon King is no exception, and there is no way for it to break free!

"Roar, roar, roar!" Just when Zero Cai felt that he was going to succeed, the demon king roared again, and countless monsters slammed into the head of the gun, not afraid of death at all!

"Not good!" Ling Cai's heart sank, and sure enough, at the cost of paying more than eighty percent of the number of monsters, the power of the gun's gold was finally negated!

Successfully stopping the gold of the spear, the Demon King smiled hideously at Zero.

The Demon King raised his head to the sky and roared, a powerful momentum erupted, and the bound black qi began to become unstable!

The Demon King found that he had not yet broken free from the shackles of the Shadow Devouring, and took a big mouth and devoured the black qi on Gozo Island!

Countless black qi poured into his body, and the demon king's body became extremely tall!

Outside, Vildiana stands tall on a tall building, watching the island of Gozo in the distance!

"Miss Verdiana, the situation in Gozo has changed, should we go to help?" At this time, the black mist in Gozo Island rolled again, and then became thinner, but an unparalleled momentum also burst out, and Verdiana knew that it was the breath of the demons!

"No need!" Verdiana said with a wave of her hand!

"But if you don't support it, Miss Zero will be... When the time comes, the Empire will definitely blame it!"

"Don't worry, my sister will stop it, and...!" Verdiana smiled and said, "As long as that adult is here, Miss Zero will be fine!"

"Who is that lord?" The subordinates who kindly reminded him didn't know who Vildiana was talking about! Could it be one of the Four Great True Ancestors, it couldn't be! But besides them, who would be the opponent of the Demon Clan! Obviously, she had forgotten Qin Feng, the strongest True Ancestor, and in twenty years, people would forget many things!

The black gas was absorbed, and the entire Gozo Island was basically exposed, and through the mist, they could see that a young girl was confronting the huge demon king!

"Mole ant, I want you dead!" the Demon King howled in frenzy, and slammed his fist at Zero Food!

Zero Cai's magic power is lacking, and his body has become sluggish, and in the face of rapid attacks, Ling Cai's speed obviously can't keep up!

"Poof!" Zero was punched and flew out upside down like a cannonball!

"Lord Verdiana, hurry up and see, Miss Zero is not an opponent!"

"I know!" Verdiana took a deep breath and said, "Calm down, you'll be fine!"

Zero has been driven into the ground, and the huge impact has caused a deep pit in the ground!

Immediately after, the Demon King jumped up, raised the huge soles of his feet, and stepped on the deep pit continuously!

"It's over!" Verdiana's assistant sat down on the ground!

Verdiana's face was also pale!

At this time, the black fog that had already been faint became rich again, but these black fogs were very different from the previous ones, and soon, Verdiana couldn't see the situation inside clearly!

"Lord Vildiana, what should we do now?"

"Wait!" Vildiana said coldly! From the beginning of the spread of the black mist, she already knew that the lord was going to make a move!

Ling Cai was beaten into a deep pit, and her whole body seemed to fall apart, which was very painful, and the mental exhaustion made her want to sleep like this!

In the dark world, Ling Cai opened his eyes and found that there was no light around him, and it was very cold!

Suddenly, above the sky, a ray of sunlight shone down!

"It's so warm! I want to always, always like this!" Zero muttered as she touched the warm sunlight!

"Who is it... Who saved me!" Ling Cai broke away from his hazy eyes, trying to see the situation outside, but he saw an outline, which was very similar to a person, a young man named Zheng Qin, but soon fainted!

Outside, the Demon King is still stepping on it, and it seems that he wants to step Gozo into the bottom of the sea!

Behind the Demon King, the swirling black gas slowly dissipated, revealing the figure inside!

The boy with long hair fluttering, floating in the air, holding a fainted girl in his hand, is none other than Zero Cai!

Soon, the Demon King also spotted Qin Feng's figure, turned around, and showed a hideous smile!

"Roar!" A punch was thrown, and the powerful punch made the surrounding air emit a shocking explosion, and the space seemed to be about to collapse, Qin Feng could feel the cruel and tyrannical aura attached to it!

After the demon king found out that he missed the blow, he howled again, and at the same time, his body also jumped!

Punched at Qin Feng again, the heavens and the earth were quiet, and the upper end of the fist faintly had a swirling black gas, but before the fist arrived, the demon king saw that the ants were already sitting on a luxurious seat, the woman snuggled in the man's arms, not sobering up, and the man, wearing this jet-black armor, was holding a double-strand fork in his hand!

With the intelligence of the demon king, it naturally doesn't know what's happening in front of it, but it instinctively feels that the guy in front of it gives it a very dangerous feeling, and when it looks at it, it has (cedf) an urge to surrender, and there is a voice constantly sounding in its head, as if it is persuading it to surrender to the guy in front of it, otherwise it will be a dead end!

But the demon race was created by Caine, how could it be possible to surrender to others, after a short period of confusion, the speed of the fist did not decrease, and the power did not decrease and attacked Qin Feng!

"Swinging your fist at the god is to be punished by the god!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, the double strand fork in his hand, the black light flashed, and the two sword blades flew out!

The Demon King didn't react at all, and the blade pierced through the scale armor on the Demon King's body and directly cut off its arm!

"Roar, roar, roar!" Both arms were cut off, and the demon king's body seemed to have been hit very hard, and he flew out upside down with a bang! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

The Demon King did not die, after blasting into the ground, he jumped out again, although it did not have arms, it opened its mouth, and a powerful black light erupted from its mouth, blasting towards Qin Feng!

"To provoke the gods is to pay the price of blood!" Qin Feng sneered, and the tyrannical black light dispersed like broken glass, and a swirling water vortex appeared under the Demon King's feet!

"Turning into nothingness!" Ingested by the long river of time, the Demon King can't break free at all, and obediently accepts the coming of death!

After dealing with the Demon King, Qin Feng's gaze fell on the black hole that was still squirming!

Based on previous experience, this black hole has begun to create new monsters!

Perhaps it was because he felt Qin Feng's hostility, and the black cave mouth emitted strange sound waves like a spirit!

Qin Feng frowned, because under the influence of the sound waves, those remaining monsters all looked at Qin Feng with red eyes, and then pounced desperately!

"The strength seems to have become stronger!The demon race is really a terrifying race!" Qin Feng smiled faintly, and the double-strand fork shone again!

In an instant, countless monsters died!

Qin Feng gently touched Ling Cai's pretty face, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, what you want to accomplish, I will help you complete it!" After speaking, a magic power like a black miasma erupted from his whole body.

At this time, Qin Feng's figure also made people feel like a huge black sword piercing the sky.

"Rush here, Yemo's black sword!" After speaking, the miasma that swayed out distorted the space, and soon formed the shape of a sword in the void, which was an exaggerated sword with a sword body far exceeding 100 meters.

Yemo's black sword breaks through the thick black fog!

At this time, as soon as the black sword of Yemo came out, everyone in the world paid attention to the situation on Gozo Island!

"Haha, I'm really back!" the Chaos Princess's Third True Ancestor Gada smiled, "Then I'll go over and catch up with him too!"

"It's Qin Feng, Qin Feng is really back!" In the palace of the Qin Empire, all the women shouted excitedly, they were happy for Qin Feng's return! However, the first true ancestor and the second true ancestor of the War King realm frowned, the return of the strongest true ancestor indicates that the Qin Empire has two true ancestors, especially the strongest true ancestor is famous, killing Vatra, killing the evil god, and so on!

"What should I do?" The return of the previous Caine has already caused a huge shock in the world, and the return of the strongest True Ancestor will definitely make a big noise!

How to deal with the relationship with the Qin Empire, this is a headache for the other three empires!

Qin Feng naturally knew that his return was known by many people, but this was also what he wanted to see!

"Fall!" Echoing Qin Feng's call, the huge sword began to fall, the blade that was accelerated by gravity was wrapped in blazing flames, its posture was like a meteorite falling from the sky, the atmosphere vibrated violently, and the sky became bright as if a new sun had appeared.

"Sink this island!" Qin Feng muttered! Immediately, Ye Mo's black sword increased countless times, and at the same time, the black sword accelerated its landing speed, and its ability as a dependent beast was gravity control, and it was pulled by gravity several times greater than ordinary gravity The accelerated giant sword turned into a supersonic cannonball and fell.

The black hole of the black sword of the night is the target!

The black sword of Yemo directly pierced through the huge black hole, and even with Gozo Island, it sank one piece!

Qin Feng sat on the throne and watched the sinking of Gozo Island!

"Cain didn't even appear!" Qin Feng originally thought that Cain would appear, but he didn't expect Gozo Island to be destroyed, and he didn't even show up!"But there was another guest!"

"Gada, long time no see!" Qin Feng smiled faintly!

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to come back!" At this time, the girl wearing a white hood, slender and slender legs was transparent and fair, and the figure that looked at the sea motionless was like a beautiful and dreamy glass sculpture and walked out of the void!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng smiled!

"I remember the girl next to you, she seems to be your daughter, but your current appearance is not as simple as father and daughter!" said Gada teasingly!

"You didn't want to talk to me about this when you came here!" Qin Feng said again!

"Of course not!" Garda shook his head and said, "I want to ask where you have been in the past twenty years?

Hearing this, Qin Feng did not deny it!

"I didn't expect you to really go to another world!" Garda sighed!"And your strength, even I can't see through it!" After speaking, Gada looked at the divine clothes on Qin Feng's body and the divine seat!

"I've become a god!" After speaking, the black qi on Qin Feng's body gushed out, then wrapped Gada, and finally dragged it into the gap in the space! Qin Feng didn't want to meet Agulola and the other women yet, so he used the black mist to shield himself and Gada's breath!

"Become a god?!" Hearing this, Gada's pupils shrank, their true ancestor was only cursed by the gods, immortal and immortal, equivalent to gods, but seriously counted as just a demigod, if Qin Feng really became a god, then he would definitely not be his opponent, but on the contrary, he might be able to get the method of becoming a god from Qin Feng!

"Since you have become a god, don't mind if I verify it!" Garda smiled, she wanted to verify whether Qin Feng had become a god!

"Yes!" Qin Feng said indifferently!

"Then I'll do it!" Garda smiled slightly, and his magic suddenly burst out!

"Let's go!" the beast that emerged from above Gada's head turned into a huge thunderbolt!

"It's useless!" Qin Feng shook his head and sat on the throne as always! Sure enough, the thunder was bounced away before he could get close!

"It's not over yet!" Garda sneered, and Garda shouted wildly, a pillar of fire rising at her feet, turning into a scorching torrent of white light!

"Go, Siutktori!"

"It's useless!" the pillar of fire was bounced away!

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