"Qin Feng, it's you!" At this time, Agulola's beautiful eyes looked at the source of the explosion of magic power, there was a young man there, he was Qin Feng!

"Qin Feng, you're really back!" Seeing Qin Feng, Agulola was overjoyed!

"Well, I'm back!" Hearing this, Qin Feng's body moved, came to Aguura's side, and held Agulola in his arms!

Gada's beast was wiped out by Qin Feng, without the slightest anger, but looked at the two embracing each other with resentment, and said lightly: "Qin Feng, you are too partial, it's all for your own women, and I'm also a big beauty!"

"If you become my woman, I can also help you!" Qin Feng said lightly!

Qin Feng pushed Gada back with a word, Gada looked at Qin Feng even more resentfully, and finally smiled again and said, "You two are so close, then I will be an adult, borrow this place, let you have a good chat!"

After all, Agulola's face was a little thinner, and she hugged Qin Feng in front of Gada, and her face quickly became rosy, and at the same time, Agulola found that Qin Feng's palm kept swimming on her body, and she was startled, and her face turned even redder!

"Qin Feng, let's go back and do it again!" Agulola whispered to Qin Feng!

Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head, his hands had already touched her willow waist, feeling the warm jade-like snow-white skin, Qin Feng's heart fluttered, and at the same time kissed Agulola's lips!

"Hmm!" The sudden mouth blocked his mouth, and Agulola subconsciously struggled, but how could it be Qin Feng's opponent, but this added to the fun for Qin Feng!

"Qin Feng, let's go back to the palace first!" Finally, Agulola panted and said, "You haven't seen them for a long time, and they're in a hurry!"

"Don't worry, I've already met with them!" Qin Feng smiled, then hugged Agulola, and with a stroke of his palm, a crack appeared in the void in front of him, through this rift, Qin Feng could reach the other end, and the other end was the palace of the Qin Empire!

"No, you want to leave!" At this time, Gada's voice rang out at an inopportune time!

"What are you going to do?" Looking back at Gada who was smiling, Qin Feng frowned, not knowing what Gada was going to do!

"You see the castle behind me!" said Gada, pointing downward, "My castle was destroyed by Agulola, which means that my home is gone, shouldn't you compensate me properly?"

"Difficult 24, do you want to use this to ask me for the secret of becoming a god?" Suddenly, Qin Feng looked at Gada with some amusement!

"I don't have that plan!" Garda laughed, "I mean, until my new castle is built, allow me to go with you to the palace of the Qin Empire to live!"

"Okay!" Qin Feng nodded directly, there was a big gap between the two in strength, Qin Feng didn't care about Gada playing tricks!

Back in the palace, the Warcraft Leviathan had woken up, and from the moment Qin Feng came back, Leviathan had woken up from its slumber!

"Zero Food, are you okay!" "Yukina looked at Zero Food, who looked a little tired, and asked worriedly!

Hearing this, Ling Cai shook his head and said, "I'm fine, my father saved me!"

"Well, that's fine!" Yukina smiled, and then snorted coldly: "I'd better transfer you to the Lion King's agency, she didn't use people correctly that month, and she almost hurt you!"

Hearing this, Ling Cai shook his head, "Aunt Nayue didn't expect that there would be such a powerful monster in Gozo Island, and besides, sending any demon attacker in the past was just a senseless sacrifice!"

"Well, that's the way it is, but I'm worried about you running around on the front line!" Yukina said worriedly!

"Mother, you don't have to worry about me!" After saying that, Ling Cai laughed, and the powerful magic suddenly burst out!

Yukina raised her head, and she could vaguely feel that there was an extremely terrifying beast hidden in the blue sky and white clouds!

"Mother, this is my new beast, I can already summon a new beast!" Ling Cai nodded, "With my current strength, if I encounter those hateful demon kings, I will definitely not lose again!"

Yukina nodded with satisfaction, for a long time, it was her heart disease that Lingna could only summon a beast, if this big stone in her heart was finally put down!

But Yukina is very curious, how can Ling Cai summon other dependent beasts!If you know the reason, maybe Meng Onion can also summon a dependent beast, because Qin Feng is not by his side to guide, so the potential and talent of Ling Cai and Meng Onion are buried, Ling Cai can summon a dependent beast, and Meng Onion is even more pitiful, not even a dependent beast can be summoned!

Ling Cai remembered that young man, it was his blood that helped him, but the stakes were high, Ling Cai didn't want that guy to be sliced and studied, so she smiled and said, "I don't know what the reason is, I just know that after waking up, I found that I was able to summon the rest of the beasts!"

"In that case, it was your father who helped you!" Yukina thought for a moment, and then said! Yukina knew that Qin Feng had become a god, so it must be very easy to help Ling Cai!

"Maybe!" Zero Cai smiled again and asked, "Where is my father?"

"He's gone to find Aunt Agulola, I think he's coming back soon, you go to the door and take a look!" Yukina squinted and smiled!

"Okay!" Zero nodded and hurried to the entrance of the palace, she also wanted to see what her father was like!


Soon, Ling Cai saw that in the sky, the space began to distort, and then she saw that a gorgeously dressed girl walked out, it was the Third True Ancestor Gada, Ling Cai's face changed, and the gold of the gun appeared in her hand, she couldn't understand why the Third True Ancestor appeared here!

"Hehe, it's Yukina's daughter!" Garda quickly spotted Zero, and then moved and came to Zerona's side!

"Your strength has become stronger!" Garda laughed again, "And you have the smell of Qin Feng on you!"

Ling Cai didn't know what Gada was muttering, but looked at Gada vigilantly and said, "What are you doing here?"

"I was invited by your father!" Garda was playful and looked at the dish, "Agulola destroyed my castle, so your father allowed me to live here, just ask your father for details, he will be here soon, I will go and choose a good room now!"

Garda turned into a streamer and dodged into the palace, Zero Cai had the intention to intercept her, but her speed was so fast that Zero Cai couldn't keep up at all!

"Damn, now that Aunt Agulola is here, I must not let you in!" Zero Cai chased after him, gritting his teeth, and a black aura burst out!

The black aura was faster than Zero's, and it turned into a huge palm and grabbed Gada!

"Hehe, this way of fighting reminds me of Qin Feng at the beginning, you are worthy of being Qin Feng's daughter!" Garda didn't look back, but sighed, and then easily dodged the capture of the giant palm! "But it's a pity, you're still a little short of heat now, and now you're not my opponent!"

With a few palms again, Garda didn't dodge, and after being caught by the black mist, the magic power of his body burst out, and then forcibly broke free of the black mist!

"As a senior, I'll reluctantly teach you!" seemed to arouse Gada's interest, and Gada flew in another direction, and Ling Cai also chased after him!

"Then I'll take a look at your strength!" Gada smiled slightly, and his magic suddenly burst out!

"Let's go!" the beast that emerged from above Gada's head turned into a huge thunderbolt!

"The gold of the gun!" Ling Cai's pupils shrank, and then he raised the gold of the gun high, and soon, those thunderbolts poured down like a torrential rain, but they did not hit Ling Cai, but all fell on the tip of the gun gold, and those thunderbolts followed the gold of the gun, and then flowed into the earth!

"Clever enough to use the principle of a lightning rod!" Garda sighed, and a pillar of flame rose at her feet, turning into a scorching torrent and blasting towards Zero! "Go, Xiutktori!"

At this time, Ling Cai put away the gold of his gun, and the magic power of his whole body surged!

"Third True Ancestor, this is the first time I've used this power!" Ling Caijiao laughed!

A small angel appeared next to Ling Cai, her height was only twelve centimeters, her appearance was that of a human little girl, her whole body was snow-white, and there were two translucent wings behind her, saying that it was an angel was actually more like a fairy tale goblin, but what made others feel strange was that the angel's chest was a display card!

"What a strange beast!" the moment he saw the little angel, Gada frowned!

The scorching rush hit Zero Food, but Zero Vegetable didn't care at all, but asked with a smile, "I'm injured, what should I do?"

The little angel suddenly landed on Ling Cai's shoulder, and then Meng Meng said, "Oh yes! Oh also! heal!"

Then, a magical scene appeared, and as the little angel's words fell, the wounds on the body of the already injured Ling Cai began to heal!

"Healing Beast!" Garda didn't take the little angel to heart, which had no effect on the battle situation at all, and in this way, the little girl in front of him was not his opponent!

"Forget it, let's kill that little angel!" Garda smiled!

"Come out, Sotolore!" Garda summoned a third beast again, a gigantic skeletal giant, with hollow eye sockets without eyeballs, a huge mouth that cracked, and a dark space in the exposed rib gap, the ribs opened like a door, and the overflowing darkness was released like a cannonball, a greedy dark cannonball that dug the space away.

The huge skeleton burst out in a circle, and even the space was folded, attacking the little angel! (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The little angel didn't dodge, and after being hit directly by the cannonball, he appeared in front of the two of them intact!

"How is it possible, unscathed!" At this moment, Gada was surprised!

"Let me tell you, my little angel is a very special being, she is like a law that cannot be broken!"

"Little angel, little angel, what if someone provokes me?" Zero looked at Garda with a smile, and then said!

"Kill, kill!" The little angel suddenly danced around Zero Food!

"Very well, then kill it!" Zero Cai's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the next moment, her figure swept towards Garda like a flint!

"So fast!" Garda's heart jumped, and at that moment, she felt the threat of death, almost instinctively, and jumped to the side like a reflex, but even so, Garda still felt a cold feeling in his neck, and subconsciously touched it, but there was an extra wisp of blood on his finger, and then looked at Ling Cai not far away, and Ling Cai's palm also had blood!

Ling Cai licked Gada's blood, her eyes narrowed again, and said, "Next time, you won't be so lucky!"

"Really?" Garda sneered, she decided to use even more power!

"Stop!" At this time, Agulola's voice came, and Ling Cai subconsciously looked over, but found that the person he missed in his heart was holding Aunt Agulola and standing on the top floor of the palace!

Ling Cai was stunned, she didn't expect "Zheng Qin" to get together with Aunt Agulola!

As if feeling a broken voice in his heart, Ling Cai quickly came up, then pulled Qin Feng away, came to a place where no one was around, and stretched out his hand to hit Qin Feng!

"You... How can you be like this, why are you with Aunt Agulola?" Zero asked sadly!


"Agulola is my father's woman, my father is back, you are looking for death!" Ling Cai's eyes were full of tears, but he snorted coldly and said: "You get out of here quickly, no, leave Xianshen Island, if your father comes back, God can't save you!"

"Hurry up, I don't want to see you in my life!"

"Hmph, that Agurola, I must tell my father about this and let him kill Agurola!" After saying that, Ling Cai also muttered in his heart!

"Qin Feng, where are you?" At this time, Agulola came up!

"Why don't you leave quickly!" Ling Cai shouted at Qin Feng and came to Agulola's side!

"It's Zero Dish 583, where did you take Qin Feng just now?" Seeing Zero Dish appear, Agulola said again!

"Hmph!" Zero snorted coldly, "Agurola, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Agulola was a little strange, and Zero seemed to be angry with herself, and then after thinking about it, she said, "I see, you must be blaming me for taking your father's time!"

Hearing this, Ling Cai was stunned, looked at Agulola, turned his head with difficulty, looked at Qin Feng, and suddenly said bitterly: "You... You say he's my father?"

"Of course!" Agulola nodded, continuing, "Haven't you met yet!"

"Okay, really good!" seemed to fall into a permanent silence, and after a long time, Ling Cai smiled sadly and said: "I didn't expect to be really right by my mother, my strength has grown, and it is really my father who is helping!" Then, Ling Cai's eyes were on Qin Feng: "You are really my good father!"

Although the time she spent with Qin Feng was short, she remembered the bits and pieces of Qin Feng's together, she had too many firsts, the first time she had such intimate contact with a man, the first time she was said goodbye by a man, the first time she felt the warmth of a man's concern, the first time she was naked by a man, and the first time she was tempted by a man, but now, this man turned out to be her father, what a great irony!

"I don't want to see you in my life!" Zero shouted, and her figure swept into the distance!

"What's wrong with Zero Food?" Seeing Zero Dish walk away without saying a word, Agulola was very puzzled!

"Hehe, it looks like I've missed a good show!" At this time, Gada also walked up!

"Okay, Agulola, you take Gada to find a room, and I'll go find a spare dish!" Qin Feng said again!

Qin Feng's body moved, and then rushed in the direction where Ling Cai left!

Women are all sensual animals, and as Qin Feng expected, Ling Cai came to Xianshen Island, the place where he met for the first time!

"Can we have a few words?" Qin Feng appeared in front of Ling Cai and smiled helplessly!

"Of course, you're my father!"

Soon, the two came to the top floor, and the two of them were relatively silent, one after the other!

"I didn't mean to lie to you!" Qin Feng said!

"You didn't mean to lie to me, you already knew that I was your daughter when you first met me!" Ling Cai snorted coldly, his eyes rolled down, and he whimpered: "Since you know that I am your daughter, why don't you tell me! Why? You must be laughing at my stupidity! I didn't expect that person to be my father! Hahaha!!"

"I didn't mean that!" Qin Feng shook his head and said, "I just want to protect you!"

"Protect me? It's all an excuse, why can't you protect me openly!" Ling Cai smiled bitterly again: "I have to fall into yours step by step... Alright, Father, I want to be quiet!!"

Qin Feng was silent and didn't speak, he knew that for Ling Cai, his identity had changed too much, and it was not surprising that she couldn't accept it for a while! .

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