After Qin Feng left, he returned to the palace, and at this time, Nayue came up!

"Qin Feng, something is wrong!" Na Yue's expression was a little flustered!

"What's wrong?" Soon, Qin Feng followed Nayue to a large room, the room was full of some high-end technology, and on the big screen in front of him, a strange black island appeared at the western end of the Central Pacific Ocean!

"What is this...?" Seeing that island, Qin Feng was slightly stunned, because this island was Gozo that he had destroyed earlier!

"Qin Feng, this is Gozo Island, it has already been sunk by you, there is no doubt about it, but just today, it has risen from the inside of the sea!" said in a deep voice!

"This is a video taken by a submarine from the bottom of the sea!" After speaking, a picture was changed on the screen!

In the picture, Gozo Island, which was originally torn apart by Qin Feng's Yemo Black Sword, and Gozo Island, which sank to the bottom of the sea, began to emit black gas again, and then, the black gas blended together, and the fragmented Gozo Island also began to get closer together, and at the bottom of the sea, Gozo Island soon became a complete Gozo Island!

After Gozo became whole, the black gas around Gozo began to roll!

The black gas is billowing and tumbling, and Gozo Island is constantly rising, rising from the bottom of the sea, and Gozo Island that has resurfaced is very weird, and the area seems to be much larger!

"It seems that Cain doesn't plan to give up Gozo Island!" Qin Feng sneered! "Could it be that there is something on this island that can't be done?"

"Qin Feng, what are we going to do this time?" In the past, it was Na Yue who was directly in charge, but now that Qin Feng is back, Na Yue naturally has to ask Qin Feng's opinion!

"I'll go there myself in two days!" Qin Feng also wanted to know what trick Cain was playing!


As the sun sets, Ling Cai stands on the top floor of the Imperial School Park, and the golden afterglow falls on Ling Cai, looking a little lonely!

Ling Cai gritted his teeth and dialed the phone number of Meng Onion!

"Meng Onion, can you hear me?" said Ling Cai in a deep voice!

"Zero Cai, what's wrong with you?" As soon as Meng Scallion heard Ling Cai's deep voice, she knew that Ling Cai must have something on her mind!

"I've met my father!" said Zero again!

"Haha, our father is okay!" Moe Shallot laughed!

"Awful!" Zero said, shaking her head!


"Father, he is the Zheng Qin I know, Zheng Qin, Qin Feng, I'm so stupid!" Ling Cai laughed at himself and said, "I was played as a monkey!"

Meng Liang was stunned, she didn't expect fate to make such a joke, perhaps, what Ling Cai didn't mind was being dumped as a monkey, but the feelings that were hidden in her heart but had to end!

"You're not going to like your father, are you?" asked Moe Shallot as she tried to ask!

"I didn't!" Ling Cai hurriedly denied it!

"That's fine!Otherwise, Aunt Yukina will be worried!"

Hearing this, Ling Cai's heart sank, she is not the kind of girl who can afford to take it and put it down, once she picks it up, it is difficult to put it down, it is difficult for her to forget an experience with Qin Feng, and it is difficult to forget Qin Feng!


At this time, the First True Ancestor and the Second True Ancestor also knew the news of Qin Feng's return, the strongest combat power in the world, the first, second, third, fourth, and strongest True Ancestor went to the First True Ancestor's War King Realm to hold a meeting, the purpose was to deal with the Demon Ancestor, Cain!

I have to say that the first and second true ancestors are also very beautiful little Lori, which Qin Feng never expected!

Of course, although the first and second true ancestors are little Lori, they are not so easy to get along with, as soon as they come up, she shouts coquettishly, and asks Qin Feng to give her an explanation!

"The strongest True Ancestor, twenty years ago, you killed Vatra in my War King Domain, how should this be counted?"

"You are welcome to come and take revenge!" Qin Feng spread his hands and said with a smile!

"Qin Feng, do you really think I don't dare?" Xiao Loli raised her eyebrows, "If you don't give me an explanation, even if there is a big enemy of the demon clan, I still want to seek justice!"

"Qin Feng, is this really good?" Looking at the angry little Lori, Agulola said with some concern!

Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Since the force can't be used in one place, let's get rid of the internal unstable factors first!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lori's pupils also shrank, and the magic power of her whole body burst out!

Everyone was shocked, but with a huge momentum in front of him, Qin Feng was still unmoved!

"Alright, alright, everyone is here to form an alliance, not an enmity!" said Gada!

"Hmph!" Little Lori retracted her momentum and sat on the chair without saying a word!

"If you say an explanation, you should give me an explanation!" Agulola glanced at Xiao Lori and said again: "A few days ago, the people of the Qin Empire and the War King Domain entered Gozo Island, why did only the people from the War King Domain come out alive, is it that your people are secretly using means to kill our demon attackers!"

"Blood spews people!" Little Lori sneered and said, "Your demon attacker trash, what's so strange about you dead!"

"Okay, since we can't talk about it, let's solve it in the most primitive way!" After speaking, a billowing black gas swirled out, covering the entire conference room!

Agulola's magic power exploded, and behind her, a powerful whirlwind swept up, and the ice-clear and clear beast appeared! The First True Ancestor and the Second True Ancestor also stood up, and the powerful Dependent Beast appeared behind them!

"Wait a minute!" Before Gada could finish speaking, the enchantress's paleness moved, and the slender fist slammed down, and everything around her turned into ice!

"These are useless to me!" The ice crystals spread, but the First True Ancestor did not dodge, and the beast behind her blasted out with a punch, shattering the ice crystals, she has the title of War King, that is, hand-to-hand combat is her strength!

The beast behind the Second True Ancestor was a black-robed humanoid beast holding a cane, and before the ice crystal came, the crutch smacked the ground a few times, and the huge flames washed the ice crystal away!

"The strongest True Ancestor, we are not easy to bully!" At this time, Qin Feng felt that his surroundings seemed to be surrounded by something similar to an enchantment!

"Can't go out!" Qin Feng was stunned, this power was very similar to the power of space!

"Haha, this is the power of my Dependent Beast, even if you are the strongest True Ancestor, but it will take a while to come out!" "The Second True Ancestor seemed to be very happy!" "In this time, I am enough to destroy the Third and Fourth True Ancestors!"

"Yes!" Facing the barrier as smooth as a mirror, Qin Feng stretched out his palm, as if inserted into the glass, and the glass shattered with a bang!

Qin Feng has already walked out of the spatial confinement!

Garda was also a little surprised, and at the same time yearning for the power of the god even more, from just now to now, Qin Feng did not summon the beast at all, that is to say, in the face of the attack of the two true ancestors, Qin Feng was able to deal with it calmly, this is the power of the god!

"How could you possibly come out?" the Second True Ancestor looked very surprised!

"Why can't I come out!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Let me tell you the truth, my strength is not what it used to be now, even if the two of you go together, I won't be my opponent!"

"Arrogance!" The First True Ancestor and the Second True Ancestor didn't know that Qin Feng had become a god, but Gada felt that what Qin Feng said must be the truth, which was also the reason why Gada was on Qin Feng's side!

"Then look at it!" After Qin Feng finished speaking, black qi gushed out, enveloping the two True Ancestors!

After the two little Loli were imprisoned by the black qi, they were slightly stunned, and at the same time, the magic power on their bodies burst out!

The magic power did not swing away these black gases, which made the two stunned, the two looked at each other, and the beasts behind them stretched out into the black gas, but they found that although it was a thin black gas, it was as solid as ice, and the beast could not penetrate these black gases at all!

"Do it!" The two little Loli didn't believe that such a black gas could trap themselves, and the beast behind them moved, and the raised fist blasted out at the black gas!

"Bump!" the black gas rolled, but showed no sign of abating!

"It's so powerful!" The two little Loli were shocked in their hearts, and at the same time heard Qin Feng's voice, "This is also an independent space, if you can come out of here, I will let you go, if not, the War King Realm, the Extinction Dynasty will fall, and all the vampires will die!"

Outside, Qin Feng said this sentence very ruthlessly!

Gada's face changed, he originally thought that Qin Feng's temperament would change somewhat, but he didn't expect that Qin Feng was still as domineering as ever!

Qin Feng swiped his palm and broke the void, through the void, Gada saw clearly the other end, the barren mountains, the long river, the most strange thing is that in the river, there are many souls struggling in it, and the voice is very sad!

"The Land of the Dead!" Gatta muttered! "It seems that Qin Feng is a god related to death!"

Qin Feng put the black mist that wrapped the two true ancestors into the kingdom of God, even if they broke through the black fog and walked out, they couldn't get out of their own kingdom of gods!

"Let's go!" Qin Feng smiled faintly, compared to Garda's surprise, Agulola seemed calmer, she knew that Qin Feng had become gods, and promised to take them to become gods, and then never separate!


As soon as Qin Feng came back, the shallots walked up in a hurry!

"Qin Feng, the sprout onion is quilted... Captured!" Shallot cried!

"Captured?" Qin Feng was stunned, how could this be possible, Meng Cong has always lived in the palace, and the palace is guarded by Leviathan, who has such great ability?

"I don't know!" "I don't know!" "This morning, I heard my daughter say that Ling Cai was in a bad mood, so she was going to Xianshen Island to accompany Ling Cai, I didn't think much about it, so I agreed, but I didn't expect that Meng Shallot was caught not long after she went out!

In the video, the shallots haven't met Lingcai yet, but they were rolled up by the black mist as soon as they arrived at the String God Island, and then taken away!

"Can you track the direction in which the black mist left?" Qin Feng said again!

"Hmm!" shallots, an expert at computers, snapped a few times on the computer and saw that the black mist had poured into an island, which was Gozo before!

"Sure enough, it's Cain's guy!" Qin Feng muttered!

"Oh no, Zero Dish seems to have gone to Gozo Island to save people!" Through the satellite, Shallots saw that Zero Vegetables had left Gozo Island!

"Those two little girls!" Qin Feng was a little helpless, so he said, "You all stay here, I'll go to Gozo Island to bring them back!"

"I'll go with you, too!" said Agulola!

Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head and said, "You and Gada are here, to prevent the demon clan from invading in a big way while I'm away!"

"Alright!" both Agurola and Garda nodded!


Kingdom of God, in the black mist, the two true ancestors are already out of breath!

"If this continues, sooner or later your magic power will run out!"

"The strongest True Ancestor will really destroy our empire!"

"It seems that there is no way, we need to use the strongest beast!" Soon, powerful magic power gushed out from both of them, and with the roar of the beast, the powerful attacks continued to collide with the black qi, and finally broke the black qi!

The two came out as they wished, but they found that they came to a barren world!

"~Where is this?" The two were stunned!

Lias and Zhu Nai, who were in Elysium, glanced at each other, and they both laughed, they were very curious about the two outsiders, the First and Second True Ancestors!

"This is Hades, the realm of death!" A voice came from the void, and the two little Loli turned around and looked, and found that two girls with hair as red as blood and black hair came over!

"Who are you?" the two little Lori's immediately became vigilant: "Also, why are we here?"

"Hehe, we are Qin Feng's daughters, that is, the daughters of the strongest True Ancestor in your mouth!" Lias smiled, "Of course, you may not believe it, but it's not surprising, because we come from another world, and this is my father's divine kingdom, under my father's divine power, you will never be able to escape from here!"

"Your father is a god?" Hearing this, the two little Loli were stunned again!

"Of course!" Lias nodded, "You are the First True Ancestor and the Second True Ancestor, so are you interested in fighting the gods?"

"You are gods too!" and then, the two were surprised!

"That's right, but it's a bit boring to stay in the kingdom of God!" Leas narrowed her eyes!

"It seems that if you want to get out of here, you have to be defeated!" the two little Lori's glanced at each other!

Lias smiled and let out a dragon groan, and her body suddenly turned into a dragon, and finally turned into a huge red dragon!

And Zhu Nai, the magic power of his whole body exploded, and the black qi was billowing, and then a beast was formed, "Come out, my beast phantom demon emperor!" The huge blue body towered in the sky!

"You are indeed Qin Feng's daughter!" Little Lori seemed to recognize the blue color, and said, "Blue beast, this is the second time I have seen it!"

"Hehe, it seems that you have also seen your father's giant god soldiers!" Zhu Nai smiled!


Qin Feng came to Gozo Island, and then broke in!

The area of Gozo Island has become much larger, and the mountains inside have changed, it is not the same as before, and the black fog is rolling, Qin Feng can't accurately determine the location of the two daughters (Wang Wang), as for destroying this island, at least until he rescues Meng Onion and Ling Cai, Qin Feng will not do this!

"Where?" Qin Feng flew all the way and didn't encounter any attacks, but Qin Feng's heart was even more uneasy!

"Double-strand fork!" At this time, Qin Feng had already put on his divine clothes, and the double-strand fork in his hand bloomed with a strong black light, and after the black mist touched the black light, he retreated, and just like that, the surrounding black qi was clear.

Nothing was found within a hundred miles, Qin Feng went to the next place and conducted a carpet search step by step!

"I haven't found it yet!" Qin Feng frowned, the demon Cain is also a god, and if he wants to cover up the breath of the two women, it will be difficult for Qin Feng to find out by himself!

"Come out for me!" Qin Feng's double-strand fork slammed on the ground, and soon, the souls of the dead demon attackers crawled out from underground!

"Have you seen the zero vegetables and the sprouted green onions!" Qin Feng asked in a cold voice!

The dead souls all pointed in a direction in the distance, Qin Feng's eyes condensed, and the double-strand fork in his hand shot out, and the black light emitted swept away the black qi, and soon, Qin Feng saw that the gray world, surrounded by bare woods, black rock and soil continued, and in the distance, there was a big mountain similar to an ancient castle towering in the center, occasionally flying out of a swarm of bats, very weird!

"That's it!" Qin Feng had already determined, Meng Onion and Ling Cai were there!

With a flap of wings behind Qin Feng, the lightning and stone fire, Qin Feng had already flown towards the ancient castle!

At this moment, the sky seemed to open countless circular black holes, and monsters descended one after another!

"Do you think you can stop me?" Qin Feng sneered, the double-strand fork was replaced by the night black sword, and where his figure passed, all the monsters were divided into two halves, and with one swing of the knife, countless monsters died and stretched!

Qin Feng kept rushing to the side of the ancient castle, but in the black hole, more and more monsters fell, but they couldn't stop Qin Feng's pace at all!

Boom, in the midst of a deafening loud noise, a huge black hole with a radius of more than ten miles appeared in the sky, and an incomparably huge momentum seemed to be an ocean of thousands of miles pouring down!

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