"Damn!" Garda saw that neither of his beasts could break his defenses!

"Come out, Sotolore!" Garda summoned a third beast again, a gigantic skeletal giant, with hollow eye sockets without eyeballs, a huge mouth that cracked, and a dark space in the exposed rib gap, the ribs opened like a door, and the overflowing darkness was released like a cannonball, a greedy dark cannonball that dug the space away.

The huge skeleton burst out in a circle, and even the space was wrinkled, attacking Qin Feng!

"It's all said, it's useless!" Qin Feng sneered, and the shells that shot out were still ~ bounced off!

"Now you are not my opponent at all!" Qin Feng's tone was very flat, as if he was telling something, "You can't even let me use the ability of the beast!"

"Okay, I'll throw in the towel!" Garda didn't strike again, but spread his hands and laughed!

"Don't you do it?" Qin Feng asked rhetorically!

"Of course, you are a guy who doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, I don't want to be beaten by you!" "Gada glanced at Qin Feng with a lot of resentment!" "You guy is so powerful, it seems that we don't have to be afraid of the threat of Caine!"

"It's my Qin Empire, don't be afraid!" Qin Feng sneered, he didn't have any plans to be a good person!

"You stingy guy, have you forgotten that we are allies?"

After Gada said this, Qin Feng also remembered that before leaving, Qin Feng established the Qin Empire, and Gada also attended his founding ceremony!

"Okay!" Qin Feng shook his head helplessly!

"So we're allies, so can you answer me a question?" asked Garda again!

"What you want to ask is how to become a god!" Qin Feng looked at Gada with a smile!

"Hmm!" Garda didn't deny it, but nodded directly!"Although I have stood at the peak for thousands of years, I still want to go further!" After Gada finished speaking, she stared at Qin Feng tightly, and she was not sure that Qin Feng would answer herself, after all, the secret of becoming a god was very important, and if she mastered the method of becoming a god, she would not share it with others!

Soon, Gada saw Qin Feng stand up and stand up from the divine seat!

Stepping into the void, Qin Feng slowly came to Gada, and touched Gada's clean face with his palm!

"If you become my woman, I can consider sharing this secret with you!" Qin Feng laughed, his body and divine seat disappeared, and the black mist disappeared with it!

"Hmph, that bastard, twenty years have passed, and that astringent temperament hasn't changed at all!" said Gada as he stomped his foot in anger before disappearing into the void as well!

Gadama left, and Agulola also appeared, and after looking around in confusion and finding no one, she finally sighed helplessly!

"The breath is still there, but where have the people gone?" Agulola frowned! she couldn't figure out why Qin Feng was avoiding them!

"Qin Feng, where are you, why haven't you shown up yet!"

"This is... Gada's breath?Could it be that Qin Feng and Gada have met?" Agulola's face was happy, and then she swept towards the Chaos Realm!

After Agulola left, the other two True Ancestors also arrived here, and left without finding anyone!


Italy, Rome City, a building more than 100 meters high, in one of the luxurious rooms, where two special guests lived!

Ling Cai was very attached to that warm feeling, suddenly, she felt a smell of blood coming, frowned, her eyes moved slightly, she opened her hazy eyes, the first thing she saw was Qin Feng, and her whole body was almost lying in Qin Feng's arms, and the two seemed extremely close!

"You... What are you doing?" Ling Cai's face turned red, and he suddenly broke free from Qin Feng's embrace, and asked angrily!

"Of course I saved you!" Qin Feng said as a matter of course, and then raised the wound on his finger!

Since becoming a god, Qin Feng has found that his body is getting stronger and stronger, even if he is as strong as Gada, he can't break through his defenses, it can be said that it is impossible to hurt him if an attack that does not reach a certain power, and the wound in Qin Feng's hand is made by himself, it is that sentence, if you want to be injured, you can only hurt yourself!

"You gave me your blood?" asked Zero Food, her eyes wide, surprised!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, "I heard that after vampires suck blood, they will recover faster!"

"It's just faster!" Ling Cai muttered in her heart, after Qin Feng's blood flowed into her mouth, it suddenly turned into a warm current flowing all over her body, and the injuries on her body also healed immediately, and her own strength has also improved greatly, which shows that Qin Feng's blood contains extremely powerful power!

She looked at Qin Feng left and right, she couldn't understand why Qin Feng's blood contained such powerful energy, she instinctively felt that the guy in front of her was not an ordinary guy!

Qin Feng is a god, the blood on his body is naturally divine blood, and there is powerful energy in the divine blood, which is not surprising, and Qin Feng gave Ling Cai a drink of blood, the most important purpose is to awaken the beast in her body, from witnessing the big and small battles of Ling Cai, Qin Feng determined that Ling Cai can only summon one dependent beast, which is the gold of the gun, and cannot wake up other dependent beasts, which may be related to the lack of nutrients ingested by Ling Cai when he was born!

You must know that although the power of that demon king is powerful, if Zhu Nai comes down, he will definitely be able to kill this demon king, but Ling Cai can't do such a thing, because she hasn't awakened her natal beast yet, for example, Zhu Nai's three illusion demons are her natal beast!

"Not good!" Ling Cai looked at Qin Feng in disbelief, she didn't expect Qin Feng's blood to be so terrifying, her body couldn't bear its energy! Now that Ling Cai had absorbed Qin Feng's blood, the energy was squandered in Ling Cai's body like a big bang, and Ling Cai's body suddenly had to absorb so much energy, so it was naturally too busy, so this situation would occur, just like the sudden increase in the small stream, it would definitely break the surrounding embankment!

"You... What's wrong with you?" Although he was stared at by Ling Cai, Qin Feng looked at Ling Cai very innocently: "Is it my blood problem?"

Ling Cai endured the hot feeling, gritted his teeth, shook his head, and said, "No problem!" After speaking, Ling Cai summoned the gold of the gun, as soon as Ling Cai's palm touched the gold of the gun, the gold of the gun immediately emitted a brilliant golden light, Qin Feng knew that Ling Cai wanted to release the excess energy in his body in this way!

"It's a waste!" Qin Feng shook his head helplessly in his heart, he also forgot that Ling Cai's body couldn't withstand so much energy!

The golden light sprinkled throughout the room, and the glass in the room burst open without warning, and then, Zero Cai screamed out from the tyrannical energy!

"Miss Zero, what's going on?" Hearing Zero's shout, the waiter quickly knocked on the door!

"It's okay!" Qin Feng was about to speak, but because of Ling Cai's shouting, the energy was released in the form of sound waves, and the glass of the window suddenly exploded, and the golden light shone out, which was extremely conspicuous in the dark night sky!

"Really!" Qin Feng shook his head helplessly, but he didn't help, if Ling Cai couldn't even overcome this bit of energy, then how could she accept more powerful power!

Ling Cai also seemed to know that it was attracting attention, and the black gas gushed out, and suddenly, the golden light turned into black light, which blended well with the night outside!

"One beast has awakened, two, three...!" Qin Feng could feel that the beast that lived in Ling Cai's body had gradually awakened!

"Very good!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, but Ling Cai's face was full of pain!

"It's so hot, it's so hot!" At this time, Ling Cai's face turned red, and if he looked closely, he could still find the rising white steam!

Ling Cai was a little confused, her little hands kept tearing her clothes, and soon, her snow-white skin was exposed!

"Don't take off your pants!" After the clothes on his upper body were removed, Qin Feng found that Ling Cai still had to take off his pants, and immediately stopped it!

"Forget it, I'm afraid of you!" Finding that Ling Cai was a little delirious, Qin Feng sighed helplessly, Ling Cai still lacked a bit of training!

Qin Feng picked up Ling Cai, his palm inevitably touched the skin that could be broken with a snap of his fingers, his heart rippled slightly, this little girl was already confused like this, even if she was pushed down at this time, she would not resist!

However, Qin Feng quickly calmed down, and then took her into the bathroom and put her in the bathtub!

The icy water is rolling down, and Zero seems to have regained some of his senses!

"You... What are you doing?" she regained her senses, and the first thing she noticed was that her shirt was gone, and she immediately screamed!

"I'm cooling you down!" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"You astringent wolf, hurry up and get out of my way!" Ling Cai covered his two points and said shyly: "You dare to take off my clothes!"

"Did you forget? You took it off yourself!" Qin Feng spread his hands and said!

"Hmph, I don't care! I'll settle this account with you, and please go out immediately!"

After a long time, Qin Feng saw Ling Cai walking out in a white bathrobe, her crystal clear little feet stepped on her brisk steps, her hair was wet and scattered on her shoulders, and there were still one or two droplets of water left on her fragrant shoulders, with the snowy skin, coupled with the watery eyes, the small mouth that pouted, it looked extremely cute!

"You still dare to watch!" Seeing Qin Feng's astringent and confused appearance, Ling Cai raised his little fist and warned! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"By the way, what happened to you just now?" Qin Feng asked with a smile!

"It's not because of your blood!" Zero Dish glanced at Qin Feng!

"My blood?" Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned again!

"Of course, your blood contains powerful energy, and even my body can't absorb so much energy, that's why the situation just now happened!" Ling Cai explained, "But because of this, my strength is even stronger, if I meet the demon king before, I will definitely be able to beat it all over the ground!"

"That's great!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Zheng Qin, tell me, who are you?" At this time, Ling Cai's voice became cold!

"Didn't I say it, I came from abroad, and then I went to Xianshen Island, and finally met you!" Qin Feng spread his hands and said!

"Is that really the case?" Ling Caihu glanced at Qin Feng suspiciously: "Then tell me, why do you have such a powerful energy in your blood!"

"How do I know this!" Qin Feng looked extremely innocent and said, "Maybe I've taken a lot of supplements!"

"Nonsense, this is impossible!" Ling Cai shouted: "Your body has such a powerful energy, so you should have the corresponding strength!" After speaking, Ling Cai took out the gold of the gun, aimed it at Qin Feng, and continued: "If you don't tell the truth again, I will kill you!"

Qin Feng frowned imperceptibly, this little girl's vigilance is too strong, but this is also a good thing!

"Okay, actually, I don't know what I'm doing?" Qin Feng spread his hands and said again!

"What do you mean?" Ling Cai put down the gun and asked again!

"I don't know the memories from before!" Qin Feng said with a wry smile!

"Do you have amnesia?" Hearing this, Ling Cai was stunned for a while, thought for a long time, and finally nodded and said: "I will investigate your identity, if I find out that you have lied to me at that time, I must click you, you just need to be careful!" Ling Cai's heart was also full of doubts, in the world, anyone who can have such a huge amount of energy must be at the level of a true ancestor, but this guy doesn't look like a true ancestor no matter how you look at it!

"Also, how did I come back alive?" Ling Cai remembered what happened before he fainted, and vaguely, he seemed to see this guy save himself: "You saved me?"

"Of course not!" Qin Feng hurriedly denied: "You also know my strength!"

"That's right, who did it? You can see it clearly!" said Zero Dish again!

Hearing this, Qin Feng paused, then smiled embarrassedly, and said, "I also fainted, so I don't know very well! But many people have seen that it was a huge black sword that sank Gozo Island!"

"Huge black sword?" Hearing this, Ling Cai's heart jumped, and she remembered a scene five years ago!

[It was dusk, and she was practicing her spear skills, because at that time, she had successfully summoned the gold of the spear!]

Mother walked up, she first looked at herself, then touched her head, and said, "Ling Cai, you now have mastered the gold of the gun, then I will teach you a powerful stunt!"

"What stunt?" she asked, curious!

"I can sink a small island!" The mother looked at the clouds in the sky, her eyes were a little moist, and said: "This move was not created by your mother, but by your father!

"Father... Could it be that my father is really back!" Ling Cai muttered in his heart!

"Ling Cai, are you okay!" Hearing Qin Feng's voice, Ling Cai came back to his senses! "When I woke up, I found you lying next to me, so I carried you back!"

"Hmm!" Ling Cai nodded, thought for a while, and continued: "You can stay here by yourself, I have something to deal with!"

After Ling Cai left in a hurry, Qin Feng's eyes also narrowed!

"Come out!" Qin Feng said lightly!

"I've seen the strongest True Ancestor!" At this time, Vildiana, who was wearing a luxurious dress, came out of the darkness!!

"You already know my identity?" Hearing this, Qin Feng frowned, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

"Hmm!" Vildiana said unhurriedly, "Twenty years ago, I had the privilege of witnessing the face of the strongest True Ancestor, so I remember it more clearly than not!"

"Very good!" Qin Feng didn't make a move, but warned: "But you should also know, what to say, what not to say!"

"Forgive your subordinates!" Vildiana thought of her sister, gritted her teeth, and said, "Since the strongest true ancestor has returned, why don't you return to the palace and meet your own woman?"

"Are you teaching me to do things?" Qin Feng's voice was faintly angry! he could tolerate Ling Cai, because Ling Cai was his daughter, but Verdiana was just a good-looking woman at best, which didn't matter in Qin Feng's eyes, so Qin Feng wouldn't accept Vildiana's lesson!

"The subordinates don't dare, but they see that their sister has been looking forward to the return of the strongest true ancestor, so they want to fight for their sister!" Vildiana said with sincere fear!

Qin Feng was stunned again, but he didn't recognize them after he returned, it was indeed a pain for them!

Qin Feng remembered that when Liana was pierced through the heart, she was already dead, and he didn't lend a helping hand, why was she still alive!

He frowned, he was already dead but still alive, and listening to Vildiana's tone, Liana seemed to be his own woman, how could this be, he remembered, until death, Liana liked that bad old man in Tooth City!

"Your sister's name is Liana?" Qin Feng glanced at Verdiana!

"Hmm!" Verdiana nodded, she didn't know why Qin Feng had such doubts, suddenly, a touch of sadness welled up in her heart, could it be that twenty years had made the man in front of her forget about the women who were waiting for him!

"Okay, I'll go see them!" Qin Feng smiled, "But I want to ask you not to tell Ling Cai my identity!"

"I know this!" Verdiana nodded, judging from the conversation between Qin Feng and Ling Cai just now, she was sensitive to the fact that this man standing at the top of the world seemed to have a very special affection for Ling Cai!

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